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Hillary Insists That You Swallow Your O-Care Castor Oil
Freep | 1/19/2016 | Charles O'Connell

Posted on 01/18/2016 4:26:22 AM PST by CharlesOConnell

Congratulations, catatonic America, Hillary knows you'll be going along just fine in your media-induced stupor, you'll be swallowing your daily dose of Obamacare castor oil when she's in charge!

So, Bernie Sanders imagines he can introduce into the debate, the fact that Big Insurance & Big Pharma weren't going to be taken behind the woodshed after all, it was BI & BP who were the ones dragging America out back there, to be paddled black & blue.

SANDERS: "We need someone with the guts to stand up the private insurance companies and all of their money, and the pharmaceutical industry. That’s what this debate should be about."

Wait a minute, Hillary's sotto voce control track says, we're not letting the narrative go that way. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." was "the truth" all along, America, and Big Nurse mainstream media will have to give you an increase in your psyche-meds if you're entertaining any fantasies about escaping this particular psychiatric gulag.

CLINTON: "Well, as someone who, as someone who has a little bit of experience standing up to the health-insurance industry, that spent -- you know, many, many millions of dollars attacking me and probably will so again because of what I believe we can do, building on the Affordable Care Act -- I think it’s important to point out that there are a lot of reasons we have the health-care system we have today. I know how much money influences the political decision-making. That’s why I’m for huge campaign-finance reform. However, we started a system that had private health insurance. And even during the Affordable Care Act debate, there was an opportunity to vote for what was called the public option. In other words, people could buy-in to Medicare, and when the Democrats were in charge of the Congress, we could’t get the votes for that. So, what I’m saying is really simple, this has been the fight of the Democratic Party for decades. We have the Affordable Care Act. Let’s make it work. Let’s take the models that states are doing. We now have driven costs down to the lowest they’ve been in 50 years. Now we’ve got to get individual costs down. That’s what I’m planning to do."

You just get back in bed, little America, and stop all that crazy talk right this minute.

Simmer down in there!

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: hillary2016; hillarycare; obamacare

Unsuspected by Ordinary People, Economic Ultra-Elites Command the Base Institutions that Regulate Our Fundamental Living Conditions

They Are Far Above Conventional Distinctions of "Right" and "Left"--They Grant Ruling Privileges to the Group that can Demonstrate the Ability to Deliver What They Require.


If The "Conservatives" Had A More Coherent, Political Gangster Force--As They Did in 2000--The Ruling Elite Would Have Supported "Conservatism".

The function of a quasi-governmental cartel/monopoly is not to benefit consumers.
It is to enforce economy of scale, raise prices and discourage competition to benefit elites.

In the current civil crisis over Obamacare [published Halloween 2013], at least 3 contradictory sets of facts can help us to clear the smoke away from the mirrors, to triangulate to the truth and see what's really going on.

1) Hillary was the most popular, but Obama became president.

2) Biomedical Technology is one of the last healthy export manufacturing sectors of the economy, but it will be taxed to death.

3) We were told that Obamacare would stick it to Big Insurance and Pharma, but now it's admitted that they have the the best seats at the table.

How do we cut through the fog of media propaganda and arrive at a reasonable semblance of the truth? We can look at a similar example from another time we know more about, where the bodies are buried and who put them there.

In the 1930s, someone heard Adolph Hitler being screamed at behind closed doors by the head of the German Central Bank [Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht]. Who could get away with screaming at Hitler and live?

Someone fronting from a group so powerful, it could have ordered that Hitler be made into Hoffaburger. It turns out that when Hitler first assumed power, he went with hat in hand to make his case to the heads of German industry that his gangster militias could deliver labor peace.

(Not that the Big Boys were exactly helpless -- their corporate army was called Der Totenkopf, the "Death's Head" -- the SS. Their corporate heirs are the people who put out RU-486 chemical abortion. [IG Farben > Hoechst > Roussel Uclaf])

* Hillary and Barack's Very Special Date Night 6/6/08
* Bilderberg meets to decide US presidential election 3/31/12
* Bilderberg Kingmaker Kissinger ‘Jokes' About President Hillary Clinton At Elite Gathering 5/2/13

A roughly similar set of events may have been behind Obamacare. Fast forward to the 2007-2008 American Presidential race. Hillary Clinton was winning, then without any plausible explanation, Barack Obama was suddenly ahead. It happened in a way that made Hillary supporters cry foul.

Behind the scenes, it may have happened that Hill and Barry attended a command performance in front of the Big Boys who run things. It was found that Hillary carried too much political baggage, she tried but failed in 1993 to deliver Hillarycare, so, suddenly, Barack Obama is the man in command, with the most agile political gangster force and an effective, ready-made, prince-charming cover story.

Our politicians cry about insuring everyone and keeping jobs at home. But the most obvious solution, open insurance markets among the 50 states, won't be allowed. And Biomedical Devices, one of the most healthy sectors of the export economy, will get a stake through the heart.

