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Kateebit Aisha - Postings from an JORDAN & AMERICAN Islamic Website!
Kateebit Aisha ( All Women ONLY Website) ^ | FR Post 09-15-01 | Various

Posted on 09/15/2001 11:49:57 AM PDT by vannrox

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful:

Kateebit Aisha

Issue 1 Vol.1

October 12, 2000

‘So do not become weak against (your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be
superior in (victory), if you are indeed (true) believers.’ Al Quran al
Kareem, v.3: 139

The Prophet (SAW) said “ The hour will not come until you fight the

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Welcome, sisters and salaam ou alaikum. Getting the first issue of
Kateebit Aisha out has taken longer than I planned; may Allah help us
all to serve Him. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions, or even
contributions, send them along! You can contact me at:

The past two weeks has been nothing if not ‘eventful’! The Indifadha has
renewed itself with unprecedented vigour, and for the first time, the
people of so many Arab and Muslim states are expressing their
wholehearted support for the Palestinian struggle, and their outrage at
the acts of the murderous Jewish usurpers.

Here in Jordan, there have been a number of demonstrations, some of them
leading to violence, with the police and security forces resorting to
teargas, and even to beating citizens and arresting them. The mood is
not pleasant, and the Government would be well advised to consider its
moves carefully. It is impossible for us to continue to stand by and
watch this slaughter. Human conscience dictates that we act to the best
of our abilities.

I would like to stress that Kateebit Aisha is not solely for
Palestinians, but we are naturally focusing on events in Palestine
because that is where the action is at the moment. However, many Muslim
countries are struggling under a variety of different types of
oppression. It is my personal opinion that we will never overcome our
oppressors until we first unite. So this newsletters is for ALL sisters,
wherever they are from, and whatever their beliefs (as long as they are
in fact Muslims). I look forward to contributions from all of you to
provide content for the pages of the Website:

It is time we put aside our differences and worked towards our common
goal – achieving Islamic government and the application of the Shariah
Law for the good of all Muslims.

During my years as a Muslimmah (twenty-five alhamdulilah) I have come
across many Muslim suffering from deep depression because they see their
fellow Muslims being murdered and oppressed, but feel they are powerless
to help. We must never become despondent! Never underestimate the power
of duah. If we all ask the help of Allah, He will surely give us help.
If we sincerely want to act, then He will find a way for us.

The first things to do are to make sure that we are applying our
religion to our daily lives as we are ordered to. This means to believe
that there is no God but Allah, to pray five times a day, to fast the
month of Ramadhan, to give Zakat, and to make Hajj if it is within your
means. Women are told that if they ‘pray their five prayers, fast
Ramadhan and obey their husbands they will enter Paradise.’

We must also take steps to educate ourselves about the religion. This
means studying the Quran and the Hadith. It is vital to surround
ourselves with the company of committed Muslims, even if that means
moving to another area! Allah and His Prophet warn us in many ways that
a person is only as good as the company they keep.

Traditionally, the role of women is as homemaker and nurturer. This is
an excellent opportunity to further the cause of Islam. If your husband
is happy and relaxed in your company, for example, you have an
opportunity to urge him on to more and better effort in the way of
Allah. However committed a man, there is always room for improvement,
and it is a sad fact that often Muslim men to not achieve the great
Islamic deeds that they otherwise might because they are held back by a
wife who is reluctant to give him up to the Islamic cause. Sisters, this
is our Jihad. Nobody said it would be easy.

And then, there are our sons. We can mould them, and either they will
become mediocre beings, or we can make them into warriors who will fight
and die for the protection of Islam. Remember that a shadeed will enter
into Paradise without a reckoning. In addition, they will be allowed
intercession for a number of their relatives. The Prophet told us that
the position of Jihad in relation to the rest of Islam can be likened to
the hump in relation to the rest of the camel – the topmost part!

October 12, 2000

Sisters, what a week this has been. The Jews have been killing Muslims
for two weeks now, and the Palestinians, with nothing with which to
defend themselves except handfulls of the earth of Palestine, have only
killed a handful of Jews in return. The death toll is 102 up till now.

This afternoon, after the besieged Palestinian people killed two Israeli
soldiers, the Israeli forces began bombing Ram Allah and Ghaza. Things
have to change, and change soon!

