Since Nov 28, 2002

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I believe our national symbol should not be the benevolent Uncle Sam, but Pinocchio! (The governmental proboscis in our posteriors seems to get longer {and harder} every day. Do you suppose that means; -- they might be lying to us?) I am the author of THE PALINDROME CONSPIRACY, ISBN: 1-931402-34-5 published by Barclay Books LLC, ( distributed by Baker/Taylor and Ingram and also available on My book is fast paced fiction, but, - with an occasional message with which I believe you will agree. Written well before the event, the book eludes to the impeachment of Philippine President, Estrada. Also, written well before the 9/11 disaster, the book deals with Al Qaeda, the Abu Sayyaf, the Moro National Liberation Front, and references a lecture by Osama Bin Laden. Following is a quote from the book: "When a government takes the position that it should control the wealth of the country, the population must beware. As individual rights ebb, erode and are confiscated by government, taking on the persona of George Orwell’s worst nightmare, then IT will breed with the Antichrist and produce a manipulative, controlling, all-powerful demon such as the world has never known. A government is much like a tiger in that it is not dangerous when it is small. But, when it has grown large enough, it will eat you alive. And I tell you, throwing meat, or in this case money, at the tiger will not turn it into a vegetarian!" Not new information to many of us, but, well put, I think. (Apparently, it would be new information to some, or the elections would not be nearly so close!) I am a former nightclub comic and often lean toward making my point with sarcasm. My writing and public speaking skills are for hire. (But, only if I believe in what I am doing.) I am a new comer to this website and welcome comments from all. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile! Dave - P.S. I was asked to write a short story for and did; it is titled: "Requiem For Lost Souls." 'Tis a but bawdy but what they requested. It is free if you'd like to read it.