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Child Protection Project
Priests for Life / Life Dynamics collaboration ^

Posted on 08/25/2002 9:42:15 PM PDT by toenail

Child Protection Project

Life Dynamics and Priests for Life are collaborating on a project which can block Planned Parenthood's access to schools, and therefore to a large portion of their funding. The project builds on the evidence that abortion facilities nationwide break the law by failing to fulfill their duty as mandated reporters when they know or suspect that a minor is having sexual activity.

Any school district that refers students to Planned Parenthood therefore can incur legal liability. Every school district has been alerted to this liability via certified mail. Now, we are asking taxpayers to attend their local school board meetings and request an explanation of the school district's policy on this matter.

We are not asking people to make a moral or religious argument against Planned Parenthood or its activities. We are simply requesting that they ask the School Board how it is protecting itself against the liability that can result from negligent referral, and more fundamentally, how it is protecting our children. Schools and taxpayers will naturally be averse to legal and economic liability. Our goal is to persuade them that associating with Planned Parenthood is more trouble than it is worth.

We need

  1. people in every school district who can go to the school board meetings;
  2. attorneys who can assist people in articulating the school district's legal liability.

We will provide

  1. the specific questions that need to be asked at the school board meeting;
  2. ongoing training, coordination, and encouragement.

Contact Priests for Life -- Child Protection Project, PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; Tel: 718-980-4400, ext. 297; Fax: 718-504-3590; email:

Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Tel. 888-PFL-3448, (718) 980-4400
Fax 718-980-6515

Subscribe to Fr. Frank's bi-weekly prolife column (free): 


Post Office Box 2226 - Denton, Texas - 76202

(940) 380-8800 - fax (940) 380-8700


Date: June 20, 2002

To: Office of the Superintendent

From: Ed Zielinski, General Counsel, Life Dynamics Incorporated

Re: School District Exposure to Criminal Prosecution and/or Civil Litigation

As General Counsel for Life Dynamics Incorporated, I am compelled to educate you about your school district's potential liability should it:

· be in violation of state mandated child abuse reporting statutes;

· provide referrals to family planning service providers;

· allow family planning service providers to have access to your students; or

· operate a school-based health clinic.

I do not propose to give you legal advice on this matter, but I believe it would be in your district's best interest to review this letter with and seek the advice of competent legal counsel.

Life Dynamics recently completed a nationwide study regarding the level of compliance with state laws which mandate the reporting of suspected child sexual abuse and/or statutory rape. The results of this effort show conclusively that the overwhelming majority of America's family planning service providers are openly and willfully violating these laws. Our research and undercover investigation has revealed that this practice is institutional and occurring in every state in the country.

We have also discovered that the number of victims created by this situation is immense, and that the impact on them can be devastating. To address that issue, we are now in the very earliest stages of implementing a national litigation strategy to seek compensation in the civil court system for the parents and children whose lives have been affected by this illegal activity. We are also providing information to state child protection agencies and law enforcement personnel who are responsible for compelling compliance with these statutes and pursuing criminal prosecution against those who violate them.

As part of this project we submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to every school district in the United States in order to evaluate their level of compliance with these same mandatory reporting statutes. What we found is that a significant number of school districts may also be either deliberately or unwittingly operating in violation of these laws.

Another result of this FOIA mailing was that we were contacted by administrative personnel and legal counsel representing many of these school districts. Often we were asked to provide an opinion as to steps school districts could take to insulate themselves from civil liability related to claims for negligent referral. Others asked what steps the school district could take to insure compliance with these statutes in order to prevent employees (teachers, nurses, counselors, administrators, board members, etc.) from being criminally prosecuted. Whenever we agreed to offer such an opinion, we did so with the caveat that if the person to whom we were speaking was not an attorney, they should refer their questions to their school district's local counsel. In summary, our suggestions were that every school district should:

· establish a protocol to insure that the district is complying with state laws regarding the reporting of suspected sexual activity by underage children;

Note: For an underage girl to seek birth control information or paraphernalia, treatment for a sexually transmitted disease, a pregnancy test, an abortion, or abortion referral is evidence of sexual activity. Knowledge of this by someone who is a mandated reporter compels that person to file a report with the state for an investigation into whether or not she is the victim of child abuse. For the mandate reporter; his or her only duty is to report the incident not investigate it, ignore it, make assumptions or draw conclusions. Even in circumstances where a mandated reporter has a reasonable belief--or actual knowledge--that (a) the girl's sexual partner is also a minor or that (b) the girl's parents already know about the situation, a report to the state is still legally required. Only the state is allowed to determine whether or not a child's sexual activity is illegal.

