Posted on 09/12/2009 12:28:52 PM PDT by RobinMasters
The Washington DC Tea Party appears to be a big success, but its not for lack of trying among the movements more lunatic opponents. Yesterday, the DC Metro police evacuated the offices of Freedomworks after several threats, including a bomb-threat phone call that police considered credible enough to investigate:
Tens of thousands of anti-big government activists are expected in Washington on Saturday as part of a March on Washington being organized by FreedomWorks, a conservative group headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas.
A FreedomWorks staffer told ABC News that the organizations offices at 601 Pennsylvania Avenue were evacuated on Friday afternoon by DC Metro Police because of a bomb scare.
DC Metro police has confirmed to ABC News Jason Ryan that the DC Metro police had, indeed, evacuated the organizations offices after being told by the organization that it had received a bomb threat.
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They really have no clue what these protests are about do they?
It’s starting to appear as though the ObamaComs are feeling the heat. LOL!
Is this the MSM making the “news” again?
or was it caused by some of AG Holder’s
“above-all-laws” shock troops?
or was it caused some of the thousand taxpayer-funded ACORN thugs taking time off from Brothel-collecting?
or was it another Chicago union attacker hungry for fingers?
Rumor Control has it that the call was traced to a residence at 1600 Pennsylvania....
Just kiddin', we all know the folks over there (like Mr. Jones) would neeever do stuff like abidin' an all they is...
Clipboards made of C4 ping!
PS This is NOT a threat. I am too old and too law-abiding to go there myself. However, it is clear from the level of true anger (cf the left's manufactured anger) that any violence by leftist nutjobs is sure to meet harsh retaliation. You can bank on it.
I wonder, do bomb threats ever mean anything? If you really wanted to blow stuff up, why would you warn people?
“Breaking : Bomb threat against Tea Party organizers”
A bomb threat against main-stream Americans?
Time for the FBI to pay a visit to those bomb-makers Bill Ayers
and his lovely (/sarc) wife Bernadine Dohrn.
“They really have no clue what these protests are about do they?”
While not accurate, “anti-government” is close enough to anti-Big Government not to offend. They aren’t anarchists, but I’d rather be known as an anarchist than anti-Democrat, anti-Obama, or a “radical” right-wing racist militia member.
I am not sure. I am feeling pretty "government hostile" these days. It is not Obama, I am sick at heart at the embedded corruption going on.
I am beyond "Re-elect nobody" and have advanced to "Fire EVERYBODY".
If you really wanted to blow stuff up, why would you warn people?
Because if you blow things up you can be "guilty as sin, free as a bird" but you blow up people your butt is going to jail.
appears to be a big success, but its not for lack of trying among the movements more lunatic opponents. Yesterday, the DC Metro police evacuated the offices of Freedomworks after several threats, including a bomb-threat phone call that police considered credible enough to investigate:
Ive heard that old and devious can take down young and stupid any day of the week.
Re ACORN FIELD OFFICE — Conservatives have the best sense of humor.
They really have no clue what these protests are about do they?
Yes the state run media knows what the Tea Parties and the DC Tea Party is about, exactly. One vital aspect to the war is propaganda. They are bent to make sure the sheeple not know the truth.
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