Since May 13, 2008

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Hello, all! I come to you straight from the depths of.. Massachusetts. Yes, it is true, there are actually Republicans in Massachusetts! Well, other than being hopelessly lost in donkeyville, I am the proud father af five beautiful daughters and soon to be a grand dad.
I have long followed what I feel will be the future our great party. The development and application. of new, green energy sources. As our future President has said, “even if I am proven wrong about Global Warming in the future, treating it as a very real problem today can only help us in the future.”
As we move into the General Election Phase, it will be the candidate that realistically presents options to the fuel pump dilemma as well as Global Warming that will be the next President. Those very answers have been provided in many forms for a long time and I intend to focus my own entries in the effort to highlight those intrepid inventors that will bring us into the future with the support of President McCain.