Tully Pettigrew 1
Since Aug 26, 2007

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While the US races around the world helping those in need and trying to spread democracy, our enemies sit back, do nothing and grow stronger and stronger. I wouldn’t mind so much if those we helped felt an ounce of appreciation, but they don’t. The more we do the more they hate us. If ever we were in need who could we count on? Russia? China? Europe? Europe would run to the head of the line for an opportunity to kick us when we're down.

I recently read an article about the UK having trouble filling their military quotas. One comment posted after the article said that the only way to get the “queues” (lines) at the recruitment office would be to declare war on the USA. They would have no trouble recruiting soldiers for a campaign against us. Why do I have no trouble believing that? Why do we still call Europe an ally? Why are we still involved with NATO and the UN?

I believe in taking care of the US first, and letting someone else step up to the plate for a change. I believe in a strong military, and above all if you are going to assign a mission to our guys, untie their hands and let them do what they are trained to do.

I believe in purging the Republican party of RINOS.

This country was founded on rugged individualism. We need more of it, not less.

God bless America.