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To: BroJoeK; bwest; aligncare; freedumb2003; mdmathis6; Riley
>>Joey said: "We need to start here with an Ode to Danny Kalamata, who just can't function without belittling, insulting & mocking: "Oh, Danny boy, the truth, the facts are calling you,



>>Kalamata: "You lie and fabricate so much, Alinsky Joe, it is difficult to tell when you are telling the truth."
>>Joey said: "That is your use of Denier Rules #5, #6 & #7.



>>Kalamata: "You even promote seal and walrus noses and nostrils as transitional blow holes, without a shred of evidence. LOL! We really get a kick out statements like that, Joey."
>>Joey said: "Oh? "We"?? Referring to Kalamata and who else?

Don't get all paranoid on us, Joey: I am referring to just the wife and me. We really did get a good belly-laugh from your "promotion". LOL!


>>Joey said: "Now you're hung up on blow-holes, why?

Huh? I am not "hung up" on blowholes, Joey. You are.


>>Joey said: "Semi-aquatic and aquatic mammals don't need blow holes to breath while in water, so ancient pre-whales wouldn't need them.

There is no such thing as a "pre-whale," Joey, except in the vivid imaginations of religious zealots.


>>Joey said: "When exactly nostrils like those of seals & walruses became more like a whale's blow hole is a matter for future fossil discoveries to reveal. In the mean time, opinions can validly differ.

There you go again, Joey! The absence of evidence is NOT evidence; nor will it ever be evidence!


>>Kalamata: "It is always fun to debate scientific illiterates who pretend to be scientists; but you are exceptionally funny. It is at times difficult to follow your childish antics, but still fun."
>>Joey said: "Oh, Danny boy, the truth, the facts are calling you...



>>Kalamata: "By the way, what is/was your profession? Political Science?"
>>Joey said: "Professional truth detector swimming in a sea of predatory liars.

Just as I suspected: a professional con-man.


>>Kalamata on Shermer's Holocaust book: "Really? Did you even read the book? I will supply a few excerpts. This is one of Shermer's rants against anyone who requires scientific evidence to believe his naturalistic (atheistic) world view:"
>>Joey said: "Thanks for the quotes, it's been nearly 20 years since I read & used Shermer's book against Holocaust deniers, had forgotten his words on other deniers. We can notice first that in Shermer's index at the book's end, no words are referenced such as "evolution", "creationism" or "intelligent design". Such words are not the subjects of Shermer's book.

Shermer snuck those words in, like a true professional con-man. I believe that is called, "sleight of hand", which could be the title of his book; but pretending it to be a book on holocaust deniers makes it a best seller.


>>Joey said: "We should also notice that here, as elsewhere, Kalamata has quoted correctly, even words that don't really support his own claims. I'm impressed by that, if nothing else.

I am impressed by your ability to manipulate the truth, Joey. I hear CNN is hiring.


>>Kalamata quoting Shermer, year 2000: "For creationists to disprove evolution they would need to unravel all these independent lines of evidence and find a rival theory that can explain them better than evolution. They cannot, without invoking miracles, which are not a part of science . . . "
>>Joey said: "Shermer is correct, though the idea of "intelligent design" was intended specifically to eliminate the "miracle" and leave the "intelligence" unnamed.

Shermer pretends his book is about holocaust denial; but in reality it is just another Far-Left hit-piece on conservatives, as well as on those who reject the false religion of evolutionism, who are perhaps conservative, as well.


>>Joey said: "Their problem is that everyone on both sides understands the word "intelligent" is intended only to mask God, and many consider that less than honest kerygma.

The intent of your religion, evolutionism, is to DENY God, Joey. Was your statement just another misdirection?

For the rest of you, the Discovery Institute has Senior Fellows from practically every ideology, except for the religion of evolutionism. For example, Jonathan Wells is (or was) a Moony, of all things! David Berlinsky is a Jew and agnostic. You should seriously consider reading his book, "The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions," if you have not done so. He discusses some of the key themes of his book, here:

The Devil's Delusion.


