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Freeper Research Project: Enoch and Astronomy
8/27/03 | Various Freepers

Posted on 08/27/2003 11:33:41 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl

Several Freepers are engaged in a research project to evaluate whether the book of astronomy in 1 Enoch gives the modern day reader any clues concerning its authenticity. Perhaps you would like to participate in the research or keep tabs with the progress as we move along.

Enoch is quoted directly in the book of Jude and about 100 passages in the New Testament are rooted in the 1 Enoch phrasing.

Why is the authenticity of Enoch relevant to Christians today?

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. - Daniel 12:4

Obviously we are in a time of unprecedented knowledge and travel, thus many have been curious whether the hidden text mentioned in Daniel has already been revealed to any extent.

Some have proposed that the Bible Code (Equidistant Letter Sequence) is the hidden text mentioned in Daniel. So far I believe the search has been limited to a simple matrix but there was some talk of looking for any patterns in a holographic. As I recall, Newton suspected there was a code in the Pentateuch.

Still others have mentioned the book of Enoch which was rediscovered in 1773 in Ethopia and further authenticated by copies found at Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls). Enoch begins:

The blessing of Enoch; with which he blessed the elect and the righteous who would be present on the day of tribulation at (the time of) the removal of all the ungodly ones. And Enoch, the blessed and righteous man of the Lord, took up (his parable) while his eyes were open and he saw, and said "(This is) a holy vision from the heavens which the angels showed me; and I heard from them everything and I understood. I look not for this generation but for the distant one that is coming. I speak about the elect ones and concerning them. (The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume I, 1 Enoch)

Chaps. 72-82 The Astronomical Book, like the Book of Watchers, may date from the third century BCE; the oldest copy of it seems to have been made not long after 200 BCE. Sizable portions of the text are preserved on four copies, written in Aramaic, from Qumran cave 4. The Aramaic original appears to have been much different and much longer than the Ethiopic text, adding far more astronomical details." - James C. Vanderkam

At one time Enoch was considered Scripture but it fell into disfavor. I pulled the following excerpt from this link a few years back:

The Book of Enoch (also known as 1 Enoch) was once cherished by Jews and Christians alike, this book later fell into disfavor with powerful theologians–precisely because of its controversial statements on the nature and deeds of the fallen angels…

The theme of the Book of Enoch dealing with the nature and deeds of the fallen angels so infuriated the later Church fathers that one, Filastrius, actually condemned it openly as heresy (Filastrius, Liber de Haeresibus, no. 108). Nor did the rabbis deign to give credence to the book’s teaching about angels. Rabbi Simeon ben Jochai in the second century A.D. pronounced a curse upon those who believed it (Delitzsch, p. 223).

So the book was denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and shredded–and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation two centuries ago.

In 1773, rumors of a surviving copy of the book drew Scottish explorer James Bruce to distant Ethiopia. True to hearsay, the Book of Enoch had been preserved by the Ethiopic church, which put it right alongside the other books of the Bible…

Though it was once believed to be post-Christian (the similarities to Christian terminology and teaching are striking), recent discoveries of copies of the book among the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran prove that the book was in existence before the time of Jesus Christ. But the date of the original writing upon which the second century B.C. Qumran copies were based is shrouded in obscurity. It is, in a word, old…

There is abundant proof that Christ approved of the Book of Enoch. Over a hundred phrases in the New Testament find precedents in the Book of Enoch.

Another remarkable bit of evidence for the early Christians’ acceptance of the Book of Enoch was for many years buried under the King James Bible’s mistranslation of Luke 9:35, describing the transfiguration of Christ: "And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son: hear him." Apparently the translator here wished to make this verse agree with a similar verse in Matthew and Mark. But Luke’s verse in the original Greek reads: "This is my Son, the Elect One (from the Greek ho eklelegmenos, lit., "the elect one"): hear him."

The "Elect One" is a most significant term (found fourteen times) in the Book of Enoch. If the book was indeed known to the apostles of Christ, with its abundant descriptions of the Elect One who should "sit upon the throne of glory" and the Elect One who should "dwell in the midst of them," then the great scriptural authenticity is accorded to the Book of Enoch when the "voice out of the cloud" tells the apostles, "This is my Son, the Elect One"–the one promised in the Book of Enoch.

The Book of Jude tells us in vs. 14 that "Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied…" Jude also, in vs. 15, makes a direct reference to the Book of Enoch (2:1), where he writes, "to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly…" …

Many of the early church fathers also supported the Enochian writings. Justin Martyr ascribed all evil to demons whom he alleged to be the offspring of the angels who fell through lust for women (from the Ibid.)–directly referencing the Enochian writings.

Athenagoras, writing in his work called Legatio in about 170 A.D., regards Enoch as a true prophet. He describes the angels which "violated both their own nature and their office." In his writings, he goes into detail about the nature of fallen angels and the cause of their fall, which comes directly from the Enochian writings.

