Bart Ristuccia
Since Jan 23, 2005

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I’m just an average bloke with average job and wish to go ahead in life by working hard and doing my best to fulfill my ambitions.
Unfortunately in Australia there are left wing politicians, who make it extremely hard for people like myself to approach my ambitions, which is the main reason why I hate the left. Over the past few years I have done some research on politics, terrorism, communism, mainly because of the wake up call of 911.
I find it interesting, shocking and eye opening reading on terrorism and communism, especially the relationship between the evils. 2009, it’s been approx 4 years since I've been here. I believe in spreading the word about the evil of Socialism is alive and well, basically doing the main stream medias job which it fails to do almost all the time. I see Kevin Rudd as a socialist. Tax the shit out of us which will come in the near future and as he is currently doing throwing money around to the bludgers. Love customizing cars Love custom motorbikes.