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Midwest Conservative Journal ^ | 12-17-2015 | Christopher Johnson

Posted on 12/17/2015 7:27:56 AM PST by NRx

These days, pretty much everybody, world leaders, Christian leaders, newspaper editors, celebrities and, well, anybody with a Twitter feed has attacked Donald Trump for his proposal to temporarily halt Muslim immigration to the United States. Dale Price:

Rancid carnival barker and all-around POS Donald Trump has proposed that we bar entry to the U.S. of all Muslims. This is clearly a garbage policy from a garbage human being, unworthy of consideration.

However, there is one thing that can be said for it: had we been doing it a year ago, Tashfeen Malik, the murderous jihadi sow who abused our hospitality and came to our country to slaughter us, would not have been able to do so. It is-however odious-the only proposal that would have definitively prevented the slaughter, or at least lessened it. If she hadn't been here, she wouldn't have murdered anyone.

Ballgame, thanks for playing. That Dale doesn't write for an insanely lucrative living, have a nationally-syndicated column, occasionally appear on Sunday news shows, write best-selling books and regularly vacation with his family in Europe is one more proof that the world is a fundamentally evil place.

But what do you think, Johnson? Shorter Editor: Trumpy's an arrogant loudmouth and his proposal is idiotic on many levels.

"What Would Jesus Do?" morality questions are not the most troubling aspect of this proposal because of the sad fact that, from its toleration of chattel slavery to Andrew Jackson's ethnic cleansing of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole Indians, the Trail of Tears, the Sand Creek Massacre, the Republican Party hanging black Americans out to dry in exchange for Rutherford B. Hayes' one mediocre presidential term, Jim Crow, the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Geary Act and Franklin Roosevelt's internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II, among others, this country has spent far too much of its history pissing on its "values" and spitting in the face of "who we really are."

Price, of course, is quite right that any Muslim who assisted this country in any of its overseas endeavors and who wants to emigrate here ought to receive free passes along with free plane fare to the US for himself and his family members and should go to the head of the citizenship line.

But I would go further. Evidently, Don's not that bright about the rest of the world or he'd realize that there are majority-Muslim countries in the world that are anything but teeming with Islamic radicals. Albania is so wildly pro-American that it once seriously kicked around the idea of applying to become the 51st American state. Azerbaijan is a former Soviet republic dominated by Shiite Muslims of Iranian ethnicity. Yet as far as Israel is concerned, Azerbaijan could not possibly disagree more with its radical cousins just to its south.

After all, Iran, also a Shiite nation, lies just across Azerbaijan's southern border. But while Iran is the Jewish state's mortal enemy, Azerbaijan is Israel's largest supplier of oil and a major purchaser of Israeli defense technology. The Shiites of Iran would treat me, an American Jew with a passport full of Israeli stamps, as an enemy. In Azerbaijan, I was an honored guest.

Kurdistan, the Islamic Garbage Dump's most formidable military enemy, must also be considered a tolerant place.

Civilized, relatively tolerant Muslim states are rare but they do exist. So what possible good what it do for the US to potentially cut the ground out from under friendly nations like Albania, Azerbaijan and Kurdistan by passing a bonecrushingly stupid law which states that anyone who professes the Islamic religion cannot immigrate to this country, especially since the plan, even on the remote chance that President Trump managed to force it through the Congress, would have absolutely no effect on terrorism?

It boggles my mind just how ignorant of modern life Donald Trump is. Why in the world would the Islamic Cesspool bother sneaking terrorists into this country when there are more than enough radicalized Muslims already here to carry out hundreds of San Bernadinos, as well as a great many more potential recruits (kids on "spiritual" journeys, Stormfront morons, anyone who gets off on the idea of becoming a "soldier" and killing people without having to join an army and leave the country, etc.) with laptops, Facebook accounts and/or Twitter feeds?

Americans shouldn't waste any more time debating the merits of Donald Trump's Muslim immigration proposal since it doesn't have any. We desperately need, however, to ask ourselves two questions. Why is Donald Trump at or near the top of the Republican heap for the next election? And every single time the American news media or politicians from both parties criticize him, why does Donald Trump gain even more support? To me, the answer is blindingly obvious.

The American governing class are cowards.

Start with the Democracy. Since the Democrats have "thought" in leftist bumper stickers since the 70′s, the MCJ is proud to present the comedy stylings of Sen. Sherrod Brown (Dumbass-Ohio):

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio) struggled to explain whether he believes there is a connection between Islam and terrorist forces aiming to launch strikes at the United States when questioned by another leading lawmaker Thursday evening on the Senate floor, according to video of the exchange.

Asked by Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) during an exchange on the Senate floor if he believes "there is any connection between our enemy and Islam," Brown appeared confused and struggled to respond.

"I'm sorry, excuse me?" Brown said in response to Sasse's question.

When asked again if he believes there is any connection between the radicals waging terrorist attack on the West and Islam, Brown said he is not sure.

