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Kateebit Aisha - Islam Report on American Subversive activities in the Sudan
Kateebit Aisha ( All Women ONLY Website) ^ | FR Post 09-15-01 | Various

Posted on 09/15/2001 11:56:10 AM PDT by vannrox

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful:

Kateebit Aisha

Volume 1 Special Issue For Lailat Al Qadr

27 Ramadhan


1. Verily We have sent it (this Quran) down in the night of Al Qadr
2. And what will make you know what the night of Al Qadr is?
3. The night of Al Qadr is better than a thousand months (ie worshipping
Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him for a thousand
months, ie 83 years and 4 months).
4. Therein descend the Angels and the Ruh (Gibrael or Gabriel) by
Allah’s permission with all decrees.
5. And all the night there is Peace (and Goodness from Allah to His
believing slaves) until the appearance of the dawn.

Editor/publisher Huda Al Assaf

Subscribe and unsubscribe info. at the end.


- Editorial
- Letter from the Chechniyan Mujahideen to the Muslims of the World
- Hadith
- Article: News from Sudan


Tonight is the night of the 27th of Ramadhan. Although it could be any
of the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan, this night is most
likely to be Lailat al Qadr, or the night of power.

This is a very special night for Muslims, when duah or supplication is
accepted, and sins are forgiven. Traditionally, Muslims spend the whole
night, or as much of it as they can, in devotion to their Lord. Spending
this time in the Masjid is called I’tikaaf, or seclusion. It is
described in the Quran as being ‘better than a thousand months.’ And
‘Peace will reign until the sun rises.’ Can we even comprehend the mercy
of Allah, that the prayers and duah that you make on this night are
better than if you prayed for a thousand months! For those of you who
are not aware, in the Islamic calender, the date changes at Maghrib, so
that although today is Friday the 26th Ramadhan, tonight is the 27th of
Ramadhan. May Allah accept from us all. And don’t forget to perform the
same I’tikaaf on the 29th, because we can never be sure when Lailat al
Qadr is.

The following message from the Mujahideen in Chechniya was forwarded to
me. In your duah, please also remember the Muslims in Palestine, who are
suffering such terrible oppression with both loss of life and Muslim
property. Let us also remember our brothers and sisters in Sudan who are
struggling to build a Muslim country, and have attracted the attention
of all Western governments for their pains, who are systematically
seeking to undermine their efforts and discredit them in the eyes of
Muslims everywhere. (Please see article below and note that I do not
necessarily subscribe to all the opinions expressed in it). Truly the
United States and their cronies are a fitna wherever you find them.

Muslims are suffering wherever you care to mention. In Turkey, women are
now being sent to prison for daring to wear hijab to university. I
haven’t heard a single peep from the international agencies about the
transgression of personal freedom in this! What about the rights of
these women to freedom of personal expression and freedom of worship?
Are not those the precepts upon which Western governments claim to have
built their constitutions? Are we to understand from this that such
freedoms are only appropriate for Westerners, and that Muslims do not
deserve them?

Here are just a few examples, and I am sure you all know, if we want to
compile a complete list of all the crimes being committed against
Muslims in the World, a thousand issues of Kateebit Aisha Would not
suffice. But your duah will suffice brothers and sisters. This is a very
effective tool, if we wish to make a difference. But do not forget that
duah has conditions attached to it. You must be sincere; the most
effective duah comes from the most committed Muslim. The more trouble we
take to learn about our religion and apply it, the more good we will do
the Muslims at large.

So starting from tonight, please let us commit ourselves to helping our
Muslim brethren. This could mean improving our commitment to the
prayers, fasting extra days once Ramadhan is over, wherever possible
taking greater pains to improve our levels of commitment to our religion
in every way we can. Blocking Western influence inside our homes
wherever possible is an important part of this.

Let us not forget charity, Sadaqa, as it wipes away our sins. And please
make sure you pay all your Zakat. This is very important, and must be
paid before the Eid. If you do not pay it before the Eid, it is counted
as an ordinary charity, and not as Zakat. Non payment of Zakat is
generally accepted to be one of the reasons for Allah allowing His
slaves to be afflicted with worldly trials. If we make sure our Zakat is
paid, our nation will be more deserving of the mercy of Allah for which
we so fervently beg.


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 05:19:33 -0000

Assalamu alaikum... a friend sent this to me and
said to pass it on to those people who make sincere
du'aa. Ya Allah make us sincere-ameen

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:20:22 -0800

Wednesday 20 December 2000 Ramadan

Letter from the Mujahideen to the Muslims of the World

O Muslims of the World - Don't Forget Our Rights Upon You During the
Last Ten Nights of Ramadhan O Muslims, Oh people of the
Taraweeh and Qiyaam-ul-layl prayers, O Imams of Makkah, Madinah, and all
the other houses of Allah...