>>Kalamata: "The next statement is very clever. Shermer first introduces a few quacks into the discussion, and then conflates them with evidence-seekers..."
>>Joey said: "In fact, Shermer clearly identifies just who he's talking about, in this particular case "old earth creationists".

Joey quote-mined my comment, as usual. My full comment is as follows:

[Kalamata] "The next statement is very clever. Shermer first introduces a few quacks into the discussion, and then conflates them with evidence-seekers who reject the circular arguments of modern Bible-hating "archeologists" – those who use the pretense that the Egyptian Shoshenq WAS the biblical Shishak in order to fabricate dates for historical events in the Ancient Middle East (ANE) that will never, ever match biblical chronology. Slick, huh?"

Joey also forgot to mention that Shermer discusses evolution several times, in a book he pretends to be about holocaust deniers.


>>Kalamata quoting Shermer: "Rather than have dinosaurs living alongside humans ten thousand years ago as 'young-earth' Christian creationists do, these 'Krishna creationists' (as some call them) have humans living alongside dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago. These are very 'old-earth' creationists indeed!"
>>Joey said: "Now, why is this denial instead of revision?... "

Joey again resorted to quote-mining to distort the context of my statement. He is shameless. Joey also forgot to mention that Shermer's book is supposed to be about holocaust deniers.


>>Kalamata: "And how about the implications of this reference?" "Quoted in T. McIver, “The Protocols of Creationism: Racism, Anti-Semitism and White Supremacy in Christian Fundamentalism,” Skeptic 2, no. 4 (1994): 76-87."
>>Joey said: "Personally, I don't even like that word "fundamentalism" because I don't think it correctly describes conservative traditionalist Christians whose main focus is simply to preserve the "Faith of our Fathers! living still . . . I disagree with those who'd conflate such traditionalists with racism, anti-Semitism and white supremacy.

That was one of Michael Shermer's references in the book you continue to praise.


>>Kalamata: "What does that have to do with the holocaust? NOTHING! But Shermer intentionally associates those who reject the pseudo-science of evolutionism with holocaust deniers, LIKE YOU HAVE DONE!"
>>Joey said: "Your Shermer quotes here come from his final Chapter 9, "The Rape of History", pages 231 to 256. In it Shermer discusses many kinds of denial and offers up his own set of rules for detecting denial (pages 248-250):

Shermer is also a denier, Joey. He denies the existence of God. Does that make him a holocaust denier?

What is your opinion of the professor who called for the death penalty for "Climate Change Deniers?"

Crazy leftists are not likely to forget that "call to arms." It is indeed a dangerous game against conservatives that Shermer, Prothero, and you are playing, Joey.


>>Joey is listing the God Denier, Michael Shermer's "Rules for Denial Detection"

If Rule #1 is not "Look in the Mirror", then Shermer's rules are even more evidence that he suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


>>Joey lists the rules, and then says, "I think Shermer's rules can apply to all sorts of denial, not just the Holocaust."

I agree. It can apply to God Denial, Special Creation Denial, Intelligent Design Denial, Man Created in God's Image Denial, Global Flood Denial, Jesus Denial, Resurrection Denial, Devolution Denial, Genetic Entropy Denial, Neo-Nazi's Are Left-Wing Denial, and The Climate is Normal Denial, to name a few.


>>Kalamata: "The bottom line is, Shermer is shamelessly using the memory of the holocaust to promote his leftist agenda and his religion of evolutionism/atheism. No objective person can read that book and conclude otherwise. But, then again, you are not objective, Alinsky Joe, so you naturally admire it, and him!"
>>Joey said: "For several months nearly 20 years ago I debated Holocaust deniers in a format similar to this one. The worst of them were extremely vulgar, but setting that aside, their debate tactics were identical to those used by Kalamata, including reliance on personal attacks, insults, belittling & mockery. And their basic strategy was the same, in effect:

I know you are lying about your past, Joey; but ironically you inadvertently claimed that YOU use the same debate tactics as holocaust deniers (e.g., personal attacks, insults, belittling & mockery.)


