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Point by Point, a Fateful Six Months Later The Most Detailed U.S. Case for Invading Iraq Was Laid
AP Breaking ^ | 8-9-03 | Charles J. Hanley

Posted on 08/09/2003 10:05:44 AM PDT by Lance Romance

Point by Point, a Look Back at a 'thick' File, a Fateful Six Months Later The Most Detailed U.S. Case for Invading Iraq Was Laid

Published: Aug 9, 2003


On a Baghdad evening last February, in a stiflingly warm conference room high above the city's streets, Iraqi bureaucrats, European envoys and foreign reporters crowded before a half dozen television screens to hear the reading of an indictment.

"There are many smoking guns," Colin Powell would say afterward.

For 80 minutes in a hushed U.N. Security Council chamber in New York, the U.S. secretary of state unleashed an avalanche of allegations: The Iraqis were hiding chemical and biological weapons, were secretly working to make more banned arms, were reviving their nuclear bomb project. He spoke of "the gravity of the threat that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction pose to the world."

It was the most comprehensive presentation of the U.S. case for war. Powell marshaled what were described as intercepted Iraqi conversations, reconnaissance photos of Iraqi sites, accounts of defectors, and other intelligence sources.

The defectors and other sources went unidentified. The audiotapes were uncorroborated, as were the photo interpretations. No other supporting documents were presented. Little was independently verifiable.

Still, in the United States, Powell's sober speech was galvanizing, swinging opinion toward war. "Compelling," "powerful," "irrefutable" were adjectives used by both pundits and opposition Democratic politicians. Editor & Publisher magazine found prowar sentiment among editorial writers doubled overnight, to three-quarters of large U.S. newspapers.

Powell's "thick intelligence file," as he called it, had won them over. Since 1998, he told fellow foreign ministers, "we have amassed much intelligence indicating that Iraq is continuing to make these weapons."

But in Baghdad, when the satellite broadcast ended, presidential science adviser Lt. Gen. Amer al-Saadi appeared before the audience and dismissed the U.S. case as "stunts" aimed at swaying the uninformed.

Some outside observers also sounded unimpressed. "War can be avoided. Colin Powell came up with absolutely nothing," said Denmark's Ulla Sandbaek, a visiting European Parliament member.

Six months after that Feb. 5 appearance, the file does look thin.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told U.S. senators last month the Bush administration actually had no "dramatic new evidence" before ordering the Iraq invasion.

"We acted because we saw the existing evidence in a new light through the prism of our experience on Sept. 11," Rumsfeld said.

Much happened between Powell's February presentation and Rumsfeld's statement of July.

That Baghdad conference room was turned into an ash-filled shell, like countless rooms in countless buildings across the bombed and looted capital. Many were killed, including thousands of Iraqi civilians and at least 170 U.S. soldiers. Al-Saadi and hundreds of other Iraqi functionaries were hauled off in American handcuffs to secret imprisonment. And the U.S. force that invaded in March has found no weapons of mass destruction.

Meanwhile, President Bush's credibility has come under attack because he cited, in his State of the Union address, a British report that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger. That allegation, which Powell left out of his own speech, has been challenged by U.S. intelligence officials.

How does Powell's pivotal U.S. indictment look from the vantage point of today? Powell has said several times since February that he stands by it, the State Department said Wednesday. Here is an Associated Press review of the major counts, based on both what was known in February and what has been learned since:


Powell presented satellite photos of industrial buildings, bunkers and trucks, and suggested they showed Iraqis surreptitiously moving prohibited missiles and chemical and biological weapons to hide them. At two sites, he said trucks were "decontamination vehicles" associated with chemical weapons.


But these and other sites had undergone 500 inspections in recent months. Chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix, a day earlier, had said his well-equipped experts had found no contraband in their inspections and no sign that items had been moved. Nothing has been reported found since.

Addressing the Security Council a week after Powell, Blix used one photo scenario as an example and said it could be showing routine as easily as illicit activity. Journalists visiting photographed sites hours after the Powell speech found similar activity to be routine.

Norwegian inspector Jorn Siljeholm told AP on March 19 that "decontamination vehicles" U.N. teams were led to by U.S. information invariably turned out to be simple water or fire trucks. On June 24, Blix said of the entire Powell photo package, "We were not impressed with that particular evidence."

Amid Powell's warnings, a critical fact was lost: Iraq's military industries were to have remained under strict, on-site U.N. monitoring for years to come, guarding against the rebuilding of weapons programs.


Powell played three audiotapes of men speaking in Arabic of a mysterious "modified vehicle," "forbidden ammo" and "the expression 'nerve agents'" - tapes said to be intercepts of Iraqi army officers discussing concealment.


