Since Nov 28, 2000

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A Proverb

In a land where the fools outnumber the wise
Liberty is lost and Freedom dies!

Why Vote?

The bloated, rotting carcass of bureaucracy has been tied around the necks of American citizens far too long. Corrupt politicians whose first interest is their own fortune, not the future of the nation, have sold nanny state promises to voters for so long they don't know what integrity is.  Those elected to office should not be placed there to "Govern" us, but to protect our constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms from Government.  America has a brighter and more glorious future ahead only if we have the personal integrity to select statesmen to represent us not politicians.

The Truth:

If you are suffering under high gas prices it's because there is too much government not too little!

If you are suffering under higher food prices it's because there is too much government not too little!

If you're health costs are too high it's because there is too much government not too little!

Populist politicians promise more government not less!

If we don't elect a constitunalist conservative federalist President and Congress we will have more government not less!

Some tag lines:

Ignorance is Bliss. Guard it carefully for it is something that once lost is impossible to replace.

Life is bitch enough why elect one?

RINOs are Jackasses in Elephant drag.

It's the hypocracy stupid!

Slobbercrats crave Calamity.

The fourth estate has become the fifth column.

Not swagger. You have to walk this way with a brass pair!