Atomic Comet
Since Aug 23, 2004

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I'm using this name instead of my long-running handle, "atomicvomit", in order to present a less vivid impression for readers.

Here's my plug as copied from my AV ID:

Became an active Freeper during gore's attempted theft of the presidency. Many who attended the Portland, ME Freep on 12/16/00 (A very, very cold Saturday on which some 200 Bush protesters made their views known at Monument square) may recall me as the loudest and most active fellow there that day. I even spiked the attempt at political theater by Ch# 51 to interview the sole libbo there. Color photo of me doing this graced the front page of the Portland Sunday Herald the next day!

Born & raised in Woods Hole, MA. Now overlooking the Aroostook River on the Presque Isle/Caribou line. I'm not happy unless I surround myself with libbos for rhetorical entertainment. Those libbos I don't convert, I shame.

Am captain of a 210' factory trawler with crew of 48. My company has 7 ships with crew in excess of 500 total, all of whom are made very aware of the new free press (Free Republic being the leading example of this modern phenomenon) through my company-wide faxing and emailed newsletters. Ships at sea (The Bering sea, in our case) are true breeding grounds for conservatism- no fog of libbo media to cut through out there!

I guess you could say I'm something of an activist....

See & for action-packed photos of real life on the Bering Sea! Also, have a look at aroostookbeauty for scenes from the loveliest part of The State of Maine, Aroostook County!