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Rich Galen ^ | 11/27/02 | Rich Galen

Posted on 11/27/2002 10:59:10 AM PST by Greek

The new GOP staffers will read Mullings. They should be reading YOUR ad. Right Here!

MULLINGS An American Cyber-Column

Remember the Maine!

Rich Galen Wednesday November 27, 2002

* One does not have to reach back very far in history to remember the hue and cry of the Democratic Party: COUNT ALL THE VOTES!

* Notwithstanding the fact that when just about every news organization on the planet actually counted the ballots, George W. Bush STILL won Florida, the Dems – to this very day – pretend they were cheated out of the Presidency because they weren’t permitted to COUNT ALL THE VOTES!

* Now, we come to Maine. Quiet, back-woodsy, yup-and-nope terse down-East Yankee Maine. Where lobsters were invented. Where there are two seasons: Fourth of July and Winter.

* Maine, where -- (Oh, Rich? We get it. Uncle Bill is already in his cups and the turkey is done. We have GOT to get to the point, here.)

* Right. The Maine State Senate is comprised of 35 members. Following all the counting there was one seat still in play: Democrat Chris Hall v. Republican Leslie Fossel.

* The Maine Senate is split 17-17. This one seat will decide control.

* The two candidates are nine votes apart: 8,893 for the Democrat; 8,884 for the Republican.

* According to the Portland Press-Herald there are still 44 ballots to be counted.

* The Democrats have refused to count any more votes and the state Supreme Court has ruled that, under state law, each legislative body has the responsibility to decide election disputes.

* Imagine, in 2002, a state Supreme Court adhering to established law? Haven’t these people ever heard of New Jersey?

* According to retiring Senate Republican Leader, Mary Small, the ballots have been examined, but NOT COUNTED. If they were to COUNT ALL THE VOTES, Fossel would win.

* Some examples of the disputes: - There are 11 ballots which were marked in blue or black pen, rather than in the required pencil. There is no other dispute over these ballots. They break for the Republican 8-3. Ballots which were marked with RED pen – but which broke evenly – were allowed. Fossel down 4.

- There are seven other ballots on which the voters circled or underlined their choices. The all-important intent of the voter is not in dispute. These break for the Republican 6-1. Fossel up 1.

- Two more ballots have stray (but not identifying) marks. 2-zip for the GOP. Fossel up 3.

- Assorted other dribs and drabs, according to Senator Small, would boost that total to five.

* But they will not be counted. THEY WILL NOT BE COUNTED!

* Where is the outrage? Where are the cheering, jeering crowds led by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? Where is Terry McAuliffe?

* Say, where IS Terry McAuliffe?

* The Democrat will be sworn in on December 4, and the Democrats will have an 18-17 majority.

* The Republicans will offer a resolution disputing the seating of the Democrat, which will lose 18-17 with the disputed Senator voting for himself.

* The President of the Senate will appoint a task force to look into the election. It will have one more Democrat than Republican. It will decide the election is fair and final. But it will not COUNT ALL THE VOTES.

* In 1984 there was an infamous case of a contested Congressional election in Indiana’s Eighth District. The Republican won on election day by 34 votes. The Democrats, who already had a 71-seat majority, refused to seat the Republican, appointed a task force (2- 1 Democratic), and conducted a recount which lasted until the Democrat got ahead. The Democrats then stopped counting and declared the election over. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

* It was that act which legitimized the claim of a young, firebrand, back-bencher from Georgia, Newt Gingrich that the Democrats – who had controlled the U.S. House for three decades – were nothing short of a band of thugs.

* That power play by the Democrats was the shot heard ‘round the Capitol. Four years later Gingrich was elected Republican Whip five years after that he was Speaker.

* Senator Small said what the Democrats were doing was “unethical and immoral, but probably not illegal.”

* So, if you ever think the GOP is being unfair to the Democrats in Congress: Remember the Maine.

TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
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I checked to see if this was posted before and apologize if it has been. Maine needs some Rapid Response Freepers to act now...Galen is great if you want to sign up for two emails per week, see
1 posted on 11/27/2002 10:59:10 AM PST by Greek
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To: Greek
Gotta love dem Dems!
2 posted on 11/27/2002 11:14:56 AM PST by Coop
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To: Greek
It's going to be okay. Remember, they tried these tactics last election, and look what happend. The voters aren't going to put up with this much longer.
3 posted on 11/27/2002 11:15:44 AM PST by blaze
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To: Greek
FReep them Sumbitches!!
4 posted on 11/27/2002 11:25:51 AM PST by blam
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To: blaze
The voters aren't going to put up with this much longer.

Why are they putting up with it now?

5 posted on 11/27/2002 11:26:20 AM PST by I'm ALL Right!
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To: Greek
Maine repubies should round up these Maine Rats and feed them to the moose for winter food.
6 posted on 11/27/2002 11:30:31 AM PST by Grampa Dave
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To: Greek
no conflict of interest in voting to keep his own seat?

Well, the two justices who sent money to the Lautenberg and Toricelli campaigns didn't recuse themselves, so why should this Dem?

7 posted on 11/27/2002 11:45:13 AM PST by Teacher317
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To: SheLion; ozone1
Maine ping
8 posted on 11/27/2002 12:07:40 PM PST by metesky
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To: Greek
Were the absentee ballots from miltary ever counted in Fla. I've never heard they were.
9 posted on 11/27/2002 12:21:22 PM PST by Waco
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To: Greek; sweetliberty; Budge; TheLion; stop_the_rats
PING! (Don't know the county, but maybe some Maine FReepers can help us out here as to what's going on; possibly another county to add to the FReepers Against Voter Fraud watch list.)

The Maine State Senate is comprised of 35 members. Following all the counting there was one seat still in play: Democrat Chris Hall v. Republican Leslie Fossel.

* The Maine Senate is split 17-17. This one seat will decide control.

* The two candidates are nine votes apart: 8,893 for the Democrat; 8,884 for the Republican.

* According to the Portland Press-Herald there are still 44 ballots to be counted.

* The Democrats have refused to count any more votes and the state Supreme Court has ruled that, under state law, each legislative body has the responsibility to decide election disputes.

* * *

* According to retiring Senate Republican Leader, Mary Small, the ballots have been examined, but NOT COUNTED. If they were to COUNT ALL THE VOTES, Fossel would win.

10 posted on 11/27/2002 12:30:07 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Thanks for the ping!
11 posted on 11/27/2002 12:34:41 PM PST by TheLion
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To: nicmarlo
Thanks for the ping nic. This just gets more outrageous all the time. I hope that we can make enough noise to keep the HOT spotlight on the scummy little Rats in these areas. They are already in a frenzy crying foul because one network on TV and talk radio dare to present facts instead of aiding and abetting their felonious behavior. I will definitely add this to the reference list.
12 posted on 11/27/2002 12:46:22 PM PST by sweetliberty
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To: Greek
Actually, Mullings is posted three days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Rich Galen is a unique individual. He will travel anywhere to speak and usually for free. I met him in Mount Airy, NC at a supposed function sponsored by the local Young Republicans. The turnout was about twelve or fourteen. He told me that he was accustomed to speaking in phone booths, and the huge audience was quite a treat for him.
13 posted on 11/27/2002 12:54:07 PM PST by bluedevil
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To: nicmarlo
Here's a reply I got from a Republican State Legislator when I wrote to her on the tobacco tax jihad in Maine.

This is what we're fighting:

. Yes, the legislature is a scary group who are mostly made up of Socialists and Communists.

Is this what the people of this state want? I wonder. They keep electing this type of legislator.