· review with its attorneys the practices and written policies of any organization with which it is affiliated to insure that they comply with state laws regarding the reporting of suspected sexual activity by underage children--this includes any organization which the school district allows to provide students with information and/or materials regarding sex education in which future contact with said organization is suggested or could be a reasonable possibility;

· verify that the above organization will--and has the ability to--insure or indemnify the district in the event of a claim for damages that arise from a referral from the district to the organization;

· monitor the practices of agents, servants, employees, or contractors associated with school based clinics or other district-wide programs to verify their compliance with these state mandated reporting requirements; and

· review with its attorneys the joint liability of school districts for damages inflicted upon girls, and the families of girls, who have been referred to agencies which provide family planning services--these services include sex education curricula, presentations and/or materials or the provision of any of the following: abortion, abortion referrals, pregnancy testing, birth control information or paraphernalia, and/or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.

Our review of applicable state laws indicates that by allowing family planning service providers into the school district to give presentations, conduct sex education classes, leave materials, or accept referrals from district agents, servants, employees, or contractors, liability may be attenuated to the district for the conduct of the provider. If a girl is injured, killed, or sexually assaulted while under the care of a family planning service provider to which she was referred by the school, she, her parents, or both may charge the district with negligently referring the girl to that provider. In some states a finding of such negligence could result in an award of actual and punitive damages against joint tortfeasors. This liability may arise from the district tacitly endorsing the provider's services and the children accepting that endorsement and subsequently relying upon it. The school district may be held jointly or perhaps severably liable for injuries or damages the girl or her parents suffer if the family planning service provider:

· fails to report to the state a reasonable suspicion that an underage child is sexually active;

· encourages an underage child to conceal her sexual activity from other mandated reporters and/or coaches her in the methodology for doing so;

· falsifies official documents related to the sexual activity of an underage child;

· seeks to circumvent parental involvement statutes where applicable;

· suggests to an underage child that she cross state lines, or assists an underage child in crossing state lines, in order to conceal her sexual activity from her parent and/or authorities or to procure an abortion or birth control; or

· provides an underage student with a referral to any individual, clinic, or other organization which results in the child being injured, killed, or sexually assaulted.

By virtue of your district's responsibility to the students and parents you serve, a legal duty is created to protect them from harm. If your district through its relationship with a family planning services provider, or its operation of a school-based clinic fails in this responsibility, the district may be held liable for the damages that result. Moreover, if a school policy causes an agent, servant, employee, or contractor of the district to engage in conduct which subsequently exposes them to either civil or criminal prosecution, that person may also have a cause of action against the district.

Finally, as you consider these matters you may also want to determine the financial cost to your school district for insuring itself around the risk which arises from an affiliation with a family planning services provider. This is especially relevant in circumstances where this agency operates independently of the school district and is not under its direct supervision or control.

For more information about Life Dynamics Incorporated visit our Web site, We also have a separate Web site dedicated to this particular issue called




Edmund J. Zielinski

Attorney at Law, SBN 22262700

Child Predators Project Memo

Many American schools allow Planned Parenthood and other similar organizations on campus to discuss abortion, birth control, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and other issues related to the sexual activity of students.

Since the inception of our Child Predators campaign, we have always recognized that it should include not only the abortion industry but these school districts as well. In fact, we have consistently maintained that its impact on the American school system could be almost as great as its impact on Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation. Acting on that, in late October of 2001 we mailed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the superintendents of every one of America's 16,000 school districts. In those letters we asked for answers to the following questions:

1. Has any representative of Planned Parenthood ever been allowed to give a presentation to (or provide information to) students within your school district regarding sex education, birth control, or abortion?

2. Are any school district administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants allowed to provide students with referrals for abortions or birth control?

