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The Path to Rome and the Ascendency of Pope Peter II? [Catholic Caucus]
Remnant Newspaper ^ | May 22, 2017 | Hilary White

Posted on 05/22/2017 5:48:29 PM PDT by ebb tide

a pope
Is the Pope conversing here with his successor?  (God help us if he is!)

Cardinal Pietro Parolin and the Knights of Malta 

Has Bergoglio reached the end of his usefulness? And if so, what’s next on the agenda? 

While most eyes are still lingering on the repellant business in Fatima, and watching the skies for fire from above, the rumour mill is firing up again. There are people around about who want information to come out, and they like to send it to me and to others we know who are doing similar work. I’ve also been having conversations with various folks who have been sharing what they have heard. Then I suppose it is more or less my job to put the pieces of the puzzle together, with one bit from one person, and another bit from another, and see if it makes a picture. 

(Nota Bene: all to be taken with the subjunctive and qualifiers... we’re still talking about rumours and speculation, don’t forget):

The short version is that at the end of 4 years of Pope Francis Bergoglio, every bit of the power and money of the institutions of the Catholic Church is now in the hands of the completely triumphant post-Conciliar, secularist, globalist, neo-modernist Revolution. And that is why I think that Bergoglio’s reign will not last much longer. His purpose has been accomplished; Maradiaga’s “irreversible renovation” of the Church is done. 

Bergoglio himself has been recorded saying that he thought his pontificate would last about 4 years. And here we are. We know that certain people put him in place for certain reasons. He was to accomplish some very particular tasks and I think he has done so. I think overall, his job was to complete the demolition project of the radical revolutionaries of the Vaticantwoist project; that is, the total reconstruction of the Catholic Church along the lines of their vision. 

He was to be the wrecking ball applied to the institutional structures, the machine to take down the power of the Curia, who most especially broke the power of the Vatican’s old guard power brokers, like Sodano and Bertone, names we never hear now. He was to align the Church with the secularist globalists of the George Soros kind, and put all or nearly all of the control of the money into the hands of the Germans and their bankers. 

He was to wipe out the vestiges of the John Paul II/Benedict appointments in the Curia and in major and strategically important sees around the world (pop quiz: what do the dioceses of Chicago and Tulsa have in common?) appoint the right kind of Nuncios so that the national bishops’ conferences – that had begun to backslide under the last two popes – could be brought back into line. Last of all, he was to ensure the succession by, on the one hand appointing the right kind of man to the College of Cardinals and on the other isolating, terrorizing and demoralizing the remnants of the Ratzingerian “conservatives”. 

Broadly, he was to sever the connection of the Church’s power structures to her doctrines, most especially the doctrines that the secular world finds most objectionable; that is, on sex and marriage. He was to complete the desacralization of the Church as an institution and remove the last obstacles for a functioning union between Catholicism, “liberal” factions in other Christian confessions and other religions and the globalist, transnationalist elites in Brussels and New York.

All of these things he has accomplished, and the time has come for the Revolution to move on to the next phase. Whatever Francis himself had planned next - and I am still hearing talk of a “Big Thing” in the works – probably isn’t on the agenda. (The shape of which is perhaps starting to be revealed. cf:
Marco Tossati's piece today on the appointment of a “commission” to “rexamine” Humanae Vitae. If this is true, and there’s no reason to doubt it, I’m sure the commission’s work will be encouraged to flourish no matter who’s on the throne.)

What I believe is that now that the Wrecking Ball has done his work, we will next have the Surgeon. 

What do I mean? The wrecking ball was needed to take down the last of the old large structures, the big old buildings that were dusty and half-falling down. Organizations like the Curial offices that were holding things up and whose resistance has now been effectively neutralized or taken over: the Pontifical Academy for Life and the JPII Institute; the IOR; Divine Worship and Sacraments; CDF; Cor Unum and Caritas under Cardinal Sarah’s attempted reforms; Congregation for Religious and the re-visioning of contemplative religious life for women; the Roman Rota and the new rules for annulment; the “modernization” and “rationalization” of Social Communications. 

Indeed, I think Francis has succeeded beyond the hopes of the cabal, in having essentially bypassed the Curia altogether, inventing entirely new governing structures from whole cloth, and simply waving his hand and decreeing that from now on national conferences will take care of themselves. Under Francis there has, effectively, been no “Vatican” at all. Only his personal drinking buddies sitting around the table for the five-hour lunches at Casa Santa Martha. The prelates still turn up for work, but no one’s getting any nods from the boss, who, simply, doesn’t care about them or what they do.

