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Foreign holy warriors face shocking reality ^ | Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Posted on 07/29/2003 12:35:42 AM PDT by JohnHuang2

Recent Middle East press reports reveal religious leaders have encouraged Arab youth to travel to Iraq to become "martyrs" in a "holy war" against the United States, often with the aid of their governments and the enthusiastic approval of parents.

However, one of the many news features highlighted a Palestinian jihad warrior who went to Iraq for the sake of Allah only to discover, to his shock, the Iraqi people rejected him and were intent on getting rid of Saddam Hussein.

The press reports were translated and compiled by the Washington, D.C.-based Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI.

A report in the Lebanese daily Al-Nahar told of 36 Islamists from Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Egypt and Syria who received visas from the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut to volunteer as martyrs.

In Baghdad, Sheikh Ahmad al-Kubaysi praised the Arab volunteers, reported MEMRI.

"These young men who came here from other Muslim countries to defend Iraq are very brave," he said. "They left their homes and comfortable lives to protect fellow Muslims. That is the most important form of jihad. These mujahideen (holy warriors) are guaranteed paradise."

Parents of two Saudi jihad fighters killed in Iraq told the Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat of their pleasure in their sons' actions.

"I thank Allah that [our son] attained what he sought," said the father of Suheil Al-Sahili, 28. "For 14 years he sought [martyrdom]. He always pointed to his head and wished that a rifle bullet would split his forehead, and we have been told that that is what happened."

Al-Sahali also fought in Afghanistan in 1992, then Chechnya and Bosnia, according to his brother.

"After Chechnya, he returned to Saudi Arabia … and then we didn't hear from him," his brother said. "We got a phone call from him finally, in which he said he was going to the jihad in Iraq together with volunteers at the northern front."

The brother said his family received news about Al-Sahali from Internet forums.

"We always felt that he was a prisoner in this world while his heart was in the next world," he said.

In the city of Al-Quteif, the brother of Abd Al-Hadi Al-Shehri, 28, told the paper: "From a young age he wanted jihad ... after fulfilling this commandment of pilgrimage to Mecca, there was no contact with him until news of his martyrdom reached us."

Parental permission required

MEMRI notes some limitations have been put on the jihad warriors in certain Arab nations. In Qatar, an Islamic law court ruled the warriors must be called to jihad by a religious authority and require parental permission.

"It is considered against Islam to travel to another country for jihad without permission from one's parents," said the Shariah court.

At least one Middle East voice publicly questioned the whole enterprise.

In articles in the Egyptian daily Al-Gumhuriya, Egyptian historian 'Abd Al-Adheem Ramadhan bemoaned the fate of thousands of young Egyptians who went to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight a holy war, according to MEMRI.

The scholar said these youth were manipulated by jihad slogans and miscalculated the realities of modern-day warfare.

"The Islamic nation still holds the meaning of jihad as it had been in the past when the mujahid carried his sword and rode his horse into the battle field … . This interpretation persisted despite the developments that occurred in weaponry and training … and [despite] the emergence of tanks, airplanes, airplane carriers, and explosives. As soon as the Islamic nation gets involved in a war, young religious Muslims throughout the Islamic world rush to scream the jihad battle-cry and to go to war … . Obviously, the Islamic countries cannot resist these noble feelings … so they open the door to volunteerism, and open their borders to religious youngsters to head to the battle fields. And there, to their surprise, they find out that war is not what they expected, it is not [fought] with swords and spears. It is a war of tanks, planes, air strikes and the like."

Ramadhan said when thousands of Egyptian youth "were seized with enthusiasm and demanded to go to Iraq for jihad," they went unhindered.

"Naturally, the Egyptian government was unable to prevent them from going to Iraq, lest it would be accused of opposition to jihad and failure to fight."

The Egyptian historian called efforts by "Islamic elements in labor unions and others" to encourage the youth were a "propaganda ploy."

"They knew perfectly well that if those youngsters go to Iraq, they would fall into the same hell-fire that the Iraqi people faced," he said. "So, we witnessed thousands of young Egyptians who left their country and their relatives who needed them."

