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America’s Mein Kampf, We are near the end! ^ | 7/3/2005, 4:59:52 PM | 7/3/2005, 4:59:52 PM by Not a 60s Hippy

Posted on 06/19/2015 8:05:11 AM PDT by Not a 60s Hippy

America’s Mein Kampf

Posted on 7/3/2005, 4:59:52 PM by Not a 60s Hippy

America’s Mein Kampf

Most of the citizens of America do not comprehend what is happening to their country. The changes we see in America did not happen overnight. We hear people remark over and over “It wasn’t like this when I was a kid!”, “What is happening to my countery?”.

“What is happening to my country” started over forty years ago. The changes to be made were charted out and documented in the: Communist Goals (1963). The many groups of Socialist front groups have achieved most of the items listed in the “Communists Goals”.

The old “Frog in a pan of water” comparison fits very well to what is taking place. Our principals, our morality and our Constitution are under assault and half of the citizens of our country do not see it. Some of these “45 goals” being achieved are: TOPICS: Click to Add Topic KEYWORDS: Click to Add Keyword [ Report Abuse | Bookmark ]

Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press


Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history

Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

History tells us how this started. The Mc Carthy hearings were stopped before they were complete. The many “seeds” (read CELLS) were left to grow and multiply. Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney both testified at these hearings:

Mr. REAGAN: “Well, sir . . . 99 percent of us are pretty well aware of what is going on… ….with their usual tactics, trying to run a majority of an organization with a well organized minority”.

Mr. DISNEY: “In my opinion they are Communists. No one has any way of proving those things.”

The young radicals of the 60’s were financed supported and directed by foreign communists/socialists. They have become college professors, teachers, lawyers, politicians, clergy, news and entertainment media and the business world elite. They are “educating” and recruiting our young for their replacements.

They have gotten environmental and regulatory control (NGO’s) over most businesses, resources of water, forests, oil, farming, ranching and mining in order to eliminate their profits and shut them down.

They are in the process of bankrupting the people and government with lawsuits, social programs, financing the UN and foreign countries, environmental programs and out-right GIVING money to socialist front groups which attack us.

They are eliminating our jobs as much as they can with the above methods and with foreign treaties and international laws.

If the people of America would open their eyes they would see there are Socialists ALL AROUND THEM! The Democrats don’t deny they are Socialists, they just don’t talk about it too much.

Dean: Socialist victory equals win for Dems

Democratic Socialists of America's Progressive Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives

Taken verbatim from the Internet web site of the Democratic Socialists of America

"The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International (also in Francais and Espanol). DSA's members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist presence in American communities and politics...

What is Democratic Socialism?

Question: Aren’t you a party that’s in competition with the

Democratic Party for votes and support?

No, we are not a separate party. Like our friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious, and community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic Party. We work with those movements to strengthen the party’s leftwing, represented by the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Neil Abercrombie (MEMBER, HAWAII-01)

Raul Grijalva (MEMBER, ARIZONA-07)

Ed Pastor (MEMBER, ARIZONA-02)

Tammy Baldwin (MEMBER, WISCONSIN-02)

Luis Gutierrez (MEMBER, ILLINOIS-04)

Nancy Pelosi (MEMBER, CALIF. -08)

Xavier Becerra (MEMBER, CALIFORNIA-30)

Maurice Hinchey (MEMBER, NEW YORK-26)

Bobby Rush (MEMBER, ILLINOIS-01)

Corrine Brown (MEMBER, FLORIDA-03)

Jesse Jackson, Jr (OFFICER, ILLINOIS-02)

Bernie Sanders (OFFICER, VERMONT)

Sherrod Brown (MEMBER, OHIO-13)

Sheila Jackson-Lee (MEMBER, TEXAS-18)

Jan Schakowsky (MEMBER, ILLINOIS-09)

Michael Capuano (MEMBER, MASS. -08)

Stephanie Tubbs Jones (MEMBER, OHIO-11)

Jose Serrano (MEMBER, NEW YORK-16)

Julia Carson (MEMBER, INDIANA-10)

Marcy Kaptur (MEMBER, OHIO-09)

Hilda Solis (OFFICER, CALIF. -31)

William "Lacy" Clay (MEMBER, MISSOURI-01)

Dennis Kucinich (CO-CHAIR, OHIO-10)

Pete Stark (MEMBER, CALIF. -13)

John Conyers (MEMBER, MICH. -14)

Tom Lantos (MEMBER, CALIF. -12)

Bennie Thompson (MEMBER, MISSISSIPPI-02)

Danny Davis (MEMBER, ILLINOIS-07)

Barbara Lee (CO-CHAIR, CALIF. -09)

John Tierney (MEMBER, MASS. -06)

Peter DeFazio (OFFICER, OREGON-04)

John Lewis (MEMBER, GEORGIA-05)

Tom Udall (MEMBER, NEW MEX. -03)

Rosa DeLauro (MEMBER, CONN. -03)

Jim McDermott (MEMBER, WASH. -07)

Nydia Velazquez (MEMBER, NEW YORK-12)

Lane Evans (MEMBER, ILLINOIS-17)

James P. McGovern (MEMBER, MASS. -03)

Maxine Waters (MEMBER, CALIF. -35)


George Miller (MEMBER, CALIF. -07)

Diane Watson (MEMBER, CALIF. -32)


Jerry Nadler (MEMBER, NEW YORK-08)



Eleanor Holmes Norton (MEMBER, D.C.)

