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UKRAINE: DNR Hostage: how it was. [The story of a freed volunteer]
Burko News ^ | September 21, 2014 | Viktoria

Posted on 09/21/2014 3:14:35 PM PDT by

GOOGLE TRANSLATION: Gennady Krotcha, 47 years old face resembles a nice doctor in the children's story. The soft look through the glasses, calm movements and this desire to fly to the rescue. But Gennady is not doctor, it is a simple small businessman of the town of Uman ', and over recent months his concerns had nothing to do with the money gain.

It is voluntary, as there are hundreds in Ukraine, today everywhere, Guennadiy collection, through knowledge, packages for veterans and delivers it to the front, in the area of fighting. Unfortunately, Krotcha had not luck, he "felt by her skin" the risk of the 'profession'. I say "felt by his skin" in the proper sense. August 1 to Mariinka human ended up in the hands of the terrorists of the DNR.

Three weeks as a hostage, first between the walls of the SBU in Donetsk, then, to Chakhtarsk. In her thoughts, the man said goodbye to life more that once, he put a word for his loved ones in his pocket and all the time échafaudait flight projects, although this is unreal. It was released on 24 August.

… Freedom, Krotcha rested, the bruises on the body are gone, only a long scar above the nose (a Lacrosse shot plot) and a pain in the kidneys, he recalled the events of August.

Man does not go down the arm and again planning a getaway to the front line, although he admits that after everything he lived, he would like above all to the war among the troops.


I was doing the road with Ivan Krivenko battalion "Lugansk-1". Ivan is 57 years old, architect, I have 47 years, entrepreneur. In this battalion, many old friends from Maidan times carry out their service. Us their offer of humanitarian aid. Again, received us the package for one of the fighters in Granitne: colleagues provided everything necessary: a bulletproof vest, a helmet, and elbow pads, cigarettes and five boxes of pharmacy.

So, after having delivered "Lugansk-1" we were heading towards Granitne by Tchervovoarmiysk. It was dark, we decided to spend the night, and radio tells us that Donetsk would be surrounded. Mariinka would be under control of the Ukrainians. My companion tells me: "I know everything to Mariinka, pass by there".

The fungus is pressed. Good road, no checkpoint throughout 70 kilometers between Tchervonoarmiysk and Mariinka. We had not seen from the road the first checkpoint. He was on a height. And the flag was not visible, just coming from Donetsk. On the road, the bus with inscriptions "children on board". We arrive at the height of the checkpoint, a soldier arrives, turns, and... we see the Ribbon of St-Georges.

My car, a blue Ford Transit, with which I made any Maidan, bringing wood and not... is covered with stickers, one side 'self-defence of the Maidan"Ukrainian flag in the middle and still"Putler kaput"and Yanukovich, dog.

And then they began to beat us up with batons, rifles, feet, fists!.. Strong and not anywhere. I know a few, and I can say that it was not the pros. They are wild, full of hate but do not know to do.

They were shouting that we were shooting for aviation editors. They do not know that fire editors are not jumping over the enemy territory with flags. They began looking for transmitters in the car, shouting: "Who should you contact?".

Before, we were involved in the demonstrations and in the car, it had sleeves to the banner. They say: "it is to attach signs and to provide guidance to aviation!".

After they found the stamps for the stomach, capsules, half red, half black. They shout: 'sector right!'. In my wallet, they found 50 Chilean pesos, I don't know, where I had them, seeing them, they said: 'this is a pass. With which you had to make contact? "."

They themselves are thrown on the vehicle, as if one has swung a makeup Kit to monkeys! Disassembled seats, their torn cover.

We were among the premises. Youth, 20-30 years beat us, the elders turned around and watched. Certainly, they were embarrassed to hit us, there are a certain age anyway.

They ignited our hair, cried constantly and hit us... I was bloody everywhere. One of them supported the gun against the front of Ivan, I noticed it bias, but I did not because he took him aside and shot.

Then this same guy puts me on the front and another gun, a gun against my temple. Then he runs towards his head shouting; "these are spies, because they have are still not pissed on". There has certainly been before us who are already pissed on in such a situation and we did not know that it was what needed to be done. If the one knew, we would have advantage for "normal air" (he laughs).

Then, the leader called the local television. A young with the braid arrived. He started to ask: "are you correcting shots?" "That is what is happening here?" I answer: "the war you don't see?" He: "no, it is ALO". I say: "No, it's a real war". Because it is one.

I had headache all the time, too many blows received on the head. The head still hurts, that's why, I struggle to remember what he asked us.