In Iraq, the regime opened its doors for the volunteer youth but did enlist them in its army and give them "necessary protection," Ramadhan said.

They fought in remote areas, away from the Iraqi army, he noted, and "when Baghdad fell, they did not know that, and continued to fight courageously."

"They did not even hear about the disgraceful disappearance of the Iraqi leadership, of Saddam Hussein and his men who abandoned their army and their people," Ramadhan said. "They did not know that the Iraqi regime let them down and that [the Iraqi regime] was not fighting to defend Iraq, but fighting a lost battle to defend itself."

Rejected by Iraqis

MEMRI said many articles in the Arab press have focused on ill treatment of the jihad fighters by Iraqis. A Lebanese volunteer who returned from Iraq said Iraqi officials isolated the volunteers and the Iraqis themselves "hunted them whenever they could, reported the Arabic newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat of London.

One volunteer from Lebanon said he was exposed "to more Iraqi friendly fire than American fire."

"The Iraqi people refused to accept the volunteers among them and betrayed them by leaving them exposed," he said.

One report said 10 Arab nationals, mostly Syrians who volunteered to fight for Saddam's regime, were executed publicly in Baghdad during the war because they refused to fight in residential areas, according to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

Another report in the London paper mentioned the "Iraqi Shi'a in the Iraqi capital considered the Arab volunteers to be supporters of Osama bin Laden who they said had nothing to do with us."

Four Arab volunteers who returned home from Baghdad to Damascus and Cairo claimed Iraqi citizens were directing American forces to the hideouts of the Arab volunteers in exchange for large sums of money.

They said the American forces viewed the volunteers as one of the most important targets because they could carry out suicide operations against groups of American soldiers, according to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

An oath to Saddam

Before it was shut down by coalition forces, Saddam's Iraqi TV featured interviews with jihad fighters and showed them marching in formation, chanting "Allah Akbar," or "Allah is great."

An Egyptian fighter named Muhammad Ridha said on Iraqi TV: "Thanks to Allah, I arrived in June to volunteer in Saddam's 'Jerusalem Army.' I returned [to Egypt], but Allah decreed that I return [to Iraq], and I thank Him for that."

Ridha said he left behind four daughters and a son.

"I came to fight [the war of] jihad," he said, " and I take an oath in front of the leader Saddam Hussein that I will die as a martyr and that I do not want to return to Egypt. I say to all the Arabs and Muslims that jihad is our duty."

Abd Al-Karim Abd Al-'Azzam, a fighter from Aleppo, Syria, told Iraqi TV he wanted to "send a message to our Muslim brethren throughout the world."

"Brothers, we are not defending Iraq only, but all the Muslim countries," he said. "It started in Iraq, but Syria, Lebanon and other Muslim countries will follow. How long will we keep silent, how long will we wait? America and the Jews may decide next to bomb Mecca and Al-Madina (Medina), what are we waiting for? Are we waiting for them to enter Al-Madina?"

Abdallah from Algeria, added: "I call upon the entire Muslim nation to stand as one and defend the Muslim nation … truth is ours."

Abd Al-'Aziz Mahmoud Hawwash, a suicide volunteer from Syria, said in an Iraqi TV interview: "We are here, and we left our wives and children in order to defend the Arab and Muslim nation."

"We came as [martyrs] and we pray that Allah accepts our martyrdom for His sake," he said.

Another volunteer suicide-fighter from Syria said: "I came from Syria to fight along with our Iraqi brothers because this land is the land of the prophets and is the natural treasure of the Arabs."

The jihad warrior asserted "the Americans, Zionists, and the British want to control the oil and the natural resources of the Arab world. They say that Iraq has arms, but it is a lie. They want the oil and they want a crusade, but we will be the drawn swords in the hand of the jihad fighter Saddam Hussein."

Another volunteer, who did not mention his home-country, stated: "I send a message to the blood-shedding criminal Bush, and to his servant Tony Blair, and his new servant the Spanish [Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar], you want a crusade and we are ready for that, with the help of Allah."

