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Arab media accept Iraq is crumbling
The Daily Telegraph ^
| April 5, 2003
| Gerald Butt
Posted on 04/04/2003 4:34:22 PM PST by MadIvan
The truth is beginning to dawn on the Arab world. After two and a half weeks of denial, sections of the Arab press are finally accepting that Iraqi resistance is crumbling.
"US forces announce control of the southern entrance to Baghdad," was the banner headline in the semi-official Cairo daily al-Ahram, while al-Akhbar talked of "ferocious clashes as the invading forces reach Baghdad airport - squadrons of American tanks and personnel carriers advance on the capital".
Al-Riyadh in Saudi Arabia said "it appears that the battle for Baghdad is about to start - if it has not done so already".
The Kuwaiti al-Qabas pointed out that the US assault on Baghdad airport started "only hours after the Iraqi ministry of information had taken correspondents there to show that it was still in the hands of the regime".
But some Gulf papers continued to play down the developments. The lead item of al-Ittihad in the United Arab Emirates was Baghdad's denial that coalition forces controlled any town in Iraq. Al-Bayan carried Iraqi claims that the allies were nowhere near the capital. In Yemen, the daily al-Gumhoriya made no mention of the impending battle for Baghdad, concentrating instead on Iraqi resistance within Basra.
Most Arab satellite television channels reported the statements of coalition commanders about the advance on Baghdad without comment and without pictures. All the while they continued to show live footage from the capital, with reporters saying they were unaware of any coalition presence near the city.
Most Arab news channels carried live a press conference by Mohammed al-Sahhaf, the Iraqi information minister, and gave prominence to his assertion that it would be "hard for the American marines to get out of the Baghdad airport area alive".
TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; US: District of Columbia; United Kingdom; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: battleforbaghdad; blair; bush; iraq; iraqifreedom; saddam; uk; us; viceisclosing; war; warlist
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I suppose we're going to hear long, boring lectures after the war is over about how we've "humiliated" the Arabs again. Well, maybe if the Arabs were on the side of right for once, they wouldn't be.
Regards, Ivan
posted on
04/04/2003 4:34:22 PM PST
To: Freedom'sWorthIt; Carolina; patricia; annyokie; Citizen of the Savage Nation; cgk; proust; ...
posted on
04/04/2003 4:34:35 PM PST
To: MadIvan
I suppose we're going to hear long, boring lectures after the war is over about how we've "humiliated" the Arabs again. They deserve a little humiliation.
posted on
04/04/2003 4:37:03 PM PST
(MOAB, the greatest advance in Foreign Relations since the cat-o'-nine-tails!)
Comment #4 Removed by Moderator
To: MadIvan
Humilation is the natural state for "slaves" of an angry vengeful god.
To: MadIvan
I'll start respecting particular Arab countries when a) they start holding regular elections and b) the winning party in each election gets less than 90% of the vote.
To: LibKill
Kuwait didn`t get humiliated
posted on
04/04/2003 4:40:46 PM PST
(first the public employees, next the fish and, finally, the children)
To: bybybill
Kuwait didn`t get humiliated. True, Kuwait was liberated.
Sorry for over-generalizing.
posted on
04/04/2003 4:43:12 PM PST
(MOAB, the greatest advance in Foreign Relations since the cat-o'-nine-tails!)
To: MadIvan
Is it Arab culture or teaching that produces individuals with a complete lack of cognitive thought and an arrogant denial of reality?
I can help but think of Marty Feldman (playing a hunchback named IGOR) in YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN when told by DR. F that he could remove that HUMP........IGOR replies, "WHAT HUMP?"
posted on
04/04/2003 4:43:20 PM PST
To: MadIvan
While stuck in an airport, I caught the Iraqi Miniter of Lies say that U.S. and British forces are "trapped everywhere in the country." Well, I suppose that the Turks, Jordanians, Syrians, Kuwaitis and Iranians are doing a mighty fine job holding us inside Iraq.
To: MadIvan
Most Arab satellite television channels reported the statements of coalition commanders about the advance on Baghdad without comment and without pictures. All the while they continued to show live footage from the capital, with reporters saying they were unaware of any coalition presence near the city. these pin heads bring this stuff on themselves- same thing during the six day war- "we are striking great and mighty blows upon the zionist pig-dog etc."
Then comes the sudden, Homer-esque "Moment of Doh!" when they realize they have been played like the idiots they are. Next, they go blow up a school bus to make it better.
To: MadIvan; *war_list; W.O.T.; 11th_VA; Libertarianize the GOP; Free the USA; knak; sakka; ...
To: Starrgaizr
The Iraqi minister of lies, along with the Hollywood bunch and the demos and media all have reserved seating in the lake of fire, where all liars are commanded to go. Isn't it clear to see those who are winners - truthful speakers and those who are losers - liars.
posted on
04/04/2003 5:27:31 PM PST
To: MadIvan; Happygal; aculeus; general_re; BlueLancer; Poohbah
"There's always
someone who doesn't get the word."
posted on
04/04/2003 5:33:58 PM PST
(Amen-Corner Hatchet Team, Nasty Little Clique, Vulgar Horde)
To: MadIvan
This does certainly seem to be a recurring theme with the laundry-wearing set - live in filth, beat and degrade the women, have a 12th century economy and social structure, and then get angry when some outside force "humiliates" them.
One of these centuries they may decide to look inward rather than outward to remedy their situation, but I for one am not going to hold my breath waiting.
To: MadIvan
Today on a local talk radio show, the host had an expert on Arab media on. The (obviously Arab) gentleman stated that most Arab language newspaper editors and TV news heads were being paid by Saddamm. He was very interesting to listen to and was very enlightening. He said that once Iraq is freed and the stories about Saddamm start getting out to the Arab peoples that attitudes should change regarding the USA and Britain.
posted on
04/04/2003 5:42:08 PM PST
To: MadIvan
Does that include the al-Jazeera?
To: MadIvan
Guest on O'Reilly tonight stated that many of the editorial writers at the Arab Newspapers are paid by Saddam Hussein
posted on
04/04/2003 6:22:21 PM PST
( building tomorrow)
To: vbmoneyspender
I'll start respecting particular Arab countries when a) they start holding regular elections and b) the winning party in each election gets less than 90% of the vote. Before we start holding real elections in Arab countries, let's try and get more than 10 percent of the voters able to actually read the ballot.
posted on
04/04/2003 7:46:10 PM PST
(Enrage a Democrat - Pray for the Troops.)
To: uncbob; Tailback
Okay, now who pays our editors?
posted on
04/04/2003 7:51:25 PM PST
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