The only bright spot on our horizon today, was the suicide operation by
two Yemenis against a United States warship. These two brave individuals
managed to come alongside the battleship under the pretext of a
refueling operation and blow a hole ‘big enough for a bus to pass
through.’ They say the score it four dead, more than twenty injured, 10
– 12 missing and the possible scuttling of the battleship itself. Well,
it is a small token to redress the balance. I can only say to the sons
of Zion: You just wait ‘till we really get going!

That’s enough for now sisters, you will be hearing plenty from me in the
future, insha Allah. I will just include for you some information that I
hope you will find touching, stirring and MOTIVATING.

First, I would like to introduce you all to Amani Hajyaseen. She is
obviously talented, and I hope we will be hearing more from her. She has
expressed the situation much better than many seasoned journalists among

Dear Everyone:

Most of you do not know me, so I will introduce myself. My name is Amany
Hajyassin. I am a 17 year old full-blooded Palestinian. This e-mail is
about Palestine and what has been going on there. I am sure most of you
are aware of what has been going on, but here are some details you are
probably unaware of.

In the past 3 days, Palestine has experienced the bloodiest clashes
since 1996. These clashes have led to the deaths of many young
Palestinian men, women and children. Over 700 injured so far, and over
50 deaths. One child, Rami Jamal Al-Dura, 12 years old, was shot in his
stomach and died in tears in his fathers arms. This has been most talked
about. This has touched
me the most.

Many of you may not be Palestinian. At this time it should not matter
what you are. Whether you are Palestinian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Syrian,
Egyptian or whatever, it should not matter. The Palestinians, our
brothers and sisters are suffering. Everyone around the world looks on,
yet dare not to speak because of the Israelis, who exert such power over
world leaders.

In one incident, the Israelis left 50 young Palestinian boys injured on
the floor and would not let the Ambulance near them. They (Israelis)
also rushed into Makassed hospital in
East Jerusalem, and started shooting at the injured people. They killed
people while doctors were trying to treat their suffering patients. It
obviously is not enough that Palestinian doctors must treat their people
with no medicine or equipment.

About 12 protests are scheduled for Monday noon all over the United
States. Those who cannot attend the protests, please send your thoughts
and prayers out to our suffering Palestinian brothers and sisters.

For the past 3 days, I have been constantly in tears. Watching
Al-jazeera, reading the newspaper and looking at pictures. Watching my
people being shot and rushed to the hospital in taxis, vans, cars,
ambulances, in any type of transportation that can be found to take them
to the hospital. Israelis are even shooting at these vehicles and
killing Palestinians who are trying to save one another.

I feel our rights as living, breathing human beings have been violated.
Our brothers and sisters are being killed on the way to hospital. They
are being killed for throwing a stone. They are being killed for
speaking against a Jew. They are bring killed while in the hospital
being treated. All of this is happening because Ariel Sharon insisted
that the Temple Mount belongs to the Jews.

The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah has begun. They began their
celebration by killing the Palestinians The death of little children is
the biggest prize to them.

This is a wake up call. Now is the time to speak out about our
sufferings and about our pain. We must not let the world deny us.
Oh people of the world, can you not see us suffer? Can you not hear our
cries? Have you shut your ears so you will not hear? Have you shut your
eyes so you will not see?

My love for Palestine is very deep. I love Palestine with all of my
heart and it will always have that special place. I will never deny my
love for Palestine. The world can deny my motherland but they cannot
deny its sufferings.

We cannot sit and watch what is going on. It is not enough to shed
tears; our voice must be heard, and action must be taken. If you can't
protest, its okay, speak to your neighbors and friends. Speak to those
whom are ready to hear the truth.

Oh people of the world, we have spoken the truth for years. When will
you be ready to hear it? We have showed you our sufferings. When will
you shed a tear? We have cried out for your help. When will you lend a
hand? We have suffered in complete silence in the dark. When will you
shine a light?

My beloved friends, please pass this to all your Arab friends. Let this
be a wake up call. Let this be our hope.

May God bless all my Palestinian souls. May you all rest in peace. Long
Live Palestine. Long Live Palestine.