Afterwards, he is gone and have moved us in a van shielded in Donetsk, in the building of the SBU.

Once arrived, they were placed against the wall in the hallway, they hit us in the kidneys, there where they could. They approached us and hit upon entry. Apparently, if it took you here, everyone can beat you up.

They have requested immediately from where we were. I reside in Uman and Ivan, in Odessa. Is what has them a little quiet, because they consider traitors all premises. They were talking about a "laws" of July 24, 1941, which would be effective at home. I have nothing understood why? How? There, time has stopped. They took something from the past, something these days and they live with. They had an Orthodox procession, singing. I heard from my cell.

They have the greatest hatred against the battalions of volunteers. The National Guard bears the nickname "natsik" and all the other are "ukrops" and "right sector"; How do I know? I shared my cell with two soldiers. He said having another treatment, be saying: "you did not fight yourself, got you".


Before visit "Lugansk-1", we made Kharkiv detour by the camp of refugees. Its Director, Olena, gave us a Ukrainian flag on support. We intend to fix it on our car. They found this flag. We abandoned the car at the checkpoint, but all 'incriminating evidence' as a flag, notes, diaries were recovered and forwarded to the SBU.

At the beginning of the questioning at Donetsk, the Ukrainian flag was thrown by land and they began to wipe her feet after jumping and shouting "there is blood on this flag!". After they shouted "to knees!" and they began to hit us in the legs. After, I had to meet Ivan, because he was more able to get standing all alone. After, took him to another room and an ex-berkut spoke to me. Ivan had a more intelligent interlocutor who apologized for hitting him.

I was asked by a former berkut, but "query" to him meant hitting and screaming. That of the berkut began to say: 'We going to throw yourself to the mercy women, on the central square, to those you killed children'. They all think that there is a quack somewhere, it is because the Ukrainians who have engineered something. But has not taken us on the central square, otherwise, I do not know what that would have given...

I was told: "you see Chechens or Russians here? Where to? "I kept silent. What could I say? Here I see people of Donetsk, but I do not have the concept in general, I do not know what there still.

On everywhere told the story of the child of Sloviansk: either one it was shot, is nailed to a Board. And he believed in everything. They believe bottomed!..

The berkut has said that all our media lie. He showed me videos where result of their fighters drink coffee in the street Vassilkiv. And the media said that it was vodka.

They explained to me their duration of imprisonment: 5 days and 15 days and enforcement (shot). What happens the 16th day? Made us afraid? I do not know...

They showed us a video: Watch the guys who are fighting on our side. The kids of 15 years who control units.

They were asking where we brought humanitarian aid. I said: "In Lugansk-1". I have decided not to lie, will know what tell Ivan on its side. Better to tell the truth. I said: "they are not fighting, they are waiting for the moment". Now, they are fighting, but at this time it was the truth.

That of the berkut composed before me in the internet "Lugansk-1" search engine and the fascist signs appear. I do not understand what is happening, but everywhere, and on Facebook and and everywhere at home in the search results is not the emblem of Lugansk-1, but the info on the fascist "natsik".

They told us: ' that's it you are screwed, Kherson and Odessa to raise. " Soon we will be in Kyiv. I understand that they're bluffing. After I had to write a letter of explanation for Strelkov.

Then, still a DNRien came, fully equipped, ballistic glasses on the nose. It looks my agenda and said: "Yes - Yes, these are passwords". And after: "everything is OK, it was a test and you spent it.". I already understood that they were wrong address, what good all this circus?

They handed me in a cell. We were in the number nine, they have at least nine cells. Ours was 12 m2 in all, for 14 persons. When you have slept, remained barely of place for shoes. Cardboard, two mattresses and the door it took before I know where. Among the detainees, two captured at the airport, a militiaman who drank and got caught. Someone was screaming during the night. Who and why, I dunno, just heard screams.

I fasted during this detention (I already experience). Nothing special to eat, the ration of 100 to 150 grams of kacha per person and a loaf of bread for all.

I did not know where to save me. I was thinking about day and night. This life for 3 days, after which, they we were loaded into vehicles and transferred to Chakhtarsk was conducted.


I was ordered to dig trenches. I dig up to fall on a block of rock. I change my location. Although these trenches are of no use. Imagine the landscape: a fields, buildings at 3 km and you can see everything from the fifth floor. If a man stash in the trench, he expects that the enemy crosses these 3 km, as it is possible to shoot from the top of the building. And there, the man out of the trench... What circus.

