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How to Win a Fight With a Liberal is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Conservative Identity:

I am an Anti-government Gunslinger, or libertarian conservative. I know that we need: smaller federal government confined to its Constitutional cage; lower taxes; more individual responsibility and greater freedom; states’ rights; and weapon rights. I agree with Reagan’s statement, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

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The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

(El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos), Plate 43 of Los Caprichos, second edition, ca. 1803 Etching and aquatint. 7 1/8 x 4 3/4 in. (18.1 x 12.2 cm)

The meaning of the title, El sueño de la razon produce monstrous, has been debated, mainly because sueño can mean both sleep and dream. Known as a pintor filósofo, Goya may have intended to affirm the Enlightenment by saying that when reason sleeps, the imagination produces monsters resulting in madness. Or, he may have implied that reason alone without imagination leads to madness, even horror. Goya's favorite literary character Don Quixote is a good illustration of imagination without reason.

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