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Peace, Love & Anti-Semitism?
Brain-Terminal ^
| 4 April 2003
| Evan Coyne Maloney
Posted on 04/04/2003 5:39:00 AM PST by gljones
Anti-Israeli and even anti-Semitic sentiments run strong in the modern peace movement. Why?
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs
Once again anti-war protesters show their ignorance. How can anyone who calls themself a Christian not see the very important relevance of Israel in today times and the second coming of Christ. To ignore the Jews and the Jewish state of Israel and refuse to protect them or force them to give away the land that God gave them is to bring wrath upon the nation, as is written in the Bible.
posted on
04/04/2003 5:39:00 AM PST
To: gljones
Many, many people who call themselves "Christian" attend churches where the Bible isn't taught. Some where it seemingly must not even be opened. Hence we get gay pastors and all manner of perversion. Pastors where they serve up little homilies like we heard a couple weeks ago, "There are many paths to God..." Balderdash.
posted on
04/04/2003 5:56:51 AM PST
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