Since Dec 4, 2009

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Fighting for Social and Political Reform Nation Wide!

I am a civil and human rights political advocate. I acquired an MS in Engineering in 1982, and an M.Ed in 1985. I am an unlicensed paralegal, and currently the Director of the National Coalition for Social and Political Reform. Our organization is all about political action. We hope to provide advocate assistance with organizing, project management, events management, free legal advice for advocates, and much more. Our site is not yet publicly available due to re-organization, but you can visit us at: The National Coalition and hit the “Stay” button a few times to get a sneak peak. For a more in depth look at the initial structuring of our site, you can try to login with username:demo, and password: demo. I’m always interested in hearing from other advocates, regardless of the issue, to exchange ideas, philosophies, and methods. As a group, we are so tired of corruption and errors in Congress, over-regulating by our Government, law enforcement and judicial misconduct, and most importantly, the denigration of our Constitution by those who swear to uphold and enforce it, that we’ve decided it’s time to take action. It’s time to get back to the 70s and act up. Whatever it takes to restore this Nation to a genuine representative republic is what we want to do. In the mean time, I'll be around listening to what you have to say, and contribute when and where I can.
