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Elena Kagan Mania (article file) ^ | 3/27/12 | Nachum

Posted on 03/27/2012 9:06:53 AM PDT by Nachum

Elena Kagan Mania

Kagan Sits in Judgment of Obamacare— Despite Cheering Its Passage and Assigning Lawyer to Defend It

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor hanging out at Restaurant Nora in Washington DC,...After the first day of the ObamaCARE hearings, and the night before the most important day in the hearings, Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Obama appointed far left Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor happen to be dining for dinner at Nora Restaurant, at the same time of night.

Derrick Bell article edited by Elena Kagan in college says U.S. Constitution is the “original sin”

Bell, via Kagan, on Critical Race Theory: The Constitution Is the Problem

Obama's Supreme Court and Critical Race Theory:  Elena Kagan and Derrick Bell

Kagan Defended ObamaCare As Solicitor General - Case closed on recusal.

Court won't hear arguments demanding Kagan recusal

Obamacare Litigation: More “Golden” Reasons Why Justice Kagan May Need to Recuse Herself

Kagan in 2010: Pro-forma Senate sessions enough to block recess appointments

Chief Justice Roberts Defends Kagan, Thomas Hearing Health Care Case

Supreme Court will hear Arizona immigration case Kagan Recuses Self

Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint

GOP questions ‘two-month gap’ in Kagan’s health care involvement

This woman’s going to rule on Obamacare? Careful look at Supreme Court justice’s record shows startling activism.

Kagan refuses to recuse on Obamacare

Justice accused of withholding records on Kagan's role in healthcare defense

Elena Kagan: The Justice Who Knows Too Much (audio)

Senate GOP Leaders To Holder: Your Kagan Testimony 'Belied By The Facts'

Sessions Demands Written Testimony from Holder on Kagan and Obamacare

Sessions presses Holder on Justice Kagan's involvement with health law

“A Pattern of Socialist Associations” – Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee, Elena Kagan (the Early Years)

Kagan emails lead to calls for inquiry over her involvement in Obamacare

Flashback: Elena Kagan's brother was a radical socialist (communist?)- and she thanks him

Kagan to Tribe on Day Obamacare Passed: ‘I Hear They Have the Votes, Larry!! Simply Amazing.’

Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They're ‘Personal’

Coming Soon: Kagangate: Direct conflicts of interests (Obamacare)

Justice Kagan Embraces Sharia Law That Would Kill Her

House Judiciary Committee Begins Investigation of Kagan and ObamaCare

Judiciary Committee Launches Probe of Kagan’s Involvement in Obamacare

Is Kagan A Liar: calls for impeachment for her lies on Obamacare

Kagan and Obamacare: What Constitutes ‘Involvement’?

Evidence 'Contradictory' to Kagan's Confirmation Testimony, 49 Lawmakers Call for Investigation

The Kagan Principle The more stubbornly corrupt the government is, the more justified it is in curtailing fundamental liberties.

Forty-nine Republican members of Congress.. asked the House Judiciary Committee to “promptly investigate” Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s role in preparing a legal defense for Obama’s health care law

Kagan Assigned DOJ Lawyer Who Argued Obamacare Cases In Appeals Courts

Kagangate: A Coverup Of Obamacare Conflict-Of-Interest?

Documents Raise Questions about Supreme Court Justice Kagan’s Role in Obamacare Defense as Solicitor General:... Kagan Directs Staff to “Be Involved” in Crafting Defense of Obamacare; Scolds Justice Colleague on the Issue of Her Participation: “This Needs to be Coordinated…You Should not Say Anything about This before Talking to Me.”

Obama outlines his tax-increase plan,... based on the liberal assumption that all money belongs to the government, - Americans retaining only what bureaucrats allow. That’s the dangerous argument Supreme CourtJustice Elena Kagan, an Obama appointee, made last week in a case on education funding

Justice Elena Kagan's first vote is against an execution

 Kagan Celebrates Confirmation at White House

Senate confirms Kagan

Complaint Filed to Disbar Kagan for Falsifying Partial-Birth Abortion Testimony

Elana Kagan was the Solicitor General for all the suits Obama against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship

The Justice Department is not saying whether Solicitor General Elena Kagan has been taking the full federal salary of solicitor general since she “ceased” performing the full responsibilities of that position more than two months ago.

Kagan promoted Shariah

C. Everett Koop, Ex-Surgeon General, Comes Out Against Elena Kagan

The Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to approve Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court.

 Digging into Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's past at dean of Harvard Law School has revealed a pattern of promoting and praising radical proponents of the homosexual agenda.

Kagan's Princeton Thesis Cited German Socialist Who Endorsed Nazis

VIDEO: Kagan's rambling interpretation of the constitution, including her miguided statement "Constitution Was Meant To Be "Interpreted Over Time"

VIDEO: Military recruiters respond to Kagan's anti military behavior at Harvard in testimony to Supreme Court appointment hearings

Elena Kagan encouraged Harvard students to get involved in homosexual activist legal work. At a time when she as Dean pushed students to engage in “public interest law” and to get “clinical” legal experience, the Harvard Law School established the LGBT Law Clinic. Kagan recruited former ACLU lawyer (and former ACT-UP activist) William Rubenstein to teach "queer" legal theory. Few Americans can comprehend the radical nature of “queer” academics.