Henry Waxman (MEMBER, CALIF. -29)


John Olver (MEMBER, MASS. -01)

Lynn Woolsey (VICE-CHAIR, CALIF. -06)

Barney Frank (MEMBER, MASS. -04)

Major Owens (OFFICER, NEW YORK-11)

Today you can see that the Socialists are repeating the same strategy they used on the Vietnam war. They are attempting to remove our support for our troops in Iraq, “Make the people think we are loosing the war, it is costing too much, etc.”.

The Democratic Party was taken over by the Socialists subversives many years ago. Zell Miller said it best: “There are strangers living in my basement…” I believe the Socialists are those strangers he was referring to that took over the Democrat Party. They are working with other socialist countries and for the UN. The goal is to damage the United States of America with every opportunity either real or made up. We must make the American people see who the Socialists are and what they want to do to America. Does anyone remember the phrase/term “Parliamentary Pirates” from the “1950s? The communists used every obscure rule and by law to take over union meetings and eventually the unions themselves. This is still happening today, “The majority controlled by a minority”. We have to quit calling them “Progressive, Liberal, Left Wing, Democrats, Special interest groups, etc”. They are SOCIALISTS DAMN IT!!!! They want to destoy America. Yes, “THEY” have been busy for YEARS! This is a perfect example of incrementalism, “Social or political gradualism”.

America’s Mein Kampf is only three pages long and very few have or will read it.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government
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To: Freedom_Is_Not_Free
They are two sides of the same coin. And they both want us controlled and oppressed.

Obama prefers the term "harnessed."
41 posted on 06/19/2015 6:09:25 PM PDT by Colinsky
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Liberals got us to this point in history by ‘just talk’...

That is not strictly true. They first got captive audiences in the schools and government offices. They have also taken conservatives to civil court or fixed the laws to have them attacked by government officials. They had a plan for infiltration and takeover of places and institutions of power.

That is way much more than mere talk. If we don't convene to make plans and carry them out, this mess we are in will become quite permanent. Then THEY will begin to execute their plans of some sort of "final solution". Bill Ayers, Obama's mentor, has indicated that perhaps 20-40 million Americans would have to be killed in order to bring about Utopia. Don't think for a minute that those were rhetorical words. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro were all talkers until they started their respective purges.

42 posted on 06/19/2015 9:28:46 PM PDT by GingisK
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To: GingisK

Why isn’t Bill Ayers the chief thug? Really... His type often has power in third world hellholes. What did we do right to keep him on the outside?

Seems to be a fairly equal distribution of good and evil in Western countries...

When the country was young Thomas Jefferson and George Washington types were being pushed to the top... And now? A “Jefferson” might be working in a tech company or library...not at the top of government. Hitler and Stalin types are here in the US too... but our system doesn’t move them to the top...

Some healthy incentives are working.

The problem is totalitarians have rewards for their evils.. taking over a country like the US has got to be one of the biggest plums in history. They HAVE motive.

Our on side we want people to stay free... our ‘motive’ is to feel good about doing the right thing. Not quite as powerful...

You know... trying to write this I understand why you feel it’s hopeless... It’s not - but I understand the feeling.

43 posted on 06/20/2015 3:57:35 AM PDT by GOPJ
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It would be rougher for the Marxists to control the culture if government K-12 schooling were abolished. I trust parents to choose schools for their children that would uphold their religious values and our nation's founding principles.

If colleges were filled to the brim with young adults who could defend their faith and our nation's founding philosophies, their Marxist professors would wither before their righteousness. And...Soon, these righteous young adults would be taking their places as chairmen of college departments.

Conservatives have two battles. One is short-term and the other is long term. **Schools** must be part of the long-term strategy. Closing down the government's socialist-entitlement K-12 schools must be a priority.

I believe there is still a chance. Support for vouchers, charters, tax credits, and homeschooling is growing every year.

44 posted on 06/20/2015 5:11:03 AM PDT by wintertime (Stop treating government teachers like they are reincarnated Mother Teresas!)
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They HAVE motive....

