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Forgotten Photographs of PKK/KADEK
Anadolu News Agency ^ | August 14, 2003 | Anadolu News Agency

Posted on 08/22/2003 1:27:34 PM PDT by Angelus Errare

ANKARA - A web-site was prepared to explain massacres committed by terrorist organization PKK/KADEK, foreign supporters of the terrorist organization and Turkish Armed Forces' struggle against it. The web-site includes more than 300 photographs.

The web-site '''' reminds its readers that Turkey had been exposed to terrorism for long years that had never been experienced before in any country, thousands of innocent people lost their lives in terrorists attacks while thousands of others were maimed, and the country had suffered an economic loss of billions of U.S. dollars.

The site stresses that the terrorist organization KADEK had caused more pains and losses than the other terrorist organizations in Turkey.

''Since 1984, as a result of the terrorist acts, the terrorist organization KADEK has conducted against civil population without any discrimination to children, babies, women and the elders, as well as against those who were mostly teachers, religious officials and state officials who served the people living in the region, over 30 thousand citizens in total were wounded or killed, 11 thousand 483 of whom were civilians (5 thousand 415 were killed and 6 thousand 68 were wounded) and as well as 17 thousand 875 members of the security forces (5 thousand 871 were killed and 12 thousand 4 were wounded). Furthermore, a total of 2 thousand facilities, including 250 schools, 110 mosques and 50 medical facilities that served for the public were destroyed,'' it says.

The web-site says, ''it is now estimated that around 150 billion U.S. dollars have been spent in the struggle against the terrorist organization.''

''KADEK took its place amongst the top 30 terrorist organizations since 1997 in the 'Foreign Terrorist Organizations List' of the U.S. State Department's report, and it has also been listed in a report issued after the September 11 attacks. Also it has been included in 'Terrorist Organization List' of European Union (EU) with the name PKK,'' it notes.

According to the web-site, the terrorist organization still receives support in various forms especially from some neighboring and western European countries. It is possible to sum up the support given to the KADEK terrorist organization by these countries in following titles; determining policy and to map out a strategy for the organization, providing shelter for the senior level leaders of the organization, supplying logistic materials (arms and ammunitions), allocating training, providing training, providing financial support, providing fake identification cards and passports, providing medical treatment, facilitating drug trafficking and human smuggling, providing intelligence through their secret services to the members of the terrorist organization planning terrorist attacks.

''KADEK also deals with drug trafficking and human smuggling through those centers, committees, unions and associations. The report of the U.S. Bureau of International Narcotics proves that drug trafficking cartels in Europe are controlled by KADEK members. In a similar way, the report once again emphasized the fact that KADEK uses heroin production and trafficking to support its terrorist activities. On the other hand, money has been raised through usurp and blackmail from our citizens living in Europe. Kidnapping and arms trafficking have been conducted by the KADEK terrorist organization,'' it says.

The web-site adds, ''Turkey will struggle against the terrorist organization and its supporters, disregarding its name.''

Meanwhile, the site displays more than 300 photographs of massacres committed by KADEK, one of the most gory terrorist organizations in the world, devastation caused by the organization, international support given to KADEK and Turkey's long-standing struggle against the organizations.

The first section of photographs explains terrorist acts of the organizations between January 22, 19867 and March 14, 1999 with 251 photographs.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Philosophy; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: kadek; pkk; turkey
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The PKK/KADEK are Marxist to their very core and this website helps to explain why they must never be allowed a safe haven in northern Iraq or in Syria (who supported them until 1999 and may still do so covertly). Abdullah Occalan and his spawn must never rule the newly-freed people of northern Iraq.