Obama's Supreme Court Nominee, Elena Kagan's Socialist Associations (the Middle Years)

Kagan's partial-birth extremism

VIDEO: Hatch to Kagan- Did you write the memo To Modify Its Abortion Statement, Kagan evades and doublespeaks

Elena Kagan: Well, That Looks Like My Handwriting On That Memo, But Gee I Don't Know What You're Talking About

Kagan Defends Revising Medical Group's Statement on Partial-Birth Abortion

Kagan Refuses to Answer Whether Marriage is a State Issue

Besides ACOG Kagan tried to influence AMA's position on partial birth abortion ban

Would Kagan allow books to be banned?  As solicitor general of the United States, Elena Kagan argued in front of the Supreme Court that the federal government had the constitutional authority to ban certain political pamphlets. She also strongly implied that some political books, if they were partisan enough, could also be censored. Kagan’s extraordinary claims emerged during the second oral argument of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the campaign finance case made famous by President Barack Obama when he publicly excoriated the justices for their ruling during his State of the Union address

Slick Elena? Kagan evades questions on abortion memo

The press covers up Kagan's liberalism

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Statement on Partial-Birth Abortion Included 'Suggested' Text Found in Kagan's White House Files- On Dec. 5, 1996, the government relations office of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) privately provided the Clinton White House with the unreleased draft of a policy statement ACOG was preparing to put out on intact dilatation and extraction (D&X) abortion -- the procedure used in a partial-birth abortion. Having reviewed the draft of the ACOG statement, then-Associate White House Counsel Elena Kagan wrote an internal White House memo declaring that the statement would be a “disaster” for the Clinton administration if it were publicly released.

Shannen Coffin, a deputy attorney general during the Bush administration, was charged with defending the federal partial-birth abortion act in court. At National Review, she writes that documents released by the Clinton White House show Elena Kagan's "willingness to manipulate medical science to fit the Democratic party's political agenda on the hot-button issue of abortion."

Elena Kagan's Pattern of Socialist associations

VIDEO: Kagan Declines To Say Gov't Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat

Kagan manipulated report to protect partial-birth abortion

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is calling the Constitution a living document, saying its framers wrote it to last through ever-changing circumstances.

The office of Solicitor General Elena Kagan has delayed responding to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by that seeks records that might shed light on whether Kagan would need to recuse herself from certain cases if she is confirmed as a Supreme Court justice.

Elena Kagan Demanded Sex-Change Operations and Bathroom Access as ‘Equal Rights’; While serving as Dean of Harvard Law School, Kagan’s administration demanded and forced Blue-Cross, Blue-Shield to cover sex-change operations as an “equal right” paid benefit, harming gender-confused students, as confirmed in 2006 and 2008 by Harvard Crimson newspaper articles.

Elena Kagan defended expansive life and health exceptions on abortion during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings today on her nomination to the Supreme Court

Obama says that attacks on his Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, have been "pretty thin gruel."

850 Orthodox Rabbis: Kagan 'Not Kosher' for Supreme Court

Bork Says Kagan Lacks ‘Mature Philosophy' Needed in a Justice; Says Court is Becoming 'Committee of Ideologues'

Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court has complicated the government’s effort to force the tobacco industry to cough up nearly $300 billion. If confirmed by the Senate as a justice, Kagan would have to sit out the high court’s review of the government’s decade-old racketeering lawsuit against cigarette makers. That’s because she already has taken sides as solicitor general, signing the Obama administration’s Supreme Court brief in the case — an automatic disqualifier.

VIDEO: GOP Senator Sessions: Kagan Supported Teaching Islamic Sharia Law

VIDEO: Kagan on Bork

Kagan practices answers, poise in mock hearings

Kagan sought secrecy in 4 of 5 open gov't cases

Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, on Monday evening warned that Republicans may boycott the start of Elena Kagan's Supreme Court hearings if senators do not get to review scores of documents from the solicitor general's past.

In 1995, Elena Kagan wrote a law review article praising the attacks on Robert Bork during his confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court. Bork was nominated for the Supreme Court in 1987 by Ronald Reagan, but his nomination failed after contentious confirmation hearings. In the article, Kagan wrote that Bork’s hearing should be a “model” for all others, because even though it ended in the candidate's rejection, the hearings presented an opportunity for the Senate and the nominee to engage on "controversial issues" and "educate the public".  ABC News' article misrepresents her attacks on Bork as "praise".

