Since Jul 15, 2004

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I used to be a "stay at home" independent Conservative, until I realized that the reason the Left has been so successful in implementing its counterintuitive nonsensical agendas was due to its abilities to mobilize its base and crowd out dissenting points of view. Liberalism is essentially a feel-good fringe belief system based on utopian fantasies that whenever implemented in the real world has almost always led to misery for those that have subsisted beneath its yoke. Nevertheless, its enablers know how to take action and flood the streets and the marketplace of ideas with lies dressed as truth, beaten into the public consciousness until they overlay and obfuscate common sense and sound, time-proven ideas.
Since my realizations, I've taken concrete, positive action against the red tide of leftist baloney. I hope you enjoy the evidence of my rise from slumber, a website and an organization, built by me with the help of like-minded friends,
Rocco DiPippo