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To: Jim Robinson; wagglebee; MrEdd; GladesGuru; Chickensoup
Jim, I think you have allowed these people to misrepresent what I posted.


I want to start with an example of the absolutely degree of hypocrisy which I am confronted. I proposed forced sterilization for a particular class of crimes against children. In response, I am accused of being a eugenicist, genocidal, and goodness knows how many other epithets of the heart. Yet look at this:This perverted freak should be castrated and locked up forever.

1 posted on 9/5/2004, 1:53:01 PM by wagglebee

Wagglebee believes that pedophiles should be castrated for their crimes against innocent children. Nor is this an uncommon sentiment expressed on this forum. I would suggest that some of the problems caused by fetal alcohol syndrome, crack use, and other such crimes committed during pregnancy can be MORE damaging to a child, lifelong, than attack by a pedophile.

I am charged with being a “eugenicist.” Accordingly, I will now go to a dictionary definition of eugenics:

eu•gen•ics n. a science concerned with improving a species, esp. the human species, by such means as influencing or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have desirable genetic traits. In no case is what I am proposing selective of any particular group based upon perception of their relative “fitness,” nor is what I proposed directed to "improve" the human species. Indeed, the individuals are self-selecting of their punishments by a willful act destructive to a victim just like any other criminal. I don’t care if they are a welfare brat or a valedictorian PhD with millions; if they do something that damaging to a baby then treat them all the same.

The penalty I am proposing does involve a procedure that was used by eugenicists, but to equate what I have proposed with eugenics is to demonize the procedure rather than its purpose in use, much the way leftists demonize guns. NAZIs used guns too, but I don’t see you demonizing gun users as NAZIs, quite the contrary. As we all know, guns don't cause crime, but as you apparently do not know, neither do medical procedures. Instead, whether a particular medical procedure is “barbarous” as you suggest or not, depends upon how it is used and to what purpose.

Now, to a second class of what I regard as criminals against children and society, I offered a specific example of two adults with cystic fibrosis, both having gone through genetic counseling having been informed that it is a heritable genetic disorder that WILL be passed to their common progeny, then deciding to procreate their biological child anyway. You will note that I am responding only to the extremely rare combination of two people both carrying that gene willfully and knowingly producing a child with that disease. Note: I never advocated any harm to the child if it is conceived; that human being has rights. I simply do not want the parents’ crime against a child to be REPEATED. No one with that disease should ever wish it upon their children, but unfortunately, it has happened that parents with genetic diseases CHOSE to have children willfully for the specific purpose of sharing that suffering with their children (and yes, I do know this for a fact but I cannot release personal information because of HIPPA).

You should see newborns with genetic disorders to understand what I mean by suffering. It can be horrible. This is suffering that is wholly within our means to prevent by heeding genetic screening. To produce such a child and then expect everybody else to foot the bill makes their propagation, to my mind, a terrible sin against the Lord’s first commandment to people, which is to be fruitful. There is no penalty for them marrying. They can go get in-vitro services to assure that the wife can even get pregnant without the disease. Hell, I would even advocate that their insurance should cover it for free. Obviously they could also adopt, and I would advocate a preference for them in choosing to exercise that discretion. Accordingly, what I am proposing here does not preclude them from breeding at all, as individuals. Hence, what I am suggesting is not genocide or eugenics by any means. It merely limits the damage until a cure can be found. If they violate that law and produce a pregnancy, I am not advocating abortion. I am saying that if what they did was an informed decision, then it was a crime to be adjudicated. If they are found guilty, they should be punished appropriately. I am not proposing depriving their child of parents. I am merely proposing taking action to assure that what they did is not to be repeated.

I think you all know very well what eugenics truly is. I think you also know very well therefore that what I proposed is not eugenics. Yet for the rhetorical purpose of demonizing me, you chose to fling the charge anyway. That is simply dishonest misrepresentation of what I said and willful misconstruction of what eugenics is all about. You knew the charge was misapplied and proceeded with your defamation. So to dishonesty we must add slander.


