Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 20:43:28 EST
Subject: Local Police Officers Perspective

I have been listening to your show the last couple of days with interest to
the incident involving the FBI's shooting of Joseph Schultz. As a police
officer I hate to Monday morning quarterback, but in this case I see many
things that trouble me. First why didn't the FBI contact Anne Arundel County
Police to make the actual traffic stop in marked cars and uniform officers?
The suspect vehicle was not running or evading them thus they probably had
time to do this.
Second, when the stop was made, why wasn't a "Felony Stop" conducted? This
is a police tactic where the occupants of the car are ordered out one at a
time while officers stay behind the cover of their cars. This gives the
officers plenty of time to evaluate any threats and puts the suspects in a
severe disadvantage if they decide to resist the police. If it turns out the
persons detained were the wrong suspects, only thing hurt is a little pride.
This technique is used because it keeps citizens and police safe. What if the
persons in the car were the actual suspects? The agents put themselves too
close to them. If the suspects had a death wish they may have had good shots
at the agents since they had no cover and were so close, leaving us with dead
agents and suspects. I think the real concern is not that the FBI had the
wrong suspects, that happens to the best, but the tactics used to confront
One last question, if this incident involved a local officer, don't you
think the name of the officer would have been released and "Live, Local,
Latebreaking Jane" would have been at his and neighbors doorsteps asking "How
do you feel?" One thing I do agree with is keeping the agents name a secret,
at least for a few days, till he can prepare his family for the onslaught.
It would be nice if local law enforcement heads had the same courtesy for
their own officer involved shootings.
Please do not use my name or email address on the air.