I am one of the folks up there that is constantly harrassing them on the floor (along with Rep David Trahan and 31 other House members) about increasing taxes and how bad a thing that is, and that it actually does the opposite of what it takes to improve a struggling economy. They just do not get it. The more they take , the more people remain in poverty and under the thumbs of the government. Oh, did I hear you say that is what their game plan is?

Many of the legislators have gone to school at very liberal- thinking colleges, others are mill workers that are envious at anyone who owns or operates a business of any kind and are of the mentality of workers vs. businesses.

Indeed, we the legislature, are truly ruining this state. But, it is not the whole of it. The minority tries very hard to make a change and not tax our citizens out of this State.

I battled the increase of the gas tax on ;I voted forever trying to turn around 5 Democrats' votes. Well I did, to no avail, 5 other Democrats switched their vote because they promised Mike Saxyl that they would if he needed them.

Deals are made that are clearly against the people and for the Commissioners and to keep Government in control. I was totally disgusted.

Take care


Rep. Lois Snowe-Mello

I have enormous admiration for this woman.

She speaks the truth.

14 posted on 11/27/2002 1:09:07 PM PST by Madame Dufarge
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To: Greek
Will we see this on the evening news?
15 posted on 11/27/2002 1:17:28 PM PST by FreedomCalls
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To: Greek
Demoncrats will always lie,cheat,steal and in some cases may kill to win an election. This has been going on for well over 50 years, especially in the South.Why is there no real election reform and purging of voter registration dockets. Simply the Republicans dont have the fight in them and the Democrats dont want to be caught.
16 posted on 11/27/2002 1:32:20 PM PST by gunnedah
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To: Madame Dufarge
That's the best, most honest, letter I've ever read by any representative (or Senator). Darn worthy of your admiration, I must say.
17 posted on 11/27/2002 1:37:53 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: Greek
I found this update from The Lincoln County News:

Hall Named Provisional Winner in Dist. 16 -- Fossel Withdraws Appeal -- New Strategy Revealed

(Update -- Posted 11/27 at 2:00PM) Senate Dist. 16 Republican candidate Les Fossel withdrew his appeal to the Maine State Supreme Judicial Court regarding the recount in Dist. 16. just 4 hours before the scheduled hearing. Withdrawl of the motion asking the State's highest court to intervene in the recount process removes the last roadblock to the swearing in of Democratic candidate Chris Hall as the new State Senator for Dist. 16.

However, the fight for Dist. 16 isn't over yet.

A statement issued by the State Republican Party leadership expressed resolve that the State Senate will make the final decision on who will be the next senator in Dist. 16, as already outlined in the State constitution.

The statement also revealed that the Republicans plan on taking their fight regarding the ballot count straight to the Senate floor in Augusta. . . .

18 posted on 11/27/2002 1:46:58 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: Grampa Dave
feed them to the moose

PETA would have a fit for poisoning the moose!
19 posted on 11/27/2002 1:57:54 PM PST by sasquatch
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To: Greek
In 1984 there was an infamous case of a contested Congressional election in Indiana’s Eighth District. The Republican won on election day by 34 votes. The Democrats, who already had a 71-seat majority, refused to seat the Republican, appointed a task force (2- 1 Democratic), and conducted a recount which lasted until the Democrat got ahead. The Democrats then stopped counting and declared the election over. * It was that act which legitimized the claim of a young, firebrand, back-bencher from Georgia, Newt Gingrich that the Democrats – who had controlled the U.S. House for three decades – were nothing short of a band of thugs. * That power play by the Democrats was the shot heard ‘round the Capitol. Four years later Gingrich was elected Republican Whip five years after that he was Speaker.

I remember that incident well and was very angered by the RATS fraudulent actions, a tradition which they have continued until the present day. BTW, Gingrich was elected Minority Whip in 1989, not 1988. Lott was House Minority Whip in 1988, but then was elected to the Senate. Then Dick Cheney served in that position for a few weeks before he was selected as SECDEF by Bush Sr.
20 posted on 11/27/2002 2:14:32 PM PST by rightwing2
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