Many other church fathers: Tatian (110-172); Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (115-185); Clement of Alexandria (150-220); Tertullian (160-230); Origen (186-255); Lactantius (260-330); in addition to: Methodius of Philippi, Minucius Felix, Commodianus, and Ambrose of Milanalso–also approved of and supported the Enochian writings…

One by one the arguments against the Book of Enoch fade away. The day may soon arrive when the final complaints about the Book of Enoch’s lack of historicity and "late date" are also silenced by new evidence of the book’s real antiquity.

Here is a current day Jewish perspective on Enoch:

The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

The oldest known Jewish work not included in the Bible is the Book of Enoch. This is a complex work, written in the third (or perhaps even the late fourth) century BCE, after the return from the Babylonian Exile and the establishment of the Second Jewish Commonwealth (6th-5th centuries BCE) and before the Maccabean revolt in 172 BCE. The oldest copies of the Book of Enoch, dating from the third century BCE, were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls (see below).

The Dead Sea ScrollsBy Ayala Sussman and Ruth Peled

The Qumran sect's origins are postulated by some scholars to be in the communities of the Hasidim, the pious anti-Hellenistic circles formed in the early days of the Maccabees. The Hasidim may have been the precursors of the Essenes, who were concerned about growing Hellenization and strove to abide by the Torah.

Archeological and historical evidence indicates that Qumran was founded in the second half of the second century B.C.E., during the time of the Maccabean dynasty. A hiatus in the occupation of the site is linked to evidence of a huge earthquake. Qumran was abandoned about the time of the Roman incursion of 68 C.E., two years before the collapse of Jewish self-government in Judea and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E….

The historian Josephus relates the division of the Jews of the Second Temple period into three orders: the Sadducees, the Pharisees, and the Essenes. The Sadducees included mainly the priestly and aristocratic families; the Pharisees constituted the Jay circles; and the Essenes were a separatist group, part of which formed an ascetic monastic community that retreated to the wilderness. The exact political and religious affinities of each of these groups, as well as their development and interrelationships, are still relatively obscure and arc the source of widely disparate scholarly views.

Here is Tertullian’s explanation of why Enoch didn’t make it into the canon:

Early Church Father, Tertullian 155-160 CE

The Book of Enoch & the Church Fathers

Tertullian, for example, wrote, "I am aware that the Scripture of Enoch, which has assigned this order (of action) to angels, is not received by some, because it is not admitted into the Jewish canon either. I suppose they did not think that, having been published before the deluge, it could have safely survived that world-wide calamity, the abolisher of all things. If that is the reason (for rejecting it), let them recall to their memory that Noah, the survivor of the deluge, was the great-grandson of Enoch himself; and he, of course, had heard and remembered, from domestic renown and hereditary tradition, concerning his own great-grandfather's "grace in the sight of God," and concerning all his preachings; since Enoch had given no other charge to Methuselah than that he should hand on the knowledge of them to his posterity. Noah therefore, no doubt, might have succeeded in the trusteeship of (his) preaching; or, had the case been otherwise, he would not have been silent alike concerning the disposition (of things) made by God, his Preserver, and concerning the particular glory of his own house.

"If (Noah) had not had this (conservative power) by so short a route, there would (still) be this (consideration) to warrant our assertion of (the genuineness of) this Scripture: he could equally have renewed it, under the Spirit's inspiration, after it had been destroyed by the violence of the deluge, as, after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian storming of it, every document of the Jewish literature is generally agreed to have been restored through Ezra.

"But since Enoch in the same Scripture has preached likewise concerning the Lord, nothing at all must be rejected by us which pertains to us; and we read that "every Scripture suitable for edification is divinely inspired". By the Jews it may now seem to have been rejected for that (very) reason, just like all the other (portions) nearly which tell of Christ. Nor, of course, is this fact wonderful, that they did not receive some Scriptures which spake of Him whom even in person, speaking in their presence, they were not to receive. To these considerations is added the fact that Enoch possesses a testimony in the Apostle Jude."

An opinion from the Later Day Saints corner:

Modern scholars, beginning with Laurence, all date the origin of the book to the first or second century before Christ, hence it is assigned to the "pseudepigrapha," meaning it is not believed to have been written by the named author. It is dated using standard "scholarly" methods. One rule of dating used by modern scholars, is that if anything is prophesied which turns out to be correct, it must have been written after the event, because otherwise the author would really have to have been a prophet! This complete rejection of the entire concept of revelation forced Laurence to put the authorship of the Book of Enoch extremely late because he saw that it prophesied not only the existence of Parthia (250 B.C.), but even the reign of King Herod the Great, which began in 37 B.C. On the other hand, it was quoted by the Savior and his apostles so it must have been written before their time. Thus Laurence inferred that the book had been written "before the rise of Christianity; most probably at an early period of the reign of Herod."[8] More modern scholarship has concluded that the book was probably written by several authors over the period of about 180-64 B.C.[9] This extremely recent authorship date of course raises the question of how such a late forgery could have been so totally accepted as genuine in just a few decades, which has never been adequately explained.