What's the group that's so powerful that they can ruin the country to unanimous hosannas from the media? The same one that was able singlehandedly to defeat both the Trial Lawyers and the Doctors with one hand tied behind its back: Big Insurance.

It's now openly acknowledged that the group in charge of what became Obamacare, from the bitter beginning was lead by Big Insurance and Pharma, both touted in "the free press" as bad boys who would receive their just punishment, in the circus leading up to the vote on the bill that couldn't be read -- "read it after you pass it", 6 times longer than the Bible.

Big Insurance and Pharma have the seats of honor at this robbers' banquet. Harry Reid is in charge of the waiters, Nancy Pelosi runs the kitchen -- and Barack Obama supplies the bouncers.

It remains to be seen, however, whether or not Big Insurance can pay the bill, now that it's due.

"...they were either politicians or reporters, which, of course, comes to the same thing." -- Ford Madox Ford, "The Good Soldier"

A century ago, politicians and newspapers claimed that the establishment of the Federal Reserve would protect the little man, stabilize the economy and banking, and shield us from depressions and crashes. We now know that was just bait & switch, the Federal Reserve was never intended to do any such thing. The newspapers of that time led people around by the nose, feeding them anything their ultra-elite owners wanted.

Of course, we're so much better informed now, there's no way such a charade could be pulled off today!

Bankers Rule the World

They decide who governs and how, who serves on courts, what laws are enacted, and whether or not wars are waged.—Bankers Rule the World: The Network of Global Corporate ControlWall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy

What Government Schools Can Teach Us About Government Healthcare

Billionaires Cash in on Obamacare

GOP seeks coverage choices in health law they hate

Creature from Jeckyll Island

Thomas DiBacco: The Federal Reserve's woeful century

The Nuclear Option: Wilson and Obama--100 Years Apart but so Alike

SEIU-Related Health startup cashes in on Obamacare loophole

The White House Is Bribing Health Insurance Companies

The Federal Reserve cartel: The Eight Families

Who Rules America?

"Obama and the Democrats pushed Obamacare by attacking insurance companies and painting Obamacare opponents as shills for the insurers. This was dishonest populist posturing. The insurance companies were partners in Obamacare…." —When Obamacare loses in court, insurance companies lose, tooby Timothy P. Carney July 22, 2014, The Washington Examiner
This entry was posted in Elites on October 30, 2013.

1 posted on 01/18/2016 4:26:22 AM PST by CharlesOConnell
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To: CharlesOConnell

Liberal Anti-Democrats

Economics, Politics and Public Opinion, Society and Culture

Steven F. Hayward | October 11, 2011 | American Enterprise Institute

Liberalism has been schizophrenic about democracy for about a century.

It is always amusing to watch the contortions liberals put themselves through when things aren’t going well for them. At the end of the dismal Carter years, liberal intellectuals blamed their failures on the defects of the presidency itself, claiming the office wasn’t powerful enough for modern times. This argument was necessary because Democrats enjoyed large majorities in Congress and couldn’t blame their failures on obstructionist Republicans, unlike today. So our Constitution itself had to be blamed for the “gridlock” that prevents “progress.”

Liberalism has been schizophrenic about democracy for about a century, alternating between deploring anti-majoritarian features of our system such as the electoral college and the filibuster, or maligning populist democratic majoritarianism when it delivers uncongenial results, such as California’s Proposition 13 or last fall’s midterm election beat-down of the Democratic Party—an election that increasingly looks to be a harbinger of more wipeouts ahead at the hands of ingrate voters. So right now liberals are in one of their periodic anti-democratic moods, most remarkably expressed by North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s thought experiment last week about suspending congressional elections for two years so that Congress can “help this country recover.”

The heart of the matter is that liberals are incapable of questioning their presumption of being the force for Progress.

She’s hardly an isolated example of this strain of liberal thought. President Obama’s first director of the Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag, took to the pages of The New Republic recently to make the case that “we need less democracy,” saying “we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic.” And need we even mention Thomas Friedman’s periodic “China is awesome” columns envying Beijing precisely because of its authoritarian capacities? On the other hand, Harold Meyerson argues in the latest cover story of the American Prospect, “Did the Founders Screw Up?” that “The problem isn’t that we’re too democratic. It’s that we’re not democratic enough.” Following the spinning liberal compass on democracy can give you a headache.

Liberalism has been unable to decide whether it is for or against more democracy for nearly a century now, ever since it underwent a radical transformation from a creed believing that advancing the cause of individual liberty meant limiting government power and protecting individual rights into the creed we know today of believing that larger and more powerful government is the primary means of securing the realization of individual liberty.

None of the liberal complaints about “gridlock” are new; Progressives like Woodrow Wilson deplored the separation of powers and other limiting features of the Founding as obsolete years before he tried to ignore them as president.

