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To: rodguy911
This week I did something different.I was browsing around and I stumbled around looking at, of all things, a huge Dam in China.

It’s called the Three Gorges dam


The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. The Three Gorges Dam has been the world’s largest power station in terms of installed capacity since 2012.


The Three Gorges Reservoir Region is located in the upstream of the Yangtze River at the boundary of Chongqing municipality and Hubei province with the area of 59900 km² and with the population of 16 million. The Three Gorges Reservoir Region stretches along the Yangtze River from Jiangjin District of Chongqing to Yichang City of Hubei, which is very narrow and where the geography is complex. The mountainous areas represent 74% of the region only with 4.3% plain area in the river valley and 21.7% hilly area. The climate of the reservoir region of the Three Gorges Project is the subtropical monsoon climate. Its location is in the transfer between the northern temperate zone and the subtropical zone, where it is hot and it rains a lot with the annual rainfall of about 1100 mm. The valley of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region below 500 m has an annual temperature 17–19 °C and, with the frost-free period annually lasts 300–340 days. The annual runoff flow at the site of the dam of the Three Gorges Project is 451 billion m³ with the annual sediment discharge of 530 million tons. and is a huge project gone wrong in China like so many things do.

Here’s what initially go my in interest: The three gorges dam which dams the Yangtze river is reaching epic proportions and could possibly break open Even if it doesn’t it will one day for a variety of reasons.If and when it does here’s what Furbers guy wrote.

Directly there are close to 600 Million(others say 400 million—with a possible death toll of 100 million) if I’m getting the numbers correct in the direct path of the disaster. Assume at least a quarter die so 150M deaths.(100M) Maybe more or maybe less.

Indirectly it triggers a global financial collapse as it will take years for China to rebuild the dam and then years more to reach the same manufacturing capabilities it has now. That isn’t counting the general disruptions it would cause to their operations throughout the country if the CCP itself doesn’t fall completely destroying any output it has.

It’s really hard to actually give a real answer because it would almost literally be the end of China as we know it and the CCP along with it.

It would be such a global “clusterfork” that as much as I disdain the CCP I kind of don’t want the dam to break because Its going to f... my life up as well.

So Furbers guy claims this dam bursting is a huge issue that would be worldwide.Amazing.

more from Furbers guy thought to be a CIA asset but who really knows:

The upstream region of The Three Gorges Dam is currently experiencing historic rainfall and flooding. All of this water will accumulate and put pressure on the dam downstream. This may become The Three Gorges’ Dam’s greatest test since its creation Considering the Chicom record of incompetent structural engineering due to Communist willful ignorance, there is a real possibility of some negative event affecting the region as a consequence of the above mentioned factors. Sure, the dam my survive — and that’s possible. But denying the opposite, considering all of the circumstantial factors, is irrational.

Finally: yes, June is the major rainfall season for the Yangtze River Basin. Yes, the same region has been known to flood in June. However — and here’s the crucial point (and the reason why we’re discussing this event here) — the current volume of rainfall and associated flooding has been described as, “historic” and unprecedented. Therefore this discussion can be considered as one concerning a historic event: the rainfall. The dam, well this is indirectly associated. No rain, no water, no problem. Unfortunately for the Three Gorges Dam, there is currently plenty of rain, thus plenty of water, and as a result, the potential for a serious problem.


If it happens the rotation of the earth will slow (I checked into this and it won’t be a major issue where gravity will mess with us or any of that its almost a non issue except for the fact that it takes tremendous energy to make that happen) ......................

If you are curious about the discussion on the lifespan of the dam, here is an excerpt from the essay by the Chinese researcher who criticized the dam project, particularly due to the potential for creating havoc in the context of floods within the Yangtze River Basin upstream — which is what is exactly happening now. Note that the researcher does not specifically claim the dam will last 20 years because the dam was not completed at the time of the essay.

> Some Chinese say things that are difficult to understand, so you have to translate them. When the water storage is 135 meters, the water level at 500 kilometers is nearly 170 meters; in other words: when the normal storage of the Three Gorges Reservoir is 175 meters, the water level in Fuling area, 500 kilometers away from the dam site, may be as high as 210 meters. . Of course, the higher the water level, the larger the cross-section of the water. The water level must be less than 210 meters, but it is likely to be 200 meters above and below. So, what about Chongqing, which is more than 100 kilometers upstream? The elevation of 200 meters above sea level is the level of the uppermost step of Chongqing Chaotianmen Wharf. This level is the safety line of Chongqing.