In this article, let us consider the outrageous possibility that the work was actually originally written by the prophet Enoch long before the Great Flood and contains many genuine revelations.[10] It probably also contains some interpolations of men, and has suffered from mistakes introduced by the many hand-made transcriptions. But for the purposes of this article, when it says that an angel revealed to Enoch a divine calendar, those statements will be taken at face value. One scientific way to test a hypothesis is to assume it is true and examine the consequences. Let us now apply that method to the astronomy contained in the Book of Enoch.

For our own counsel, we Freepers may be able to shed some light on the antiquity of Enoch by looking at the book of astronomy.

1 Enoch contains various statements about astronomy which are strangely accurate considering the known age of the manuscript and the language. Page 14 of the following article dates fragment 4Q208, which is from a Qumran copy of 1 Enoch in the book of astronomy section as paleographic age 200 B.C. and is carbon-dated, calibrated 166-102 BC and 186-92 BC.

Radiocarbon dating of scrolls and linen fragments (pdf)

To put it in context, the Essenes at Qumran were evidently piously anti-Hellenistic, which is to say they strongly resisted the influence of Greece – so much so they went into the wilderness. The other two main sects of Jews after they returned from Babylon were Pharisees and Sadducees. So, in terms of influence on the 1 Enoch book of astronomy – if it were a fabrication – the possible influences would include Babylonia and to a lesser extent Greece. Here are the strange observations concerning astronomy recorded in 1 Enoch:

That the light of the moon is a reflection from the sun: "Then Uriel showed me another order (concerning) when light is beamed into the moon, from which direction of the bright sun it is beamed." 1 Enoch 78:10

Research on the forum indicates that the earliest notion that the moon was reflecting light from the sun can be traced to Greece, ca 450 B.C. Anaxagores of Clazomenae. That date would be plenty early enough for an original from which the Qumran copy would be made. The counter point would be the anti-Hellenistic attitude of the Essenes, but then again, they may not have known the origin of the idea.

Orbits. We know that the moon orbits the sun and the sun orbits the Milky Way. It is very strange (to me) that Enoch would say: "They [sun and moon] do not depart from their orbit, neither increase or decrease it; but they keep faith one with another; in accordance with an oath they set and they rise." – 1 Enoch 41:5

Research on the forum shows the earliest notion of heliocentricity came from Greece - Aristarchus of Samos (fl 320-250 B.C.) but that his views were not prominently held until Ptolemy in 150 B.C.

Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.)

Aristarchus of Samos (fl. 320 - 250 BC)


The carbon-dating of 186 B.C. would have to be too old by at least 36 years and even so, the orbit information would need to migrate from Greece to an original Aramaic or Hebrew/Aramaic manuscript to Qumran to be copied to Aramaic. In the alternative, if the 1 Enoch is fake, then the author had to subscribe to the minority view of Aristarchus of Samos, thus not only being Hellenistic but extremely so.

That the sun and moon generate energy: "they do not economize (on energy), for their very essence generates new power." – 1 Enoch 41:7

Research has not begun on this issue.

That the sun shines even when it is not seen: "And neither does it diminish (in respect to its brightness) not take rest but continue to run day and night. – 1 Enoch 72: 36

Research has not begun on this issue.

That stars come into existence and die by becoming lightening – a possible reference to stellar evolution or supernovae: "And I saw another thing regarding lightening: how some stars arise and become lightening and cannot dwell with the rest." 1 Enoch 44

If Enoch had seen a supernova from his heavenly travels, as testified in the manuscript, then he would describe it the way he did - the star explodes into light and cannot gather itself back into being the star.

Research on the forum indicates the first observation of a supernova was in China in 4 B.C. but the cause of a supernova wasn’t understood until 1054 A.D. in Japan and China.

Freeper Right Wing Professor suggested Enoch’s statement might have been a misinterpretation of a meteor (shooting star.) Further research indicates that the ancients in Egypt, Babylon, Assyria all tied meteor activity to omens and weather and knew that they fell to earth as iron, which they pursued.

We have not yet found a hint that the ancients thought stars died or that they died by becoming "lightening."

Ancient Astronomical Observations and in particular this page shows that it is difficult to separate astrology and astronomy in ancient literature.

Singularity? And then there is a reference to the end of all that there is (and beginning) which sounds like a singularity: in chapter 18 a place with no measure and no content, a pit "where the heavens come together." He records that the angel explained [v. 14] "this is the ultimate end of heaven and earth; it is the prison house for the stars and the powers of heaven…"

Research has not begun on this issue.

Was Enoch Hellenized, and if so would that be enough to explain these strange observations about astronomy?

Alexander liberated Israel from the Persian empire around 300 BC and thus from that point forward, the Jews traveled freely in the Greek world and many became culturally Hellenized (paraphrased from a post by PatrickHenry.) There is a Scholar, Chris King, who believes Enoch is Hellenistic and that explains everything:

The Apocryphal Book of Enoch

1 Enoch is an unmistakable product of Hellenistic civilization. A world view so encyclopaediac that it embraced the geography of heaven and earth, astronomy, meteorology, medicine was no part of Jewish tradition - but was familiar to educated Greeks, but attempting to emulate and surpass Greek wisdom, by having an integrating divine plan for destiny, elaborated through an angelic host with which Enoch is in communication through his mystical travels. - Chris King.