3. Are school district funds, or funds under its care, custody or control, ever used to pay for birth control devices (pills, condoms, post-coital emergency contraception, etc.) or abortions?

4. Are any school district administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants allowed to dispense birth control devices (pills, condoms, post-coital emergency contraception, etc.) to minor students?

5. If a minor student seeks birth control or an abortion referral, does the school district try to determine whether the student is the victim of sexual abuse or statutory rape?

6. If a minor student seeks birth control or an abortion referral, are local or state authorities informed about the possibility that the student may be the victim of sexual abuse or statutory rape?

7. If a minor student seeks birth control or an abortion referral, are her parents informed?

We also requested that they provide a copy of their school district's written policy regarding these issues.

Several thousand districts replied in writing and we also received many phone calls from either the superintendent or the district's legal counsel. As expected with a questionnaire regarding an issue as emotionally charged as this one, the reactions were varied. Some were friendly and supportive, and we even had attorneys for two of the country's largest school districts ask us to help them develop guidelines to use in their schools.

On the other hand, some respondents were openly hostile, expressing utter contempt for us and our mailing. However, regardless of the attitudes exhibited, the overriding emotion was a nervousness that often bordered on panic. Even those who were the most arrogant and angry would inevitably ask, "Are we being sued?" It quickly became obvious that most of the people who responded to our FOIA request had never considered the school's legal position regarding these issues, but the moment we began asking these simple questions they recognized the potential consequences.

The Opportunity

Although most people in the pro-life and pro-family movements realize that America's schools are a pipeline for abortion industry profits, few are aware that the big money is not necessarily in abortion but birth control pills and STD treatments. We've all heard organizations like Planned Parenthood brag that they offer these services to teenagers for free or at a steeply discounted price. Like almost everything else you hear from these groups, that is a lie.

The reality is that they don't do anything for free. Every service they claim to provide for free is actually billed to the government through programs such as Title X. Whether it's the client or the American taxpayers picking up the tab, Planned Parenthood always gets paid.

That's where our opportunity comes in. While these family planning organizations want the public to believe that they sacrificially service teenagers as part of some noble philanthropic crusade, the reality is that they desperately need those kids. That means that for the pro-life movement the formula is brutally simple: (a) without children walking through the front door, organizations like Planned Parenthood have no way to bill the taxpayers for their "free" services, and (b) their primary means of contact with these children comes through the public school system.

Our first school system mailing provided some valuable reconnaissance. First, we confirmed our belief that these institutions are very risk-averse when it comes to litigation exposure. Second, the reactions we received proved how effective a direct mail campaign targeted at them can be.

Armed with that information, in June of 2002 we raised the stakes. We sent another mailing to every school district in America. In this 3-page letter we (a) alerted them that they are legally bound to follow the same reporting requirements as any other entity which comes in contact with minor children, (b) outlined the legal exposure they assume when they operate a school-based health clinic or give Planned Parenthood and similar groups access to students or give students referrals to outside organizations for abortion or birth control, and (c) advised them to have their legal counsel take a second look at the district's sex education, abortion referral, birth control and condom distribution policies.

We used two strategies to make certain that this effort is taken even more seriously than the mailing of October 2001. First, the letter was considerably more forceful and more specific in nature. This time we were not asking questions but putting them on notice that any contact they have with a sexually active child - which is not followed by a report to the state - places the school district at risk for litigation. The tone of this letter made it absolutely clear that they are now under a microscope and if they choose to ignore this warning they do so at great risk to both themselves and their school districts.

Second, we dramatically increased the "weight" of this mailing by sending it via Certified Mail with a return receipt required. Such a mailing gives legal notice of a problem and prompts an action on their part. This approach virtually guaranteed that the mail would actually reach the superintendent to whom it was sent. It also eliminated the possibility that this person could either ignore the letter or casually dismiss it. Any school superintendent who received this letter was certain to see that it ended up in the office of the school district's legal counsel, and that is precisely what we wanted to happen.

At this point it is too early to evaluate the full impact of this mailing. However, our experience with the first mailing clearly suggests that this more aggressive tactic will eventually send shock waves through the nation's entire school system, not to mention Planned Parenthood. It should also cause the project to be taken more seriously by the media and thereby generate a substantial amount of free exposure for the entire Child Predators campaign.