Once flooded to this location, Chongqing is almost flooded. Chief Engineer Wang’s calculation has another condition. He counts it as a flood in 20 years. If it is a flood in 50 years, the water level will be even higher. Chongqing may be flooded! Under such circumstances, the reservoir had no choice but to store floods to ensure Chongqing’s safety. Knowing this already, why bother throwing so much money into the Yangtze River?

This was written in 2002, and Chongqing is now flooded, nearly 20 years later. Interesting, especially when the historic current rainfall is added to the situation.


All the rain in the area naturally will flow towards the Three Gorge’s Dam, as it is basically the pillar of hope for all water traversing in the area out to the East China Sea. Many supposed dams upstream that have been collapsing, and so have bridges.

If you got a massive wall ,with a few holes that don’t allow the same volume of water coming in as it let’s out, that’s suddenly stopping all that massive surge of destructive water that gains volume and mass, something that will gain in size bigger than it self in a matter of a week, it will eventually collapse and what ever destructive force that comes with it will crash on down at alarming force on anything downstream. The stagnant, but high turbulent water (due to ship transportation, natural forces etc) have been carving the landscape and creating earth quakes and land slides along it’s upstream river path since it’s opening in 2012. It had 8 years to change the terrain to hold more water than it is supposedly was able to hold in the first place. It’s a colossal mistake that should never have happened, and the entire world is going to suffer after it’s eventual collapse.

When you got a pool that’s building in size that will be able to retain more volume and mass, do you think the surrounding wall will be able to handle the massive difference it wasn’t made to withstand?

The answer is a big fat no.


China has suffered from continuous heavy rains recently, as many as 24 provinces have been affected by floods, and the sound of the dam break of the Three Gorges Dam in the Yangtze River has just started. The Chongqing Hydrological Monitoring Station has issued the first red warning of the floods of the Qijiang River in history.(actually it’s the first “red warning” in 40 years one of the reasons there is so much news about the dam since the Chinese take their warnings seriously) take Affected by rainfall, it is expected that the Chongqing section of the Qijiang River Basin Super historical floods will occur in the next 8 hours.

Wang Weiluo, a well-known water conservancy expert in China, once warned that the flood control function of the Three Gorges Dam is useless. Residents in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River should prepare lifesaving equipment and plan escape routes as soon as possible. Once the levee breaks, the flood will rush all the way to Shanghai and the estuary will “ It’s all done.”

Actually if the dam breaks it also threatens Wuhan the fabled start of the wu flu a city of over 10 million people.

Wang Weiluo said that the Three Gorges Dam was constructed by the same team from engineering demonstration, design and final construction quality inspection. It was undoubtedly a player and a referee. Qian Zhengying, Zhang Guangdou and other scholars responsible for the design and quality inspection of the Three Gorges Dam, The letter to Guo Shuyan, deputy director of the Three Gorges Dam Construction Project, mentioned at the time: “In fact, the quality (quality) of the Three Gorges Project is not as good as we wrote. The quality (quality) of the Three Gorges Project is average because it is built too It’s fast, the time is too short.”

In addition, according to the Chongqing Maritime Department, due to the effects of continuous heavy rains, the water level of Chongqing Beibei, Cuntan, Changshou and other rivers rose significantly on the 18th local time, ushering in the first flood peak this year, and temporary traffic control was imposed on some waters. Passenger ships and ro-ro ships pass through the waters of Huangcao Gorge and Tongluo Gorge.

However, today (22nd) at 11:50, the history of Chongqing Hydrological Monitoring Station issued the first red warning of Qijiang flood. Affected by rainfall, it is expected that over-historical floods will occur in the Chongqing section of the Qijiang River Basin in the next 8 hours. The highest water level of the Wucha Station in the Qijiang River in Jiangjin District will exceed the guaranteed water level (200.51 meters) by about 5.7 to 6.3 meters, an increase of about 10 to 11 meters. Call on the villagers to prepare for disaster prevention.


When one investigates how the Chicoms literally built a broken dam in Ecuador just a few years ago.

An inspection of the structure in November 2018 discovered 7,600 cracks in the eight distributors that inject water into turbines. The cracks are due to the use of substandard building materials and inferior welds.( same thing happening in the three Gorges Dam,its already showing a bulge from aerial shots a sign its partially bending.The big problem is that when the pilings were installed instead of drilling into the bedrock and then pouring concrete those who built the dam,Chinese,built it right on top of the bedrock with no support underneath!

