Child of the LORD
Since Apr 6, 2010

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I believe in the Heavenly Father who’s name is in Hebrew which is pronounced “Ah’yah Ashar Ah’yah”. I believe in Christ who’s name also is in Hebrew and it is prounced “Yash’Ah’yah”.I believe that the name Jesus is a Greek word that is pronounced “Hey Zues” and meaning, to my knowledge, “The son of Zues”. Zues is a Greek mythical god. I do not believe in any mythical gods of any sort.

I believe that the Negroes are a portion of the Israelites and are from the tribe of Judah, and that the Haitians are from the tribe of Levi. I believe that the Native Americans are from the tribe of Gad, and that the Jamaicans are the tribe of Benjamin.

I believe America is smoken of in the Holy Bible.

I believe slaveships are spoken of in the Holy Bible.

I believe that the prophecies of the Holy Bible and the tribulations of the Last Days are upon us now as we speak.

I have a want to know more.