1 posted on 08/22/2003 1:27:35 PM PDT by Angelus Errare
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To: Dog; Dog Gone; Coop; swarthyguy; Turk2; a_Turk; blam; Jacob Kell; ganeshpuri89
The website mentioned in the article displays graphic evidence of the PKK and their Viet Cong-esque brutality in many cases towards their own people as well as to hundreds of innocent Turks. I post it for understanding the mentality of one of four forces opposed to US reconstruction of Iraq, the other three being al-Qaeda, the Baathists and the IRGC agents coming in from Iran.
2 posted on 08/22/2003 1:30:41 PM PDT by Angelus Errare
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To: Angelus Errare
Scary bunch..Thanks for the post.
3 posted on 08/22/2003 1:32:42 PM PDT by MEG33
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To: Angelus Errare
My admiration for the Turkish Armed Forces grows daily.
4 posted on 08/22/2003 1:33:05 PM PDT by Clemenza (East side, West side, all around the town. Tripping the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York)
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To: a_Turk
5 posted on 08/22/2003 1:33:52 PM PDT by Clemenza (East side, West side, all around the town. Tripping the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York)
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To: Angelus Errare; a_Turk
The great majority of the victims of the PKK were ethnic Kurds not ethnic Turks.
Anyone who refused to aid them was considered an enemy.
Many Kurdish schoolteachers were killed as they were considered traitors to 'the cause'.
6 posted on 08/22/2003 1:42:11 PM PDT by Allan
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To: Angelus Errare
I post it for understanding the mentality of one of four forces opposed to US reconstruction of Iraq, the other three being al-Qaeda, the Baathists and the IRGC agents coming in from Iran.

You forgot the national level Democrats.

7 posted on 08/22/2003 1:45:23 PM PDT by Coop (God bless our troops!)
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To: Coop
In truth, a lot of the Democrats' great academic intellectuals (Chomsky et al) defend the PKK as some kind of bastion of Kurdish self-determination or some such rot. These pictures only serve to demonstrate yet another chapter in the bloody annals of Marxism.
8 posted on 08/22/2003 1:47:23 PM PDT by Angelus Errare
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Comment #9 Removed by Moderator

To: superflu
They kill Kurds who don't buy their communist line.They are really cult like.
10 posted on 08/22/2003 2:00:42 PM PDT by MEG33
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Comment #11 Removed by Moderator

To: superflu

This is a fairly apt primer on the PKK. According to it, the PKK leadership are alumni of Lebanon's Bekaa Valley before they set up their own training camps in northern Iraq. They receive weaponry from Libya, Syria, and until their recent falling out, Iran. I believe that several countries in northwestern Europe, including France, Britain, Belgium, and Germany allow the various front organizations including the Kurdish Committee, the National Liberation Front of Kurdistan, and the Kurdish National Congress, the lattermost of which is based in Brussels.
12 posted on 08/22/2003 2:45:44 PM PDT by Angelus Errare
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To: Clemenza; Angelus Errare
Thanks for the ping..
13 posted on 08/22/2003 3:04:29 PM PDT by a_Turk (Lookout, lookout, the candy man..)
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To: All
See "Not In Our Name and the World Wide Terrorism Web," By Michael Tremoglie, March 19, 2003

for info on links between the PKK and our own leftist pig vomit.

14 posted on 08/22/2003 5:35:30 PM PDT by WilliamofCarmichael
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Comment #15 Removed by Moderator

To: TurkishOpinion
I wonder if there are photos of the atrocities the Turks have carried out fighting the indigenous "mountain Turks"....I mean Kurds, who have been oppresed in Turkey.

16 posted on 08/24/2003 2:31:11 AM PDT by Phatheon
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To: Phatheon
Turkish, provide some proof showing PKK "training camps" in Greece.

And don't bother posting stories that circulated in Turkey about Greece giving "10,000 Stinger missiles" to the PKK (yes, you read that right) to them.

Let's see where exactly the proof of these "training camps" is.
17 posted on 08/24/2003 2:32:24 AM PDT by Phatheon
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To: Phatheon
Come on my friend, where is the proof of these "training camps". Because if we're going to accept these Turkish claims as gospel (every PKK related article seems littered with at least 1 such claim), then we must surely ask where the proof of that can be viewed.
18 posted on 08/24/2003 5:39:47 PM PDT by Phatheon
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To: TurkishOpinion
"I still wonder why America being the true Turkish Ally allowed a separate Kurdish government in Northern Iraq."

