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To: russesjunjee

" Anybody here know anything about the Derzon memo that was leaked during the Carter administration? "

I hadn't heard of the Derzon Memo until you mentioned it. I wasn't surprised to find out it had to do with *Living Wills*. Those jerks and their double/backwards talk, are just full of little surprises.

It seems I've read where Carter created a government study which used the services of the hateful Dr Ron Cranford. He's the Doctor of Death who voted against Terri. The culture of death has been busy as bees over the past many years, figuring out ways to kill off people by using dirty tricks.

Felos and the MSM went out of their way to portray those who were against killing Terri as Extremist Religious Nuts. Felos took every opportunity to fuel the fire by saying the Schindler's got their support from Pro-Life groups, like that was something horrible.

Felos and the Media failed to mention all the Disability Groups who were Against killing Terri. They even used the same BS words as were used to justify abortion - Rights and Privacy. How many times have we heard this was just a family dispute that people like Delay and other politicans, were trying to stick their noses into. I'm so disgusted with the LYING Media and their distortion of words.

Also, I'm sure everyone noticed how the Media pushed the Living Will agenda almost every time Terri was mentioned. An article I read this morning stated - In Britain the *Voluntary Euthanasia Society* is the main distributor of Living Wills/Directives. I wondered how many innocents would die because they ran out and signed a Living Will, after being told by the media that Living Wills would prevent family disputes. Grrrrrrrrr

This campaign to eliminate people has apparently been going on a lot longer than most of us thought. Margaret Sanger would be proud to see that abortion has evolved into euthanasia, just like she planned. We almost need a new dictionary to figure out what old words now mean. Living and Rights sure don't mean what they used too.

50 posted on 06/06/2005 8:13:38 AM PDT by Pepper777 (I support Rep Tom Delay~!!!)
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To: Pepper777
Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life recommends Loving Wills (I haven't gone looking for a Loving Will but it sounds like it's an actual form). The Loving Will prevents you from advertently killing yourself through assisted suicide.

Starving and dehydration is evil. Let there be no mistake about it. Why don't pro death freepers get it?

51 posted on 06/06/2005 8:21:55 AM PDT by floriduh voter ( & The Schindlers "Never again.")
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To: Pepper777

Interesting points.

I have been looking at the laws in Texas and from what I can see (not an easy task to read and interpret all that info), looks good.

Someone needs to post the reasons Living Wills are not so good an idea. I am not clear on that.

And, in Texas, the Living Will asks that you specifically list procedures you do wish continued - such as hydration, nutrition. (Of course this is ridiculous because how does the normal person know what to specify).

And, we need to speak up in our states that we are looking into the laws and intend that laws not be initiated without the legislature and the public being aware of the changes.

54 posted on 06/06/2005 9:06:50 AM PDT by ClancyJ (McCain: "As far as the criticism is concerned, none of us care about public opinion.")
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To: Pepper777
The living will is all about convincing people that they need to die, therefore satisfying the death culture's unnatural lust for death and saving the government and the health care industry tons of money.

It works out great for all the bad guys, but all the patient gets out of it is a permanent dirt nap in a pine box.
67 posted on 06/06/2005 12:53:43 PM PDT by russesjunjee (Shake the fog from your eyes sheople! Our country is swirling down the sewer!)
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To: Pepper777
Very interesting.

But, now without a Living Will in Florida, you are subject to any hearsay evidence from even a neighbor if your relatives live out of state. And, notice how it is the lv can be ignored if they wish.

They also state that advanced directives providing for treatment should not carry the same weight as directives withdrawing care, and advanced directives should not compel the physican to provide them, regardless if the patient needs them (Doty). Doty is part of the Florida Bioethics Network as well as Project Grace. One of the changes in the law in CB/CB/SB 2228 includes the Bioethics Network as part of the process of withdrawing care."

507 posted on 06/17/2005 10:28:58 AM PDT by ClancyJ (McCain: "As far as the criticism is concerned, none of us care about public opinion.")
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To: Pepper777

Have a nice weekend.

784 posted on 06/24/2005 3:10:16 PM PDT by floriduh voter ( & The Schindlers "Never again.")
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