Wagglebee, you “accused” that my suggestion of a penalty for a crime that prevents a repeat offense that has not been committed is some sort of injustice. Pray tell, what is the use of a pair of handcuffs if not to prevent further criminal acts? Why do we put bars on jail cells if not to prevent additional criminal acts? When a police officer takes custody of a suspect, we call that process “arrest.” The word means to STOP somebody from committing either more crimes or a crime in process. Taking action to prevent crime has always been part of criminal law enforcement. When the officer uses handcuffs the policy is based upon the principle of probable cause, where the officer has reason to believe there is reasonable probability of an impending criminal act and the need to prevent it. Yet the handcuffs deprive a person of liberty without having been found guilty of a crime! Nothing I am suggesting here rests upon anything as flimsy or subjective as probable cause for arrest but instead expects a full criminal trial before taking said action, thus respecting the gravity of the decision.

When people commit crimes against innocent children, I am certain that you agree they should be punished. Typically, we put people in prison, and I doubt you object to that. But why would we need to put people in prison if not to prevent more crimes? After all, if prison were only about punishment we could go back to flogging. If it was only about counseling, restitution, reeducation, or repentance, we could merely give gang-banging murderers counseling! By this “no prevention” standard of your reasoning, any action taken to prevent a repeat offense is unjust, a violation of individual rights and liberties. Hence, we shouldn’t put bars on jails or even locks on doors!

Consider quarantine for ebola. Do you oppose quarantine for people returning from Sierra Leone? That’s not even a crime. Hence, your assertion that taking action to preclude a repeat offense is a violation of Constitutional rights is an absurd construction. So please don't tell me that the Constitutionally legitimate powers government do not include the power to prevent a crime, particularly in a State (as opposed to the Federal government). It is a baseless and false assertion contradicted by countless everyday facts and experience.

Worse, you yourself have demanded exactly the same sterilization punishment for a crime against a child. I am told by all of you that the idea of sterilizing a woman for committing a crime against her unborn baby is “barbarous.” Well, why is it that I don’t see you saying the same thing about castrating pedophiles? To the contrary, in researching this reply, I have witnessed MANY instances in which YOU wagglebee have suggested that pedophiles be castrated.

What is worse about pedophilia compared to the lifetime of suffering often induced by a mother who takes drugs during pregnancy? Can you imagine what it is to perforate an intestine in your first days of life? Have you witnessed these children in the NICU? I have, and I get an earful of it almost nightly. Have you tutored underperforming children in schools (I have). I don't think I can tell you what it is like to watch the tears streaming down the face of a nurse of thirty years as she talks about giving treatments to a baby, and the child raises its arms and closes his eyes turning the head away barely able to move at all, just trying to get her to stop making it hurt. Yet she can't stop, she must work as fast as possible or the kid dies. And yet the humanity in any person witnessing this kind of pain… you just want to stop. It is a horror to witness what these children go through, and the NICU is only the beginning. Imagine going through amid the cruelties of middle school knowing that both body and mind were irreparably damaged by your own mother. The child committed no crime before the forced sterilization of the mother.

Mr. Edd, I never suggested the child should be harmed in any way. The measure I am proposing is only to prevent a subsequent pregnancy. You willfully misconstrued what I wrote into the belief that I was proposing the child be aborted with information to the contrary staring you in the face. In that hair trigger state of mind you decided that I should be killed for suggesting something I never said when you yourself have approved of sterilization for a crime. Might I suggest you never sit on a jury.

My Supposedly "Genocidal Views on Eugenics"

And to top them all, we have Bykrbayb’s equally dishonest slander:

It would be tragic for children in NICU to have any contact with someone who views them as diseases who should have been prevented. I can't believe you could think your genocidal views on eugenics would gain any acceptance here. How did you ever come to entertain such thoughts, much less embrace them?

Please show me where I regarded these kids as diseases. Once conceived, they have a right not to be killed or mistreated and I never suggested otherwise. Genocidal? Let’s take a look at that definition, shall we?

Genocide n. The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group. I didn’t suggest killing or exterminating any national, racial, religious, or ethnic group, nor even a genetic cohort. So no, I am not suggesting genocide either, and you knew that too. So I guess you are another charter member of the dishonest slander club. I am suggesting that willfully breeding known fatal genetic maladies is a form of child abuse up to and including negligent homicide, which is what sometimes happens. I am saying that taking drugs while pregnant and producing a crack baby or kid with fetal alcohol syndrome is a crime. Making the determination as to what belongs on that list of genetic disorders is indeed a slippery slope. Yet enforcement of any law entails slippery slopes. That’s why we have a court system in the first place. I do think it would be perhaps appropriate to put people who have genetic problems at the front of the adoption queue or offer them free reproductive endocrinology services, but we have a much more fundamental issue here.

