Since Mar 29, 2001

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I am an 18 year old energetic teen-ager who lives in Jackson. For all of you who don't know, Jackson is the birthplace of the Republican Party! I was raised as a loyal Republican. I remember going to my grandparents' house in the 80's and staring at a large picture of President Reagan on their wall. I just remember feeling an awsome sense of pride and admiration while I stared at that old man looking proudly down on me. I am excited to say that I feel those same feelings everytime I see our new President, George W. Bush. It must be our duty, young and old, to do everything in our power to get Mr. Bush re-elected next fall. A lot has happened to this nation in the last three years. Just think where we would be if Al Gore was our leader. Thank God everyday that we were granted with this President, this able President, this noble President. I am excited about the coming election, as all you should be also. I can't wait to whip the dems in 04. Get out there and help W win big!!