We have motive as well, but apparently no desire. I hope you are not missing my points about the dire need for conservatives to convene for planning in order to organize for action. No amount of talk will help, nor will piecemeal replacement through elections. The institutions of learning and power must be staffed with at least an equal share of "our people". The voting records of our elected officials need to be monitored and then voters need to be swung to eject malfunctioning representatives. Malfunctioning officials in state and federal agencies, including schools, need to be called to task.

The only hope is through planned political activism. Do you think conservatives will actually carry through? Hell, you won't even respond to these pleas.

45 posted on 06/20/2015 8:01:58 AM PDT by GingisK
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To: GingisK
I know how democrats are doing this - and it has nothing to do with ‘mobilizing’ their base... or having meetings.

The reason it seems I'm not responding to what you're saying is I'm thinking about it.

46 posted on 06/20/2015 10:46:21 AM PDT by GOPJ
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Thinking is good.... ;-D

47 posted on 06/20/2015 4:02:12 PM PDT by GingisK
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To: GingisK

:) LOL - yes...

48 posted on 06/20/2015 4:47:01 PM PDT by GOPJ
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To: GingisK
Here's one thing 'the other side' does: They write fake letters to our guys (office holders) - AND to their guys (office holders) pretending to be conservative citizens. They do that to make people in both parties hate us.

I cringe every time I hear a politician talk about a beautiful letter received... OFTEN professionals write those too. Well, more like a 're-write' for the better ones...

It's effective.

We can't copy that tactic because it's unethical. And that matters why? Because for the most part good doesn't come out of evil.

Democrats know bringing in millions of third world people hurts the country. Hurts the culture... possibly destroy the economy. They do it anyhow. Why? Destruction of the American culture IS a goal. They're not stupid. Add 8 million new illegals to California and there will be LESS water per person... Liberals can do math.

What stands between them and one of the richest countries in the world - the biggest 'plum' in known history? It's that damn pesky Constitution. A document designed by people who understood the dark side of human nature... and did what they could to s l o w... everything down. Mess it up - make it difficult for one group or another to take over.

So that's our goal. Our task is to protect the essence of 'American culture ' - the Constitution - and the balance. (Yep, if enough conservatives got in power they might start acting the same way... and we'd all have to jump to the other side... (but that's a different story) .

Almost too simple, right? - Defend the Constitution - defend 'the balance'.

An example: When Bill and Hillary started the 'vast right wing conspiracy' paranoia they attacked the Constitution first. (That's how I know it's important) That document stands between men like Bill Clinton who might want to rape young women - and his ability to do it and get away with it.

Institutional thuggery is a perk of totalitarian cultures..

Liberal elites want to live in a world where they can turn to a policeman and say "Do you KNOW who I am" and have the cop back off in fear. That's totalitarianism. It's also why Hollywood backs democrats.

Here's an example.

How would you see it GingisK if an FBI group was taking cops aside and telling them that blacks had organizations where they 'moved up in the priesthood of blackness' if they killed police officers. Let's say they told 'the wives' of police officers the same story... black groups were attempting to kill them... Pretty hateful stuff against blacks, right? Well, that was done - but the target was 'white middle class, middle aged conservative men who use words like Constitution'.

It was a lie that so-called liberals put out to police officers... it was very close to evil. That's what we're up against.

I don't know of a "group answer" - waaaay above my pay grade... My individual 'answer' is to stand up to them verbally... shame them where possible, mock them when it's possible... and tell the hard un-PC truth at every turn. First amendment stuff... drives 'em nuts. I'm in the Greek chorus ... off to the side in the court of public opinion. I don't know where anyone could send $2,000. I've enjoy your questions and passion but I function at a much lower and more basic level. From time to time let me know what you're thinking...

49 posted on 06/21/2015 4:43:55 PM PDT by GOPJ
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To: GingisK
Oppose them when you can. Concern troll them when you can't.

If you don't have that kind of position, think of the origins of the term 'sabotage'. Workers threw their shoes into machines and stopped the machine. Don't do anything illegal. Don't do anything that will get you fired.

But if you have the opportunity to make a liberal program work badly, if you have a legal way to put more stress on it, to tie up the energy and time of the people running it, to make it worse... do it.

We're the underdogs. We're the political guerrillas. This is not our system. It's their system.

Our job is to make it run as badly as possible.

We have a plan... this is the plan... from link:

50 posted on 06/27/2015 6:29:00 AM PDT by GOPJ (Dems are going to build THE FENCE FINALLY. And they'll shoot us if we try to leave...)
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Those are methods of the weak. I favor a more direct approach.

51 posted on 06/27/2015 10:32:56 AM PDT by GingisK
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To: GingisK

Look, ‘liberals’ are our fellow citizens... and until they go full totalitarian we need to stay within political tactics. It’s a free country for us - - and for them....

52 posted on 06/27/2015 10:48:20 AM PDT by GOPJ (Dems are going to build THE FENCE FINALLY. And they'll shoot us if we try to leave...)
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