Bykrbayb, how dare you insinuate that I don't care about these kids’ suffering. How dare you insinuate that I consider these children something to be eliminated. I never said any such thing. I take this position upon behalf of those children. I simply don't want their suffering repeated and inflicted upon OTHER innocents AND I want whatever resources are available to be focused upon those who have been so harmed. How do you propose to put a stop to this catastrophic injustice, and not just to the child, but the next, and the next and the next? Are you going to go to these gangbanger houses to report them taking drugs during pregnancy? Do you go to people’s houses to help with respiratory therapy? Do you understand what it takes to be patient in teaching a mother in the nursery, sixteen years old and on her fifth pregnancy with two kids, knowing that she doesn’t give a crap about her new baby compared to collecting a government check for getting high and having sex? Well my poor wife has had to do many of those things. Your vicious posting has given hypocrisy a whole new meaning. And I’d bet you think you’re a Christian too. Unbelievable.


Now we get to the cost of this kind of treatment. A stay in the NICU often costs well over $1 million before the baby even leaves the hospital. Many have lifelong problems, requiring special education, visiting nursing, physical therapy, and usually welfare. I know one kid with such problems who was picked up in a bus every morning, the only kid on that bus, and driven 90 minutes to school and 90 back every day. She is so disabled, she may actually be able to say a word some day. Do you think just maybe that this is a costly situation? This is money that is taken by force from the parents of every other child in the community. It curtails their educational opportunities, it restricts their careers, it severely damages their lifetime productivity and the competitiveness of this nation. Yet you would do NOTHING to prevent a repeat offense or the sexual use of such a mentally retarded mother, preferring that the public be FORCED to finance the continuation and expansion of this hideously expensive cruelty. That money is taken from families trying to save money for college. That money is not yours. You want it for the simple purpose of feeling better about yourself, yet without the willingness to handle the consequences yourself. That is covetousness, and one that empowers the almighty welfare state.

So perhaps I should dub you Waggs Cloward and BykrBayb Piven.

I don’t want these innocents to die once conceived. I do regard what the “parents” did as a crime if and only if they had been informed that this problem was a guaranteed outcome. I simply want to preclude a repeat offense. There are not a few here who believe, as I do, that pedophiles should be executed. I repeat: the consequences to these innocents are often WORSE than from anything done by a pedophile short of murder. So if the consequences of this crime are often worse than pedophilia, how is it so barbarous by comparison to simply preclude a repeat offense with no other consequences? Do you suggest execution instead? Well execution surely prevents a repeat offense and there is support for an even more extreme form of that idea, but you might think it “barbarous:”

Deuteronomy 21 18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: 19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. 22 And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: 23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed [3] of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. So, is that your position? Are you excoriating me as some sort of ghoul because I don’t want to kill them for the consequences of sex and drug use? Do you think people should be killed for drunken, disobedient, and rowdy behavior harmful to no one? After all, it would prevent fetal alcohol syndrome!

Do you think the Mosaic Law has changed?

Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. You think that ‘all has been fulfilled’? No, Messiah has not returned and there is prophecy in the Torah that says He will. So, not, all has NOT been fulfilled. Hence, the Mosaic Law that Messiah kept all his life still applies (for those of you seeking to be “Christ-like”).

So, would the Mosaic prescription be my preference? In principle, yes, but there is absolutely no way it would ever happen politically right now, so I see this as an emergency measure considering the fiscal bleeding, and it’s not small. With most drugged out parents, they usually had no desire to get pregnant in the first place. They are simply so irresponsible, or forcibly raped, or so drugged out, that they failed to take contraceptive measures or saw an opportunity for drug money from the State supporting the kid. I would not be surprised to see many of them volunteer for a sterilization procedure in lieu of jail.

So, if you refuse to invoke the Mosaic Law, are you off the hook? Not a bit.

Matthew 7: 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. The Greek for “iniquity” is more appropriately translated as “lawlessness.” Guess to which “Law” Messiah might be referring? Hmmm? BTW, by “I never knew you” He means that He never brought fruit through you. So, are you advocating execution for people who willfully gestate a crack baby? No? Well, then you would have to face judgment for that position.