Another consideration is timing. Due to the enormous press coverage already given to the scandal in the Catholic Church, the American people are looking seriously at the issue of adults sexually abusing children and having it covered up by major institutions. In short, the environment is ripe for this project.

Once this letter reaches the school district's law firm, the next steps are relatively predictable. To begin with, there is not an attorney in America who is going to tell any school district he or she represents that they are not potentially exposed to a lawsuit regarding this issue. To do so would leave the attorney wide open to a legal malpractice suit and the attorney knows it. For that reason, the legal opinions furnished back to these school districts are going to range from, "It is possible that the district is exposed" to, "The district is definitely exposed." A response outside those parameters is simply unrealistic.

At that point, the superintendent is left with no option but to present this information to the school board, leaving all concerned with a decision to make. They have to choose whether or not to ignore our warnings as well as the report of their own counsel. The good news is that school boards are notoriously timid when it comes to knowingly exposing their districts to lawsuits.


The next step is for pro-life and pro-family taxpayers to start showing up at school board meetings demanding answers to several very pointed questions. These questions are intended to make it obvious to the school district's legal counsel and decision-makers that (a) they are now under intense and constant scrutiny, and (b) they are going to have to deal with our people and these issues.

Priests for Life has generously agreed to coordinate and oversee this follow-up campaign nationally, and Life Dynamics is providing materials to help insure that this "school board oversite" project is as effective as possible. First, we are providing Priests for Life with the responses we got from the first mailing as well as the responses we are currently getting from the second one. This will help them design the specific approach most appropriate for each school district. In districts that appear receptive to our viewpoint, an educational presentation may be called for while openly hostile districts may require a more aggressive or confrontational approach. The data we have can be a tremendous help in making that determination.

Second, we are providing a sample list of questions which the people who attend school board meetings can submit to the boards. We strongly recommend that these questions be submitted in writing so that the issue would appear as an agenda item for the next meeting and circulated to all board members. We also suggest that our people who are attending this meeting and asking these questions be accompanied by an attorney, and that this attorney's presence be made obvious. This tactic dramatically increases the pressure on the school board - especially if this attorney is the one asking all the questions.

Clearly, the following is a significant number of questions but we believe that such a large volume works to our advantage. These questions can be divided among several people making it far more difficult for the board to "blow-off" the issue. We will also be encouraging operatives to be tenacious and unrelenting in their quest for written answers to these questions. As taxpayers they have a legal right to demand answers, and until they get them they need to be showing up at-and dominating-every board meeting and flooding every superintendent's office with written demands. These school districts have to be shown in no uncertain terms that our people and this issue are not going away. We may not be able to force them into always giving us the answers we want, but we can force them to stake out a position and then live with it. That alone gives us a distinct advantage over our opponents.

Questions to be presented to School Board Meetings regarding Legal Liability for Negligent Referral

1) Are any administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District allowed to refer students for abortions, birth control, pregnancy tests, or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases? (For the remainder of this document, this group of referrals will simply be called "referrals")

2) What written directives and/or guidelines are issued to our School District administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants regarding the district's referral policy?

3) If referrals are not allowed, please provide a copy of that policy as well as a response to the following questions:

¥ What written directives are given to administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District who have contact with or access to students regarding the district's policy prohibiting referrals?

¥ Are administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District who have contact with or access to students required to "sign-off" that they have been made aware of the district's policy prohibiting referrals?

¥ What actions are taken by our School District to implement and enforce the district's policy prohibiting referrals?

¥ Are administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District who have contact with or access to students reminded about the district's policy prohibiting referrals during staff meetings or "in-service" training?

4) If it is school policy to allow referrals, please furnish the minutes of the board meeting at which the decision to do so was reached. Also include the date, place and minutes of the meeting, as well as the names of the board members present and absent plus the recorded vote.

5) If it is school policy to allow referrals, please provide a copy of that policy as well as a response to the following questions:

¥ Which administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District are allowed to give referrals?

¥ Are our School District administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants who are approved to provide these referrals required to have special training which makes them qualified to do so? If they are not, what criteria does our School District use to determine that they are qualified to give referrals?