>>Joey said: "I don't see no stinkin' evidence", even in a Holocaust museum, or, in Kalamata's case, in a Natural History museum."

I never said that, Joey? Are you delusional? This was my statement in #352:

[Kalamata] "The evidence in the Holocaust museum is believable, Joey. The evidence that Charlie Darwin’s philosophy — the origin of your worldview — was the primary driver of Hitler’s worldview, which led to the Holocaust, is why are so defensive and feel compelled to slander and marginalize Jews who reject Darwin and try to expose his treacherous doctrine."

Joey cannot let go of his "holocaust denier" misassociation, because slanderous implications is all he has in defense of his evolution-is-god worldview!


>>Joey said: "History books on the Holocaust "prove" nothing, just as science books on evolution "prove" nothing.

You must be delusional, Joey. Do you really believe the Holocaust proves nothing?


>>Joey said: "Holocaust eye witnesses were all liars, just as scientists all lie about evolution.

You are delusional, Joey. Perhaps this will help you get your head straight. Holocaust eye witnesses are eye witnesses to the holocaust. Scientists do not lie about evolution. Ideologues disguised as scientists, such as Ernst Haeckel and Eugenie Scott, lie about evolution.


>>Joey said: "Holocaust forensic evidence is faked or "proves nothing" just as fossil & DNA evidence is faked or 'proves nothing'"

Do you really believe the Holocaust forensic evidence is faked, Joey?


>>Joey said: "The Holocaust is a politically motivated fantasy, just as is evolution theory."

Do you really believe the Holocaust is a politically motivated fantasy, Joey?

Joey, the Holocaust actually happened. It is a well-verified historical event.


>>Kalamata: "I almost forgot to mention that I had previously mentioned that Shermer's propaganda also links Neo-Nazis to conservative Christians and Freepers, by falsely claiming Neo-Nazis are "right-wingers". Some links are subtle..."
>>Joey said: "Right, so "subtle" that only someone with extreme sensitivity, like a Kalamata, could detect or be triggered by them.

Apparently Joey agrees with Shermer's misassociation of the Neo-Nazi's with the political right-wing; otherwise he would condemn it. With "friends" like Joey, conservatives do not need enemies.


>>Kalamata quoting Shermer from 1991: "Some Holocaust deniers, particularly those with extreme right-wing leanings..."
>>Joey said: "Here I agree with Kalamata that Holocaust deniers, fascists, Nazis & Communists are all left-wing, not right wing as we understand that term in the United States. For us and to the degree that "right wing" means conservative, in the USA conservative means constitutionally limited government and the Bible, not necessarily in that order.

That was a quick turn-around, Joey? Do you have a short-term memory problem?

My quote was from Shermer's 2009 book on, "How to use the Holocaust to smear your ideological opponents," deceptively titled, "Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It."


>>Joey said: "In Shermer's defense, most people in both Europe and America have long been taught that "right wing" means fascists, Nazis and extreme American "conservatives", i.e., the KKK.

You are defending Shermer's slander of conservatives by misassociation?

I am trying to make sense of this. I guess that since Shermer taught Joey how to slander by misassociation and innuendo, Joey must feel he owes him something.


>>Joey said: "For example, discussing the KKK, white nationalism and anti-immigration: "All three movements have called for the "purification" of American society and all are considered right-wing extremist organizations.[11][12][13][14]. That's unfortunate and even more unfortunately way too commonly linked to left wing extremists like fascists and National Socialists."

Ignorance is no excuse, Joey, nor is your reliance on the Far-Left-controlled Wikipedia.