Oh, but you are “saved by grace!” Well, that doesn’t mean that grace will be the metric of how you are judged.

Matthew 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. You might be “saved by grace,” but you will be judged by your works, according to the Law, hypocrites.

So now we come to the point of my having cited all that Scripture: How are works to be judged?

Matthew 7:20: Wherefore, by their fruits shall ye know them. Outcomes. Welcome to reality. The consequences for tolerance of these crimes then, are the fruits by which we shall know you. What have you really done for the least of these once they're here? Do you go to these people's houses to check on these kids? My wife did it for years. Sometimes she had to call the police to make a safe entry, for example in a neighborhood infested with gangs after dark. Do you know what it's like to deal with these people? Daily? For decades? Do you have to make it into a smelly disgusting home full of weird, violent, chaotic, and often sick people to beat on the chest of a child to get it breathe? Daily? Would you want to contract the diseases of their cohorts with small children of your own? I don't believe you really deal with the consequences of your opinions. How long have you continued that service to the needy? Sometimes such things involve tough choices in imperfect situations. This is one of them.

The crimes these people have committed upon these innocents are every bit as serious as pedophilia, for which not a few of you demand castration. Were you to recognize these crimes against innocents as such (and it is mystifying that you do not), you would probably demand serious jail time. But death? This is where latter day political reality enters into our dilemma. Who pays for the appeals? In the mean time, jail time is very expensive and does not completely preclude either another pregnancy with drug abuse (it’s happened and drug use in jail is legendary). Upon release, recidivism rates are very high. It is extremely unlikely that a jail sentence will do anything to prevent a repeat offense and why should we be filling jails with these kinds of people anyway?

What I’m proposing, while about 10% baked, comes at far lower cost, and at far less invasiveness and less of a constraint to liberty than the length of jail sentence appropriate to the crime, never mind death. It is in fact a punishment that fits the act of the crime if all it was as far as the perp was concerned was getting blasted while pregnant. It is in that respect far more just than simple imprisonment. You cry “Barbaric.” You cry “Eugenics!” You cry “Genocide!!! “ These people are self-selecting. This is no attempt to improve the human breed. This is not an effort to eliminate “undesirables.” This is simply an appropriate punishment for a crime committed against a child to preclude a repeat offense. So to attack it, you misrepresented what I proposed by associating it by the medical procedure alone. In effect, you lied.

Then there’s the flaming Mr. Edd’s not-so-subtle threat of banishment by flagging Jim Robinson. Well, Edd, Jim knows me better thing than to think I’m some kind of eugenicist or genocidal lunatic. He also knows that that I knew very well what was likely to happen if I opened the discussion I did. He knows that I'm a big boy and can deal with it. Apparently you do not have the self-control to conduct such a debate in good faith much less the comity expected of FreeRepublic, choosing instead to erect a falsehood so that you can excoriate it. I apologize for believing that you or the others might be capable of a productive exchange.

I want to prevent suffering. I don't want crimes committed. I want to restrain the irresponsible at minimal cost in money and liberty and not to empower the welfare state. I certainly cannot have them killed according to Torah. Hence, if the mother carrying the baby committed a crime, or if a father combined with a mother with the absolute certainty of inflicting severe bodily harm with lifelong consequences to an innocent child, such a person is in need of punishment and restraint. I think it perfectly reasonable to demand that such people be sterilized, but in the interest of protecting their rights I expect due process of law: charges, a trial, the assumption of innocence, and a finding of guilt by judge or jury. Such is absolutely adequate protection against arbitrary or eugenic intent and I don't give a crap what you think otherwise. You have demonstrated such terrible hypocrisy, dishonesty, and vile behavior, unbefitting anyone calling themselves a Christian. Where was the love? Where was the attempt to find comity? Where was the respect for this forum? No. You all went off like idiot robots to demonize, just like any leftist power freak would do except for one thing: Leftist power freaks seek money and control; you have no other purpose than self-aggrandizement. At whose real expense?

This is what it is to wear righteousness as filthy rags. The innocents who pay for it their entire lives and the people from whom you abet coerced payment by default are, with those children, your victims, as are all the other kids who are deprived because of the expense.