¥ Which department or individual in our School District is responsible for identifying the outside organizations to which students may be referred?

¥ Before approving an organization for referrals, what kind of background investigation does our School District conduct regarding this organization's malpractice history and their record of compliance with applicable health and safety standards and other state laws?

¥ Which department or individual in our School District is responsible for conducting and analyzing this background investigation?

¥ Following this background investigation, what criteria does our School District use to determine whether an organization is approved to receive referrals, and which department or individual in the district is responsible for making the final decision?

¥ Does our School District verify that every facility approved for referrals has the financial ability (cash, bonds, attachable assets, medical malpractice insurance, etc.) to protect students who may be injured, killed, or otherwise harmed while under the care of the facility, or as a result of services rendered at the facility?

¥ Has our School District sought a written legal opinion regarding its financial exposure should a student be injured, killed, or otherwise harmed while under the care of a facility, or as a result of services rendered at a facility for which the school was the referring agent? If the district has not obtained such a legal opinion, why not? If it has, what were its findings?

¥ If it is the opinion of legal counsel that our School District may be exposed to increased liability because of its referrals, is medical malpractice, negligent entrustment, and/or negligent referral within the scope of the district's liability insurance policy? If so, are the policy limits sufficient to cover the potential exposure?

¥ If it is the opinion of legal counsel that our School District does not assume greater legal exposure because of its referrals, has the law firm supplied a letter indemnifying the district against any claims which might be levied against the district in case their legal opinion is wrong? If so, please provide a copy.

¥ If our School District's legal counsel has provided this letter of indemnification, has the district verified that the law firm has the financial ability (cash, bonds, attachable assets, legal malpractice insurance, etc.) to satisfy such indemnification?

¥ If it is the opinion of legal counsel that our School District does not assume greater legal exposure because of its referrals, but the law firm will not provide indemnification against this opinion being wrong, is the district seeking other legal representation? If not, what is the district doing to protect itself?

¥ What are our School District's written guidelines for either involving or excluding the parents of a student who seeks a referral?

¥ If the parent of a student calls for her while she is absent for a referral, what are our School District's written directives regarding what this parent is to be told?

6) Does our School District ever provide students with transportation to a facility to which a referral was given? If so, please furnish the minutes of the board meeting at which the approval for this was given, including the date, place and minutes of the meeting, as well as the names of the board members present and absent plus the recorded vote. Also, please respond to the following:

¥ How is this transportation accomplished? (school-owned vehicle, taxi, private vehicle owned by any administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants private vehicle, etc.)

¥ Has our School District's liability insurance policy been reviewed to determine whether it would cover claims arising from accidents which might occur during these trips?

7) Are our School District's funds or funds under its care, custody or control, ever used to pay for abortions, birth control devices (pills, condoms, post-coital emergency contraception, etc.) pregnancy tests, or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases? If so, please furnish the minutes of the board meeting at which the approval for this was given, including the date, place and minutes of the meeting, as well as the names of the board members present and absent plus the recorded vote.

8) Has any representative of Planned Parenthood (or any other family planning organization) ever been allowed to give a presentation to (or provide information to) students within our School District regarding sex education, birth control, or abortion? If so, has the district's legal counsel been asked to look at the district's potential liability for doing so? For example, if an underage student subsequently visits one of these facilities seeking a pregnancy test, an abortion, birth control, or treatment for a sexually transmitted disease, what is our School District's legal exposure should the facility not make the state mandated report regarding evidence of child sexual abuse? Has the district's legal counsel issued an opinion as to whether this exposes the district to possible litigation, including but not limited to negligent referral or negligent entrustment? Additionally, please respond to the following:

¥ If it is the opinion of legal counsel that our School District does not assume greater legal exposure because of its association with Planned Parenthood (or any other family planning organization), has the law firm supplied a letter indemnifying the district against any claims which might be levied against the district in case their legal opinion is wrong? If so, please provide a copy.

¥ If our School District's legal counsel has provided this letter of indemnification, has the district verified that the law firm has the financial ability (cash, bonds, attachable assets, legal malpractice insurance, etc.) to satisfy such indemnification?