>>Kalamata: "Other examples of Shermer conflating holocaust deniers and fascists with the conservative right-wing are more in-your-face:"
>>Kalamata quoting Shermer from 1991: "...neo-Nazi skinheads and had formed a right-wing organization known as the National Socialist Front."
>>Joey said: "I agree that if the terms "left wing" and "right wing" have any real meaning in our American sense, then "National Socialists" are just as left wing as International Socialists, "Democratic" Socialists, fascists & Nazis. American conservatives are the opposite of any of those things.

You are all over the place, Joey. Also, Shermer's book was the 2009 revised edition.


>>Kalamata: "So, if you hear those wackos on the left screaming "Nazi!" at conservatives and/or Trump supporters, you can "thank" far-left propagandists, like your hero, Michael Shermer."
>>Joey said: "I doubt if there's anyone outside the confines of Free Republic fans who can be counted on to routinely recognize the extreme difference between European "right wingers" and American conservatives. Everyone else will simply point to the KKK and note they are said to be nationalists, racists, bigots and violent, so they are "right wing".

Again, you can "thank" far-left propagandists, like your hero, Michael Shermer.


>>Kalamata on Shermer: "He was disgustingly wrong in using the holocaust as a front to promote his atheist, far-left agenda, as are you. "
>>Joey said: "As I suspected, Kalamata simply cannot answer the Holocaust question directly & honestly, and I think I know the reason.

That is malicious sophistry, Joey.


>>Kalamata: "The Darwinist roots of the Holocaust are well documented, Alinsky Joe, a small part of which I referenced in previous posts."
>>Joey said: "Oh, Danny boy, the truth, the facts are calling you. Hitler did not need Darwin to murder Jews. By his own words Hitler first learned anti-Semitism in the anti-Semitic Christian Workers Party. Darwin had the same relationship to the Holocaust as the terrorists' breakfast to 9/11/2001.

You are rewriting history, again, Child.

For the rest of you who have not been brainwashed by that sophist, check out "Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview," by Jerry Bergman (Jerry authored the linked article of this thread.) You might also check out just about anything written by historian Richard Weikart. In one of his books on Hitler, you will find this synopsis of Hitler's religion:

"When Hitler explained how he hoped to harmonize human society with the scientific laws of nature, he emphasized principles derived from Darwinian theory, especially the racist forms of Darwinism prominent among Darwin's German disciples. These laws included human biological inequality (especially racial inequality), the human struggle for existence, and natural selection. In the Darwinian struggle for existence, multitudes perish, and only a few of the fittest individuals survive and reproduce. If this is nature's way, Hitler thought, then he should emulate nature by destroying those destined for death. Thus, in his twisted vision of religion, Hitler believed he was serving his God by annihilating the allegedly inferior humans and promoting the welfare and prolific reproduction of the supposedly superior Aryans." [Richard Weikart, "Hitler’s Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich." Regnery History, 2016]

All of Professor Weikart's books are well-researched.

Mr. Kalamata

397 posted on 09/12/2019 9:52:31 PM PDT by Kalamata (BIBLE RESEARCH TOOLS:
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To: Kalamata
Danny Denier post #397: "Child"

Danny Denier: "Child"

Danny Denier: "Child"

Danny Denier: "You are rewriting history, again, Child."

Just Danny obeying Denier Rules #1, #7 & #12.

Danny Denier: "Don't get all paranoid on us, Joey: I am referring to just the wife and me.
We really did get a good belly-laugh from your "promotion". LOL!"

So is your wife the suspected "research assistant" who sneaks in your occasional counter-argument quote?
If so, please thank her for me.

Danny Denier: "Huh?
I am not "hung up" on blowholes, Joey.
You are."

Nonsense, because you first introduced the whole blow-hole complaint and have harped incessantly on it, even though the issue is meaningless.
Reasonable scholars can reasonably disagree as to whether any specific fossil had a blow hole or not, it makes no difference to the overall evolution picture.

