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Revelation 12: Escape To A Place Prepared ^ | 12/31/16 | Jeff E.

Posted on 01/01/2017 9:34:15 AM PST by amessenger4god

Phil Clandillon (original artwork, Fire Escape Sign with Fire-breathing Dragon, 2008)

We are a blessed generation. Blessed by the One who has already given us every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph. 1:3). Blessed because we are watching unfold great and awe-inspiring signs as seen and foretold by the apostle John (Rev. 12; c.f. Lk. 21:11), and we are only beginning to scratch the surface. Dig deeper, and you will discover further blessings. When you mine the depths of this wonderfully mysterious passage at the center of the last book of the Bible, you will discover that our Lord was right:

Blessed are those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in it, because the time is near!" (Revelation 1:3, HCSB).

A Little Bit of Backstory

Before I dive in too far, I must acknowledge several sources that have influenced my thinking in this area of Bible study: First, like many who are studying the heavens now with greater clarity and Scriptural insight, the documentary by Rick Larson entitled The Star of Bethlehem opened up new vistas of interpreting and understanding the word of God (Gen. 1:14; Ps. 19; Rev. 12). I laugh now because I had put off watching it for a long time. Then [around the summer of 2014], when I finally did get around to it, I had a difficult time focusing on any other subject after that. Apparently, Gary and the Unsealed Team had already beat me to it :)

Second, I began searching online for others who were discussing signs in the heavens. I landed on Scott Clarke's YouTube channel, eternalrhythymflow, where I literally gasped upon discovering there was a literal sign in the sky that seamlessly aligned with the prophetic vision in Revelation 12. The more that I watched Scott's videos, the more relieved I became after realizing that he was, not only Pre-Trib in his teaching, but also aware of crucial distinctions between YHWH's plan for the Church versus that of the nation Israel (props to you, brother, it is no accident you have been given an online platform to interpret the sign correctly for all who are diligent students of the Word).

Further still, I was overjoyed to see that someone had supplied Scott with a link to Dr. Mike Svigel's discussion concerning the Rapture of the Church in the context of Revelation 12 (see his series called "Prophecy Autopsy"). Around the same time, I had also caught on to Dr. Svigel's writings on the topic. I share sentiments along with Greg L. that any further study of the Rapture of the Church in Revelation 12 owes a debt of gratitude to the stellar work of a Dallas Seminary prof who dug up a jewel that had been buried and long forgotten.

I have since graduated from Dallas Seminary, but during one of my final semesters there, I was walking on campus and stumbled upon a timely blessing. After much reflection upon the Revelation 12 sign and being extremely unsettled in spirit that we were still around after the blood moon tetrad had passed, finding Dr. Svigel's academic article posted to a bulletin board was the perfect pick-me-up. Just when you think you have seen and heard it all, you hear the infamous cry of the infomercial salesman, "But wait, there's more!" And again, I found Him to be faithful to His word:

Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7, HCSB).

Here I am on campus at DTS, Feb. 2014; the fountain froze over!
Dr. Svigel has two important works on the subject of Revelation 12, both published in the Trinity Journal: First, an article entitled The Apocalypse of John and the Rapture of the Church: A Reevaluation (2001) examines popular passages in Revelation that are possible candidates to the 1 Thess. 4:16-17 event; however, he demonstrates why Rev. 12:5 is the strongest argument despite being dismissed and neglected by most scholars. You can find this article online here. Second, and more recently (2014), he has published an article aptly titled "What Child is This?": Darby's Early Exegetical Argument for the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. This is the article that I found posted on a bulletin board at school, but to my knowledge, I'm not aware of it being available online. In this fascinating study, Svigel sifts through the letters of men like John N. Darby, Harry Ironside, and William Kelly (circa late 1800s) and reveals that these prominent dispensational teachers used Rev. 12:5 as their foundational text in defense of the Pre-trib Rapture of the Church. Somehow, someway, this vital passage got left out of modern, dispensational works such as the Scofield Reference Bible, Tim LaHaye's books, and many others who taught Pre-tribulationism. As a result a once popular and sound doctrine has fallen on hard times, giving way to Mid-Trib, Pre-wrath, and Post-Trib theories, plus a whole host of other bizarre and blurry interpretations.

Anyone willing to venture that the timing of Dr. Svigel's discovery was an accident, or mere happenstance? Is it blind chance that his contributions have shed tremendous light on a GREAT SIGN whose fulfillment occurs in the Fall of 2017? Bah! 

