Agree. I detest the Obergefell vs Hodges decision, but it’s the law of the land. If Davis won’t comport with the law, she’d do better to resign her office and find a job that doesn’t involve her sanctioning same-sex marriages.
I suspect a lot of the parishioners will get married in this church and won't even bother with a "marriage license" from the state.
There is no such thing as a same sex “marriage”. Marriage is the union of one man and one woman for the purpose of bringing children into the world, whether naturally, or by adopting so that child can have a mother and father, as in MAN AND WOMAN. A man and woman constitutes a marriage, not two men or two women, or a man and cat, or woman and dog, or a man and refrigerator. In addition two of the tyrants that ruled on marriage were not eligible to even vote. They had resided over same-sex “marriages”. They were not impartial judges. That alone renders the boneheaded decision as baseless. Did you ever on God’s green earth think you would live to see the day that this country has swayed so far away from God and common sense that sodomy would be placed on the same level as sex between a married man and woman for the purpose of bringing children into the world. This country has gone mad. Thank one man. The sorry SOB sitting in the White House.
The First Amendment *is* the LAW OF THE LAND. The law that there shall be no religious tests is the law of the land. The constitution of Kentucky is the law of the land. The person who says that homosexual marriage is a right is violating the law of the land.
And far above all that is GOD’s law!
What about all those laws? Which laws supersede?
And where pray tell does the authority to overrule this lady’s conscience come from? From the will of the people? From God? From moral right?
What is law, exactly, anyway? THINK!
Since when does a person of faith have to take the Mark to keep their job?