Historically, before there ever were government social welfare agencies, charities used to deal with such problems. What happened? Some of them failed, the newspapers screamed, and their toadies in government stepped into the gap because the Christ’s Church was the principal thing that stands in their way. That’s why charity is so important to liberty. America ran that experiment and it flopped, but then, so did the “remedy” (as planned I’m sorry to say). But as time went on, things kept getting worse. Why?

Up until recently, we were at G_d’s mercy as to whether these kids lived or died, we were meek before the Lord in that respect. Unfortunately in some respects but a blessing in others, something important has happened more recently that impacts this kind of issue greatly: technology has vastly increased our capabilities to deal with tragic birth maladies while pooling of financial resources has increased our ability to fund any one case. That means we have the capability of spending virtually unlimited money on any one case while we impoverish our funding for education, retirement, and charity because of the coercive legalities involved (and don’t think for a minute these ‘standard of care’ issues don’t affect the cost of settlements under tort law that get rolled into everybody's insurance premiums).

Unfortunately (from a moral perspective), we now have the technical capability that forces us to make decisions about life and death that in some respects should be beyond us morally, and we don’t have good ways of dealing with the trade-offs. Unlike you, I don’t pretend to have the wisdom to master all the countervailing issues as if they were all “moral absolutes” because in cases like this moral absolutes have a way of conflicting, thus requiring give and take. We can’t spend all we “should” on every case, while our brother, the “least of these,” suffers for even basic needs somewhere beyond our recognition. That’s what I mean by stopping the bleeding. For every crack baby that sucks up a million bucks in the NICU, we could have clothed, fed, and educated thousands elsewhere, children G_d cares about every bit as much. At least I have the honesty to grapple with trying to figure out how best to meet those conflicting demands.

So in conclusion, I have been visited with hate, monstrous hypocrisy, covetousness, pride, arrogance, greed, dishonesty, and slander, by a group I see as empowering a catastrophic welfare state and harming innocent children who are already here while they abet the reproduction of yet more catastrophically damaged babies, and I’d bet the farm I won’t see anything approaching any appropriate degree of penitence, the first step to being a Christian. Well I repent:

I apologize for believing you capable of sustaining a polite and reasoned debate. I misjudged you. I also apologize to Jim for seeing him dragged into this which was obviously not my idea. Unless I see signs of the real repentance of which I have no reasonable expectation, I will not be making further replies to this thread, as it is very likely a waste of even more precious time. FReegards, CO
76 posted on 11/24/2014 9:56:24 AM PST by Carry_Okie (Those who profess noblesse oblige regress to droit du seigneur.)
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To: Carry_Okie

I know I’ll draw your ire for responding, but oh well. This subject is too important to be silent.

I think people have a visceral, innate knowledge that forced sterilization, with or without the benefit of “due process,” is wrong. It’s repugnant. It just is.

Seems to me that as soon as one even begins to weigh societal resources, needs, and benefits against the reproductive capability of the individual person, they have stepped onto the Utilitarian slippery slope that ultimately leads to such things as cattle cars, gas chambers, and crematoria.


Because not only does one then begin to play God, to substitute flawed, short-sighted human understanding and will for God’s will, they find themselves running smack up against one of God’s most important positive commands to all men: “Be fruitful and multiply,” a command that has never been revised or rescinded.

78 posted on 11/24/2014 10:36:08 AM PST by EternalVigilance (Leges sine moribus vanae. 'Laws without morals are useless.' -- Motto of the Univ. of Pennsylvania)
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To: Carry_Okie; Jim Robinson
I called for the castration and imprisonment of a serial pedophile (A CRIME).

You advocated the sterilization of persons with genetic conditions (NOT A CRIME).

Obviously, you fail to see the difference.

As for the rest of your post, it is meaningless.

The penalty I am proposing does involve a procedure that was used by eugenicists, but to equate what I have proposed with eugenics is to demonize the procedure rather than its purpose in use, much the way leftists demonize guns.

Forced sterilization was ABSOLUTELY used by eugenicists in the United States and elsewhere.

79 posted on 11/24/2014 10:37:48 AM PST by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: Carry_Okie

You can’t tell the difference between a criminal who has committed a violent crime and someone who has not even been born and grown to adulthood?

You really lack even a basic compression of language.

The eugenics charge is accurate.

There is a difference between children and people who commit violent felonies. Even if you lack the capacity to understand that.

117 posted on 11/24/2014 1:49:38 PM PST by MrEdd (Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.)
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