Posted on 07/18/2006 12:46:21 AM PDT by rebel_yell2
BEIRUT Thousands of Americans whose vacations and business trips to Lebanon have degenerated with sickening speed into stints in a battle zone remained stranded here under Israeli bombardment Monday, their frustration and anger mounting because the U.S. government hasn't gotten them out faster.
Waiting around Beirut with bags packed and fingers crossed, U.S. citizens derided the embassy for busy phone lines, a lack of information and gnawing uncertainty over when and whether they will get out. Hundreds were expected to be shipped to Cyprus today, but how long the full evacuation will take remains uncertain.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
until they took your country over.. :)
"Here it comes-Katrina Part II.."
I was thinking that too. You'd think in these times we're living going into hostile territories, tourists would check first on escape routes/evacuation plans.
At least rebel has FR.
If they are so damn dumb that the only college that will allow them in is in bombed out Beirut maybe they ought to go to trade school. And if there are tourists and business people that travel without paying attention to State Department warnings, let them figure their own way out. Anyone with half a brain knew that a war was goign to break out shortly. And now Pelosi is complaining over the fact that those rescued are liable for the cost of their rescue
I heard one "American" student trapped in Lebannon, complete with Lebaneese accent complaining constantly about the Israelis, blah, blah. If she was sympbolic of the intelligence of the Americans trapped at the University, let Hizballoh take them. They will drive them nuts within a few weeks. Some of these students make the mullahs look sane.
What brain surgeon forced you to go to Lebannon? If I were you I certainly wouldnt be pointing fingers. Dont you know any of the history of the armpit of a country?
You would also think that the US Media morons would pull for our side for once, and stop looking for a bash Bush angle. I almost punched the monitor when I read a pundits comment that Bush didnt engage the PA's as much as Clinton. GRRRR! The second friggin intifada started on his watch, AFTER he got in bed with that terrorist pedophile AIDS carrier Arafat! Arafat vistited the White House more than any other dignitary (I use that term very loosely). Every friggin that happens in the world the media tries to pin on Bush, its getting very old!
Hang in there rebel_yell2, you and the others have people here in the states praying for your safe return.
YOu're making this up arent you? Who would go to Lebannon under "protection" of the UN. When confronted, the UN has a history of lowering their weapons and letting the bad guys massacre whoever they want.
I myself am very Pro- Israel
I think rebel_yell2 is frustrated , & if I was in his situation , I would be up-set too.
The International Montery Fund workers ( from his job ) Were being evacuated to Syria , which I Think was he was Smart to Not Go There .
I think he just wants to get out of their quickly .
I wasn't too focused on his Israel comments because I feel he is really frustated now .
He also mentions donating money to the Bush Campaign , & Etc...
He is in contact with some VIP people ( if you read his prior posts )
He also stated that he wants the Muslim terror groups to be eradicated !
I would be frustated too if I was him , & I don't expect the gov't to help me in any situation either !
I think he was hoping some Freepers would have some good advice for him , which is what he originally asked for .
I guess all the good beach-front places were taken in Somalia! ;-)
That really is Bush's fault.
What do you expect from someone travelling under the protection of the UN. OXymoron that is!
ZAHN: Professor, we understand that evacuations are slowly getting under way of Americans. Do you and your family have any way out at this hour?
FAWAZ GERGES, EXPERT ON MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE: Well, I don't think we see a way out at this particular moment. I mean, most of us are hunkering down. We're waiting to see when and how the dust would settle on the battlefield.
For example, my family, we registered with the American Embassy today. They told us they -- they will contact us back in four or five days. And then we will see.
Well, the French managed to get their citizens out. How does that affect your position?
syria has promised all hostages, er human shields, visitors will be safe in syria.....and somewhere there is a bridge for sale. staying out of syria was the smart thing to do.
My cousin's wife was one of the American University students studying in Beirut. A call to the office of Sen. Lugar (my cousin is from Indiana) and two days later, she's out. If rebel_yell2 wants out ASAP, maybe he can get his stateside relatives to contact his home state senator, and see what they can do. Worked for my cousin and his wife.....
First, the State Department has done a miserable job of registering and communicating with Americans stranded in Lebanon.
Second, Americans stranded in Lebanon could easily depart on their own were it not for the Israeli blockade.
Third, many other countries have done a far more effective job of getting their (and, in many cases, our) citizens out of Lebanon; for example, France, Italy and Sweden.
I am not worried about my situation; I am pretty safe in my current location.
I am worried about Freepers who turn into cannibals that eat their own if they think Israel is criticized.
I am worried about Freepers who exhibit appalling and often racist ignorance of developing countries.
I am worried about Freepers who are ignorant of the work that NGOs (including USAID) do in these countries to promote democracy and western society.
I am distressed with what I have seen today, not here in Lebanon, as much as what I have seen here in the posts at Free Republic.
At the same time, my heart is lifted by the kindness and thoughfulness of so many others I have corresponded with here at Free Republic.
I'm sure that each of you know who fits into these last two groups.
Goodnight. I hope that my next post comes to you later this week from Chicago.
WASHINGTON - The United States on Tuesday stepped up evacuation plans for Americans stranded in Lebanon, preparing to move as many as 1,000 passengers onto a commercial ship that docked in Beirut.
The Orient Queen, a Lebanese cruise ship under contract with the U.S. military, pulled in Tuesday night, said Vice Adm. Patrick Walsh, the top U.S. naval officer in the Mideast. Walsh said passengers would go aboard and leave Beirut at first light on Wednesday morning. More
And how many are stupid enough to travel under the protection of the UN?
I agree with you 100% Syria hostages er human shields etc..
I wouldn't go to Syria for a million dollars
Why not, they used to run the country. Plus who is going to challenge the French troops. There is no "glory" in attacking an army that traditionally throws down their guns before they can see the enemy.
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