“You have it all figured out, just like Jerry Brown, Pelosi, Boxer and the rest of your compatriots.”
The words “mindless jerk” come to mind with respect to your “insightful” commentary on California. To equate my feelings for California to the people you mention is disgraceful! And by the way, both Pelosi and Boxer are liberal termites who “invaded” California many years ago from the East Coast, so it may well be that they are really your “compatriots,” because they certainly aren’t mine. BTW, just what is a “fightin Whitey?” Just what do you fight with, your mouth? You offer no solutions, only stupid invective!
Look at you. You have nothing but insult and invective—”piss off,” “load of crap,” “mindless jerk”—and you’re getting more livid by the moment.
My daddy was stationed at Mather and my sister was born in Sacramento and I now look at your once-beautiful state with fondness, disappointment, sorrow—and some cold clear anger at what these animals have done to it.
Nothing like you though. You’re so defensive you sound like you’ve come to hate the place and the fact that you live there.
Truth is, I kind of admire your loyalty. But you should realize that it’s not people like me that you’re mad at.