"Oh [Muslim] nation, [which] is a billion and four hundred million strong, don't you see what is happening in Palestine?" the jihad warrior said. "What happened to the boiling Arab blood in your veins? We hope that you will come to the training camps in Iraq."

A fighter from Syria said: "Listen Oh Bush, and listen America, we are not the aggressors, you crossed the ocean and came here to slaughter our children and our women, and the most important thing that they came for is this religion … . We came to seek martyrdom and to raise the chant: Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar."

The 'hope' of martyrdom

In an interview with Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Islamic activist Sheikh Muhammad Shu'fat, a Palestinian from Jordan, said after arriving in Baghdad, "I felt my heart beat with the hope of achieving victory or martyrdom."

"I did not go to defend the Ba'ath regime, but the persecuted Iraqi people who were suffering from injustice," he said. "I defended the Arab and Islamic land under occupation and aggression in advance of the takeover of the [entire Islamic] nation."

Asked how he explained the Iraqis' joy at Saddam's fall, Sheikh Shu'fat replied: "This is a message to the Arab rulers that they must make peace with their people and give them more freedom, so the people will unite with the armies in resistance to the colonialist aggression … . I do not feel sorrow for any Arab ruler who is brought down."

Sheikh Shu'fat said he had no explanation for the fall of Baghdad.

"Suddenly, the Iraqi resistance disappeared," he said. "…We were confused because something we did not understand had happened. Our hope was to achieve victory or martyrdom. [The Iraqi soldiers] went back home and turned into ordinary citizens."

He said, nevertheless, "I am happy that I waged jihad for the sake of Allah. I suggested to [the Iraqi soldiers] that they carry out martyrdom operations, but they said it was too soon."

The sheikh said some of the Arab volunteers did not return to their countries because they had no money for the trip, and some had their passports taken by the Iraqis.

Shocked that Iraqis sided with U.S.

A Palestinian fighter, interviewed by Al-Ahram, the Egyptian daily, expressed shock at the Iraqi people's rejection of the jihad warriors.

"'I cannot believe that I am alive. I was in hell and Allah brought me back," said the fighter, who gave the pseudonym Abu Khaled.

In early April, he joined other Arab volunteers in the battle at Baghdad's airport.

At the beginning of the war, he says he was shocked at the sense of panic that seemed to pervade among the Iraqi troops.

"The Iraqi soldiers were scared to death, with some even fainting," he said. "I did not understand their attitude then."

Now, Abu Khaled believes the soldiers must have sensed there was a conspiracy.

After fighting to defend the Baghdad airport, Abu Khaled said he walked 12 miles to reach the capital.

"Exhausted, tense and with almost no food or drink for several days, I reached a house where I thought I could finally find shelter," he said.

After an Iraqi man opened the door, Abu Khaled announced proudly his identity as an Arab jihad fighter.

"The man slapped the door in my face and said, 'Go away we do not want you in our country,'" he said.

Al-Ahram notes, "It was then that Abu Khaled realized that the Iraqi people had a different agenda."

"To his astonishment," the paper said, "he was later told that the Iraqis wanted to get rid of the dictatorship and oppression of Saddam Hussein at any cost."

In this context, said the paper, "the Arab volunteers were regarded by them as supporters of the regime, who are cashing dollars, only to prolong the Iraqi suffering."

Abu Khaled said he was not a defender of the Saddam regime.

"I joined the resistance to defend the Iraqi people," said a shocked and bewildered Abu Khaled, according to Al-Ahram. "I wanted to take part in the war against our brethren in Iraq. I came to defend the dignity of the Arab nation."

Abu Khaled said he later joined fellow Palestinians helping resist intensive coalition strikes.

"The Palestinians' resistance delayed the coalition forces' capture of the center of Baghdad for a whole day," he recalled. "I saw one Palestinian kill five Americans with one missile."

But even more staggering to Abu Khaled, reported Al-Ahram, was "the realization that many Iraqi civilians did not want to see further resistance to the invasion forces struck."