Danny Denier: "There is no such thing as a "pre-whale," Joey, except in the vivid imaginations of religious zealots."

B A L O G N A!
Physical evidence, aka facts, include fossils of whale-like creatures living many millions of years before modern whales.

Danny Denier: "There you go again, Joey!
The absence of evidence is NOT evidence; nor will it ever be evidence!"

But evidence is evidence and you have ad nauseum obsessed on blow holes in order to ignore literal mountains of evidence -- fossils -- of whale-like creatures which lived many millions of years ago.

Danny Denier: "Just as I suspected: a professional con-man."

Denier Rule #5, that would be you.
You asked what my career was, for many years I got paid to separate facts from fiction and chose the facts which worked best.

Danny Denier: "Shermer snuck those words in, like a true professional con-man.
I believe that is called, "sleight of hand", which could be the title of his book; but pretending it to be a book on holocaust deniers makes it a best seller."

Nothing "slight of hand" about it, "Denying" is the first word of his book title, which focuses 99% on the Holocaust but includes brief discussions (I had forgotten about) of other forms of denial.
Shermer's 2007 book addresses evolution specifically.

Danny Denier: "I am impressed by your ability to manipulate the truth, Joey.
I hear CNN is hiring."

Denier Rules #5 & #7.

Danny Denier: "Shermer pretends his book is about holocaust denial; but in reality it is just another Far-Left hit-piece on conservatives, as well as on those who reject the false religion of evolutionism, who are perhaps conservative, as well."

Shermer's 2000 book is 99% about the Holocaust.
Shermer's 2007 book, so far as I've read, is 100% about evolution.
Shermer's self-professed politics are Libertarian and Libertarians are normally allies of Republicans and conservatives.
Shermer's religious views are said to be agnostic, he is not anti-Christian.

Danny Denier: "The intent of your religion, evolutionism, is to DENY God, Joey.
Was your statement just another misdirection?"

Your misdirection here is in claiming that evolution is somehow different from all other natural-science.
In fact, by definition, science's methodological naturalism can only consider natural explanations for natural processes.
So by definition (and US law), when you introduce "intelligent design" that is not science.

Danny Denier: "For the rest of you, the Discovery Institute has Senior Fellows from practically every ideology..."

So, you represent Discovery Institute?

Danny Denier: "Joey quote-mined my comment, as usual.
My full comment is as follows:"

"Quote mining", sounds like something Danny Denier does regularly.
In fact, I was only hoping to be brief and focus on the words that mattered.

Danny Denier: "Joey also forgot to mention that Shermer discusses evolution several times, in a book he pretends to be about holocaust deniers."

Once again for Shermer-obsessed Kalamata: Shermer's c.2000 book is 259 pages of text, of which about 99% discuss the Holocaust, a few pages mention other forms of denial.

Danny Denier: "Joey again resorted to quote-mining to distort the context of my statement.
He is shameless.
Joey also forgot to mention that Shermer's book is supposed to be about holocaust deniers."

I quoted the part I disagree with and rather than answer that, Danny boy practices Denier Rule #11.
Shermer's c.2000 book is ~99% about the Holocaust.

Danny Denier: "That was one of Michael Shermer's references in the book you continue to praise."

Shermer's book does a fine job exposing Holocaust deniers, but when I quoted Shermer to Holocaust deniers ~20 years ago, they went as apoplectic over Shermer as Danny boy does here.
There's something in Denier psychology that responds to Shermer the same was as Dracula supposedly responded to a cross.

Danny Denier: "Shermer is also a denier, Joey.
He denies the existence of God.
Does that make him a holocaust denier?"

Shermer's religious views are said to be agnostic.
That would make him a doubter, not a denier.

Danny Denier: "What is your opinion of the professor who called for the death penalty for "Climate Change Deniers?" "

Absurd, not interested, no Denial Tactics are required to defeat Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) warriors' arguments.