IOW, if 1 Enoch is a fake, at the minimum, the writer of Enoch must have been familiar with Greek philosophy.

The main Jewish/Greek philosopher prior to 150 BC was Philo. And I believe he would have either written in Hebrew or Greek. The book of Enoch at Qumran was copied in Aramaic. Some scholars believe the original Enoch may have been a combination of Hebrew and Aramaic like the book of Daniel.

Since the Essenes went into the wilderness to escape the Hellenization, the counter-point is whether they would have intentionally brought a Hellenized text with them. Or if they believed the text was "kosher" – then there are two significant counter-points:

1. The Jewish calendar is 360 days/year whereas the Enochian calendar calls for 364.

Enoch: a brief textual history

The third Enochian book, the Book of Astronomy, is considered the oldest of those preserved, thought to have been written well before the second century. It contains a description of the structure of the universe as well as the details of a 364 day solar calendar, a calendar that seems to have been popular especially in the Dead Sea Scrolls although it is well supported by another pseudepigraphic book, Jubilees.

2. Enoch does not mention Moses specifically and contains no contextual reference to Jewish traditions present in typical pseudepigraphal manuscripts. If the book were written after Moses by a Jewish author, such would be expected because the Jewish traditions would be second nature. Indeed, a Slavonic version of the Enoch, 2 Enoch, is presumed to have been originally written in Greek because the phrasing gives away clues of both the Greek language and culture.

In other words, if Enoch were authentic we would expect it to not include more than prophetic metaphoric references to Moses or Jewish law or Babylon, Greece, Rome, etc.

The Apocryphal Book of Enoch

"One of the most remarkable features of 1 Enoch is that the law revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai plays almost no part in it at all. It could be objected that it would be more surprising if it did have a role, since 1 Enoch is, of course, about Enoch who lived before the flood (see Gen 5:21-24) and thus long before the law was revealed. The argument would be that the authors of 1 Enoch were consistent about their pseudepigraphic attribution of the material to Enoch and therefore did not commit the anachronism of having him teach and obey the law of Moses.

"But there is a flaw in that argument because at least two places in the book should mention the law revealed on Mt. Sinai. The two places are in the two principal apocalypses, the Apocalypse of Weeks and the Animal Apocalypse. Both of these revelations cover the period when Israel was in the wilderness and, according to the pentateuch, received the covenantal law." - James C. Vanderkam

One comment with regard to Vanderkam's comment: the Enochian Apocalypse of Weeks is a prophesy (forward looking) and thus, IMHO, would not contain more than it does:

93.1 And, after this, Enoch began to speak from the books:

93.2 And Enoch said: "Concerning the sons of righteousness, and concerning the chosen of the world, and concerning the plant of righteousness and uprightness, I will speak these things to you, and make them known to you, my children. I, Enoch, according to that which appeared to me in the Heavenly vision, and that which I know from the words of the Holy Angels, and understanding from the Tablets of Heaven."

93.3 And Enoch then began to speak from the books, and said: "I was born the seventh, in the first week, while justice and righteousness still lasted.

93.4 And, after me, in the second week, great injustice will arise, and deceit will have sprung up. And in it there will be the First End, and in it, a man will be saved. And after it has ended, iniquity will grow, and He will make a law for the sinners.

93.5 And after this in the third week, at its end, a man will be chosen as the Plant of Righteous Judgment, and after him will come the Plant of Righteousness, forever.

93.6 And after this, in the fourth week, at its end, visions of the righteous and Holy will be seen, and a Law for All Generations, and an enclosure will be made for them.

93.7 And after this, in the fifth week, at its end, a House of Glory and Sovereignty will be built forever.

93.8 And after this, in the sixth week, all those who live in it will be blinded. And the hearts of them all, lacking wisdom, will sink into impiety. And in it, a man will ascend, and at its end the House of Sovereignty will be burnt with fire. And in it the whole race of the chosen root will be scattered.

93.9 And after this, in the seventh week, an apostate generation will arise. And many will be its deeds - but all its deeds will be apostasy.

93.10 And at its end, the Chosen Righteous, from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen, to whom will be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation.

The other thing of course is that over a hundred phrases in the New Testament find precedence in Enoch and Enoch is quoted directly in Jude. So, to the New Testament - Enoch is authentic. The difficulty after 2,000 years is piecing together "the" Enoch.

There are two other Enochs - one is Slavonic, 2 Enoch, and the other, 3 Enoch, is a Hebrew Apocalypse of that name written by Rabbi Ishmael in 132 A.D. (approx). Because of that date and known authorship, 3 Enoch isn't relevant to this project.

