nick baker-maffei
Since Feb 10, 2003

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I am an abstract artist; painter, and maybe one of the few realist conservative artists around. My hobbies are bodybuilding to be strong and think "primaly" for my art. I am 5'10" 200 lbs from weight lifting. I love art representational & abstract, in short love beauty. I love fishing hunting and love nature and our environment, was also a good baseball player and ranked table tennis player. im also an accomplished guitar player; also have done some teaching of art at suny. I think of absrtraction as "essences" and good abstraction is beautiful, take a small square out of a DaVinci painting and you have abstraction. I am very dissheartened at the liberal wacko takeover of art, and because of it great painting cant be seen. Conservative is thought of as "stuck" "unwilling to "change" I think of it as "CONSERVE" lets conserve our beautiful world, our wonderful talents, and our resources, unwilling to JUMP in at anything just because its new and different. I spoke to Rudi Guiliani the ny mayor, on his radio show, said i was behind his Sensation show stand, He was stunned, he said your the only artist in ny that is!please visit my site and get in touch. I am in a war for art, the liberal wackos want to dismantle western culture with non art! They have kidnapped culture making Americans a people without art for the world to see. This means our deeper feelings as Americans are not seen in expressive art, thus we are not understood. I want to stop it,for represntational and abstract artists alike,we have to team up, real artists, and accomplished laymen.