The Pantomime Continues

Jerusalem, October 9, 2000

A Tragic Reversal: Madeleine Albright's View of Reality

By Dr. Hanan Ashrawi
Secretary-General, MIFTAH
PLC Member, Jerusalem

In her interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" (Sunday, Oct. 8, 2000), US
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright represented the epitome of the
willful blindness, moral vacuum, human insensitivity, political
cynicism, and strategic ignorance that have characterized the US
handling of the Arab-Israeli "peace
process" and the Palestinian Question in particular.When asked about the
US abstention on the UN Security Council's Resolution 1233 deploring
the [anonymous] "provocation carried out at Al-Haram Al-Sharif in
Jerusalem on 28 September 2000" and condemning [also anonymous] "acts of
violence, especially the excessive use of force against Palestinians,"

Albright immediately waxed apologetic.
She was defensive not about diluting the text of the resolution and
eliminating any explicit reference to Israel's culpability, not about
abstaining when the US should have cast an affirmative vote in
condemnation of the horrific and tragic loss of Palestinian lives
(mainly children), and not about American
passivity before the very visible crimes against humanity that are being
committed by Israel with impunity and arrogance.

Rather, Madam Albright expressed contrition at not casting a VETO on
this hesitant, apologetic, and inadequate expression by the
international community of minimal recognition of Palestinian humanity
and suffering.

Why? Because the US wants to "safeguard" its role as an "even-handed
peace broker."

To the Palestinians, this came as a complete surprise since the US has
never been even-handed or fair or even remotely human in its brokerage
of the peace process.

Given the chance to atone, however modestly, for such double standards
and bias, the US once again insists on failing the test of moral
integrity and humanity.

Worse yet, Madam Albright (and with a straight face) declares in a cold
and deliberate tone that the Palestinians have "placed Israel under

I immediately assumed that she had confused her nouns, and that she had
inadvertently given the converse version of reality.

In the next breath, however, and with the same dead pan, expressionless,
emotionless, glazed look, Madam Albright repeated: "Those Palestinian
rock throwers have placed Israel under siege," adding that the Israeli
army is defending itself.

At the risk of tediousness and redundancy, it is appropriate to remind
Madam Albright of a few basic facts that may have escaped her notice:

It is Israel that is the belligerent occupant of Palestine (and not the
other way around).

Israeli tanks and armored vehicles are surrounding Palestinian villages,
camps and cities (and not the other way around).

Israeli (American made) Apache gun ships are firing Lau and other
missiles at Palestinian protestors and homes (and not the other way

It is Israel that is confiscating Palestinian land and importing Jewish
settlers to set up illegal armed settlements in the heart of Palestinian
territory (and not the other way around).

The settlers on the rampage in the West Bank are Israelis terrorizing
Palestinians in their own homes (and not the other way around). The
homes that are being demolished at the hands of the Israelis are
Palestinian homes (and not the other way around).

The armed soldiers and Special Forces at checkpoints throughout
Palestine are Israeli (and not the other way around).

The more than a hundred murdered civilians and thousands of injured are
all Palestinians being shot by Israeli occupation troops (and not the
other way around).

It is Israel that has closed down the Palestinian airport at Gaza
thereby preventing badly needed medical supplies from reaching the
Palestinians (and not the other way around).

The crossing points to and from Palestine as well as entrances and exits
to and from all Palestinian inhabited areas are manned and controlled by
Israeli soldiers who have completely prevented all freedom of movement
(and not the other way around).

To state the obvious once again, Madam Albright, Israel is committing
atrocities against the Palestinians with total impunity, and yet you
maintain "Israel is besieged."

To add insult to injury, you admonish the Palestinian leadership for not
ordering their people to "stop the violence," as though you're entirely
oblivious of the fact that all it takes is an order from Barak to his
"disciplined" occupation army to stop killing Palestinians.

No, we will not lie down and die in silence, even to accommodate you,
Madam Albright, for cold-blooded murder is not a phenomenon we condone.

May I suggest that the siege is in the minds of American officials and
apologists for Israel who willfully persist in blaming the victim, in
finding a false symmetry between occupier and occupied, in adopting a
double standard on the value of human lives and rights while totally
dehumanizing the Palestinians, in treating Israel as a country above the
law and Palestinians
as a people not worthy of the protection of the law, in manipulating and
inventing a peace process that would accommodate such a racist and
stereotypical version of reality rather than a reality of justice and
evenhandedness, and in evading
and distorting moral responsibility towards the Palestinian victims
rather than celebrating the violence of the oppressor.

Granted, Madam Albright, Milosovic is a war criminal (despite the fact
that his army did not massacre the Serb opposition that brought about
his downfall), but what about Ariel Sharon and even your good friend
Ehud Barak. Whose blood is dripping from their hands?

Granted, Madam Albright, "the people have spoken" in Yugoslavia, so why
don't you listen when the Palestinian people cry out for justice?