"I guess, I don't know, I'm not here to debate this," he said. "I don't know exactly what that means, 'A connection between our enemy and Islam.'"

How many fingers am I holding up, Senator? The following selection is from President Obama's televised address to the nation shortly after San Bernardino. See if you can figure out the word that is not here.

Over the last few years, however, the terrorist threat has evolved into a new phase. As we've become better at preventing complex, multifaceted attacks like 9/11, terrorists turned to less complicated acts of violence like the mass shootings that are all too common in our society. It is this type of attack that we saw at Fort Hood in 2009; in Chattanooga earlier this year; and now in San Bernardino. And as groups like ISIL grew stronger amidst the chaos of war in Iraq and then Syria, and as the Internet erases the distance between countries, we see growing efforts by terrorists to poison the minds of people like the Boston Marathon bombers and the San Bernardino killers.

In the President's defense, there are no good choices to destroy these people since every single policy choice the United States has is wrong. Every single one. But don't worry. The Democratic Party knows what will defeat the Islamic Crap Pile.

Gun control.

Now, here at home, we have to work together to address the challenge. There are several steps that Congress should take right away.

To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun. What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon? This is a matter of national security.

We also need to make it harder for people to buy powerful assault weapons like the ones that were used in San Bernardino. I know there are some who reject any gun safety measures. But the fact is that our intelligence and law enforcement agencies -- no matter how effective they are -- cannot identify every would-be mass shooter, whether that individual is motivated by ISIL or some other hateful ideology. What we can do -- and must do -- is make it harder for them to kill.

Mr. Obama's hometown of Chicago has gone out of its way to "make it harder for them to kill," with some of the toughest gun laws in this country. Paradoxically, Obama's hometown of Chicago also has one of the highest gun-related murder rates in this country. I'm not picking on Chi-town or anything since St. Louis' homicide rate this year is through the roof. Weird.

Piers Morgan, of all people, gets it.

But I don't doubt for a minute that [Trump] believes what he says, nor that he genuinely considers ISIS to be the No1 threat to America's national security.

It's easy, as many do, to dismiss Trump as a bloviating old racist, or try and ban him as my own countrymen are currently trying to do.

(I note that nobody has signed a petition in the UK to stop known terror suspects returning from warzones in Iraq and Syria, so presumably they're considered less dangerous than a billionaire tycoon?)

But Trump's not the enemy here, ISIS are - and it's very important to remember that.

I watched President Obama's address to the nation from the Oval Office a few days ago and thought it was dreadful.

He sounded utterly devoid of any real new ideas on how to tackle ISIS, whose military and economic power strengthens every day.

He spoke in weary tones of how we were going to beat them but nobody listening to him could have felt remotely convinced that he has a clue how this will actually happen.

His current strategy clearly isn't working, yet all he promises is more of the same.

Obama's whole attitude to ISIS has always been breathtakingly complacent, and now this casual approach has come back to haunt him.

I don't agree with, or like, Donald Trump's call to ban all Muslims. I think it's illegal, unconstitutional and downright bigoted.

But by taking such an extreme position, he may force more timid politicians like President Obama to finally confront this ISIS menace properly - before it's too late.

Saying all Muslims are potential terrorists is stupid and dangerous.

But pretending none of them are is even more stupid and dangerous.

Look. Donald Trump may be a megalomaniacal douchebag with a talk-first-ask-questions-later approach to life and his immigration proposal may be indescribably dreadful. But however crudely he expresses himself, Trump and the American people understand something that the American political class deliberately refuses to.

ISLAMIC terrorism directed against the West is a serious problem that needs to be seriously addressed. And the current administration has dropped the ball.

So is the Democratic Party responsible for Donald Trump? No.

The Republican Party is.

Situations like this are why so many of us are believe that the Republican establishment stopped giving a crap six years ago about what its most fervent supporters think about anything. Put it this way. If there was another Republican candidate in the field (Ted Cruz seems to have figured it out) who understood the concerns of the American electorate as well as Donald Trump does, Trump's standing in the polls would currently be about 5% and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: claptrap; liberalgarbage; trump
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1 posted on 12/17/2015 7:27:56 AM PST by NRx
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To: NRx

I am actually agreeing with Piers Morgan? Incredible.

2 posted on 12/17/2015 7:33:38 AM PST by Sasparilla
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To: NRx

The left always denigrates common sense.
That should give every voter pause.

“...since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”

If this does not describe most in the Democrat party I don’t know what does.

3 posted on 12/17/2015 7:36:32 AM PST by Lake Living
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To: NRx

What a charmer.

4 posted on 12/17/2015 7:36:55 AM PST by avenir (I'm pessimistic about man, but I'm optimistic about GOD!)
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To: NRx

There seems to be some sort of disconnect between what the media are saying and what a majority of Americans think and feel.

A ban on further immigration of moslems is what just about everybody wants.

Trump’s just saying it out loud.

5 posted on 12/17/2015 7:38:01 AM PST by Jack Hammer
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To: Lake Living

Ok, correction, it describes most it the Republican party as well.