If you're still tracking with me, please keep reading. I have discovered yet another hidden gem within this passage that has become oh-so-relevant for our time.

Two Great Escapes to Places Prepared

The twelfth chapter of Revelation is central to the book as a whole; being right at the midpoint, it is the fulcrum, the hinge in the narrative, and yet it remains comprehensive in scope. I will even go a step beyond—it is the culminating vision of all that the OT and NT prophets have been reporting on all along throughout Scripture. In other words, the Day of the LORD isn't just near anymore (Isa. 13:6; Joel. 1:15; Jm. 5:8; 1 Pet. 4:7) is here.

How do we know that this Revelation 12 sign, which involves a woman going into labor, struggling to give birth, specifically indicates the beginning of sorrows, or the time of Jacob's trouble? Answer: "A woman in labor" is a major metaphor consistently employed throughout the Bible which relates to the Tribulation period. If we were to sample both Old and New Testaments, drawing out passages that include this coded language, it would be unmistakably clear how we should then interpret this "great sign" that the apostle John sees appearing in the sky/heaven (and one which we see coming together before our very eyes as well!)

*Gary has noted that Gen. 3:15-16 contains in seed form a prophetic template that would later sprout throughout the Bible to include passages referring to a woman going into labor in order to give birth, though not without immense struggle and suffering (see this and other OT/NT passages cited here). In Revelation 12, the prophetic metaphor is now in full-bloom, or better yet—it has come to full-term!

Even though chapter 12 comes at the midpoint of the book, this does not necessarily indicate that the events described occur during the middle of the Tribulation period [if you have studied Revelation long enough, you'll soon discover that your chronological charts were not as airtight as you once thought]. In a later post I would love to delve into the timing of everything involved in this chapter, but for now I will focus on our soon-coming rescue and escape.

Israel: a remnant of Jacob's children chosen by grace, escapes to the wilderness

Let the panoramic vision of Revelation 12 fill your mind for a minute. Think about the major players involved. Greg L. [linked above] has done a great job outlining the who's-who in this passage in order to prevent confusion. We must acknowledge the individual/corporate cast of characters if we have any hope of a sound interpretation. If you are desiring to teach others, click here to access Mike Svigel's PowerPoint presentation (slides #43 and 60 are perfect to print out and provide a visual for what you are seeking to explain; just make sure you cite your source if you are going to use them).

Two escapes are mentioned in Revelation 12 in back-to-back verses; however, two very different hiding places are given for each of the two parties who are rescued and delivered.

Israel, a chosen remnant (Rom. 9:6), corporately represented by "the woman" (Rev. 12:1), flees the dragon to a place prepared for her in the wilderness (Rev. 12:6); notice as well that it is "a place prepared by God" and also referred to again as "her place in the wilderness" later in the chapter (Rev. 12:14). Remember, it was in the wilderness where the Israelites first entered into covenant with YHWH (Ex. 19:1), and they will meet Him there again. Take a look at a few other passages that speak of Israel's future escape and rendezvous in the desert:

So, according to the prophetic word given to John in Revelation 12, the appearing of the "great sign" means trouble for Jacob. Interestingly, this chosen remnant of ethnic Israelites is promised rescue and escape, but not before harsh discipline from YHWH himself (Jer. 30:11); and they will be delivered out of their trouble (Jer. 30:7), but not removed from the earth (Rev. 12:6, 13-17).

The Church: Christ's complete body chosen by grace, escapes to God's throne

Now things get really interesting. Anyone with maturity, intelligence, and experience knows where babies come from...or do they? Well, you know, God is always game for confounding the wise [humanly speaking] and doing amazing, powerful acts of mercy in behalf of His people (1 Cor. 1:18-25). The birthday surprise in Rev. 12:5 is no exception. Let's take a closer look.

The Church, the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 1:22-23), united in Him by one Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13), flees the dragon to a place prepared in a similar manner to Israel. Only in this instance, the body of Christ escapes to a different realm altogether—the woman's child (Gal. 3:16, 29; 4:6-7) is snatched up, seized, harpazoed [see the Greek]...taken outta here to God's throne in heaven (Rev. 12:5). Yes! I'm getting excited just thinking about it. This sudden birthing and catching away of the male child [corporately, the Church] will surprise many, even some of our own brothers and sisters in the Lord (1 Thess. 5:10).

I give Scott Clarke credit for a paradigm shift in thinking, because I used to hear all the time that Pentecost was the "birthday" of the Church. However, this is a misnomer. It should really be deemed the "conception" of the body of Christ. It makes perfect sense. The Holy Spirit was the agent of conception for the incarnation of our Lord Jesus (Matt. 1:20; Lk. 1:34-35), and He was also present to conceive the Church on the day of Pentecost, circa A.D. 33 (Acts 1:5, 8; 2:1-4). Throughout this age of grace, the year of YHWH's favor (Isa. 61:2; Lk. 4:19), the body of Christ has been gestating, maturing, and being primed for a miraculous delivery (Eph. 4:11-13; Rev. 12:5). Here are a few key passages that refer to our sudden removal to God's throne at the time of Jacob's trouble:

Hidden From View

Ok. To recap: When the Day of the LORD arrives, both Israel and the Church will see an escape. However, Israel's escape is God's protective covering through their own tribulation on earth, while the Church's escape involves a complete removal of an entire mass of redeemed humanity from the earth. Both Israel and the Church have a place prepared for them at just the right time. Israel will escape and find refuge in the wilderness, where she will be given instructions by YHWH and wait for the Greater Moses to return, and from there He will lead them into the promised land. The Church, on the other hand, will be forcefully taken away from the earth, physically united with the Head of the body, and find their hiding place in the Father's house.

We have a place; believing Israel has a place; and even the devil and his angels have a place (Matt. 25:41). In fact, the wicked sons of God are getting kicked out of the house soon...and we are moving into their former residence (Rev. 12:7-9).

But she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is going to rule all the nations with an iron rod, and her child was snatched up to God—to His throne!" (Rev. 12:5, my own translation)

If you have made it this far, then you are probably like me and enjoy a deeper study of God's word. So now, a reward. I have chosen to provide my own translation of Rev. 12:5 above, because it is my firm conviction that the context warrants a certain minor, yet major, deviation from the norm. Most English translations consistently begin this verse with "And" or "She" in order to move the narrative along. However, since the Greek conjunction kai is flexible [it can be translated "and," "but," "even," or "also"], I feel strongly that the contrastive is necessary to bring out the full force of what is being revealed here.

The dragon is seeking to devour the woman's child, and it almost looks like he is in prime position to do so (Rev. 12:4). But! Suddenly, the unexpected. The woman gives birth, yes, but this is not a normal labor and delivery process. Usually, a woman would experience joy when her baby is born (John 16:21), but in this particular case, there is no joy...only continued sorrow, pain, and increased labor (Rev. 12:6, 13-17). What's going on here?

Well, now that we know that the Rapture, or "snatching up" of the Church, is coded into this text, the next question in my mind involves timing. Is there also a clue in the text as to the timing of this momentous event in relation to the rest of Jacob's trouble? Keep going, there's more. In his article The Apocalypse of John and the Rapture of the Church, Svigel highlights a key Greek term, arsen, that John specifically employs in order to direct readers back to an original source—Isaiah 66:7 in the LXX (Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures).

In Greek there are three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Rev. 12:5 reads, "But she gave birth to a son [masculine noun], a male child [arsen, a neuter adjective]..." Some have dismissed this as a grammatical error, but Svigel argues that this was intentional. And, boy, is it might even say, God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16)!

While Svigel uses Isaiah 66:7-9 to argue for a corporate representation of the male child, and I wholeheartedly agree with this connection, there is yet another surprise contained in Isaiah 66:7. Let's take a look at it in depth:

Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son" (NIV).

Almost every English translation that I've seen is unanimous in how they translate the Hebrew. I was reading this verse one day and it hit's right there in plain sight, yet hidden from view. Look at it again, "Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son [a male child]." The timing is there! John gives us the key to go back and look at this verse with the knowledge that we are going to be fully delivered, "birthed," but taken up suddenly to be with God in heaven [contra Israel, the woman, who remains below to go into labor and eventually see the birth of her other children (Isa. 66:8; Rev. 12:17; c.f. Mc. 5:3).

I was overjoyed to find this hidden gem, and it's not the first time that the Holy Spirit has impressed upon my heart something that I had been turning over in my mind, while continuing to dig for more discoveries in the treasure of God's word (Prov. 2:3-6). Further still, here's something else I found during my study which relates to the timing of our birth and delivery. Look carefully at Leviticus 12:2, where the LORD says to Moses:

Tell the Israelites: When a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a male child, she will be unclean seven days, as she is during the days of her menstrual impurity" (HSCB).

Hmmm...intriguing isn't it? If you think I'm allegorizing or "spiritualizing" here, then take it up with Matthew and ask him what he did with Hosea 11:1 (see Matt. 2:15). It's evident to me that we need another prophetic template by which to understand the timing of events in Revelation 12. In this verse we have a woman giving birth to "a male child,"—and this is the same Hebrew word used in Isa. 66:7 [zachar]—and post-partum, you have the woman being unclean for "seven days," or one week. If you're tracking with me, then you have already jumped to Daniel 9:27, the most explicit OT reference for Israel's tribulation being one week, or 7 years in duration.

On the Eve of Year 2017

Frankly, I'm stunned. I can remember how agonizing it was to constantly waffle between covenant/dispensational theology, amillenialism/premillenialism, pre/mid/post-trib, and everything in between. But I'm not looking back, or second-guessing anymore. I've studied long enough to see that our Pre-tribulation escape and rescue is confirmed by what is drawn out of the Scriptures. You know, maybe we just don't get God's grace at times. We'll grasp it, and then lose it for a time. It's a head-scratcher for sure, but Pre-trib truth is like a woman giving birth to a child before she actually goes into labor :)

Cheers, my friends. I pray that you have been blessed by this little gift. It's a hidden gem, for sure. But hold on to it, 'cause we are on the eve of 2017. The great sign of Revelation 12 is on the horizon, and that means our rescue is that much closer.

TOPICS: Apologetics; Current Events; History; Religion & Science
KEYWORDS: bible; history; prophecy; signs
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1 posted on 01/01/2017 9:34:15 AM PST by amessenger4god
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To: amessenger4god

Although we don’t know the day or the hour, we do know the times and the seasons, and I believe Jesus will return for His church within the next few decades and although after our being caught up with Jesus Israel in the main will be saved, I pray as many as possible including Jews will be saved now.

Thank God for the place (I believe it’s Petra in Jordan) He has prepared for the remnant of Israel, but it will be a very hard time for them, so much so that God will have to shorten the days or else even these would not be saved.

I pray for as many as possible, including the Jews, will be saved in these next few decades leading up to his coming for His church.

2 posted on 01/01/2017 9:54:47 AM PST by Jim W N
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To: amessenger4god

Blessed are those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in it, because the time is near!” (Revelation 1:3, HCSB)...

That was a few thousand years ago, no?

I guess near can mean anything from a day to 100,000 years.

Earth’s been around 4 billion. 100k is nothing.

3 posted on 01/01/2017 10:33:11 AM PST by dp0622 (The only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
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To: All

Those who have left the Roman/Babylonian calendar, do know the season of His return. He is reveling what we need for: such a time as this, that lay before.

4 posted on 01/01/2017 10:56:07 AM PST by veracious
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To: Jim 0216

i don’t think it’s even going to be decades- the bear is stirring, and a ‘great negotiator’ will arise to broker peace between Israel and the world (since Israel likely won’t trust Russia without some middle man or woman assuring Israel that ‘the world will work in unison to protect Israel’ [which of course the deal will be broken after 3 1/2 years, when Israel is completely vulnerable and unarmed and relying on the world powers for her protection- the bible talks about Israel being completely taken off guard and unprepared to defend herself- when the deal is broken- this is so that none in Israel can say “See? We defended ourselves”- It will be completely God who protects her miraculously, so that no man can take credit-

The mass of the army that descends on Israel is going to be so gargantuan it will boggle the mind- but God intervenes miraculously first with a great earthquake to wipe out some- then with a massive contagion that kills many- then with confusion where they attack each other- friendly fire like murders- the defeat of this vast colossal army will be purely divine- Israel will watch it happen and know without a doubt that they were just saved by a Sovereign God

bottom line- keep an eye out for a ‘great negotiator’ to rise- look for that person, or group, or woman or whoever, to work with the bear to broker a deceptive peace with

Could it be our current president who stabbed Israel in the back and then will ‘make nice’ with Israel by extending an olive branch? Could it be a muslim nation who declares that they now ‘just want to get along’? Who knows- But i think whoever it is will have to work with Russia as a ‘go-between’ as Israel likely will not trust Russia alone

Keep an eye out for a negotiator in the next year or so- (Isn’t it Egypt that is looking to ‘extend olive branches now?)

5 posted on 01/01/2017 11:41:46 AM PST by Bob434
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To: Bob434

Um, hello? Isn’t there someone rather obvious whom you are failing to mention? A big name maker of great deals, recently elected to power and vocal about future cooperation with Russia? Yoooo-hoooo!

6 posted on 01/01/2017 12:02:59 PM PST by To Hell With Poverty (I support a woman's right to lose.)
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To: amessenger4god

Dispensationalism is a form of mental illness.

The eternally most dangerous form.

These people that seek a secret pre-trib rapture are going to go through hell on Earth.

The way that Yehova “prepares” his place on Earth is going to frighten many too.

The preparation will be a nuclear war, leaving a radio active land that most will shun, but not the obedient.


7 posted on 01/01/2017 12:14:50 PM PST by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: To Hell With Poverty

the negotiations will have to be with the whole world in order for Israel to be so at peace that they let their guard down- that is the 3’rd condition of the prophesies spoken of- Israel will feel completely safe- right now they are on edge, and rightfully so- always expecting an attack and betrayal at any moment- It could even be a body like the UN that somehow manages to broker the deal as they are mostly Jew hating muslims- but I dunno- I can’t see them all of a sudden making nice with Israel- but perhaps that’s what it would take in order for Israel to be deceived into letting down their guard-

I’m not naming anyone- I’m simply stating that we need to keep an eye out for someone or some body of nations or whatever- to be the great negotiator- Trump may be a good negotiator, but I don’t believe he can ‘heal’ centuries of hatred between Jew hating muslims and Israel to the point where Israel will feel so safe that they ‘beat their weapons into plowshares’- I think that kind of deal will have to begin with the Jew haters ‘holding out an olive leaf’ (which of course will be a deceptive thing to trick Israel-)

8 posted on 01/01/2017 12:14:55 PM PST by Bob434
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To: Jim 0216

It isn’t going to take a decade.

Daniel’s “70th Sabbath” will begin next fall.

We don’t know the day on the Roman calendar, but we do know it on the Biblical calendar: Tishri 1.

We can’t know the hour but we know it will be shortly after the sun has dropped below the horizon in Jerusalem, when the thin crescent of the new moon comes into view.

There may not be anything special happen at that moment, but events will begin to unfold quickly. It’ll be “interesting times” on Earth.

9 posted on 01/01/2017 12:25:16 PM PST by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: Bob434

There won’t be any “land covenant” with Israel. Shimon Peres already disowned that foolish covent, as he stood on the temple mount on the very last day.

The covenant to be confirmed will be Yehova’s renewed covenant with the House of Judah, and the House of Israel, spoken of by Jeremiah the prophet.

It will be Yeshua that confirms it.

Israel will not be letting their guard down this time; that is another war 1000 years in the future, when Satan is released at the end of the 1000 years.

10 posted on 01/01/2017 12:35:54 PM PST by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: editor-surveyor
You either have support to back up those assertions, or you have an opinion like everyone else?
11 posted on 01/01/2017 1:23:15 PM PST by zek157
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To: zek157

Try just reading the word without your dispy glasses on.

12 posted on 01/01/2017 1:29:34 PM PST by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: amessenger4god

Nt Wright in hi book Revelation for everyone interprets the woman to be not only Israel but the body of Christ (the Church).
Bottom line - we will not know the time or the hour. Jesus made that clear that truth has not been nor will be revealed to men.

13 posted on 01/01/2017 1:47:42 PM PST by reviled downesdad (Some of the blind will never believe the Truth.)
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To: editor-surveyor


See you there...

14 posted on 01/01/2017 1:58:06 PM PST by zek157
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To: Bob434
Although the time could be shorter, I have several reasons to believe it will be a few decades and probably in the latter part of this century that Jesus will come as a thief to take to take his church with him to Heaven.

Looking for this "man of sin" ("the great negotiator") now is scripturally an exercise in futility as the Bible says, "And now you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now prevents will prevent, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders" (2 Thess 2:6-9).

Only after we along with the Holy Spirit ("he that prevents") are gone will this "great negotiator", AKA man of sin, be revealed.

The Lord doesn't want us wasting our time looking for some hidden man of sin. The Lord wants us to have our eyes fixed on Jesus and shining as lights in a dark world that the Lord may bring in as many as possible before that horrific day begins.

15 posted on 01/01/2017 2:02:24 PM PST by Jim W N
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To: dp0622

How do you know how old the Earth is?

16 posted on 01/01/2017 2:12:33 PM PST by castlegreyskull
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To: Jim 0216

I don’t consider it an exercise in futility at all- this isn’t an ‘either/or’ situation- We don’t “either look for the man of sin” OR “be a light to the world”- This isn’t an issue about us ‘preparing not to be surprised’ as Jesus ‘comes as a thief in the night’ but rather about being mindful of the end time. It could be an opportunity to warn others of ‘the writing on the wall’ if we recognize events unfolding that they, being blind, do not-

Your thief in a night verse is talking about Christ warning people to be vigilant, if they are not, if they fall into sin, they will be caught unaware, just as a person is caught unaware who doesn’t try to prevent a thieves from robbing him

“-——If therefore thou shalt not watch,-————

I will come on thee as a thief; if thou shalt not keep thyself free from gross sins or errors, and give diligence to do it, I will come to thee, not as a friend to comfort and refresh thee, but as a thief to rob and destroy thee, and that suddenly.”

IF we wee the rise of the man of sin, and we don’t recognize it as such- Christ’s return will be sudden and unexpected- IF however we recognize what is happening, we will be waiting in anticipation for His return- while we won’t know the day or hour, we can i believe know a general time- and work to prepare by obeying our Lord-

As to the revelation of the evil one- there are two camps on this=- one camp believes the church must be taken out first- (IE- the restrainers- Holy spirit removed, and the church removed)- the other believes the verse simply states that a ‘departure from the faith’ must happen first- a General falling away- a great apostasy must occur

““The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.””

Some see the new pope as one attempting to cause a falling away of ‘the professing church”-

Will the falling away have to be total first? I believe the bible talks about a ‘widespread’ falling away- not total- The world’s religions “Professing Christians” certainly have fallen away en mass- and are true apostates- Like the link above states- things are much different today than they were back then- back then the church was true- today a great many denominations have left the faith and are preaching another gospel-

The man of sin will be ‘obvious’ (but the blind will not see it) at the 3 1/2 year point when he is supernaturally endowed with evil power- but till then the masses will be deceived by him thinking him to be a man of peace-

In no way is it a waste of time being vigilant and watching and warning so that others will recognize what is taking place as it is happening-

17 posted on 01/01/2017 2:45:29 PM PST by Bob434
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To: Bob434

Being vigilant and watching and warning is important, but the Bible consistently tells us to keep our eyes on Jesus, thereby letting His light shine into and through us.

Anyway, I believe we go up with Jesus before the Tribulation. If you don’t, then we’re on completely different assumptions and are talking past each other.

18 posted on 01/01/2017 3:09:20 PM PST by Jim W N
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To: castlegreyskull

You’re right. It could be a lot older.

19 posted on 01/01/2017 3:33:37 PM PST by dp0622 (The only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
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To: Bob434

the ‘theif in the night’ passage doesn’t apply to Christians who are watching and waiting

—But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

-—————But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.-——————

Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6.

I believe we go up before the wrath of God whether in pre trib or mid trib- (although i take no firm stand on this- the important point is that we will be raptured at some point- if we have to endure some pre wrath trib (mid trib) I don’t know, I think it’s possible but beleive it’s a bit more possibly hat we’re raptured pre trib- if so then we should be on the lookout for the evil one’s workers- Even if it’s pre trib- I think the church will be here long enough to ‘see the writing on the wall’ as it were- as thje stage is set for he rise of the deceitful ‘man of peace’ (Man of lawlessness)

I do think it’s possible to see the writing on the wall- if nothing else to know when things are shaping up- being set up- to accommodate end time prophesies - I think it is possible that Christians will see a ‘great negotiator’ coming to power, and deceiving the masses with talk of peace peace- or at the very least- some power setting up conditions to where a deceitful ‘person of peace’ can then come along preaching ‘peace peace’ afterwards-

If we see Israel headed towards a peace agreement- or a serious consideration of one on their part- then we should warn of the things to come- (We should warn anyway- but you get the point)

Keeping your eyes on what’s happening around is in effect keeping your eyes on Jesus as we witness prophesy unfolding if that is to be our lot-

I also don’t believe pre tribbers and mid tribbers have to be so at odds that they can’t discuss the matter together in a civil manner- I personally don’t take a firm stand on either position- I believe both positions have some pretty solid evidence , and that the issue is not black and white- I’ve seen far too many discussions fall apart due to one or the other or both sides digging in their heels and getting angry because the other side ‘won’t see their point of view’, and devolve into name calling and throwing around accusations-

Some things in the bible are not 100% certain- like this issue- This issue is a difficult issue with a great many solid biblical scholars believing one way or the other- One thing I can say certainly is that we will not have to endure the wrath of God

20 posted on 01/01/2017 3:43:08 PM PST by Bob434
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