Danny Denier: "Crazy leftists are not likely to forget that "call to arms."
It is indeed a dangerous game against conservatives that Shermer, Prothero, and you are playing, Joey."

That's Denier Rule #8 -- guilt by association.

Danny Denier: "If Rule #1 is not "Look in the Mirror", then Shermer's rules are even more evidence that he suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder."

So, does this imply that Danny Denier will start his day by "looking in the mirror" to see & stop all the ridiculous Denier tactics he's been using here?

Danny Denier: "I agree.
It can apply to God Denial, Special Creation Denial, Intelligent Design Denial, Man Created in God's Image Denial, Global Flood Denial, Jesus Denial, Resurrection Denial, Devolution Denial, Genetic Entropy Denial, Neo-Nazi's Are Left-Wing Denial, and The Climate is Normal Denial, to name a few."

I think, Danny boy, you should begin by carefully examining your own egregious denials.

Danny Denier: "I know you are lying about your past, Joey; but ironically you inadvertently claimed that YOU use the same debate tactics as holocaust deniers (e.g., personal attacks, insults, belittling & mockery.)"

In fact, you not only don't know that, you have no reason to even suspect it.
So your statement here proves beyond reasonable doubt that, by nature, Danny Denier is a liar.
In fact, aside from pointing out your errors and responding in kind to your own insults, I've made no personal attacks on you or any other poster.

Danny Denier: "I never said that, Joey?
Are you delusional?
This was my statement in #352:"

Sorry Danny, but the fact is you've frequently and unashamedly proclaimed there is no evidence for evolution in natural history museums.
I have merely pointed out this is precisely the same claim Holocaust deniers make of Holocaust museums.
And I've noticed that the mental processes behind such claims, to all appearances, are exactly the same.
In your devious minds you redefine the terms such that what you see is not your definition of "evolution" or in their cases, "Holocaust".

Danny Denier quoting himself: "The evidence in the Holocaust museum is believable, Joey. "

Sure, in your mind and mine, but not in the minds of Holocaust deniers.
Just as the evidence in natural history museums is also believable in my mind, but not in the minds of Evolution deniers.

Danny Denier: "The evidence that Charlie Darwin’s philosophy — the origin of your worldview — was the primary driver of Hitler’s worldview, which led to the Holocaust, is why are so defensive and feel compelled to slander and marginalize Jews who reject Darwin and try to expose his treacherous doctrine."

Sorry, but that is a lot of nonsense to package in just one sentence... {sigh}

First of all, Hitler never claimed his anti-Semitism originated with Darwin, rather he said it came from political mentors, notably the Christian Social Party.
Second, I've said nothing about Jews so your claims here are pure fantasy -- Denier Rule #12.

Danny Denier: "Joey cannot let go of his "holocaust denier" misassociation, because slanderous implications is all he has in defense of his evolution-is-god worldview!"

I promise, the moment you stop obeying Denier Rules, I'll stop pointing out how similar your arguments are to those of Holocaust deniers.

I also promise, the moment you stop bald-face lying, I'll stop calling you a bald-faced liar.

Danny Denier: "You must be delusional, Joey.
Do you really believe the Holocaust proves nothing?"

And this from the very man who so loudly complained about my perfectly harmless "quote mining"?!
So, Danny boy, take a break, take a rest before you become completely unhinged.
You quoted my words out of context and completely reversed their intended meaning.

Danny Denier: "You are delusional, Joey.
Perhaps this will help you get your head straight.
Holocaust eye witnesses are eye witnesses to the holocaust.
Scientists do not lie about evolution.
Ideologues disguised as scientists, such as Ernst Haeckel and Eugenie Scott, lie about evolution."

Right, just like any Denier, you redefine all the terms such that up is down, left is right, black is white, religion is science and science is religion.
That's Denier Rule #2.

Danny Denier: "Do you really believe the Holocaust forensic evidence is faked, Joey?"

No, but Deniers do, just as Evolution Deniers claim evidence is faked.

