Since Oct 2, 2004

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Hello. I am a 21 year old History / Political Science Junior at Northern Michigan University. I am engaged to be married in May 2005. My faith is Christian. I believe the Bible is the literal, in-errant Word of the Living God. I believe Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. My Faith Convictions include Arminian and mixture between Wesleyan and Baptist. I am very current events and politically oriented, deep into the controversial issues of the day, including abortion, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, gun control, homsexuality, the "patriot" act, etc. I tend to be republican in political orientation, but never claim one party affiliation. I am very conservative morally. I disagree strongly with the Patriot Acts, and any National ID card which limit our freedoms and rights to privacy. I do not care for the United Nations, Public Education, nor the European Union. I am fascinated with ancient history, the Middle Ages, geneology / family history, tea, great britian, prophecy / "end times", creation, the Bible, the constitution, King Arthur / Arthurian Research, and apologetics.