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But the problem the Revolutionaries have is that there are still people around like us. The little guys out here in the big and little pockets of resistance. People like Matthew Festing and the Professed Knights of Malta, the Franciscans of the Immaculate, the Norcia monks, the Anglican Ordinariates, the London and Toronto Oratories, the parish of St. John Cantius, the Norbertines in California and the Augustinians in Lagrasse, the FSSP, Bon Pasteur, and the ICK. There are certain bishops of the JPII/Benedict “old guard” all over Europe, the Americas and Asia who have influence and who have and continue to attract many “conservative” young vocations. There’s noisy guys like Cardinal Zen and quiet ones like Bishops Laun, Rey and Jugis. 

There are the “new conservative” religious orders of the JPII era, and the holdouts who refused to go along in the first place, like the Rosano nuns in Tuscany - more or less the only women’s monastery in the country who kept the Latin monastic Divine Office and have 60 nuns and flocks of vocations to show for it. There are some like Heiligenkreuz Abbey, who tried the Vaticantwoist proposal for a while and decided it was better to go in reverse. There are pockets of resistance among the Dominicans. There’s the little start-ups, new communities in formation, the Benedictine houses like Gower, Missouri and Silverstream in Ireland, and those little independents who were founded locally in hope and who want to adopt habits, common life, even the traditional liturgical forms. There are the Benedictines whom everyone knows are counterrevolutionaries: Fontgombault, Le Barroux, Kergonan and Jouques, Clear Creek and St. Cecelia’s in Ryde. And of course, there’s all those Carmelites and Poor Clares praying and praying without cease.

Going down a few levels there are publishing houses, think tanks and university rectors, liberal arts colleges and postgraduate study centres. There are pro-life organizations, scouting groups and adoration societies, Chesterton Societies, young adult groups and Legion of Mary chapters, all that might be termed the “civic society” of the Church, laity acting in accordance with their state in life.  

And then, there’s Summorum Pontificum, that turned out to be a bigger problem than anticipated: sitting there in the bright sun, digging its roots deeper and deeper every day, flourishing and sending out shoots and vines and flowers that are rapidly developing into fruit.

There’s all that to think about. And for that one doesn’t need a wrecking ball. One requires a Surgeon. 

The Revolutionaries were stymied in 2005, and have been in a rage over it since then. It is hardly surprising that in 2013 they ran out of patience – even Kasper, who is second-generation, was getting on. Martini was dead, as was Hume; Danneels and Lehman were coming up to mandatory retirement, and who knew how long they were going to last after that. They had held on all these decades, waiting and planning through the long John Paul II period, and the brief Benedict hiatus – that they worked to make as chaotic as possible – and now have finally been able to put their man in place, the capstone of the Conciliar Pyramid, so to speak. But now that the Revolution is on track again at last, those who knew what he was also knew that there were things that needed to be done that could not be done by Bergoglio.

But even through the Long Pause they accomplished nearly all the preparatory spadework. In five decades, they have taken hold of and strengthened their grip on every other institution in the Church. They created and then controlled the national bishops’ conferences that have done the lion’s share of destroying the old Faith; they have done everything possible to control the selection process of new bishops by careful selection of nuncios. And through these structures have had a firm grip on Catholic education – crucially the seminaries of course – from the start. 

Through the Germans they have for some time had control a good deal of the money – which is why the German bishops were able for so long to thumb their noses at Pope John Paul who wanted them to stop stamping the government's abortion permission slips. And now that they have control of the Vatican's assets (the cash-generator has always been real estate) they've now got most of the rest of it. Of course, the women's religious orders were done-for 30 years ago. 

The only power-brokering going on now in the religious life is divided roughly between the Jesuits, the Legion and Opus Dei. Frankly, in terms of Church politics, no one else counts, except perhaps for some of the politically powerful and wealthy Italian/European “New Movements” like St. Egidio and Communion and Liberation. But that’s pretty much the entire package. 

The Knights of Malta was one area that until the end of last year was still in an ambiguous position with regards to the Revolution, and it was that business unfolding before the eyes of the alternate media that has given much of the game away. The issue in the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta was that though they didn’t have any money themselves, the Professed Knights – most of whom were not nobility – had most of the power according to the constitutions. The money was in the hands of the German/Austrian nobility who weren’t professed and therefore didn’t call the shots. To a guy like Albrescht von Boeselager (the “von” is the key here), the son of an ancient German noble family, this just seemed like an inversion of how things ought to be. 

The peculiarities of the Knights’ constitutions created what for the Revolution was a conundrum... one that has now been resolved. Watch in the next months for the complete rewriting of the constitutions to put the constitutional power into the hands of the wealthy lay German nobility and out of the hands of the Professed religious Knights. I’ve been told that it’s likely we’re headed for the creation of two separate but vaguely historically related institutions, one made up of Professed religious knights who would maintain the pomp and ceremony and the outfits, and perhaps be graciously allowed to participate in a small way in the order's assistance to the poor; and the other a secular NGO run out of Germany or Brussels who have the ear of the Vatican power structures, and charge of the bank accounts. 