1 Enoch - is the oldest and most complete. It was first discovered in Ethiopia (in the Ge'ez language) where it had been preserved but was then confirmed by the finding of the 200 B.C. Aramaic copies at Qumran. 1 Enoch as found in Qumran is the best candidate for the one referenced by Jude. It is also the one with the most complete book of astronomy and thus gives us a window to date the original from which it was copied.

2 Enoch is also quite interesting, particularly in its prophesies concerning the 7,000 years allowed for Adamic man (including the 1,000 perfect era at the end.).

2 Enoch

An entirely different Enoch manuscript has survived in the Slavonic language. This text, dubbed "2 Enoch" and commonly called "the Slavonic Enoch," was discovered in 1886 by a professor Sokolov in the archives of the Belgrade Public Library. It appears that just as the Ethiopic Enoch ("1 Enoch") had escaped the sixth-century Church suppression of Enoch texts in the Mediterranean area, so a Slavonic Enoch had survived far away, long after the originals from which it was copied were destroyed or hidden away.

Specialists in the Enochian texts surmise that the missing original form which the Slavonic was copied was probably a Greek manuscript. This may have been, in turn, based on a Hebrew or Aramaic manuscript….

One of the most fascinating passages of the Slavonic Enoch is the account of the dramatization of eternity found in Chapter 33. As the world was made in six days, so its history would be accomplished in 6,000 years, and this would be followed by 1,000 years of rest, when the balance of conflicting moral forces has been struck and human life has reached the ideal state. (A reference of this conflict is also found in The War Scroll, a future battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. These writings were recently discovered in Qumran Cave 1, which are part of the collection of The Dead Sea Scrolls). At the close of this 7,000 year cycle would begin the 8th Eternal Day, when time should be no more…

Personally, I believe the 1000 year reign of Christ on physical earth (Revelation 20:2-3) is the seventh thousand referred to in 2 Enoch, because it precedes the eternal, new heaven and earth (Revelation 21.)

However, Enoch – like Revelation – contains many metaphors and parables and is therefore particularly difficult to read.

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To: Jeremiah Jr
Hmmmm... Very interesting! Thank you so much for sharing your finds!
121 posted on 09/01/2003 7:43:45 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Ichneumon; PatrickHenry; Aric2000
Whew! I finally got a chance to look at your comments in greater detail. Thank you so very much for your thorough analysis!!!

I'm pinging PatrickHenry and Aric2000 since they were interested in your analysis, perhaps they will be interested in these "digs" also.

When interpreting writings from the past, it is often too easy to read into it one's own knowledge instead of the writer's actual meaning.

I agree with your point with reference to most circumstances. However, whether or not this is the case with the Bible Code I would not venture to say. The original 1994 article on Equidistant Letter Sequences was peer reviewed when it was published in Statistical Science. It was hit with a firestorm of disapproval (not surprisingly) – but the form of the 1999 rebuttal in Statistical Science was a petition of disapproving scientists who assailed the authors personally. For me, anytime academics resort to a petition it raises a red flag:

National Review Online 12/11/98 ".On October 28, 1998, six days before national elections to the U. S. House of Representatives and Senate, readers of several major United States newspapers were urged in a full page "open letter" from 400 historians to oppose "the dangerous new theory of impeachment" of President Clinton and to "demand the restoration of normal operations of our federal government." The historians were soon followed by 430 law professors publishing a letter to the Speaker of the House concluding that the President's offenses - even if proved - fall short of providing the foundation for a bill of impeachment.

At any rate, the debate concerning the Bible Codes has been ongoing between the two sides: Torah Codes --- thus I personally do not consider it finished. For instance, the “we did the same thing” with War and Peace claim was rebutted in this article. Perhaps we ought to have a new thread just to examine the exchanges between the sides?

Notwithstanding all of this, Scriptural prophesy is often understood only in retrospect:

Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, - Matthew 1:22

And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son. – Matthew 2:15

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare [our] sicknesses. – Matthew 8:17

Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; - Matthew 27:9

Men [and] brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. – Acts 1:16

Thus, I assert that if Enoch is authentic prophesy it would be understood in retrospect as well.

Getting back to your research, I agree that the translations are quite different and that is probably going to make the research somewhat difficult on this thread. I’ll only take the first astronomy issue in this post, but will continue with the others as soon as possible.

That the light of the moon is a reflection from the sun: "Then Uriel showed me another order (concerning) when light is beamed into the moon, from which direction of the bright sun it is beamed." 1 Enoch 78:10

The translation you excerpted said:

has Uriel shown and revealed to me, to whom the Lord of the whole creation of the world hath subjected the host of heaven. And he has power over night and day in the heaven to cause the light to give light to men -sun, moon, and stars, (Enoch 82:7-8)

The Charlesworth Pseudepigrapha translates that verse as follows: for Uriel --- whom the Lord of all the creation of the world has ordered for me (in order to explain) the host of heaven --- has revealed to me and breathed over me concerning in the heaven both day and night so that he may cause the light to shine over the people --- sun, moon, and stars, and all the principalities of the heaven which revolve in their (respective) circuits.

