Since Mar 7, 2008

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(Bikkuri means SURPRISE or SURPRISED depending on the context in Japanese)

Japan: 9 JUN 1998 - 27 FEB 2020

Hawaii: 27 FEB 2020 - ?


Served in United States Air Force and Army

308th Fighter Squadron
31st Tactical Fighter_Wing
Homestead AFB

(Now it is Homestead Air Reserve Base; Hurricane Andrew (1992) wiped HAFB off the map)

Was linked to this site in 2003 while a member of Swift Vets and POWs for Truth

You Are 95% Conservative, 5% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?

You Are 96% Capitalist, 4% Socialist
You're a capitalist pig - and proud of it.
You believe that business makes the world great...
And you'd never be ashamed of being rich!
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the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk on the nerd forum!

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You know a lot about US history, and you're opinions are probably well informed.
Congratulations on bucking stereotypes. Now go show some COMMUNIST Libs (and foreigners) how smart Americans can be.
Are You a Dumb American?

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You? says I'm a Cool Nerd God.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!

*** ZoT & VK pinglist ***

2ndDivisionVet; 50mm; Arrowhead1952; Old Sarge; Shibumi; .44 Special; 230FMJ; 53veerpass; A.Hun; abigailsmybaby; AFPhys; Aircop_2006; AliVeritas; Allegra; Allosaurs_r_us; AmericanInfidel0; aMorePerfectUnion; amxfan2002; Angus MacGregor; APatientMan; ApplegateRanch; ARealMothersSonForever; Atom Smasher; Aussiebabe; azishot; Babu; backinthefold; backwoods-engineer; bad company; Bahbah; bamahead; barker; BarnacleCenturion; bayliving; bcsco; BearRepublic81; beckysueb; beezdotcom; Berlin_Freeper; bernstdog; big’ol_freeper; Biggirl; Bikkuri; bimboeruption; BIRDS; Blado; Blennos; BlueLancer; BobL; Borges; boxlunch; BrandtMichaels; Brent Calvert 03969-030; BruceysMom; Brujo; Brytani; buccaneer81; BuckeyeTexan; Bullish; Bush_Democrat; callisto; Calm_Cool_and_Elected; calrighty; CAluvdubya; Canedawg; Capt_Hank; carmenbmw; cdnerds; Celtjew Libertarian; Chani; Chanticleer; chesley; chode; Cincinnatus.45-70; clbiel; clyde260; Col Freeper; ColdOne; combat_boots; Condor51; confederacy of dunces; ConfidentConservative; ConorMacNessa; conservative_crusader; ConservativeOrBust; ConservativeTerrapin; ConstitutionalistConservative; cracker45; CSM; Danae; darkangel82; Darksheare; Darkwing104; Darkwolf377; DarthVader; Dashing Dasher; Dave in Eugene of all places; DaveLoneRanger; day10; dayglored; DCBryan1; death2tyrants; Defiant; delphirogatio; Delta 21; Dengar01; Deo Confidimus; DeoVindiceSicSemperTyrannis; dfwright; DieHard the Hunter; dirtbiker; DJ MacWoW; DocRock; DollyCali; Dominick; Donald Rumsfeld Fan; Dooderbutt; doorgunner69; Dr. Ed Bravo; dragonblustar; dynachrome; DYngbld; eeevil conservative; EnglishCon; Eric Blair 2084; erod; esoxmagnum; etabeta; EX52D; ExGeeEye; eyedigress; eyespysomething; Fast Moving Angel; FatherofFive; FavreDLJ07; federalist1; Fiddlstix; Francis McClobber; Fred Nerks; Freedom_Fighter_2001; FreeKeys; Future Useless Eater; fzx12345; Gefn; gigster; glock rocks; GoldCountryRedneck; gondramB; GOP_Raider; Gordongekko909; GQuagmire; Grammy; GregoTX; grey_whiskers; greyfoxx39; Grizzled Bear; gundog; HannibalHamlinJr; Hell to pay; Hill of Tara; hiredhand; HOTTIEBOY; Houmatt; Huntress; IllumiNaughtyByNature; indcons; indylindy; Infidel; isaiah55version11_0; ishmac; IYellAtMyTV; jagusafr; Jane Long; Jay Thomas; JDoutrider; jennyjenny; Jersey Republican Biker Chick; Jet Jaguar; JJR RNCH; JLO; JPG; JRios1968; Jyotishi; K4Harty; Kate of Spice Island; Kaylee Frye; KC_Lion; KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle; Kevmo; Kieri; Kim4VRWC’s; Kitty Mittens; kkmo9; Knitting A Conundrum; LADY J; Lady Jag; LadyJMayo; Lakeside Granny; Las Vegas Ron; Lazamataz; Lazlo in PA; Leapfrog; Leapofaith; LibertyRocks; Lilpug15; little jeremiah; lonevoice; lormand; Lost Dutchman; Lucius Cornelius Sulla; Lucky9teen; Luircin; M1Tanker; MadLibDisease; Magnum44 ; mainestategop; Malacoda; manc; Marcella; MarineBrat; MarineMom613; markos33; mastercylinder; MeekOneGOP; melancholy; metmom; mewzilla; mhking; Michael.SF; miserare; Miss Marmelstein; missthethunder; MissyMa; mjwise; mmichaels1970; mnehrling; Mogwai; mojitojoe; MoJo2001; Mom MD; mom4kittys; momtothree; Monkey Face; Moose4; Mr. Silverback; nanetteclaret; neodad; NerdDad; nerdwithagun; night reader; No One Special; NonLinear; nopardons; NorCalRepub; NorthStarStateConservative; Not A Snowbird; notted; OCCASparky; OeOeO; OLDCU; oldvirginian; oprahstheantichrist; outlaw woman; oxcart; PA Engineer; Paisan; PalestrinaGal0317; Palpatine; Paul Heinzman; Paul_Denton; PaulaB; paulycy; Pavegunner72; pax_et_bonum; pepperdog; PetroniDE; phantomworker; Phatboy; phatoldphart; PhiloBedo; PilloryHillary; Pimpmygop; ping jockey; piytar; PleaDeal; Poser; postaldave; procon; Protect the Bill of Rights; proud_yank; Purrcival; rabscuttle385; rarestia; RatsDawg; rbmillerjr; reagan_fanatic; reaganaut; RedBeaconNY; RedMDer; reed13k; reformedliberal; Repeat Offender; repinwi; Republican Wildcat; Responsibility2nd; Right Cal Gal; right way right; Right-wing Librarian; Rightly Biased; roaddog727; RushCrush; rzeznikj at stout; Salem; samtheman; SandyInSeattle; Sarajevo; sarasota; Sarcastic1; SaveFerris; schwing_wifey; Scothia; scott0347; SFConservative; sfimom; Shaun_MD; ShorelineMike; sig226; Simmy2.5; sissyjane; Sister_T; skimask; skinkinthegrass; SlowBoat407; SmithL; snuffy smiff; socialismisinsidious; SoConPubbie; SolidRedState; Sparko; sport; Squidpup; StarCMC; starlifter; StC; stephenjohnbanker; steveegg; stilloftyhenight; StonewallJackson; stylecouncilor; stylecouncilor; submarinerswife; synbad600; tanuki; TASMANIANRED; TBarnett34; Termite_Commander; TFMcGuire; the mo; The Phantom FReeper; theanonymouslurker; TheForceOfOne; TheOldLady; TheUsualSuspects; Third Person; Thunder90; timpad; TN4Liberty; TNPatriot; To HellWith Poverty; toddly; Tracy V.; Trillian; Turret Gunner A20; TXBlair; TypeZoNegative; UCANSEE2; Ultra Sonic 007; usurper; Vendome; VictoryGal; viewfromthefrontier; vigilante2; Viking2002; virgil; Virginia Ridgerunner; VirginiaMom; vox_freedom; waiyu; WakeUpAndVote; Wandaroos; Watery Tart; wheresmyusa; Widget Jr; WildHighlander57; wjcsux; word_warrior_bob; wyokostur