At the core of “Progressivism,” as it was called then and is again today, was the view that more and more of the business of individuals and society was best supervised by expert administrators sealed off from the transient pressures of popular politics. So at the same time that Progressives championed “more democracy” in the form of populist initiatives, referendum, and recalls, they also developed a theory deeply anti-democratic in its implications. As the famous phrase from Saint-Simon had it, “the government of men is to be replaced by the administration of things.” But this undermines the very basis of democratic self-rule. No one better typifies the incoherence of Progressivism on this point than Woodrow Wilson, an enthusiastic theorist of the modern administrative state who couldn’t clearly express why we would still need to have elections in the future. In Wilson’s mind, elections would become an expression of some kind of watery, Rousseauian general will, but certainly not change specific policies or the nature of administrative government.

The heart of the matter is that liberals are incapable of questioning their presumption of being the force for Progress, and as such always repair behind arguments about process when their policies are unpopular. Meyerson gives away the game when he writes that reform is necessary to enable “decisive legislative action and sweeping social change,” because apparently “sweeping social change” is what government must be doing at all times.

Here’s an interesting thought experiment to try out on a people-loving liberal: If we had a national referendum, and a majority voted to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, would it be legitimate in the eyes of “Progressives”? If you think the liberal compass on democracy is spinning fast now. . .

2 posted on 01/18/2016 4:27:01 AM PST by CharlesOConnell (CharlesOConnell)
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To: CharlesOConnell

Hillary told us years ago that she knows what’s best for us.

3 posted on 01/18/2016 4:29:52 AM PST by nuconvert ( Khomeini promised change too // Hail, Chairman O)
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I should say Hitlery told us years ago that she knows what’s best for us.

4 posted on 01/18/2016 4:31:01 AM PST by nuconvert ( Khomeini promised change too // Hail, Chairman O)
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To: nuconvert

America the perfect host..................for parasites to thrive

5 posted on 01/18/2016 4:35:36 AM PST by ronnie raygun
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To: ronnie raygun

6 posted on 01/18/2016 4:39:05 AM PST by CharlesOConnell (CharlesOConnell)
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To: CharlesOConnell

Or rather awaken America, as proven by the reality that the Trump rallies are SRO.

7 posted on 01/18/2016 4:58:25 AM PST by Biggirl ("One Lord, one faith, one baptism" - Ephesians 4:5)
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To: CharlesOConnell

Take this bitch and her husband back to Arkansas.
Fort Smith to be exact and hang em.

8 posted on 01/18/2016 5:09:50 AM PST by Joe Boucher (Rubio is a liar, Jeb is worthless, Go Cruz ,Keep stirring the pot Donald.)
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To: CharlesOConnell

Hillary in charge?

She wouldn’t make a good towel girl in a cat house.

Obama wouldn’t make a good towel boy in a SF bathhouse.

9 posted on 01/18/2016 5:23:09 AM PST by HomerBohn (Liberals and slinkies: they're good for nothing, but you smile as you shove them down the stairs.)
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To: Joe Boucher

They are ready for them

10 posted on 01/18/2016 5:23:53 AM PST by bert ((K.E.; N.P.; GOPc;+12, 73, ....carson is the kinder gentler trump.)
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To: Joe Boucher

Where’s Judge Parker when we need him?

I know. Same place as Harvey Oswald.

11 posted on 01/18/2016 5:24:14 AM PST by HomerBohn (Liberals and slinkies: they're good for nothing, but you smile as you shove them down the stairs.)
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To: CharlesOConnell
"We now have driven costs down to the lowest they’ve been in 50 years."

It never ceases to amaze me how much liberals lie.

Healthcare costs have TRIPLED.

12 posted on 01/18/2016 6:49:53 AM PST by red-dawg (NO Prisoners.)
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To: Biggirl

For those who haven’t learned this yet:

Hidden in Obamacare are a couple of new taxes: Including a NEW FEDERAL 3.5 % transfer tax on property sales.

For those of us who are trying to sell/buy a property, this is another blow.

Also, Medicare tax is raised from 1.45 % to 2.35 %, which both the employer & the employee pay. No exceptions.

Other taxes raised a massive amount.

13 posted on 01/18/2016 7:42:20 AM PST by ridesthemiles
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To: ridesthemiles

That property transfer tax is complex and doesn’t affect a lot of folks. (I’m not saying it’s a good thing, but don’t want to spook the herd)

14 posted on 01/18/2016 7:44:57 AM PST by nascarnation
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To: bert

Visited this place a couple years ago.
Makes an impression.
Guarantee ya if it were used today, and make it public, folks would be a little nicer.

15 posted on 01/18/2016 9:32:05 AM PST by Joe Boucher (Rubio is a liar, Jeb is worthless, Go Cruz ,Keep stirring the pot Donald.)
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To: Joe Boucher


16 posted on 01/18/2016 10:00:17 AM PST by bert ((K.E.; N.P.; GOPc;+12, 73, ....carson is the kinder gentler trump.)
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