6 posted on 12/17/2015 7:40:33 AM PST by Lake Living
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To: NRx

Now, now, Piers.

You need to settle down and read a good book.

Something age appropriate—you know, where you might learn something as well.

Read the Donald Trump children’s book—from Jimmy Kimmel last night: At 3:06 minutes in:

Oh, and by the way—the only megolomaniac douchebag is you, not Trump.

7 posted on 12/17/2015 7:40:57 AM PST by exit82 ("The Taliban is on the inside of the building" E. Nordstrom 10-10-12)
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To: Sasparilla

Piers Morgan would agree with you; so would RINO’s, Hillary Clinton, the Muslim Brotherhood, & the democratic party

8 posted on 12/17/2015 7:42:47 AM PST by Insigne123 (It is the soldier, not the community organizer, who gives us freedom of the press)
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To: NRx

“Saying all Muslims are potential terrorists is stupid and dangerous”

Not at all since in recent history virtually ALL terrorists have been Muslims. Given that unalterable fact it is logical to assume that any Muslim can “potentially” be a terrorist.

9 posted on 12/17/2015 7:43:19 AM PST by billyboy15
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To: NRx
Isn't it interesting that nobody ever remembers the finish line for the moratorium Trump proposed - As soon as the US figures out how to properly vet muslims, immigration could start back up.

Piers Morgan almost gets it. He says:

Saying all Muslims are potential terrorists is stupid and dangerous.

Take the word 'potential' out of that sentence and it is correct. The problem we have is we cannot, under the current set of rules, tell the difference between the sheep and the wolves.

10 posted on 12/17/2015 7:44:22 AM PST by MortMan (I am offended by those who believe they have a right not to be offended.)
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To: NRx

This guy is getting the calculus of why Trump is going to win - he’s the only guy proposing a plan that will work no matter what.

This guy is Jewish, which means he has no excuse here on the following point:

If people on the no fly list are barred from getting guns, what are the odds the process by which a person lands on that list is going to be even more politicized?

It’s the surest bet in the world.

My 18 month old son ended up on that list. I ended up on that list.

“How did that happen?” I asked, appealing my placement on the list.

“No idea, but now you and your toddler are no longer on the list. Sorry about that.”

Since nobody can tell you how someone ends up on the list, I think its the best reason in the world to oppose those who’d deny them the ability to buy a gun.

This is especially true since there are OTHER more RELIABLE ways of denying a person the ability to by a gun in the US if they’ve demonstrated a history of associating with terrorists or jihadists.

11 posted on 12/17/2015 7:53:32 AM PST by RinaseaofDs
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To: Jack Hammer

“There seems to be some sort of disconnect between what the media are saying and what a majority of Americans think and feel.”

The media, democrats, and GOPe are on one side and we the people and Trump are on the other.

12 posted on 12/17/2015 7:53:41 AM PST by CottonBall
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To: NRx

Both Dale Price and Christopher Johnson are gentleman par excellence. I’ve enjoyed Midwest Conservative Journal for several years now and Mr. Johnson never fails to hit the nail dead center.

13 posted on 12/17/2015 8:06:51 AM PST by lastchance (Credo.)
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To: NRx

This is a garbage article.

14 posted on 12/17/2015 8:11:28 AM PST by Albion Wilde ("Look, the establishment doesn't want me, because I don't need the establishment." --Donald Trump)
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To: NRx

What a stinker of an article. It reeks.

15 posted on 12/17/2015 8:12:50 AM PST by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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To: NRx

The stupid is strong in this article.

In a supposed ‘conservative’ journal, he states that he thinks passing a law to stop a terrorist from getting a gun will actually stop a terrorist from getting a gun.

16 posted on 12/17/2015 8:15:12 AM PST by Mr. K (If it is HilLIARy -vs- Jeb! then I am writing-in Palin/Cruz)
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To: NRx

Notice that this guy agrees with Trump, at bottom, but he can only admit it if he first calls him every filthy name in the book.

That is cowardice.

17 posted on 12/17/2015 8:20:49 AM PST by marron
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To: Jack Hammer

Almost as many people are in favor of a complete halt to ANY new immigration from anywhere. We simply do not need to import any more third world people. We have enough illiterate welfare recipients of our own.

18 posted on 12/17/2015 8:24:12 AM PST by Jim from C-Town (The government is rarely benevolent, often malevolent and never benign!)
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To: Mr. K

Not to mention, the Boston bombers used pressure cookers, not guns. So when do we start hearing calls for banning pressure cookers?

These idiots, trying to take the only sure means law-abiding Americans have of defending ourselves and our families, from criminals of all kinds.

19 posted on 12/17/2015 8:28:23 AM PST by mrsmel (I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
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To: Lake Living
If this does not describe most in the Democrat party I don’t know what does.

And a good portion of the Republican party.

20 posted on 12/17/2015 8:58:13 AM PST by itsahoot (Anyone receiving a Woo! Woo! for President has never won anything after the award.)
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