Please let us know if you want ON or OFF the Viking Kitty/ZOT ping list!


LENR Ping List (back-up):

dangerdoc; citizen ; Liberty1970; Red Badger ; PA Engineer ; glock rocks; free-life ; badgerlandjim; toast; hc87;grey_whiskers; The Cajun ; Hodar ; Brett66 ; Free Vulcan ; bajabaja; Soul Citizen ; lkco; conservative mind; ph12321; BallandPowder ; PapaBear3625; reed13 ; dcwusmc ;Bockscar; aruanan ; freedumb2003; AZLiberty ; Captain Beyond; DoughtyOne ;phoneman08 ;MarkeyD ;REDWOOD99 ;jedrothwell; sbkrivit;B4Ranch ; Candor7 ; Controlling Legal Authority; Scutter ; ThomasMore ; Fiddlstix ; kosciusko51 ; Varmint Al ; Fractal Trader ;Toadman ; KevinDavis ; stump56 ; Clairity ; alanfletcher;rarestia ;Waywardson ; Zuben Elgenubi ; JPG ; fightinJAG ; EternalHope ;babygene ; Bellflower ; LurkingSince'98 ; TLOne ; SC Swamp Fox ; Smokin' Joe ; DYngbld ; no-to-illegals ; AFPhys; SteamShovel ; Jack Hydrazine ; Greetings_Puny_Humans ; AirForce-TechSgt; Eepsy; VRWCtaz; chrisser ;Normandy ; verga ; Lx; innovative; Steely Tom ; lurkina.n.learnin ;babygene ; right wing assault ; bullish ;tlone ; bert;reg45;muffaletaman; gnarledmaw; the westerner;jonty30;plain talk;chud; DiogenesLamp; mowowie; tallguy;Unrepentant VN Vet ;MrKatykelly;Diogenesis

If you support the homosexual agenda you are anti-Constitution and you'll get the zot from FR!
Posted on 12/18/2010, 11:33:01 AM by Jim Robinson

(if the above pic is missing, please let me know. The communist pic hosts delete the pic as soon as someone finds it... I will reupload it again)

*** Genius Troll Example ***
(mistakenly hit post (to FReeper she was complaining about) instead of hitting abuse button)