You and me both wonder abut this. This is the biggest US foreign policy screw up since JFK arranged for the assassination of Diem in South Vietnam.

What's going on is that some influential people, rather lacking in intellectual vigor, find it of theoretical, speculative value to protect political groups committed to the dismemberment or violent overthrow of the government of a friendly nation. An affable, well meaning, but essentially intellectually ill prepared and emotionally immature President has signed off on it. A lot of innocent people are going to get killed, the security of a nation whose security is of critical importance is being further degraded, and the President of the United States will just furrow his brow in wonderment and resentment at the recalcitrance of the Turks, who will wind up getting blamed for it all.

The following is a good analysis of the politics of our Brave, Gallant, and Noble Mountain Warrior Kurdish Allies Who'd Rather Be Peacefully Herding Goats if It Weren't for the (melodramatic timpani interlude)duplicitous, (jarring organ phrase) surreptitious, (same phrase, an octave higher) untrustworthy, (same phrase, another octave higher) and (same phrase again, yet one more octave higher, sustained, and out of key combined with a dramatic tap of the timpani; the audience should be gasping with horror at this point, BTW) altogether disconcerting Turk.


A nation without state may feel orphan or homeless. In that case, however, the state has been given tasks that it could hardly fulfil.

The main Kurdish parties are all state-centrist, their background being hard-line socialist. The KDP and its Iranian brother party were founded in Stalin’s protection. In that time the Kurds were hailing Stalin as "the liberator of small nations".

When the KDP was released from the Soviet Union’s guidance in the 1960s, the PUK was founded to defend fundamentalist Marxism. The Kurdish section Komala was split up from the Iranian Communist Party.

By time, the number of Kurdish parties was increased by splitting. Those shocked of the collapse of Soviet power founded Workers’ Communist Party (WCP) in Iraq and Iran. This party has spectacular presence in the virtual reality, in internet.

Also "Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse Tung’s thought" gained supporters among Kurds. They founded the Kurdish Workers’ Party, PKK, which is internationally the best-known, but by no means the only, Kurdish organisation.

There are dozens of specially Kurdish parties. Many of them are one-man enterprises or stages of the main parties. All in all, they share a common belief in the idea that a state on their own would solve all the problems of the Kurds, and the problems are understood as basically economic exploitation.

Because the Kurds have many but dear parties, also the goals of independence are rather party politics than national projects. There is no consensus on Kurdistan’s borders, form of government and symbols like flag. Each party has its own Kurdistan. Each party also has its own army, its schools, and its health system. The parties have adopted many tasks of tribes. Membership in a party is often strategic allegiance of family and tribe, not free and ideological choice of the individual.

Each party has its international sponsors: PUK has historically leaned at Syria, and KDP at Turkey. PKK has leaned at both Syria and Iraq. Exploitation has been mutual.

The Kurdish parties are fighting each other. For three years now, KDP and PUK have respected their ceasefire, mainly due to external pressure, but meanwhile, PKK has fought against both these Iraqi Kurdish parties.

In democracy it is natural that parties disagree. Usually they do, however, agree on large-scale national questions, and in the times of war they act under common war command. For example, the Chechens demand independence before all, and only secondarily come the questions of the country’s future systems of justice and economy. The Finnish Jäger [Finnish freedom fighters trained in Germany before the independence] included Red and White, Monarchists and Republicans. Among the Kurdish parties, such agreement is missing.

Kurds and Kurdistans

19 posted on 08/24/2003 9:55:30 PM PDT by Mortimer Snavely (Ban tag lines!)
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To: Mortimer Snavely
"Also "Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse Tung’s thought" gained supporters among Kurds. They founded the Kurdish Workers’ Party, PKK, which is internationally the best-known, but by no means the only, Kurdish organisation."

Sounds like the PKK/KADEK and the Shining Path should get together and go bowling, don't you think? While the Turkish government defientely hasn't been white as snow or saints, the PKK are slime of the worst sort.

20 posted on 08/26/2003 5:17:09 PM PDT by Jacob Kell
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