I want the USA back
Since Sep 17, 2012

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This old guy will be happy to chat with other freepers via Freeper Mail.

It isn’t about Columbus. The left knows he didn’t come to the shores of this continent to give diseases to the natives. The reason why they hate Columbus is that he brought CHRISTIANITY to this continent.
No one will ever be able to silence me. My only weapon is WORDS. I will never change my opinion because it’s politically correct. No one will ever force me to think a certain way. No, I will not shut up.
I’m glad liberals read the posts, and I enjoy watching the smoke pour out of their ears.

They can tax us, they can force us to accept gay marriage, but they can’t stop us from thinking and expressing ideas.

Use of force is wrong, except in self-defense and in defending one’s family and loved-ones.

The bastards in the democrat party and the scum in the media will not give DJT any credit for anything! What they are doing to him is mean and cruel. They gave bammy a free pass on everything that he did.

Read Divini Redemptoris. It was written back when the Catholic Church had a pope. A quick Google search for “divini redemptoris” will bring it up. Read it at the Vatican website. The modern world has forgotten what Communism means.

The filthy liberals hate Christianity and want to eliminate it. But they have created something to replace it. A religion that is of the devil. A religion that makes your life miserable here on Earth. The religion of liberalism. It even has its Original Sin: Being Born White. It has a church: the democrat party. But it’s a church that doesn’t provide redemption. You can do all the acts of contrition you want. All the confessions you want. You can kneel down, beat your chest, saying “mea culpa,” but no avail.
You don’t get forgiven for your Original Sin.
This church passes the collection plate, but you MUST give because you are White and Guilty!

I remember a time when “his husband” was a grammatical error.

When I was a kid white was a color. In physics class I learned that white was actually a blend of all visible colors and that black was the absence of color. As a seasoned adult I’m told that white is an adjective applied to some humans and that it means hateful, prejudiced and deceitful. It means that a person exploits others and delights in keeping them down. It refers to slaveowners and colonialists. It designates those individuals who mowed down the native inhabitants and stole their land. I’m none of those things and I resent the implication.
The left desperately wants “transsexuals” to be the latest government-certified victim group. Don’t think they will be satisfied when “transsexuals” get their way about bathrooms. The moment when “transsexuals” go away, there will be a “bisexual” waiting to go public. Some star will announce that he/she/it is “bisexual” and get his/her/its picture on the cover of a national magazine. Overnight “bisexual” will become the latest government-certified victim group. We will have to put up with them for a year or so, until they get what they want and go away and the next group goes on stage. The next group will be either the polygamy crowd, the incest bunch, or the animal/human herd.

People who are nominally Christian are birth-controlling themselves into extinction.
Politicians know all this, and have written off nominal Christians as useless, while doing all they can to solidify their ties with those who hate America as they become the country’s biggest solid voting and donating block.

Undeniable truths (trufs?) of life: Patterned on statements by Rush Limbaugh.
1. Media types create their works of art primarily to promote an agenda. Entertainment is merely the vehicle used to put you into a state of suspended disbelief so that they can slip the agenda into your mind without you knowing it.
2. Art expresses thoughts and feelings. The left promotes art that expresses the thoughts and feelings that they approve of, and condemns art that expresses the wrong thoughts and feelings.
3. The ROP is a violent, closed-minded world-domination ideology cleverly disguised as a religion.
4. Hate crime laws were created to criminalize anything a White says or does, or doesn’t say or doesn’t do, and to set free non-Whites who physically assault Whites.
5 When liberal laws fail, as they always do, liberals always demand a strengthening of the laws that failed, which then fail again, prompting liberals to demand a strengthening ... (repeat until doomsday).
6. Government exists to perpetuate itself. Corollary: institutions tend to lose sight of their original purpose, and to become self-perpetuating.
7. Liberals seek to take guns from honest, non-violent people while leaving them in the hands of violent criminals. They make laws that turn honest people into criminals, thus enabling law enforcement to claim that they are arresting the criminals.
8. Noble Savage Delusion: An abnormal state of mind, in which the sufferer really believes that savages are really just civilized people without a job or free WIFI. The delusion applies to animals as well, leading the patient to see chimp scribbles as a work of art.
9. Political Correctness is just the left’s way of annulling the First Amendment, without saying that is what they’re doing.
10. The property tax is the left’s way of confiscating private property, 3% each year.
11. Inflation: the gift that never stops giving, to the government. The ruling elite has protected itself from rising prices by giving themselves “Cost of living adjustments” in their salaries and pensions. Rising prices allow the economists to crow about how the economy is “growing”, when all that is happening is that the numbers are increasing due to the decreased purchasing power of currency. The constantly decreasing value of savings tends to reduce a lifetime’s work effort to zero value. This makes the elderly, who are not allowed to work, more dependent on the fucking government.
12. A crime is not judged by its severity, but by the ethnicity of the criminal. When a muzlom murders, it’s not treated with the same severity as when a normal person murders.
13. The Earth’s climate system is the means by which the planet self-corrects. Weather is how the planet equalizes heat and rids itself of it. The planet receives the overwhelming majority of its heat from the sun, and radiates most of it off into space, primarily at night. If it radiated all of it, Earth would be like the Moon. Cloud cover, water vapor, greenhouse gases assure that some heat is kept on the surface of the planet. The system adjusts for excesses, and prevents runaway excesses. I can see that. Intelligent people should be able to see it. Scientists who have gone to work for the democrat party don’t want to see it. algore refuses to see it, or his little empire and royalties would crumble.
14. The New York daily news is written for illiterate morons. It always takes the wrong side in any argument.
15. A statement is either true or untrue. There is no middle ground between true and untrue.
16. A true marxist can hold two contradictory and mutually exclusive statements in his head at the same time, and has no problem with it.