Two of the brief, anonymous tapes, otherwise not authenticated, provided little context for judging their meaning. It couldn't be known whether the mystery vehicle, however modified, was even banned. A listener could only speculate over the cryptic mention of "nerve agents." The third tape, meanwhile, seemed natural, an order to inspect scrap areas for "forbidden ammo." The Iraqis had just told U.N. inspectors they would search ammunition dumps for stray, empty chemical warheads left over from years earlier. They later turned four over to inspectors.

Powell's rendition of the third conversation made it more incriminating, by saying an officer ordered that the area be "cleared out." The voice on the tape didn't say that, but only that the area be "inspected," according to the official U.S. translation.


Powell said "classified" documents found at a nuclear scientist's Baghdad home were "dramatic confirmation" of intelligence saying prohibited items were concealed this way.


U.N. nuclear inspectors later said the documents were old and "irrelevant" - some administrative material, some from a failed and well-known uranium-enrichment program of the 1980s.


According to Powell, unidentified sources said the Iraqis dispersed rocket launchers and warheads holding biological weapons to the western desert, hiding them in palm groves and moving them every one to four weeks.


Nothing has been reported found, after months of searching by U.S. and Australian troops in the near-empty desert. Al-Saadi suggested the story of palm groves and weekly-to-monthly movement was lifted whole from an Iraqi general's written account of hiding missiles in the 1991 war.


Powell said Iraq was violating a U.N. resolution by rejecting U-2 reconnaissance flights and barring private interviews with scientists. He suggested only fear of the Saddam Hussein regime kept scientists from exposing secret weapons programs.


On Feb. 17, U-2 flights began. By early March, 12 scientists had submitted to private interviews. In postwar interviews, with Saddam no longer in power, no Iraqi scientist is known to have confirmed any revived weapons program.


Powell noted Iraq had declared it produced 8,500 liters of the biological agent anthrax before 1991, but U.N. inspectors estimated it could have made up to 25,000 liters. None has been "verifiably accounted for," he said.


No anthrax has been reported found. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), in a confidential report last September, recently disclosed, said that although it believed Iraq had biological weapons, it didn't know their nature, amounts or condition. Three weeks before the invasion, an Iraqi report of scientific soil sampling supported the regime's contention that it had destroyed its anthrax stocks at a known site, the U.N. inspection agency said May 30. Iraq also presented a list of witnesses to verify amounts, the agency said. It was too late for inspectors to interview them; the war soon began.


Powell said defectors had told of "biological weapons factories" on trucks and in train cars. He displayed artists' conceptions of such vehicles.


After the invasion, U.S. authorities said they found two such truck trailers in Iraq, and the CIA said it concluded they were part of a bioweapons production line. But no trace of biological agents was found on them, Iraqis said the equipment made hydrogen for weather balloons, and State Department intelligence balked at the CIA's conclusion. The British defense minister, Geoffrey Hoon, has said the vehicles aren't a "smoking gun."

The trailers have not been submitted to U.N. inspection for verification. No "bioweapons railcars" have been reported found.


Powell showed video of an Iraqi F-1 Mirage jet spraying "simulated anthrax." He said four such spray tanks were unaccounted for, and Iraq was building small unmanned aircraft "well suited for dispensing chemical and biological weapons."


According to U.N. inspectors' reports, the video predated the 1991 Gulf War, when the Mirage was said to have been destroyed, and three of the four spray tanks were destroyed in the 1990s.

No small drones or other planes with chemical-biological capability have been reported found in Iraq since the invasion. Iraq also gave inspectors details on its drone program, but the U.S. bombing intervened before U.N. teams could follow up.


Powell said Iraq produced four tons of the nerve agent VX. "A single drop of VX on the skin will kill in minutes. Four tons," he said.


Powell didn't note that most of that four tons was destroyed in the 1990s under U.N. supervision. Before the invasion, the Iraqis made a "considerable effort" to prove they had destroyed the rest, doing chemical analysis of the ground where inspectors confirmed VX had been dumped, the U.N. inspection agency reported May 30.

Experts at Britain's International Institute of Strategic Studies said any pre-1991 VX most likely would have degraded anyway. No VX has been reported found since the invasion.


"We know that Iraq has embedded key portions of its illicit chemical weapons infrastructure within its legitimate civilian industry," Powell said.


No "chemical weapons infrastructure" has been reported found. The newly disclosed DIA report of last September said there was "no reliable information" on "where Iraq has - or will - establish its chemical warfare agent-production facilities."

