Since Apr 16, 2007

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You want to know about me? What’s there to say? I have a job. I live in Wisconsin. I have lived all over the country; both in small towns and big cities. I am ex-military and damned proud of it. I work hard, pay my taxes and am in a loving relationship with a wonderful woman. I work hard so I can enjoy life, which means that few things please me more than hand made cigars, single malt scotch and powerful red wine. I try to take pride in being an American, and will always fight for what I feel is right, even if that makes me seem politically incorrect or insensitive. I don’t care if you don’t want to be my friend; I tell it how it is and if you can’t handle that, then keep moving.

I’m a political and economical conservative, but a liberal (not liberal left) thinker. I hate social programs and people who use (abuse) them. I like guns and the stock market and big companies that make big money. I support lower taxes, immigration reform and less government. If I could afford it, I’d drive a Hummer, and I don’t buy into the global warming swindle. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I believe in preserving American ideals and feel that American civil liberties should apply to Americans before they apply to the rest of the world.

I’m logical and rational and will always be truthful and honest about my beliefs and views. Love me or hate me, but spare me your indifference. I am always open for debate or support, so long as you approach me with respect. Angry attacks and uneducated, unresearched arguments will not be tolerated, and I will label you as not being worth my time or effort. With that said, feel free to engage me on any topic… I welcome the challenge.