Since May 13, 2005

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I am a “born again” Canadian Christian who was born again in 1973.
American politics have interested me more than Canadian politics
probably because America’s power has allowed America
to influence the world more than Canada.

I once worked in Windsor Ont. Canada for 14 years. Many Americans know
Detroit is basically a stone’s throw away from Windsor in Canada.
Though working in Windsor, I spent a lot of time in Detroit Michigan
and enjoyed my time there very much!

Besides my interest in American politics, I have being a "born again" Christian
an interest of course in what God has to reveal in the Bible concerning Bible prophecy.
My three favorite websites that provide information on what God has to say
concerning Bible prophecy are linked to in the "Links" section above these paragraphs.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness:
-- 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV