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1 posted on 01/20/2007 4:41:53 PM PST by NYer
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To: Lady In Blue; Salvation; narses; SMEDLEYBUTLER; redhead; Notwithstanding; nickcarraway; Romulus; ...

2 posted on 01/20/2007 4:42:32 PM PST by NYer (Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to Heaven. St. Rose of Lima)
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To: NYer
Silly Question time.
Is the Pope (according to Catholic doctrine) "God's voice on Earth"? If so, then to openly question the Pope is tanamount to blasphemy, isn't it?

If the Pope is merely man's creation, having no religous significance; then this bickering is nothing more than a play over politics and the power that goes along with it.

I don't think that some of these Cardinals have anything more in mind, than their own personal glorification.

"By their fruits, ye will know them" - abridged from Matthew 7:16. But more importantly verse 17 reads: "Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit."

4 posted on 01/20/2007 5:10:29 PM PST by Hodar (With Rights, come Responsibilities. Don't assume one, without assuming the other.)
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To: NYer

I used Google translate:

Little lines in Latin to the next day of the nomination of the new archbishop of Warsaw, Stanislaw Wojciech Wielgus. Benedict XVI announces to the predecessore, cardinal Józef Glemp, than between three years he will lose also the title it of primate of Polonia, than in the 1992 Giovanni Paul II he had conferred to it to life. It is the last blow to the relationship, more and more cracked, between the German Pope and the Polish faithfuls. The cause of beatification of Karol Wojtyla proceeds to record rhythm but for the Polish Church it is the hour of the yield of the accounts.
Denied the porpora to Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Papal council for the laici, ghostwriter of the last books of Giovanni Paul II. Replaced the cardinal Edmund Szoka, American of Polish origin, to the governatorato one of the Vatican. Next movements: the transfer of the secretary of the Congregation for the causes of knows to you, Edward Nowak, to the small church of Saint Stanislao, as chaplain of immigrates to you Polish to Rome.

And the substitution of the archbishop of Moscow, Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, of Polish origin, in order to favor the encounter between the Pope and Patriarch Alessio II. Benedict XVI heads to reorganize the Church in Polonia, torn between the spirit nationalist and ultraconservative, collection around to the founder of Marja Radio, Tadeusz Rydzyk, and that progressive tied to the intelligencija wojtyliana, animated from Adam Boniecki.

After to have bocciato six candidates, for Warsaw the Pope has chosen Wielgus: along curriculum academic, reputation of conservative but little available to make concessions to the government nationalist of the Kaczynski siblings. Nevertheless, something has not worked in the nomination mechanism: while to Rome the voices were diminished on the involvement of Wielgus in the intelligence agencies, in Polonia ambient governed to you and ecclesiali they blew on the fire of the campaign turns to discredit it.

Benedict XVI has defended its decision until the last one, convinced that he does not have himself “to be indulgere to easy accusations in absence of real tests or ignoring the different preunderstandings” to the age of the communist regimen. But when it is emerged that Wielgus had mentito, and that the relationship of confidence with the faithfuls was compromise, the Pontefice has asked the neoarcivescovo for Warsaw to discharge itself.

6 January, to the term of the putting for the Epifania, the sacrestia of the Basilica of Saint Peter has been witness of the dramatic epilogue. The secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, has asked the prefetto for the Congregation for the bishops, Giovanni Batiste King, to communicate to Wielgus the decision of the Pope.

Between those who they did not approve of the nomination was the archbishop of Cracovia, cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. The former secretary of Wojtyla could have reported many particular on the period in which Wielgus had had contacts with the intelligence agencies, but is remained in Hush. Something will reveal in its attended book of memories, written with to the journalist Gianfranco Svidercoschi, in escape next 24 January (One life with Karol).

The dietrofront however it does not have compromise the plans of Benedict XVI on the Polish Church. It is already spoken about the possible substitution of nunzio the Józef Kowalczyk, capro espiatorio of the entire vicissitude. Like successor of Glemp to Warsaw hour the name of the bishop of Radom is made, Zygmunt Zimowski, that it has worked with Ratzinger to the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith. The wojtyliani will remain once again disappointed.

Continuous meantime the hunting against the clergymen who have collaborated with the secret police. The parish priest of the cathedral of the Wavel, Janusz Bielanski has discharged itself, companion of seminary of Dziwisz cardinal. Indiziati Sono also the chancellor of the sanctuary of Zakopane, Miroslaw Drozdek, and the first biographer of Wojtyla, Mieczyslaw Malinski. In the 1978 the intelligence agencies would have enlisted 14 Polish bishops.

And there is who previews that the circle could be tightened until even calling in cause the former secretary of Wojtyla, Dziwisz. But the Pope does not let to intimorire and has denounced, for mouth of its megaphone, father Federico Lombardi, the “strange alliance between persecutory of a time” and the adversaries today.

The Polish vicissitude has made to intuire the silent battle that is consumed within them walls Vaticans. Nearly two years from the election, Benedict XVI still finds itself to having to make the accounts with groups and cordate that they were form to you during the last years of along pontificato of Wojtyla. The German Pope would want one Church concentrated on the announcement of the evangelico message, lightened of the weight of too many structures. Little months before the dead women of Wojtyla, the future pontefice had denounced “the soil” that is hidden in the Church. But it is not easy to make pulizia.
Benedict XVI does not have the temperament of the decisionista and must make the accounts with the age (compirà 80 years the 16 opens them). In more its initiatives they meet many resistances. The French cardinals, guide to you from the president of the episcopal Conference Jean-Pierre Ricard, oppose themselves to liberalize the putting in Pio Latin Saint V.

The reorganization of the Curia, studied from cardinal Attilio Nicora has been stopped in order to reduce the offices and to contain expenses. Along and complex it has been the transfer of the former secretary of State, Angelo Sodano, in its new residence, forcing the Bertone successor to living for three months in one dépendance. Blocked for a long time the spin of the nunzi in the main diplomatic centers.

Disappointed also some great constituents of Benedict XVI, that they counted of being rewards you for their support in conclave. He irritates the legionari to you of Christ and their Mexican supporters, because the founder, Marcial Maciel, accused of sexual abuses, has been condemned from the Pope without process.

The Opus Of sees reduced its presence in the Curia: after the megaphone Joaquín Navarro-Valls, it could leave the assignment also the president of the Papal council for the legislative witnesses you, Julián Herranz, while the competences of its ministry would pass to the Court of the apostolic signature. Bitter mouthfuls also for cardinal Camillo Ruini.

Meantime the American porporati ones demand a greater weight in the Curia since, although the compensations to the victims of the pedofili priests, the USA Church remains to the first place for financial contributions to the Sede Saint. The Latins American, also having embedded the nomination of the former archbishop of Saint Paul, Cláudio Hummes, to prefetto of the Congregation for the clergy, complain the disattenzione of the Pope to the difficulties who crosses their continent.

In the next few days the Papal commission for the Latin America will prepare a list of problems to subject to the Pope in sight of its travel in Brasi them. Difficult also for the German Church to hold united the various spirits, represented from the cardinals Karl Lehmann, Joachim Meisner and Walter Kasper. He is not easy to inside move of one complex geography therefore. For many months Benedict XVI it is appeared block, closed in its study to limare the speeches, to write the book on Jesus di Nazareth.

From the Baptism in the Giordano to the Trasfigurazione (to you open them in bookcase) and to play the pianoforte. Only escapes, the suppers to house of its former secretary, monsignor Josef Clemens. Ratzinger has paid beloved the lack of square game: the diplomatic incident with the State of Israel in July 2005, the furious controversies continuations to the speech of Ratisbona in september, the Wielgus case of these days.

Only little months ago the Pope has finally begun to form its small work group: the secretary of State, Bertone, the “minister of the foreign countries”, Dominique Mamberti, the director of Knows it press, Lombardic. To which they have joined to the Indian cardinal Ivan Dias to the guide of the Congregation for the evangelizzazione of the people and the Hummes Brazilian.

The timid Pope and hermit have chosen like its skillful arm a esuberante and full salesiano of spirit of initiative like Bertone. On the resolution of this relationship the incisività of the riformatrice action of Benedict XVI will depend. The secretary of State has proposed, joking, to form the soccer team of the Vatican. In Curia the championship already is begun: in the next few months one will look at if the team Ratzinger-Bertone will have the better one on the other squares.

6 posted on 01/20/2007 5:43:59 PM PST by AlaninSA ("Beware the fury of a patient man." - John Dryden)
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To: NYer

Great graphic! The people closest to him are Hummes (Brazilian), Levada (American) and Re (Italian). I'm not thrilled about Levada, but maybe the Pope - who had met him in other circumstances than as Abp of San Francisco -knows more about him than we do. To me, they all sound like middle of the roaders. But I would suspect that they are loyal middle of the roaders, and if he tells them to do something, they will do it and defend it. That's my take on it, at least, although I am certainly not on an inside track.

8 posted on 01/20/2007 6:04:10 PM PST by livius
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To: NYer

11 posted on 01/20/2007 9:34:15 PM PST by Salvation (†With God all things are possible.†)
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember; afraidfortherepublic; Alas; al_c; american colleen; annalex; ...

20 posted on 01/22/2007 5:05:40 PM PST by Coleus (Roe v. Wade and Endangered Species Act both passed in 1973, Murder Babies/save trees, birds, insects)
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To: NYer

Politics in the Vatican?

I like competition, but not when it’s so personal. Some are better at remaining ethical while in disagreement. I might have to take a vacation…to the Eucharist and with a lot of Holy Water.

There is much I find disagreeable with "politics". Perhaps the very word shows its divisive nature. There’s no politics with halved organs in our human body. The brain thinks. The heart pumps. Even when organs are two and opposite of each other, they still perform in unison and without intent to dominate the other. How silly would that be of Nature for one organ to maliciously dominate the other? Was Jesus more than mere punster when we stated that we shouldn’t let the left hand know what your right is doing? Of course, He's prophetic!

Perhaps, too, I'm leery of how Jesus spoke of the politics when He described what the present generation was like:

Matthew 11:
"To what shall I compare this generation? It is like children who sit in marketplaces and call to one another,
'We played the flute for you, but you did not dance, we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.'


There is only one function for all creation--to praise the Holy Trinity.

The fruit of one's actions is simply surmised:

Luke 11:
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. "

There are no politics in Heaven. There are no politics in Hell. Jesus told us so when He cast demons out and was accused of having power over demons as a demon.

Politics are a demonic invention. The transferance of guilt shows the accuser casting a false light for the crime upon the innocent. The function of politics is to slow the efforts of mankind who, with the help of God and His Good Angels, will establish the Kingdom of Divine Will on earth.

Of all the silly politics mankind suffers, whether secular or even in the Vatican, we’ll see the True strength of the Sacraments before time ends if we have eyes and ears to see and hear. Sometimes these events reveal themselves in the form of political elections. Sometimes miracles happen without giving science enough evidence for explanation. But, that's why it's called "Faith".

Of Vatican “politics” that I read from any source, even from media with the most noblest in intentions, I have a deep suspicion as if it’s written with a goal to dominate human will. And, maybe that suspicion is abhorrent too (“To mark the full-fraught man and best indued With some suspicion"). My reasoning for it is purely historical from a plethora of examples. How many news pundits pretending to know the inside workings of the power-in-charge have given a “sky is falling” opinion-as-fact report? The president’s cabinet is at each others’ throats? The First Lady has put her husband in the dog house?

This Season of Lent might mean that I’ll have to ignore the negative influence of politics that would have me call my brother “stupid” (as well as all the other negative influences to sin, like lust and stuffing my face with food). It might mean that I only read the Daily Mass & Homilies on the message boards. Then I'll learn more of the lifelong struggle of domination within myself. It’s the invisible over the material--the soul to master the body. That’s how I come to know that politics are diabolic in origin. Politics caused the loss of mankind’s free will which was once in harmony with Divine Will but severed because of temptation and sin.

Mark 14:
Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

There is temptation to give battle, but embarrassment for friendly fire lends to awkward apology:

"Free me so far in your most generous thoughts,
That I have shot mine arrow o'er the house,
And hurt my brother."

21 posted on 02/27/2007 8:00:25 PM PST by SaltyJoe ("Social Justice" for the Unborn Child)
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