Since Aug 31, 2007

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My name is Jerri Denise, I was born to Luther Gerald Parks, Jr. (Jerry Parks) and Brenda Parks in February of 1967. My parent’s divorced in 1970. My father remarried, however my mother never has.

I live in Arkansas with my husband and our children. Our oldest son graduated top of his class (Validictorian) and is now in college. We couldn’t be more proud. Our second son is a junior in high school, honor roll student, and plays football. Our third child and only girl is in the 8th grade, honor student and has taken dance since the age of three. Our littlest one, a boy, 9 years old and in the 3rd grade. He doesn’t like school to much and want’s to be a detective when he grows up. I couldn’t have picked better children, I have been blessed.

I have a great life, a sweet and loving husband, beautiful and talented children, a nice home, and family and friend’s that love me. All that is missing is justice for the 1993 unsolved murder of my father. I am determined to bring those people to justice, no matter how long it takes. I know that God will take care of those people one day, but, I pray I get to see that happen before I leave this life.