"While we were defending ourselves from the coalition strikes, I saw an Iraqi in a nearby building shooting at us," he said. "I had to protect myself and my people, so I fired an RPG missile at his house. While he was not killed, the second floor of the house was destroyed."

After the U.S. captured the center of Baghdad on April 9, Abu Khaled decided to return to his hotel. He discovered, however, he was no longer welcome.

"They welcomed me as a Palestinian before the war because they feared Saddam Hussein; now that he is gone they do not see any reason to give me shelter," he said. "They told me that they needed the room because they have other people who offered more for the room."

Al-Ahram said Abu Khaled is now without shelter and is dependent on the generosity of others for food, tea or coffee.

"I avoid being alone or recalling what happened to me," the fighter said, "because whenever I remember what happened at the airport, how I was abandoned – I feel betrayed and devastated."

TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: iraq; jihad
Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Quote of the Day by Liz

1 posted on 07/29/2003 12:35:42 AM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: JohnHuang2
The hope of martyrdom

Well, we could grant them that wish, eh?
2 posted on 07/29/2003 12:40:50 AM PDT by Cronos (Mixing Islam with sanity results in serious side effects. Consult your Imam)
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To: Cronos
We aim to please :-)
3 posted on 07/29/2003 12:41:12 AM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: JohnHuang2
"I thank Allah that [our son] attained what he sought," said the father of Suheil Al-Sahili, 28. "For 14 years he sought [martyrdom]. He always pointed to his head and wished that a rifle bullet would split his forehead, and we have been told that that is what happened."

I stopped reading there. I know, I know. I probably missed the best part! :-)

4 posted on 07/29/2003 12:45:35 AM PDT by JoeSixPack1 (POW/MIA - Bring 'em home, or send us back! Semper Fi)
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To: JohnHuang2
5 posted on 07/29/2003 1:05:42 AM PDT by Salman
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To: JohnHuang2
The Left can rest assured that our troops are going out of their way to do very spiritual things for these helping them to meet God.

"Holy warriors"? More like "holey warriors"...

6 posted on 07/29/2003 1:07:38 AM PDT by Jay D. Dyson (Leftists are like any other lower life form...they devour their own when it suits their purpose.)
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To: JoeSixPack1
If he was the nutball's only child, then Pops might be eligible for a Darwin Award.
7 posted on 07/29/2003 1:21:14 AM PDT by Redcloak (All work and no FReep makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no FReep make s Jack a dul boy. Allwork an)
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To: JohnHuang2
Because of 9/11 and XY-43 GW, we are finally at war with this sick, dogmatically trecherous death cult now forever at war against us, kaafir. Submit or die.

The only Infedel nation, with proper leadership, capable of stopping jihad in the sand scabs of the M.E. is the USA. Europe is buckling now, and with the DNC Politburo's complicity, our Constitutional Republic risks joining Old Europe, new Eurabia.

Abandoning families in order to kill and die protecting one of the major mass murderers of the 20th Century is pathetic and a clear warning to us all. Selfishness is approved motivation under the sharia. 6 dozen child virgins and rivers of wine for all. Just what is the eternal future of the female bullet catchers, the jihadettes?

One always wonders why the old preacher boys don't take the ticket to wine riverside virginville. Why do they prefer to send younger fools?

'Mein Koran' and their 'Haddith' is the battle plan for all to read. Their religious leaders preach murder and lying in the name of Mo'ham' to serve their fanciful death god. Kill and die for fantasy glory.

Our children are delightful kaafir to enslave, marry, or simply breed in their bloody conquests. No? Read 'Mein Koran' and 'Haddith'. Kind of a cool way way to meet chicks if you're from out of town - from some demonic hellhole.

The arab womb has been mass producing for more than a generation, according to plan. Some population bomb, Dr. Ehrlich; you failed to discuss the islamic mass murder incubator in your book so long ago. Wahhabees have been busy producing, rabble rousing, and arming sociopaths for islam.

To win pan-islam's war on the West, we must kill our mortal enemies faster than they can breed jihadies, with their "girls of breeding age" or ours. (See 'Mein Koran' and 'Haddith', not under romance.) Islamists are willing to kill men, women, and children, so we had better be prepared.