Many countries' civilian chemical industries are capable of making weapons agents, and Iraq's was under close U.N. oversight. The DIA report suggested international inspections, swept aside by the U.S. invasion six months later, would be able to keep Iraq from rebuilding a chemical weapons program.


"Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent," Powell said.


Powell gave no basis for the assertion, and no such agents have been reported found. An unclassified CIA report last October made a similar assertion without citing concrete evidence, saying only that Iraq "probably" concealed precursor chemicals to make such weapons. The DIA reported confidentially last September there "is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons."


Powell said 122-mm chemical warheads found by U.N. inspectors in January might be the "tip of an iceberg."


The warheads were empty, a fact Powell didn't note. Blix said on June 16 the dozen stray rocket warheads, never uncrated, were apparently "debris from the past," the 1980s. No others have been reported found since the invasion.


"Saddam Hussein has chemical weapons. ... And we have sources who tell us that he recently has authorized his field commanders to use them," Powell said.


No such weapons were used and none was reported found after the U.S. and allied military units overran Iraqi field commands and ammunition dumps. Even before Powell spoke, U.N. inspectors had found no such weapons at Iraqi military bases.


"We have no indication that Saddam Hussein has ever abandoned his nuclear weapons program," Powell said.


Chief U.N. nuclear inspector Mohamed ElBaradei told the council two weeks before the U.S. invasion, "We have to date found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq." On July 24, Foreign Minister Ana Palacio of Spain, a U.S. ally on Iraq, said there were "no evidences, no proof" of a nuclear bomb program before the war. No such evidence has been reported found since the invasion.


Powell said "most United States experts" believe aluminum tubes sought by Iraq were intended for use as centrifuge cylinders for enriching uranium for nuclear bombs.


Energy Department experts and Powell's own State Department intelligence bureau had already dissented from this CIA view, and on March 7 the U.N. nuclear agency's ElBaradei said his experts found convincing documentation - and no contrary evidence - that Iraq was using the tubes to make artillery rockets. Powell's scenario was "highly unlikely," he said. No centrifuge program has been reported found.


Powell said "intelligence from multiple sources" reported Iraq was trying to buy magnets and a production line for magnets of "the same weight" as those used in uranium centrifuges.


The U.N. nuclear agency traced a dozen types of imported magnets to their Iraqi end users, and none was usable for centrifuges, ElBaradei told the council March 7. "Weight is not enough; you don't have a centrifuge magnet because it's 20 grams," ElBaradei deputy Jacques Baute told AP on July 11. No centrifuge program has been found.


Powell said "intelligence sources" indicate Iraq had a secret force of up to a few dozen prohibited Scud-type missiles. He said it also had a program to build newer, 600-mile-range missiles, and had put a roof over a test facility to block the view of spy satellites.


No Scud-type missiles have been reported found. In the 1990s, U.N. inspectors had reported accounting for all but two of these missiles. No program for long-range missiles has been uncovered. Powell didn't note that U.N. teams were repeatedly inspecting missile facilities, including looking under that roof, and reporting no Iraqi violations of U.N. resolutions.

"There are many smoking guns," the secretary of state said in a CBS interview later that Wednesday in February. "Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option."

The U.S. bombing began 43 days later, and on April 12 al-Saadi, the science adviser, handed himself over to the U.S. troops who seized Baghdad. His wife has not seen him since.

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: iraq; prequel
The defectors and other sources went unidentified. The audiotapes were uncorroborated, as were the photo interpretations. No other supporting documents were presented. Little was independently verifiable.

Still, in the United States, Powell's sober speech was galvanizing, swinging opinion toward war. "Compelling," "powerful," "irrefutable" were adjectives used by both pundits and opposition Democratic politicians.

AP just can't help themselves. The war hasn't been finished for six months and they are complaining about things taking too long.

And why are they quoting Blix. The guy was a buffoon that was played for a sucker by the Iraqis on several occassions.