This alone created a time bomb that will blow up one day and when it does be prepared for what was introduced by furber,a huge worldwide disaster effecting not only China but the entire world.

If that wasn’t enough the dam was built on a fault line with earthquakes up toe 8.1 predicted in time.Talk about a huge cluster just waiting to happen.

They can understand why a buildup in water volume due to historic rainfall and flooding within the upstream region of the Yangtze River Basin can accumulate into a steady force putting enough pressure on just the right crack within the Three Gorges Dam to slowly expand into severe structural damage.

It’s worth remembering: there *is documented evidence* that the Coca Codo Sinclair (CCS) Hydroelectric Power Plant in Ecuador was built by the same Chicoms who built the Three Gorges Dam — and the CCS included over 7,000 cracks and had to be evaluated by a German company afterwards due to Chicom incompetence. Reports suggest the Ecuadorian government is cautious of the dam, and justifiably so.

>It’s too massive an event to be so generally unnoticed. Surely people living at the time of Chernobyl had a similar thought.

Raising attention here might help to save lives, either now or in the future. Who knows who is lurking. Why do people here immediately think that this discussion involves folks who are cheering on an event that may lead to the deaths of innocent Chinese peasants? Ending of the CCP regime, sure — but the death of innocent peasants due to CCP willful ignorance of structural engineering due to internal Party corruption, that is a very serious crime.


More on the instability of the dam,forget where I got this one:

****************KEY STUFF HERE*********** It isn’t fake. They didn’t secure the dam to the bedrock, they set the pylons on the river bed. It(the dam) isn’t even CONNECTED TO THE BEDROCK!

China hired out the job, and some BEST PRICE company came and produced an improperly welded and improperly mixed concrete dam that was not connected to the bedrock in order to save cost.

The warping is happening because water is seeping underneath the disconnected pylons and moving them. This dam is literal sh_t engineering and will kill millions if the CCP doesn’t evacuate!

It is almost too crazy to be true, like a perfect storm. The dam was weakened in 2018-2019 when the first pictures of warping were released, and in 2020, the very same year China killed the world with corona, the dam receives record rainfall.

The thing they didn’t account for is when this much water is dammed up, it actually puts too much weight on the tectonic plates, and can trigger massive earthquakes.

a single 8.0+ quake combined with historic flooding, combined with already warped infrastructure will cause this disaster to manifest.


more on the dam if you are curious: ....................

bd on the three gorges

Too busy dealing with local issues You really don’t understand the Chinese or more specifically the CCP. This would be the end of them. They won’t be concerned with any of that until they get their enemies under control and prevent them from gaining from their loss as their own country will be rising up against them as well. They would strike out hard against every outside force first so they have a chance of dealing with the internal strife without being taken advantage of. Because the CCP cares about the CCP.

Also it doesn’t have to be nukes. China has had free reign to move cargo into the country for years. There could be nuclear weapons within the country, there could be EMPs ready to detonate, plagues ready to be unleashed on the heartlands and any number of things which would be suicide under any other circumstance but not in this case.

The dam breaking is CCP being fatally wounded. They strike out against otherwise healthy targets because they are likely to die anyway. Those hit can either deal with the issues China created and then strike back or deal with the issues and wait. Because there is no point in starting a nuclear war with a foe that is already dying even if they already nuked you.

I may come off sounding crazy but its hard to really explain the Chinese mindset without interacting with them. (the preceding from Furbers guy.)


Heres a late addition once again from Furbers guy: Right now the Chinese are pretty f__ked up. Xi had the virus and recovered but it has returned and has affected his brain so we will see what happens there. Really not the time to have a lot of instability at the top of China right now. The justification for recognizing Taiwan is the Chinese can no longer be trusted and their actions regarding the virus have shown them to be well unsound. Suspect one of the carriers may dock in Taiwan. Nothing special. Keep in mind Taiwan has had nuclear weapons for over 20 years and they are serious about putting one up Xi`s ass if they invade. If the dam goes China will be f__ked up for 50 years. Heard things about the dam but better not to go there. The Chinese will try to steal the vaccine but for it to work they will need a lot of work. .......................

One of the things that may have been heard is that the computer system that runs the dam may have or may become compromised.Who knows,the only thing I know for sure is that one day that dam will fail simply because of the way it was built.

14 posted on 06/28/2020 5:19:43 AM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic home of free because of the Brave)
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To: rodguy911

or not

19 posted on 06/28/2020 5:34:25 AM PDT by bert ( (KE. NP. N.C. +12) Progressives are existential American enemies)
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