¥ If it is the opinion of legal counsel that our School District does not assume greater legal exposure because of its association with Planned Parenthood (or any other family planning organization), but the law firm will not provide indemnification against this opinion being wrong, is the district seeking other legal representation? If not, what is the district doing to protect itself?

9) Are any school district administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants allowed to dispense birth control devices (pills, condoms, post-coital emergency contraception, etc.) to students? If so, please furnish the minutes of the board meeting at which the decision to allow this was reached. Also include the date, place and minutes of the meeting, as well as the names of the board members present and absent plus the recorded vote. Additionally, please respond to the following:

¥ Which School District administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants are allowed to dispense birth control?

¥ Are School District administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants who are approved to provide birth control required to have special training which makes them qualified to do so? If they are not, what criteria does the district use to determine that these people are qualified to dispense birth control to minors?

¥ What is our School District doing to insure that the administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants who are approved to dispense birth control adhere to state laws requiring the reporting of sexual activity by underage children? What written directives are given to these administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants regarding such circumstances?

¥ If our School District's legal counsel advises that the district is not subject to state laws requiring the reporting of sexual activity by underage children, has the law firm supplied a letter indemnifying the district against any claims which might be levied against the district in case their legal opinion is wrong? If so, please provide a copy.

¥ If our School District's legal counsel has provided the letter of indemnification mentioned above, has the district verified that the law firm has the financial ability (cash, bonds, attachable assets, legal malpractice insurance, etc.) to satisfy such indemnification?

¥ If our School District's legal counsel has advised that the district is not subject to state laws requiring the reporting of sexual activity by underage children but will not provide indemnification against this opinion being wrong, is the district seeking other legal representation? If not, what is the district doing to protect itself?

¥ If an underage student seeks birth control, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, or an abortion referral, what are the district's written guidelines for either involving or excluding the parents of that student?

10) Regarding state laws which mandate the reporting of sexual activity by underage children, please respond to the following questions:

¥ What written directives are given to administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District who have contact with or access to students regarding the state's mandated reporting requirements?

¥ Are administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District who have contact with or access to students required to "sign-off" that they have been made aware of the state's mandated reporting requirements?

¥ Are administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants of our School District who have contact with or access to students reminded about the state's mandated reporting requirements during staff meetings or "in-service" training?

¥ What is our School District doing to insure that the administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants who have contact with or access to students adhere to the state's mandated reporting requirements?

¥ If our School District's legal counsel advises that the district is not subject to state laws requiring the reporting of sexual activity by underage children, has the law firm supplied a letter indemnifying the district against any claims which might be levied against the district in case their legal opinion is wrong? If so, please provide a copy.

¥ If our School District's legal counsel has provided the letter of indemnification mentioned above, has the district verified that the law firm has the financial ability (cash, bonds, attachable assets, legal malpractice insurance, etc.) to satisfy such indemnification?

¥ If our School District's legal counsel has advised that the district is not subject to state laws requiring the reporting of sexual activity by underage children but will not provide indemnification against this opinion being wrong, is our School District seeking other legal representation? If not, what is the district doing to protect itself?

11) Has the school district investigated whether any district administrative personnel, board members, employees, agents, or servants are also associated with Planned Parenthood or any other family planning organization? If a potential-conflict-of-interest inquiry of this sort has been made, please provide a copy of the final written report. If such an inquiry has not been made, please answer whether one is either underway or planned?

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Free Republic; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: abortion; abortionlist; childmolestation; childprotection; contraceptives; plannedparenthood; prolife; publicschools; statutoryrape; titlex
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Life Dynamics, Inc
Priests for Life

A FReeper mentioned a military maxim on another thread recently: Amateurs study tactics; professionals study logistics. Shut off Planned Parenthood and Comrades' access to our kids and our money. Forget the pro-life license plate non-issues and other diversionary crap. This has teeth.
1 posted on 08/25/2002 9:42:15 PM PDT by toenail
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To: Saundra Duffy
Are you aware of this?
2 posted on 08/25/2002 10:03:33 PM PDT by toenail
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To: RightOnline
3 posted on 08/25/2002 11:42:54 PM PDT by j271
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To: ninenot; jwalsh07; yendu bwam; twyn1
Bump to a few more who might be interested.
4 posted on 08/25/2002 11:43:58 PM PDT by j271
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To: toenail
Thanks BUNCHES for posting this ... am busy forwarding..forwarding..forwarding.
5 posted on 08/26/2002 3:00:25 AM PDT by gramcam
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To: toenail
A FReeper mentioned a military maxim on another thread recently: Amateurs study tactics; professionals study logistics.