1 posted on 08/09/2003 10:05:45 AM PDT by Lance Romance
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To: Lance Romance
I love the way the press is ignoring (almost to the point of press embargo) Clinton Administration
official Kenneth Pollack (sp?).
He made just about the best case for going into Iraq before Operation Iraqi Freedom
and the best explanation of why we probably WON'T find much in the way of bio/chem WMD
(because Saddam was set-up to make them RAPIDLY at the first sign that the world
wasn't watching).
2 posted on 08/09/2003 10:23:48 AM PDT by VOA
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To: Lance Romance
What amazes me about the liberal mind is the sheer volume of intellectual diarrhea they commit to their collective memory banks and then the hypocrisy of how they digest as well as regurgitate that information...The moment I want to complement some liberals for their intelligence, this happens.
3 posted on 08/09/2003 10:33:24 AM PDT by Outraged
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To: Lance Romance
The rationalization that is going on to exsponge Saddam of crimes is amazing. The statement "No SCUD type missiles have been found" is an outright lie. We know Saddam had SCUDs and Al-Somuds that were banned from his posession...and that also had extended range that was prohibited by the UN. I also read a report that Saddam had imported Chinese missiles that were prohibited. While some people minimize the gas centrifuge found in the scientists backyard...becasue it was from 1991, they ignore the blatant violation and the fact that he said he was ordered to hide it until the sanctions were lifted. They also ignored the 30 Mig-25's, that have been buried for over a decade. If they can hide these planes for that long, hiding a few dozen containers of B/C weapons would be a piece of cake. And if these two trailers are as anocuous (sp) as the AP would lead us to believe, then why did Saddam keep them hidden from the inspectors? Give me a break! It wasn't until 1995...after having inspectors in Iraq since 1991, that the UN/US found the mother-lode, only after having been led to it by a defector. Before that happened, the UN was just about to give Saddam a clean bill of health. These people are intentionaly ignoring and lying about prohibited items that have "already" been found.
4 posted on 08/09/2003 10:36:51 AM PDT by cwb
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To: Lance Romance
"...President Bush's credibility has come under attack because he cited, in his State of the Union address, a British report that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger...."

W never used the word "Niger" in his state of the union address. He said source was from "Africa." Can't these people get the quote right?

5 posted on 08/09/2003 10:42:43 AM PDT by Cobra64 (Babes should wear Bullet Bras -
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Ignoring the Clinton administration official? Heck, they are ignoring Clinton's own statement that Saddam undeniably had WMDs when he left office.
6 posted on 08/09/2003 10:51:47 AM PDT by Eva
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To: Cobra64
'These people' are stating the assertion just the way they choose, so they are not erring by adding Niger, they are creating their impression as they choose, as a deceit on their part.

The misdirection/bait-and-switch appears to be working as the leftist democrat goons intended. Notice how the focus is directed to missiles, when the actual dangerous delivery system for WMDs are the thousands of terrorists trained in Iraqi camps? Notice how WMD's of the nuclear variety are touted as 'undiscovered, even at this many months since taking Iraq', when the other WMDs Saddam has used on Iranians and Kurds are usually dismissed with 'well, where is all the anthrax the administration spoke of' ... and it was actually Blix who noted tons declared but not accounted for!

Democrats and their political goon squad (with members like Bagala, Matthews, and Carvile) play upon the failings of the electorate to pay close attention. That's why the democrats get away with outright lies and gross mischaracterizations ... and it is ultimately a great insult to the American people that the democrats expect we the people to be deceiveable at democrat whim.

Every time a democrat politician or democrat operative of the media (like Chris Matthews or Paul Bagala) spews forth a lie or repeats a dem talking points false assertion, it is ultimately democrat condescencion over the American people, assuming the people are to stupid to catch them in their lies and mischaracterizations ... what's frightening to me is, they appear to be correct! The DNC have defended the indefensible for three plus decades and the American people don't appear to have figured it out but have rather changed from affirmers of LIFE to transactionalists accepting of infanticide because the democrats defend it!

7 posted on 08/09/2003 10:59:54 AM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life support from someone. Promote life support for others.)
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To: Cobra64
These people can't get anything right...including their claim that Bush said Saddam was an "imminent threat." They have presented only those facts that support their position, while they ignore others (the very thing they accuse Bush of doing). They have continually taken quotes out of context and blatantly lied about others. I've never seen so many "un-named" sources in my life...and other people who just plain don't exist. Baghdad Bob would be proud.
8 posted on 08/09/2003 11:12:11 AM PDT by cwb
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To: Cobra64
"...President Bush's credibility has come under attack because he cited, in his State of the Union address, a British report that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger...."

W never used the word "Niger" in his state of the union address. He said source was from "Africa." Can't these people get the quote right?

1) Not to mention that "...again" should have been added to their denunciations.

2) Our CIA considered the general claim that Iraq was seeking to buy uranium unreliable (not "false") because they thought Iraq didn't need any more.

9 posted on 08/09/2003 5:08:10 PM PDT by lepton
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To: Eva
Ignoring the Clinton administration official? Heck, they are ignoring Clinton's own statement that Saddam undeniably had WMDs when he left office.

And that we haven't even found the WMDs that Iraq admitted to and weren't turned over.

10 posted on 08/09/2003 5:09:30 PM PDT by lepton
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