As a woman, a mother and grandmother, you surely understand the pain of
children and their parents when they get hurt; what about the agony of
senseless and brutal murder being visited on Palestinian children?

May I suggest, Madam Albright, that before you go on television before
the whole world to pontificate on issues Palestinian that you start by
examining the facts, and then start to examine your own conscience.


Article by Amany Hayaseen

October 3, 2000

Dear Everyone:

Many of you may not know who I am, so I will introduce myself. My name
is Amany Hajyassin. I am 17 year old and Palestinian. This message is
about Palestine and the events of the past three days. I am sure most of
you are aware of recent developments.

On October 1, the bloodiest clashes since 1996 erupted in Palestine.
These clashes have led to the deaths of many young Palestinian men,
women and children: So far, over 700 injured and more than 50 dead. One
child, Rami Jamal Al-Dhura, 12 years old, was shot in his stomach and
died, in tears of terror in his fathers arms. This has been the incident
most talked about, and it has touched me so deeply I can hardly express

Some of you may not be Palestinian. As Muslims it should not matter what
nationality you are. It should not matter whether you are Palestinian,
Jordanian, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian and so on.. Your Palestinian
brothers and sisters are suffering under the oppression of the Israeli
occupation. Yet, the people of the world look on and dare not speak out
because of the hold the Israelis have over all Western administrations.
We WILL BE HEARD and I am going to tell you about some of the crimes
being committed against us.

During the recent clashes, the Israelis left 50 young Palestinian boys
injured on the ground, refusing to allow them medical assistance. The
Israelis also rushed into Makassed hospital in East Jerusalem, opening
fire on the injured. They murdered people awaiting medical treatment.
Palestinian medical personnel are forced to treat their people with no
medicine or equipment: Even if other states wished to help, the Israelis
allow no help through their lines.

For the past week I have been constantly in tears. Watching Al-Jazeera,
reading the newspaper and looking at pictures. Helplessly watching my
people being shot, and their companions rushing them to hospital in
taxis, vans, cars, ambulances – anything that would get them to the
hospital. Israelis have even been shooting at these vehicles and killing
Palestinians who are trying to save one another.

I feel our rights as human beings have been violated. Our brothers and
sisters are being murdered on rout to the hospitals. They are murdered
for throwing stones. They are being murdered for speaking out against
Jewish acts of terrorism. They are being murdered while in the hospital
being treated.

These events were triggered by Ariel Sharon insisting that people accept
that Temple Mount belongs to the Jews.

The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah has begun. They Israelis are
celebrating by killing Palestinians, and they are particularly
targetting children and young boys.

This is a wake up call. Now is the time to acknowledge our suffering and
pain. We must not allow the world to deny us our right to Palestine as
our homeland, and our right to defend ourselves against Jewish

Oh people of the world, does our suffering not prick your conscience?
Can you not hear our cries? Have you shut your ears so you will not
hear? Have you shut your eyes so you will not see?

My love for Palestine is very deep. I love Palestine with all of my
heart and it will always have that special place. I will never deny my
love for Palestine. The world can deny my motherland but they cannot
deny its sufferings.

For how long will the Muslims sit idly by and observe these events? We
have shed enough tears; it is time for our voices to be heard. If you
can’t attend a protest that’s okay. Tell your neighbors and friends.
Speak to anyone ready to hear the truth.

Oh people of the world, we have spoken the truth for the past years.
When will you be ready to hear it? We have showed you our sufferings.
When will you shed a tear? We have cried out for your help. When will
you lead a hand? We have suffered in complete silence in the dark. When
will you open the light?

My beloved friends, please pass this to all your Arab friends. Let this
be a wake up call. Insha Allah the Muslims will arise; they are our only

At least twelve protest marches are scheduled for Monday noon throughout
the United States. Those who cannot attend the protests, please send
your thoughts and prayers out to our suffering Palestinian brothers and

May God bless all Palestinian souls. May they all rest in peace. Long
Live Palestine. Long Live Palestine.

Mohamad and the world
By: Amany Hajyassin
Palestine Correspondent for Kateebit Aisha
October 7, 2000

The significance of twelve-year-old Mohamed Jamal Al-Dhurra?

Of course, they say we started the violence. The boy died because he and
his father were looking for a car. That was their only crime. Mohamed
and his father Jamal were both unarmed and we all know Mohamed died
because he was Palestinian.

Afterwards, they said they were sorry that they killed Jamal's child.

