Since Jan 23, 2004

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Where to begin?
I am nearly 49, 4.5 grandchildren and single. I used to be very liberal, but now consider myself middle-of-the-road. I believe that, for all it's faults, we still live in a country of no equal.
I hate war, but realize it is sometimes necessary. I believe in Freedom OF and FROM Religion. I believe it is our right to own a weapon and don't believe the government should have any say in that.
I believe in Freedom of Speech, it is one of the few rights we have left that has not been taken away.
I have deep rooted spiritual beliefs. Someone once told me "Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for people who have been there". I have been there and survived, stronger and better than before.
I don't think the government has a right to tell us what we can do with our own bodies. I believe they have too much say so in how we live our lives.
So, I am just a normal person, I try my best to get along with everyone. But I am probably one of the most opinionated people you will ever meet.
I do like to hear both sides before forming an opinion. I may learn something. The other person may learn something. And we may just end up "agreeing to disagree". So be it. What a boring world this would be if we were all clones of each other.
Blessed Be!