The translation you excerpted said:

And after this law I saw another law dealing with the smaller luminary, which is named the Moon. And her circumference is like the circumference of the heaven, and her chariot in which she rides is driven by the wind, and light is given to her in (definite) measure. (Enoch 73:1)

The Charlesworth Pseudepigrapha translates that verse as follows:

After I saw this (set of) regulation(s for the sun) I saw another (set of) regulation(s) concerning the minor luminary whose name is moon. Its roundness is like the roundness of the sky, and the wind drives the chariot on which it rides; and it is given light in (varying) measure.

The translation you excerpted said:

And the chambers of the winds, and how the winds are divided, and how they are weighed, and (how) the portals of the winds are reckoned, each according to the power of the wind, and the power of the lights of the moon (Enoch 60:12)

The Charlesworth Pseudepigrapha translates that verse as follows (I included more for context):

Then the other angel who was going with me was showing me the hidden things; what is first and last in heaven, above it, beneath the earth, in the depth, in the extreme ends of heaven, the extent of heaven; the storerooms of the winds, how the winds are divided, how they are weighed, how the winds divide and dissipate, the openings of the winds, each according to the strength of its wind; the power of the light of the moon and how it is the right amount, the divisions of the stars, each according to its nomenclature, and all the subdivisions; the thunders according to the places where they fall, and the subdivisions of the lightnings according to their flashing of light and the velocity of the obedience of the whole array of them.

You theorized what the author of Enoch might have meant in chapter 78 and restated the translation you used with your views in brackets, shown below:

And Uriel showed me another law: when light is transferred to the moon, and on which side it is transferred to her by the sun. [i.e., which side of the sun the Moon is on when its light grows, and when its light fades]

During all the period during which the moon is growing in her light [waxing from the new moon to the full moon], she is transferring it to herself [growing in brightness] when opposite to the sun [*following* the sun through the sky -- "opposite" isn't even correct, the moon is only "opposite" the sun when it's a full moon, which is correctly described below] during fourteen days her light is accomplished in the heaven [i.e. it takes 14 days to grow from the dark new moon to the bright full moon], and when she is illumined throughout, her light is accomplished full in the heaven [the moon is as bright as it can be at the time of the full moon].

And on the first day she is called the new moon, for on that day the light rises upon her [either: the new moon rises *with* the sun (correct), or: the moon's light begins to grow the day after it has become the new moon].

She becomes full moon exactly on the day when the sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night [i.e., the sun and moon are exactly opposite at the time of the full moon, the full moon is rising just as the sun sets], and the moon shines the whole night through till the sun rises over against her and the moon is seen over against the sun ["against" the sun being on opposite sides still, but this time the full moon setting as the sun again rises -- this may also be stressing that the moon has now become "ahead" of the sun in the sky].

On the side [of the sun] whence the light of the moon comes forth [now *ahead* of the sun in the sky], there again she wanes till all the light vanishes and all the days of the month are at an end, and her circumference is empty, void of light [until she fades back to the new moon and the cycle repeats].

For comparison, here is the Charlesworth Pseudepigrapha translation with some of the footnotes in brackets:

Then Uriel showed me another order (concerning) when light is beamed [literally thrown, cast, projected] into the moon, from which (direction) of the bright [literally morning] sun it is beamed.

During all the seasons when the moon is made to run its cycle [literally made to go], the light is being beamed into it (the moon) facing the sun until the illumination (of the moon) is completed in the course of fourteen days; and when it is lit completely, it radiates [literally fulfills, accomplishes, executes] light in the sky.

On the first day it is called [here it uses the feminine singular, elsewhere the masculine singular] the new moon because on that day the illumination begins to set upon it [literally light rises upon her].

These [two copies don’t have the word these] (illuminations) are completed with exactitude on the day when the sun descends [the masculine form is used for the sun] into the west, and the moon (simultaneously) rises in the east in the evening [literally night], shining during the night [other copies read whole night] until the sun rises opposite it, and it [literally the moon] is over against the sun.

From the same side where light entered the moon, from there also it (gradually) wanes until all the illumination disappears and the days of the moon expire, its disk empty without light.

I agree that it would help to have the original language words in the various manuscripts!

But getting back to the first question concerning the book of astronomy, you evidently do not believe that Enoch was saying that the moon was reflecting light from the sun but rather that Enoch thought the light was growing in the moon.

Nevertheless, I assert that Enoch is relating how the moon has no light of its own, but rather reflects light it receives from the sun. That would not be a remarkable claim if the original from which the Qumran copies were made in 200 B.C. was written after Anaxagores of Clazomenae first proposed it in 450 B.C.

Before Anaxagores, I believe the commonly held view was that the moon's light originated from within the moon or that it was some diety, etc.

122 posted on 09/01/2003 10:22:12 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl; kuma; Light Speed
There's a great deal of controversy over which calendar should be in use today, solar or lunar. I believe (after much research) the lunar is the one. Acts 3:21

This article lays em all out.

The Hebrew Calendar, Is It Reliable?

More opinions at...

