Since Apr 23, 2007

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46 Y/O, enlisted in USAF in 1979, stayed on 5 years 2 months - separated, went to Oklahoma, joined American Airlines in 1984. Served in Ok ANG for three years, then hon. discharged as E5.

Now selling aircraft parts etc. online; and developing a new ad and search website soon to open.

ADBIRDS.COM will give any FR member a free ad during the beta test phase. All you need is to become a registered user, and use the following coupon code to pay for your ad: AADDBBIIRRDDSS

Charities and religous organizations can get a special free ad code for their members so you can have fundraising activities. CH2007 is the code for free ads for charitable orgs. No porn or hooker ads please! Thats on Craigs.