If a Muslim has the right upon his fellow Muslim that he supplicates for
him in his absence, then we have a huge right upon all of you. For we
surely feel and see the effects of your supplications for us, in every
step we take, in every operation we execute, and in every battle we wage
against the Russians.

And we strongly plea with you and urge that you continue to pray to
Allah during these last ten nights of Ramadhan, asking
Him, begging Him to grant us perseverance, determination and victory.

Our conditions are presently extremely severe, the temperatures are so
bitterly low, that we sometimes feel the cold is crushing our bones. And
although the enemy is broken, it is still a stubborn beast, gasping for
its last breath, but continuing to
throw its weight and might around, killing and destroying everything and
everyone standing in its path.

Our arms are nothing when compared to theirs and our money is but a tiny
fraction of the material wealth they possess. But, our belief in the
Divine Help of Allah, and our dependence upon Him is greater than either
of these. And coupled with this belief, is the strength of your
supplications, prayers and your never-ending support.

Insha-Allah we will not give in, and we will persevere until Allah
Grants us victory.

We supplicate for all of you and for everyone else who gives anything in
the Path of Allah - we ask Allah to accept him/her
as a Mujahid. So similarly, we ask you not to forget us in your prayers.
Raise your hands up high, and charge towards your
Lord with a sincere supplication, asking Him to bestow victory upon us,
and all the other Mujahideen fighting in His Path
across the world.

Your Mujahideen Brothers in Chechnya


Anas relates that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Allah says: When a
servant of Mine advances towards Me a foot, I advance towards him a
yard, and when he advances towards Me a yard, I advance towards him the
length of his arms spread out. When he comes to Me walking, I got him
running. (Bokhari).

ARTICLE: News from Sudan

Sudan expels US diplomat arrested in Khartoum for planning subversive

By our own correspondent (Crescent International)

An American diplomat has been expelled from Sudan after having been
caught attending a meeting of leaders of the opposition umbrella
National Democratic Alliance (NDA) to plan for subversive activities
against the government. On December 7, Sudanese foreign minister Mustafa
‘Uthman Ismail declared Glenn Warren, a political officer at the US
embassy in Khartoum, persona non grata and gave him 72 hours to leave
the country.

Ismail said that Glenn had violated his diplomatic mission and
jeopardized Sudan’s security by attending a 90-minute meeting of
"leaders of unregistered political organizations" during which "issues
related to Sudanese security and stability" were discussed. He added
that the security authorities seized documents with the detained persons
which "go in line with the current American policies that target the
Sudanese government and seek to undermine it." A government statement
explained that confiscated note-pads and minutes of the meeting, which
was held at a private Sudanese residence, show that Warren posed
questions on the likelihood of a military coup and the political
situation in Sudan. The documents also reveal that the NDA leaders were
plotting "a popular uprising to be backed by armed action."

The statement added that the group was found in possession of a plan on
ways to support the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), which
is waging a separatist war in the south. These tactics included "passing
information over to the rebel movement to help it occupy cities and
destroy installations with assistance by the United States." Warren was
detained with seven leading members of the NDA when Sudanese police
raided the meeting, but was later released as he has diplomatic

Others arrested include Joseph Okelu, the NDA’s domestic
secretary-general, and spokesman Ali Ahmad al-Sayyid.
The US has denied that Warren was doing anything "improper or
inappropriate," and said that it was looking into ways to respond to
what it described as Sudan’s "unwarranted action." Speaking to reporters
in Washington, US state department spokesman Philip Reeker said that
"the meeting involved nothing more than a discussion of the general
situation in Sudan. That’s what diplomats do." It does not take much
thought to notice the hubris at the heart of such a statement, despite
its diplomatic language. One only needs to imagine Washington’s reaction
to a Sudanese diplomat taking part in the deliberations of a strategy
meeting for fostering armed uprising in the US, perhaps in alliance with
groups linked to an enemy such as Cuba.

The expulsion further erodes the already poor relations between the two
countries, which were strained by the unauthorized visit of Susan Rice,
US assistant secretary of state for African affairs, to rebel-held areas
of southern Sudan to highlight allegations of slavery in the country. In
protest against the visit, Sudan had on November 21 revoked the entry
visas of US diplomats linked to the Khartoum embassy. But Warren and US
charge d’affaires Raymond Brown were allowed to enter Sudan after Ismail
issued a special waiver permitting them to use their visas from December
1. Moreover, the Sudanese government had, one day before the arrests,
lodged a sharply worded protest over Rice’s visit with UN
secretary-general Kofi Annan. The complaint accused Rice of violating
Sudan’s sovereignty by entering the south without obtaining a Sudanese

US diplomats in Sudan, who serve in Khartoum on a rotating basis from
neighbouring countries, only returned to work at the US embassy in
Khartoum in April this year. This was the first time the members of the
US diplomatic staff had operated in Khartoum since the bombings of two
US embassies in east Africa in August 1998, when the embassy staff were
withdrawn because of ‘security fears’.