Must have been a supply officer. Attacking the supply infrastructure of the enemy is a tactic. Defending your own supply chain is a tactic. Having said that, I agree with everything else you mentioned.

6 posted on 08/26/2002 3:25:17 AM PDT by Movemout
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To: toenail
"...Amateurs study tactics; professionals study logistics..."

I've never heard it put that succinctly before. There's real wisdom in that maxim.

7 posted on 08/26/2002 4:33:21 AM PDT by DWSUWF
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To: toenail
This can also work with schools that promote homosexual lifestyles. A letter can be sent to them notifying them of their liability regarding the risks that homosexuals encounter.
8 posted on 08/26/2002 5:10:54 AM PDT by ladylib
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To: j271
Good stuff, thanks.
9 posted on 08/26/2002 6:33:56 AM PDT by jwalsh07
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To: Movemout
Redleg Duke
10 posted on 08/26/2002 6:55:50 AM PDT by toenail
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To: toenail; Redleg Duke
I've got nothing against Redleg Duke. In fact, the term, Redleg, implies that he is combat arms, Artillery in fact. Maxims are crutches that people clutch closely. I was in the Armor Corps. One of my personal heroes is George Patton. He understood the value of slicing through the front lines with armor and creating havoc in the rear suuply lines. Rommel ran out of petrol in Africa before he could engage General Patton in the way would have wanted. Logistics are important, but not more important than the SOBs who are fighting and dying on the pointy end of the spear.
11 posted on 08/26/2002 7:08:12 AM PDT by Movemout
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To: toenail
Planned Parenthood is an atrocity on the nation's moral consciousness. It has NO place in our schools - as a great many parents do not share its values (if you can call them that). Anything that pushes PP out of the faces of our children is of great value.
12 posted on 08/26/2002 9:03:25 AM PDT by yendu bwam
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To: Movemout
You have missed the point.

In order for tactics to be successful, there must be sufficient logistics to support the effort. Too many military leaders failed not because of poor tactics, but because their logistics capabilities could not support them.

Maxums are not necessarily crutches, but lessons learned that usually were bought and paid for with blood. As officers, we are always number three in the priority behind the mission and our men.

Oh, by the way, the distinguished military leader who stated that "an Army travels on its stomach" also failed to follow his maxum and was defeated by logistics in Mother Russia...Napoleon Bonapart!

13 posted on 08/26/2002 9:51:54 AM PDT by Redleg Duke
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To: Movemout
You were Armor, eh? I was in the Armored Cav for a short while...until they found out my parents were married to each other! ;-)
14 posted on 08/26/2002 9:54:00 AM PDT by Redleg Duke
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To: toenail; narses
Yeah ... this is it! I was listening to someone on EWTN detail their progress to date. Probably someone from Priests for Life, I guess.
15 posted on 08/26/2002 12:35:21 PM PDT by Askel5
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To: toenail
Bump for later read. Good stuff. Thanks.
16 posted on 08/26/2002 10:16:11 PM PDT by RightField
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To: Redleg Duke
I could say that you have missed the point as well, but I won't. I have already acknowledged the importance of logistics.

Sorry to hear that your parents were married. We had such a good time in the Armor Corps. Heavy armor seems to be going the way of the carrier pigeon. I don't know where they are going to put all the rowdies.
17 posted on 08/27/2002 2:17:54 AM PDT by Movemout
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To: toenail; agrace; Alberta's Child; Antoninus; Atticus; BeforeISleep; Betteboop; bioprof; ...
18 posted on 08/27/2002 7:30:48 AM PDT by Coleus
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To: Coleus
Thanks for the bump!
19 posted on 08/27/2002 7:32:42 AM PDT by Black Agnes
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To: toenail
bookmarked! This is exciting!
20 posted on 08/27/2002 8:28:00 PM PDT by Salvation
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