We will be horrified by the numbers of dead in a return of the media's body count. Pan-islam will celebrate it in the streets. Better theirs than ours because their devout will not question 'Mein Koran' and 'Haddith' and attack us under the banner of peace, obedient to the word of Mo'ham'.

Coming from a mosque near you.
8 posted on 07/29/2003 2:36:57 AM PDT by SevenDaysInMay (Federal judges and justices serve for periods of good behavior, not life. Article III sec. 1)
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To: RnMomof7; xzins
Religion Of PeaceTM alert.

Unbelievable. This one deserves a full reading, just for all the quotes. It's true but it reads like The Onion. What a tragic religion of a false god.
9 posted on 07/29/2003 5:27:12 AM PDT by George W. Bush
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The usual collection of mush_fer_brains Jihadists. Their Islamoid anger and crazy from the sun insanity have conquered their IQs if they ever had one above 50.
10 posted on 07/29/2003 5:36:06 AM PDT by dennisw (G_d is at war with Amalek for all generations)
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Comment #11 Removed by Moderator

To: JoeSixPack1
He always pointed to his head and wished that a rifle bullet would split his forehead

"See your future... Be your future..."

12 posted on 07/29/2003 5:53:51 AM PDT by Tijeras_Slim
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To: George W. Bush
"I thank Allah that [our son] attained what he sought," said the father of Suheil Al-Sahili, 28. "For 14 years he sought [martyrdom]. He always pointed to his head and wished that a rifle bullet would split his forehead, and we have been told that that is what happened."

More proof that Islam is a mental illness.


13 posted on 07/29/2003 6:36:23 AM PDT by SoothingDave
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To: JohnHuang2
... leaders have encouraged Arab youth to travel to Iraq to become "martyrs" in a "holy war" against the United States... - - "C'mon people now, murder your brother, everybody get some weapons, gonna kill one another right now." Yep, go forth, my children, and get yourselves KILLED! For Allah. I swear. Honest.

"I thank Allah that [our son] attained what he sought," said the father of Suheil Al-Sahili, 28. "For 14 years he sought [martyrdom]. He always pointed to his head and wished that a rifle bullet would split his forehead, and we have been told that that is what happened." - - OMG What in the HELL is WRONG with these people??? If one of my sons came off with such idiocy, I'd smack him across the head and give him a good dressing-down for bacting like a dumba$$.

"... young religious Muslims throughout the Islamic world rush to scream the jihad battle-cry and to go to war... And there, to their surprise, they find out that war is not what they expected, it is not [fought] with swords and spears. It is a war of tanks, planes, air strikes and the like." - - Stupid jihaddis, firing a rusty AK-47 into the air is no match for a precision-guided cylinder chock full of cluster-munition goodness!

14 posted on 07/29/2003 6:47:57 AM PDT by FierceDraka ("I am not a number - I am a FREE MAN!")
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To: JohnHuang2
Now, if we could convince the Demoncraps that the Iraqi people wanted to be liberated from Hussein, then they would be as smart as the Fedayeen. Right now they're lagging behind the Fedayeen, down there with the Saudi kid who wanted a bullet to split his forehead! As my eight-year nephew once asked: Why are there democrats?
15 posted on 07/29/2003 7:00:07 AM PDT by HenryLeeII
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To: JohnHuang2
but we will be the drawn swords in the hand of the jihad fighter Saddam Hussein."

Idiots!. Never bring a sword to a tank fight.

16 posted on 07/29/2003 7:06:19 AM PDT by John O (God Save America (Please))
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To: JohnHuang2
"The Palestinians' resistance delayed the coalition forces' capture of the center of Baghdad for a whole day," he recalled. "I saw one Palestinian kill five Americans with one missile."

...And I once caught a fish thiiiis big.

17 posted on 08/01/2003 12:12:45 PM PDT by smith288 ('This time I think the Americans are serious. Bush is not like Clinton.' - Uday Hussein)
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