Sorry isn't enough. They said he and his father got caught in crossfire.
They said it as if Mohamed and his father were to blame. The proof of
true Israeli intentions lies in the wall over the spot where Mohamed
died. It is riddled with bullet holes. The hail of bullets left nothing
but a river of blood, the child dead and the father unconscious and
terribly injured.

The father frantically yelled, "stop the shooting, I have a child, the
boy..the boy." Waving his hand for mercy while his little son Mohamed
tried desperately to hide. What was their protection? A trash can. That
was all they had, and no-one was there to help them. It was a window of
opportunity and the Israeli soldiers snatched at this chance to win a
gold medal for killing an innocent Palestinian child.

Little Mohamed Jamal Al-Dhurra is a star in the firmament of Palestinian
martyrs; a shining light in my world. We cry out in this void of human
suffering. We die in this void of silence, with no mercy and no
assistance from our fellow Muslims. The door of our world is open, yet
you are all closing your doors in our faces.

Mohamed touched the hearts of many people, especially mine. As I tried
to tell my class about the significance of this clash, I broke down in
tears. I broke down in tears as I tried to tell the class about Mohamad
the little martyr. How he was just an innocent Palestinian child who
died in the arms of his loving father, Jamal.

The voice of Jamal calling, "Mat el walad, el walad mat" (the boy is
dead, the boy is dead), will haunt us. My classmates are shocked. We
cannot believe that this is allowed to happen. My classmates fired
questions at me; "what did the boy do?" "did he die?" "why did they
shoot?" "why doesn’t somebody stop this bloodshed?" I couldn't reply
because of the pain in my heart and the tears in my eyes.

Even though Mohamed is most talked about, many other Palestinian
children have died. I promise you all, not one murdered Palestinian
child will ever be forgotten. Their spirit will live in our hearts and
their memories will serve as a beacon to drive us on in our struggle to
regain our homeland.

A new Holocaust is being conducted right in front of our eyes. The Jews
complain that no one helped them when they were being exterminated, but
now they are doing the same thing to the Palestinians. We are not Nazis.
We committed no crime. Who is there for the Palestinians. The
Palestinians are living a slow death. Our extermination is lasting
longer. Sometimes I wonder if the Israelis are actually Hitler’s
children. It seems to me that the spirit of Hitler is still alive and
living in Israel. The Israelis are denying that we even exist and insist
that there is no such thing as Palestine. It seems they have succeeded
in brainwashing the world, and despite all the rhetoric about human
rights from all the major agencies, such as the United Nations, UNICEF,
and others, everyone continues to turn a blind eye to the slaughter.

We are on our own. They Israelis may murder us all, but they cannot take
away what we have. We have faith that Allah will help us. Our spirit,
strong hope and courage will carry us through. We are one, we are
united. We are awaiting the day when our Muslim brothers arise, and join
with us, hand in hand and heart to heart. Then you will all see what
Islam is. It seems that the death of little Mohamed is not in vain, for
already the faint rumblings of unrest are being heard throughout the
Muslim lands.

Let the world close their eyes and ears to our suffering. Let them not
know the meaning of suffering and loss. Let them not know the meaning of
pain. Let them not know the meaning of true pride and love. Let them
know what they do not know.

Sisters, please print out Kateebit Aisha and pass it around, to give
others a chance to hear about us and subscribe.

To subscribe send a blank e-mail to:

To unsubscribe send a blank e-mail to:

TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events


1 posted on 09/15/2001 11:49:57 AM PDT by vannrox (MyEMail)
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To: vannrox
amazing - I just sent a complaint email to that they would have someone like this be a user of thier service.
2 posted on 09/15/2001 12:03:49 PM PDT by AgThorn
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To: vannrox
The website is not a website but a news list hosted by Topica, located at 20 Folsom Street (at 2nd), Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94107.

Their main backer is "Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Private Equity".

They have not been updated since 12-22-00.

You can go to Topica and find their contact list and let them know how you feel.

3 posted on 09/15/2001 12:51:05 PM PDT by greatgranny
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To: vannrox know, I have sorta mixed emotions here. Nobody despises the terrorists more than I (and you're welcome to do a search on me to confirm that), but I wonder if we want to shut down their communication. Would it not be better to infilterate them, gain intelligence on them, and use that against them? It's one thing to shut the scum up; and quite another to let them talk themselves into club Fed with a couple of guys names Bubba and Big Bubba....both of whom get special privileges in exchange for helping to maintain peace in there...
4 posted on 09/15/2001 12:57:55 PM PDT by neutrino (neutrino)
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