Karaite Korner

This site will aid in the 'Signs in the Heavens' department, and it's fun city!

Your Sky

Welcome to Your Sky, the interactive planetarium of the Web. You can produce maps in the forms described below for any time and date, viewpoint, and observing location. If you enter the orbital elements of an asteroid or comet, Your Sky will compute its current position and plot it on the map. Each map is accompanied by an ephemeris for the Sun, Moon, planets, and any tracked asteroid or comet. A control panel permits customisation of which objects are plotted, limiting magnitudes, colour scheme, image size, and other parameters; each control is linked to its description in the help file

The view is always from Jerusalem!

123 posted on 09/02/2003 11:53:58 AM PDT by Jeremiah Jr (613)
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To: Jeremiah Jr
Thank you so much for all the information and links!
124 posted on 09/02/2003 1:09:43 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl; RinaseaofDs; Ready2go
Yohanan, 1,2,3 and Revelation were all written on the sod level. Greek logic will never penetrate the sod level.

If you want a good view, climb Mt Zion!
Isaiah 2:3

Renew your mind...

Interpretation of Torah

Revelation 11

3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."

4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. 6 These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire.

7 When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. 9 Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. 10 And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.

The two witnesses are Jews and Christians.

And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies

Three-and-a-half days... are the three and a half years of great tribulation.

And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth

And the sod level goes on and on and on and....

125 posted on 09/02/2003 2:34:21 PM PDT by Jeremiah Jr (613)
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To: Alamo-Girl
The bible states that the heavens declare the glory of God. What if these spheres are symbols for what takes place among men? The sun would represent God, too pure and holy to approach or look upon, a consuming fire. The moon is a reflection of that very same light, able to be looked upon and understood, even approached and touched in our own days, very much like Christ himself. We see the moon in a constant orbit, never varying from the image she shines to us. She is often said to bear the "man in the moon." The surface is marred and scarred with many blows while we fail to suffer the same fate, even though we are so near. We see the moon rise and fall, like Christ the moon rises to glory then vanishes from our sight only to rise again. I have never studied the moon, but I wonder if it disappears for three days like Jesus did? Perhaps the stars are the symbols for redeemed man, as God said to Abraham, "So shall your descendants be." Stars in the book of Revelation refer to messengers and could be used for angels or men.
126 posted on 09/02/2003 8:17:32 PM PDT by man of Yosemite ("When a man decides to do something everyday, that's about when he stops doing it.")
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To: Jeremiah Jr
Thank you so much for sharing your interpretations and views!
127 posted on 09/02/2003 9:55:45 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: man of Yosemite
Thank you so much for sharing your interpretations of the metaphors! The possibilities of quite engaging.

I have never studied the moon, but I wonder if it disappears for three days like Jesus did?

I believe it is longer than that, but it would have been quite fascinating if it were three days!

128 posted on 09/02/2003 10:00:05 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Ichneumon; PatrickHenry; Aric2000
I've finished reviewing your post and again, I thank you so very much for your exhaustive research! Again, I'm pinging PatrickHenry and Aric2000 because they were interested in your views and may be interested in these additional tidbits.

Most of the differences between our views is related to the translation. It appears the translation you are using is one of the older ones:

Enoch Calendar Testifies of Christ, Part 1

One of the three copies was presented to the Oxford library. The first English translation was published in 1821 by Archbishop Richard Laurence, who had been a Professor of Hebrew at Oxford. Later translations included that of George Schodde in 1881, of R.H. Charles in 1913, and by E. Isaac in 1983.[7] The first three translations are now available on the internet. Quotations and links in this article are to the original Laurence translation, because it still appears to be the best overall translation.

The translation used in Charlesworth’s Pseudepigrapha Volume 1 is E. Isaac’s. This is from his introduction to the translation:

My primary base text (A) for this translation of Ethiopic Enoch is a fifteenth century Ethiopic manuscript found in a monastery in Kebran, in Lake Tana. I obtained a copy of this manuscript from a microfilm (A) now found in West Germany. Though I have chosen to use as my base text a single manuscript, instead of an existing eclectic text or one created temporarily as the real basis of my translation, I have continually compared A with another Ethiopic manuscript of the late eighteenth century (B) found in the Garrett collection of Princeton University as well as with the text of R. H. Charles (C), and, in a few cases, followed them instead of A where the latter is clearly wrong or unintelligible. I have been as faithful as possible to A, following it when B and C and all other known witnesses, attested by the variations of other manuscripts given in the apparatus of Charles (EC) disagree with it, except in clear cases where A obviously transmits grammatical, syntactical, or scribal errors. Only the most significant or relevant variations of other witnesses are shown in my notations. If B or C are clearly erroneous (scribal, typographic, grammatical) I do not always give them as variations. Wherever possible or necessary I have also been able to compare A with the texts of the existing Greek fragments as given in the Charles edition of 1 Enoch: Ga (the fragments from Akhmim – Ga1 and Ga2 the duplicate passages of the same if they exist), G5 (the fragments preserved by Syncellus), and Gp (the Greek papyrus as edited by Bonner). The Qumran Aramaic fragments of 1 Enoch have been consulted but have not influenced the following translation… The domed flat earth picture you included was from this article:

The Flat-Earth Bible

When I first became interested in the flat-earthers in the early 1970s, I was surprised to learn that flat-earthism in the English-speaking world is and always has been entirely based upon the Bible. I have since assembled and read an extensive collection of flat-earth literature. The Biblical arguments for flat-earthism that follow come mainly from my reading of flat-earth literature, augmented by my own reading of the Bible.

