Since Apr 24, 2005

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I am a student at the College of William and Mary. Like most people, I am conservative about some things and liberal about others, but I have a general rightwing bent and I voted for Bush twice. I attempt to listen reasonably to the arguments behind all points of view instead of just slapping a label on the person (e.g. hippie moonbat, isolationist, Marxist, fundamentalist, conspiracy theorist... ) and using it as an excuse to dismiss what they have to say. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and the most pervasive and noxious myths usually hang around because there's a germ of truth buried in them. Which is not to say that a given person or post might not just simply be completely full of it. Just that I try to consider before concluding that.

As a new member, I just thought it was amusing to compare the Freeper guidelines with thought-control at DU. I wanted to register at both to be intellectually fair and possibly to have a little (polite) troll-y fun over there. But I found myself unable to honestly agree to their requirements, besides my privacy concerns about registering. They flat out tell you if you don't vote Democrat or you support Bush you aren't welcome over there! Are they so intellectually insecure? Phbbbbt to them!