Since Apr 12, 2008

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I realize that you don't agree with my views as an anarcho-capitalist. I'm not posting here to troll, get into debates I'll never win, etc., I'm here to beg you to support McCain!

It wasn't until a few months ago that I understand why (as a libertarian) I always viewed the right with respect while viewing the left with disdain. I'll articulate it here:

Leftist programs knowingly create perpetual votes; rightist programs don't create perpetual votes at all. Leftist view government as the solution; rightists view government as a necessary evil.

That's not to mention that leftists are unfailingly smug, elitist, condescending, and self-important.

For me, as a libertarian, there's not a whole lot (anything?) in McCain to support. For you, as conservatives, there's not a whole lot in McCain to support, either.

Here's the problem with voting for a third party (or, in the case of my fellow anarcho-capitalists, not voting at all): the elitist, leftist scum (in this case Obama) might win.

You can't view politics as a back-and-forth game. It's not. The deck is stacked in the leftists' favor. Leftist programs are nearly impossible to dismantle, logistically and electorally! Your programs can be undone in a heartbeat!

The war on drugs could be ended in a week. Just stop enforcing the laws! There would be practically no fallout.

Social Security, on the other hand, is nearly impossible to end (and that scum FDR even gloated about this).

How is it possible to end a system where current workers are funding current retirees? Note only is it logistically difficult, it's electorally impossible! It's a system that creates voters who are dependent upon the system.

How can we wean people off of welfare(and all other social services) when they've become accustomed that money? Ignoring the logistical mess of cutting off millions of people's main source of income (an income to which they've become accustom), it is electorally possible. Not only will those using welfare be opposed to ending it, so will people who feel they might need to use it soon.

A welfare system creates more poverty and more voters who want a welfare system, which in turn leads to an expansion of the welfare system, which leads to more poverty and more voters who want a welfare system, etc.

Even something as simple as a "progressive" tax structure is (electorally) incredibly difficult to flatten (leftists can easily cry "class warfare!" when you try to cut back the top tax brackets). Of course, when elitists like Obama want to raise taxes on the top brackets, it's viewed as compassion.

That, my friends, is part of why this country has been in a steady march to the left. We can't afford any moment where a leftist is in control of us; they'll milk it for all it's worth, setting up programs that we'll never be able to undo.

McCain is not a conservative, I realize this. Still, voting for a third party isn't going to change the fact that either a "moderate" (McCain) or a leftist (Obama) is going to become the next president.

If elected, Obama the elitist (did you hear his comments about people "clinging" to religion and guns?) will cause irreversible damage to this country. While abstaining from voting will certainly send a message, I can assure you as a libertarian that sending messages is tremendously overrated.

You must not allow McCain to lose this!