And this was mostly the doing of the Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Cardinal Parolin, not Francis. Everything I read and heard about the complicated and confusing business of the Knights of Malta has indicated that Parolin was the one behind it. It was Parolin that Boeselager went to, his friend, for recourse against being removed over the absurd irrelevance of condoms (of all things!). And it was Parolin and his creatures who have been in control of the situation ever since, most particularly the career diplomat, Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, who is now the de facto representative of the pope to the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta. As our friend Mike Hichborn reported, it was also Parolin, personally, who is believed to have been in receipt of a cheque for 30 million Euros from the money manager of Boeselager’s German nobility faction.

As one waggish contact put it: “It was supposed to be that the Knights were about wealthy nobility serving the needs of the poorest of the poor. Now we’ve got the poorest of the poor being put at the service of the wealthy nobility.” 

I believe that the successful manipulation of, and the resulting cash payouts, from the SMOM affair is part of Parolin’s bid for the papacy. And it was certainly a trial balloon, a wildly successful field test of his powers. If this is the case, the next bit of news I have had is of great interest. 

It comes by email from Rome, from among people with connections to the Secretariat of State, i.e.: Cardinal Parolin. 

“Fresh news: they were saying at breakfast that Parolin is expected to be made Archbishop of Milan and Becciu Secretary of State.”

It had already been intimated to me by people with connections there, that the whole business of Parolin’s effective takeover of the SMOM was about gathering support – particularly the support of the German bishops – for his Big Project. He will now begin to pressure Bergoglio to resign so he can be elected pope.

And wouldn’t 30 million Euros go a long way to generating that kind of support! It would hardly be the first time someone had allied himself with the wealthy nobility to buy himself a pontificate. In that sense it’s a very traditional move. 

Now this news about Milan and Becciu fits extremely neatly with this. I was told in a phone conversation the other day that Becciu isn’t Francis’ man, but Parolin’s. Francis doesn’t especially like Becciu – a career diplomat who has spent his whole career in the frescoed halls of political power and never met a poor man in his life. But the pope allowed Becciu – presumably on Parolin’s suggestion – to take over things in the Knights because if he failed it would be easy to distance himself from him. Because his name is unknown, if he succeeded Francis could easily take the credit.

It is certainly becoming more and more clear that the entire thing with the Knights of Malta and the German takeover has been Parolin’s baby from the get go. So Becciu him being elevated to Secretary of State would make a great deal of sense, becaaaauuuuse... (get ready for the punchline…)

Milan is the papabile see. It is a common axiom in Catholic history: if you want to be pope, get made archbishop of Milan.

This is so broadly accepted in Italy that the Italian bishops’ issued a press release congratulating their pick, Cardinal Scola, on his election to the papacy on March 13, 2013. Scola had gone into the Conclave with the support of Angelo Bagnasco, the head of the Italian bishops’ conference, Caffarra the powerful leader of the “conservatives” and archbishop of Bologna, Ruini the former Vicar of Rome and Re the acknowledged kingmaker. It can be safely assumed that if Parolin goes to Milan, it will be with the blessing of the Italians, most of whom are reported to be pretty fed up with Bergoglio by now.

If the above news is true – and if they pull it off – it would mean that Parolin intends to become the kind of pope who keeps the political power close, like a gun under his pillow, in fact. It is to be remembered that Becciu – until recently a nonentity as sostituto of the Secretariat of State – is certainly Parolin’s man, and the reason he was put in charge of the Knights was that he was Parolin’s pick, not the pope’s. If Parolin were pope, he would certainly like to have his own hand-picked and obedient man already in place in Stato. 

For anyone appalled by this, don’t be. This is actually the normal way things are done in the Vatican, and frankly, they’re an improvement over the Bergoglian way of blackmail and surveillance.

So it might be a pretty good idea right now to keep a close eye on Pietro Cardinal Parolin. 

TOPICS: Catholic
KEYWORDS: catholic; cathoplic; francis; francischurch; germans; malta; parolin; pope; popefrancis; vatican

1 posted on 05/22/2017 5:48:29 PM PDT by ebb tide
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To: ebb tide

Excellent post. Staggering...

2 posted on 05/22/2017 6:23:37 PM PDT by heterosupremacist (Domine Iesu Christe, Filius Dei, miserere me peccatorem!)
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To: ebb tide

bumpus ad summum

3 posted on 05/22/2017 8:16:25 PM PDT by Dajjal (Fidel Castro finally became a good Communist.)
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