With America’s long record of plotting to dismember Sudan and to
overthrow or destabilize its government, Khartoum has good reason to
worry about the activities of US officials and diplomats on its
territories. The US has placed Sudan on the state department’s list of
countries it accuses of sponsoring "international terrorism", which
effectively bans US companies from investing in Sudan. Washington has
also orchestrated the drive at the UN Security Council to ostracize and
impose international sanctions on Sudan.

The US is also largely responsible for the broad-based military effort
designed to plunge Sudan into a whirlpool of bloodletting, out of which
an American puppet regime would emerge. It was US political and economic
support, rather than any harmony of interests, that rallied into this
proxy war such odd bedfellows as the neighbouring countries of Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Uganda and Rwanda, in addition to a medley of feuding Sudanese
opposition groups. Rice has been involved in a covert arms supply
network to the SPLA rebels, which was run out of the US state department
as part of this proxy war.

In August 1998, the US used cruise missiles to destroy the Al-Shifa’
pharmaceuticals factory near Khartoum on the pretext that it was
producing chemical-weapon precursors for so-called Islamic militants
linked to the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. All Sudanese diplomats
were withdrawn from Washington after the attack. More recently, while
NDA leaders were hobnobbing with Warren in Khartoum, some of their armed
militias (based in Eritrea) were reportedly massing forces at the
Eritrean-Sudanese border in preparation for a fresh attack against
government positions in the eastern Kassala province.

Warren’s arrest took place against a backdrop of preparations for the
simultaneous parliamentary and presidential elections, between December
11 and 20, that the opposition had vowed to boycott. The opposition is
accusing Sudanese president ‘Umar Hassan al-Bashir of not giving
opposition parties enough time to organize effective campaigns, in order
to put them in a weaker position. Those refusing to take part in the
elections include constituent groups of the NDA, as well as the Ummah
Party, whose leader, Sadiq al-Mahdi, returned to Sudan last month after
four years of self-imposed exile in Egypt and Eritrea. Also boycotting
the elections is the Popular National Congress (PNC), led by Bashir’s
former ally Dr Hassan al-Turabi.

In the presidential vote, Bashir is standing against four challengers,
including former president Ja’afar al-Numeiri, removed by a popular
uprising in 1985. Twenty-six ruling National Congress members and two
pro-government Muslim Brotherhood candidates, who stood uncontested in
the Khartoum region’s constituencies, have already been declared de
facto winners. It seems clear that another electoral farce, designed to
keep Bashir and his party in power, is unfolding in Sudan.

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TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events


1 posted on 09/15/2001 11:56:10 AM PDT by vannrox (MyEMail)
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To: vannrox
. But...but...but...what about all those peaceful Muslims! .
2 posted on 09/15/2001 12:07:54 PM PDT by applemac_g4
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To: applemac_g4
PIG COUNTERMEASURES Not to make light of the recent tragic events in NYC, but I've been thinking about this pig thing with the Islamic fundamentalists. I must be going dingy because this thing sticks in my mind. If Muslims believe they can't get into heaven if they have been contaminated by the flesh of the swine, why not use this belief of theirs as a weapon against them? Now they all seem to want to be martyrs by dying for Allah by blowing themselves up or crashing aircraft into buildings. But what would happen if each commercial airliner were to keep a live pig on board? Hell, I bet they wouldn't even get on the airplane? There are lots of Islamic terrorists in the Philippines, but there have been no fatal hijackings there! The reason is that there are a lot of pigs (and chickens) on those airplanes! These guys couldn't afford to have the airplane crash! Next time I fly I'm going to carry a pound of bacon with me. If I get hijacked, I'll just whip that package of fat back out and watch those rag heads duck for cover just like vampires do when someone whips a cross on them! Better yet, we got all those environmentally offensive pig farms down in N. Carolina polluting the streams and whatnot. What do you think about loading all that pig crap aboard C-130's and spraying it over suspected terrorist sites a la Agent Orange?

**found on the geoff metcalf web site

3 posted on 09/15/2001 12:18:04 PM PDT by Burlem
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To: Burlem
Burlem, I have been a lurker forever on this thread. Your post made me laugh out loud. It was the impetus for me to register and become a valid Freeper! This is the best website on the web bar none. Thank you all for making it so! (now back to lurking!) (c:
4 posted on 09/15/2001 12:53:24 PM PDT by shawv (LOVED THE PIG BOMB IDEA!)
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