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Congressman predicts leadership change in US (Conyers says Bush will fall in 'regime change')
Associated Press
| April 5, 2003
Posted on 04/05/2003 9:54:58 PM PST by HAL9000
Congressman predicts leadership change in US
DETROIT - The United States may now be battling to topple the regime of Iraq's Saddam Hussein. But President Bush will have a surprise of his own when his own regime is toppled, a Michigan U.S. Rep. said Saturday.
Lambasting the administration, U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., told a crowd of cheering and freezing anti-war protesters in downtown Detroit the current war with Iraq is not "only unconstitutional, it is immoral."
"Well, George Bush, on November 2, 2004, there will be the biggest regime change you have ever seen," Conyers said, jokingly saying that he promised his staff he would not mention the "I" word, impeachment, in public.
"A big regime change. That's what we're preparing for," the ranking House Judiciary Committee member said.
Conyers' comments set the tone for an anti-war rally steeped in criticism and sarcasm, but where the spirit of hope and peace was called forward by the memory of slain civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The peace march, whose participants numbered in the hundreds, was called to commemorate the 35th anniversary of King's assassination and to mark his speech the previous year attacking the Vietnam War.
Conyers saluted the participants, describing them as the "truest of patriots." Earlier, he noted that many of the participants, who started their march at the city's Tiger Stadium, included a few of the two million plus people out of work "as a result of the 43rd unelected president of the United States."
"Thanks a lot, George," he said.
The theme of economy over war, education over invasion, was a prevalent one for the protesters.
Marchers braved bone-chilling wind and periods of snow to reach Hart Plaza - over a mile away from the stadium - finding some warmth in communal chants of "Drop Bush, not bombs."
The faces of the marchers presented a cross-section of America: veiled Muslim women marching alongside young girls wearing cheerleader-like outfits and men sporting Vietnam-era ponytails.
And then, there was the man wearing a George Bush mask, weaving through the streets while feigning intoxication from chugging a quart of Pennzoil.
Cringing at the mention that his opposition to the war means that he is not patriotic, 29-year-old Matt Gorton of Detroit said: "It's because I care that I want the troops back."
"This war is leading us down a dangerous road," he said, predicting even more instability stemming from the U.S.-led campaign in a region of the world already seething as a result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"We're being lied to," he said, voicing comments echoed repeatedly throughout the rally that this war is about oil, domination, arrogance and complacency to Israeli interests at the expense of those of the United States.
Miles away, another rally, this one supporting the troops, was taking place in Pontiac as the downtown rally wound down.
TOPICS: Extended News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Michigan
KEYWORDS: bush; conyers; michaeldobbs; regimechange
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posted on
04/05/2003 9:54:58 PM PST
To: HAL9000
Bring it on.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:55:42 PM PST
(“We are in, and we’re staying put. Freedom is on the way.”)
To: HAL9000
Something tells me that Mr. Conyers still thinks that Detroit is representative of the United States of America. Sad really.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:56:16 PM PST
To: HAL9000
Spoken off the talking points of the most insidious little communist dick-weeds. True to form...
posted on
04/05/2003 9:56:53 PM PST
(Yes, let us allow the economies of gerdung, frunk, mexiztlan, chirushcom and canadastan to wither...)
To: Arkinsaw
Does he have a lot of Muslims in his district? You'd think they would be happy with a free Iraq.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:58:02 PM PST
(“We are in, and we’re staying put. Freedom is on the way.”)
To: HAL9000
"A big regime change. That's what we're preparing for," the ranking House Judiciary Committee member said. Yet, what we get instead is a gigantic democRat crapfest. How wonderful for us.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:59:45 PM PST
Hank Rearden
(Dick Gephardt. Before he dicks you.)
To: HAL9000
Hey Conyers! wanna bet?
BTW Conyers, "regime change" has already been done by Kerry.
Whada dufus!
posted on
04/05/2003 9:59:51 PM PST
(whadda ya mean, "we don't get parachutes"!?!)
To: HAL9000
Gads, demonrats are so tedious. They are as joyful to listen to as fingernails on a blackboard.
To: HAL9000
I hope there is a huge,long lasting regime change in Washington next year. I would like to see 15 more republician senators, 100 more congresscritters (One of which might be me) and 5 more Governers. How's that for regime change??
posted on
04/05/2003 10:00:47 PM PST
To: HAL9000
Rep. John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House committee now considering impeachment,
has publicly linked President
Clinton's fate to a more favorable policy toward
Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
At least he's consistant.
posted on
04/05/2003 10:01:15 PM PST
To: HAL9000
peace rioters
To: HAL9000
Didn't Conyers predict "regime change" in Congress after the eeeeeeeeeeeeevil Republicans impeached slick? He really has his finger on the public mindset, eh?
posted on
04/05/2003 10:03:42 PM PST
(George Ryan deserves a long term...without parole.)
To: HAL9000
"Well, George Bush, on November 2, 2004, there will be the biggest regime change you have ever seen,"
He's right...except it's not what he thinks...
posted on
04/05/2003 10:03:47 PM PST
To: Hank Rearden
Great tagline!
posted on
04/05/2003 10:04:50 PM PST
To: HAL9000
Come on Democrats, hop on 'board that Kerry Train to Destruction!
I know someone who's going to get a VERY pissy call from Terry McAwful tomorrow.
posted on
04/05/2003 10:05:18 PM PST
(When was the last time YOU remembered we're on Code Orange?)
To: HAL9000
But President Bush will have a surprise of his own when his own regime is toppled, a Michigan U.S. Rep. said Saturday Considering the context ... this sounds like one for the Secret Service.
posted on
04/05/2003 10:05:55 PM PST
(We are crushing our enemies, seeing him driven before us and hearing the lamentations of the liberal)
To: HAL9000
The presence of Conyers, Waters, Daschle and others of that ilk has to make one wonder at the IQ level in their districts. I'm not certain I've ever heard him say anything that made any sense.
posted on
04/05/2003 10:06:01 PM PST
(The Butcher of Baghdad is? a WMD)
To: HAL9000
dream on.
To: HAL9000
This will probably be the shortest peace movement in history.
To: HAL9000
Ahh, this must be Conyers' PR guru..
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