The city is deserted. Example, only two people sleep in the five-storey building.It is a territory of approximately half a kilometer, divided into sectors and of different units were protecting these areas. We had the right to move on the territory of the sector which was guarded by 30 people.

There, in Chakhtarsk, there was all kind of guys with us.One joined the militia because he wanted to make war. He was told to come back later. He made 70 metres, but was caught and thrown into a vehicle. The other was captured to carry a flashlight; He needed it for his work, but it was decided that the flashlight is to transmit signals to the aviation and there embarked the guy.

When they dug the slices, they came to us. Ivan even told that it were the good guys. They spoke of good wages that they touched in Donetsk, but I had the impression that most of these 30 came from Sloviansk.

Each of them recounted having "personally seen" an ambulance take human organs, or it was a tank with the medical badge. They said that the Americans and Poles fought in our ranks. No matter what.

They said the land here was full of riches. All, they repeated the same thing, but in a different way. Be - saying, here there are the shale gas, uranium, we will live like Kings. And this story of the boy from Sloviansk,-each repeated it in his own way.

They are zombies and so that I do not know that is what could remedy. We spent 5 days in the trenches. The order was to dig a little to a place and then move dig elsewhere. They apply the Soviet slogan: "labour atones fault".

We gave bread and sometimes the "Mivina" (soup in the bags). They had plenty of cigarettes and chewing gum, they looted a store and everything was placed on a sheet on the ground. After we had nothing to eat, it was approaching to ask if they had to eat. Just asked, they tended the cigarettes.

In the abandoned gardens, there was a trick to eat.

Among the militia, there were a dozen more than normal people. I call them "Orthodox": all bearded, with a cross, and a gun also. All. Beard and uniform. They are not saoulaient, did not smoke and not made no profanity in the length of day.

I had the impression that most of these 30 men had not participated in the fighting. Despite the fact that they came from Sloviansk, they had no combat experience; One of them said to have pulled. He did not know where the ball landed, but he was fired. In Chakhtarsk, they were shooting every night. A vehicle passes on tire, another vehicle-even a shot. They shoot again from residential neighborhoods.

The first few days they were shooting guns every night. The day they were shooting anywhere. An aircraft passes, they trent, it no longer sees the plane, yet they continue. .. They slaughtered all the pigeons, nothing else to do.

In the cellar, there were rats. Local residents requested a candle to burn all night.All the while, we lived in 3 different cellars.


We spent 18 days at Chakhtarsk. After us was loaded in a vehicle to again return to the Donetsk SBU.

It threw us in the cell, before it was the archives. Six-storey iron shelving. I counted the beds. In all there should be 70 people. After throwing the archives, they turned this place into a cell.

I wrote a word for my family and put it in my pocket. Until the last moment, I couldn't believe that it was released alive.It was easier to bury us here as of yet move somewhere.

Everyone knew that there would be an amnesty; They started the evening to release detainees.And it is at this time that these guys, the military that you saw in the "Parade" was reduced. It took them that evening. We passed through the corridor and they were there.

It made the laptop at Ivan and he began to call those they knew. Took us all the money. But in Donetsk, found people who have given us money to go. Ivan has dressed up.

… We had if fear before being released, I have already said several times "Farewell" to life, I got used to this idea. When we understood that all is not lost, I started to think: "it would be nice to recover my car".

During the Maidan, I transported the wood with this car, afterwards, with the help of friends we collections Affairs for the army and brought in the area of the OAT. It does not made us the vehicle, so, today, we are looking for a car.

We collected enough aid to make a trip. Petrivtsi, a party to the left bank, just as it was last time.We charge a part of help here, another at Loubni, still go to Poltava, where, Sacha, who is paralyzed from the legs, I know not by what means find us business, food, at least 5-6 cards each time. And then loaded to block, direction Lugansk.

If I'm afraid to go back? No, why be afraid? Anything can happen.Essential is not to listen to the spokespersons of the OAT, but follow the direction indicates by the soldiers of the battalion themselves. They know which cities really are controlled and which are in our hands for an hour...

You can contact Guennadiy Krotcha via Facebook.

Interview by Galina Tatich.,

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events

1 posted on 09/21/2014 3:14:35 PM PDT by
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2 posted on 09/21/2014 3:16:04 PM PDT by
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The fungus is pressed.

Well, thank heavens for that.

3 posted on 09/21/2014 6:21:02 PM PDT by Bigg Red (31 May 2014: Obamugabe officially declares the USA a vanquished subject of the Global Caliphate.)
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