Danny Denier after quoting out of context: "Do you really believe the Holocaust is a politically motivated fantasy, Joey?
Joey, the Holocaust actually happened.
It is a well-verified historical event."

No, to serious Holocaust deniers it is all just as faked, fraudulent, lies and propaganda as is Evolution evidence to Evolution deniers.
They used the same Jedi mind tricks ("nothing to see, move along...") as you use on Evolution.

Danny Denier: "Apparently Joey agrees with Shermer's misassociation of the Neo-Nazi's with the political right-wing; otherwise he would condemn it.
With "friends" like Joey, conservatives do not need enemies."

In Europe, "right wing" and "conservatives" can refer to people who wish to conserve the old monarchies, Church authorities, dictatorships including national socialism, and racist laws.
In the US children are taught in school that "right wing" means racists like KKK and old Dixiecrats.
It's a common enough mistake to lump "right wing" KKK racists in with Nazi racists, even though their political systems are quite different.

I think we should patiently correct such mistakes, but I wouldn't go tilting at windmills over it.

Danny Denier: "That was a quick turn-around, Joey?
Do you have a short-term memory problem?"

No, but you obviously do have a problem with reading comprehension, since you've taken some of my words out of context and reversed their intended meaning.

Danny Denier: "My quote was from Shermer's 2009 book on, "How to use the Holocaust to smear your ideological opponents," deceptively titled, "Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It.""

Danny boy, you just got to stop lying.
Shermer's book is copyrighted in 2000, not 2009.
It is nearly 99% about the Holocaust, a few pages on other forms of denial.
But I also remember that nearly 20 years ago Holocaust deniers also went ape-cr*p over Shermer.
It's one thing that suggests to me the connection between you.

Danny Denier: "You are defending Shermer's slander of conservatives by misassociation?
I am trying to make sense of this.
I guess that since Shermer taught Joey how to slander by misassociation and innuendo, Joey must feel he owes him something."

Nonsense, you're not "trying to make sense" of it, instead you are working overtime to distort & misunderstand for purposes of mockery, insult & scorn.
In short, you are an Alinskyite, here to practice that nefarious trade-craft in defense of your own anti-science agenda.

Danny Denier: "Ignorance is no excuse, Joey, nor is your reliance on the Far-Left-controlled Wikipedia."

But ignorance is 100% of your entire argument, Danny "I see nothing" boy.
On Wikipedia, if nothing else it represents "conventional wisdom" and is often the only place to quickly find quotes & references on any specific subject.
The point in this particular case is to show that "left wing" and "right wing" are matters of word definitions about which many people can disagree.

I think it's something we should patiently correct people on, but not go bonkers over.

Danny Denier: "You are all over the place, Joey.
Also, Shermer's book was the 2009 revised edition."

Nonsense, you are just deliberately pretending to be confused.
Also, Shermer's Holocaust book was originally copyrighted in 2000.
The audible version was issued in 2009.

Danny Denier: "Again, you can "thank" far-left propagandists, like your hero, Michael Shermer."

Complete nonsense, Denier Rule #8.

Danny Denier: "That is malicious sophistry, Joey."

Claims our highly recognized Third Order, 33rd Degree Sovereign Grand Master of Malicious Sophistry, Danny Denier boy.

Danny Denier: "You are rewriting history, again, Child."

Says our Sovereign Master History Rewriter.

Danny Denier quoting Weikart 2016: "In the Darwinian struggle for existence, multitudes perish, and only a few of the fittest individuals survive and reproduce.
If this is nature's way, Hitler thought, then he should emulate nature by destroying those destined for death."

That's not "quote mining", Danny, just trying to keep it short!
The fact is, by Hitler's own admissions his anti-Semitic views did not begin with Darwin but with the anti- Semitic Christian Social Party.

488 posted on 10/06/2019 8:27:24 AM PDT by BroJoeK ((a little historical perspective...))
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