Except among Biblical inerrantists, it is generally agreed that the Bible describes an immovable earth….

The article claims that the Bible supports the flat earth view and then uses 1 Enoch to further argue his theory. From Genesis to Enoch, the author argues for his interpretation of the passages.

Personally, I reject his interpretations both of the Bible and of Enoch. He fails to recognize the important difference between statement, parable and metaphor in revelations. Like the book of Revelation, Enoch must be read with considerable discernment. 1 Enoch begins

The blessing of Enoch: with which he blessed the elect and the righteous who would be present on the day of tribulation at (the time of) the removal of the ungodly ones. And Enoch, the blessed and righteous man of the Lord, took up (his parable) [the extant Gk. text reads analabon ten parabolen, “he took up his parable” So also 4Qena 1:1 (Milik, the Books of Enoch, p 182.)] while his eyes were open and he saw, and said, “(This is) a holy vision from the heavens which the angels showed me: and I heard from them everything and I understood. I look not for this generation but for the distant one that is coming. I speak about the elect ones and concerning them.”

Enoch, Revelation, Daniel, etc. – are all prophetic passages and thus intermingle metaphors and parables with benchmark statements. And of course different people will have their own interpretations.

Personally, I see the strangely accurate statements in the book of astronomy much like the statement in Revelation that the bodies of the two witnesses will be seen by the people of different tongues and nations for 3.5 days. That was taken as a metaphor until the recent advances in satellite telecommunications.

129 posted on 09/03/2003 11:32:01 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl; Ichneumon
Now that this seems to be boiling down to competing interpretations of an ancient language, I must confess that I'm in way over my head. I shall now sit back and watch the research unfold, in the hope that something emerges which we can all agree upon.
130 posted on 09/03/2003 12:29:29 PM PDT by PatrickHenry (A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.)
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To: PatrickHenry
Thank you so much for your reply!

I would be in utter shock if we all actually agreed on the interpretation of a revelation! But perhaps we can find agreement on the antiquity of the manuscript.


131 posted on 09/03/2003 12:43:39 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl
I didn't find anything pertinent to the topic, but did you see the September/October Biblical Archaeology Review?

There's an article by an Egyptologist named, Manfred Bietak, describing a four-room house built near the temple of Rameses III about the middle of the 12th century BC. Four-room houses are characteristic of early Israelite settlements!!

Big news!!!

132 posted on 09/06/2003 11:50:08 AM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: Republic
The mistranslation of the Kind James version of the Bible (my version), leaving out the words, 'the Elect One',

Please explain more I am new to this search!

133 posted on 09/06/2003 12:28:05 PM PDT by restornu (Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.)
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To: Alamo-Girl
This should make for an interesting fall and winter study!

How can one be added to the ping list?
134 posted on 09/06/2003 12:47:10 PM PDT by restornu (Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.)
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To: PatrickHenry; Alamo-Girl; Sabertooth
Essenes resisted Hellenistic

In those days and we can see it today are those who dismis the body of he church and only have a veneer relationship.

The Essenes were dedicated to their faith, Hellenist were most likely like today's Rino!:)

135 posted on 09/06/2003 1:24:29 PM PDT by restornu (Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.)
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To: Alamo-Girl
Do you have links to these other theads you refer to?
136 posted on 09/06/2003 1:35:48 PM PDT by restornu (Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.)
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To: Alamo-Girl
1. The Jewish calendar is 360 days/year whereas the Enochian calendar calls for 364

This provides a clue. All the ancient calanders that I am aware of, (14 in all), used a 360 day year prior to the 8th century BCE. After which all were changed. If as some expect, that there was a fundemental change in the earths orbit, (a near pass by of mars, or some other major event), then the apaocraphal enoch would be post 8th century, therefore post flood and post enoch.
137 posted on 09/06/2003 1:43:02 PM PDT by D Rider
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To: D Rider
Try political power of some kind?

Interesting quesiton!

September = 7
October = 8
November = 9
December = 10

138 posted on 09/06/2003 1:55:13 PM PDT by restornu (Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.)
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To: Alamo-Girl
I am sorry I did not read futher

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned.

But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. – I Corinthians 2:11-16

This is so true it is an excellant guide to truth!

139 posted on 09/06/2003 2:15:02 PM PDT by restornu (Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.)
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To: Alamo-Girl
Understanding Planets in Ancient Mesopotamia ~ folklore
140 posted on 09/06/2003 2:30:24 PM PDT by restornu (Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.)
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