Bork to publicly oppose Kagan for high court

Kagan notes label KKK and NRA as 'bad guy' organizations

Pro-Abortion Group NARAL Solidly Supporting Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

Kagan Helped Bill Clinton Cover Up Scandals

As an aide in the Clinton White House, Elena Kagan steeped herself in details of the Ruby Ridge controversy, an issue that Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania had zeroed in on as he sought the Republican presidential nomination.

As Supreme Court justice, Kagan would be forced to sit out some big cases, muddying outcome

For four years as a White House lawyer and aide, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan had a hand in many of the major issues that drove and vexed the Clinton administration.

Kagan Ignored Medical Group's Opinion to Keep Partial-Birth Abortions Legal

Kagan knee-deep in Clinton-era Whitewater, Paula Jones scandals: docs

Sessions: Clinton library withholding documents on Kagan- The top Republican overseeing the panel responsible for vetting Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan complained Friday that documents on her record were being withheld. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that the presidential library of former President Bill Clinton was not producing records of Kagan's time in the Clinton White House quickly enough, and was withholding some material from the committee.

Kagan role in Clinton sex harassment suit withheld

Clinton Files Show Kagan Advocated Cloning for Human Research

 Elena Kagan, ran much of President Clinton's war on guns from 1995 to 1999

A newly-produced document today from the Clinton archives is the second to show Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan defending ex-President Bill Clinton's veto of a bill to ban partial-birth abortions.

As a domestic policy adviser to former President Bill Clinton, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan helped defend the veto of a measure that would have banned late-term abortions with few exceptions.

Kagan Documents online

The National Archives has announced that about 46,500 pages of documents from Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s four years of service in the Clinton White House will go online at 1 p.m. E.T. Friday

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's review of the book "A Confirmation Mess" is creating a confirmation mess of its own. Kagan's 1995 commentary on Stephen Carter's book rendered a harsh judgment on how lawmakers question Supreme Court nominees

The Fight over Kagan documents heats up: Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination is becoming contentious because of tensions over sensitive documents related to her past career. Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.), ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked the Department of Defense for all records related to its efforts to recruit at Harvard Law School while Kagan served as dean.

Kagan: No need for court review of rogue juror

Elena Kagan took millions of dollars from the Saudis as dean of Harvard Law School and a chunk of it reportedly came from 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden. The bin Laden family has donated millions of dollars to the Ivy League university over the years, including generous endowments for the school’s Islamic law program and others to finance scholarships for students from Muslim countries

As Harvard Law Dean, Kagan Did Not Require Study of U.S. Constitutional Law But Did Require Study of International and Foreign Law

Kagan’s “Judicial Hero,” Aharon Barak

Accuracy in Academia has identified four consecutive years during which Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan worked with the law school’s Lambda group to oppose military recruiting on campus. Between 2003 and 2007, Dean Kagan not only used her position as Dean to encourage the academic community to protest military recruitment efforts, but was at rallies herself and appears to have coordinated her policy announcements with HLS Lambda, according to student news accounts at that time.

Kagan's writings suggest her view on judge's role

Claiming that there are too many files to sort through, Clinton Library officials won’t provide the Senate Judiciary Committee with crucial information on Elena Kagan’s work in the administration in time for her confirmation hearings.

Elena Kagan, a Supreme Court nominee without judicial experience, has suggested in writings and speeches over a quarter-century that when judges make decisions, they must take account of their values and experience and consider politics and policy, rather than act as robotic umpires.

The Judiciary Committee asks for letters, memos, e-mails and more, before hearings on the Supreme Court nominee begin June 28. A library official says meeting the deadline would be 'very difficult.' The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday set June 28 as the start date for hearings on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, and asked the Clinton presidential library to turn over voluminous documents related to Kagan's time as a top presidential assistant in the 1990s.

Elena Kagan's reliance on foreign law for statutory interpretation presents another concern for pro-life advocates, says Americans United for Life in a new memo about President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee.

It was President Obama's pick for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, who hired radical regulatory czar Cass Sunstein as a Harvard law professor.

Elena Kagan and Cass Sunstein connection

Kagan papers emerge amid questions on abortion- In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Rep. Louise Slaughter of New York  said she views as "troubling" a 1997 memo Kagan wrote urging then-President Bill Clinton to back all abortions of viable fetuses except when the physical health of the mother was at risk.  

Kagan Helped Craft Clinton Strategy for Blocking Partial-Birth Abortion Ban

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has gotten an angry thumbs-down from 9/11 family members who say she played a key role in quashing a lawsuit that accused the Saudi kingdom of helping finance the terror attacks. "Kagan is the main reason why the Supreme Court ruled against the 9/11 families," said William Doyle, who lost his son in the Twin Towers.

 Kagan once defended 2 Live Crew’s “Me So Horny” in obscenity case

The Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Jeff Sessions, seized on Elena Kagan’s role in prohibiting military recruiting on Harvard's campus during her tenure as the dean of Harvard Law School in an exclusive "This Week" interview and called it “no little-bitty matter.” He insisted that Kagan was not only wrong in her decision, but broke the law.

Obama and Elena Kagan and Abner Mikva, their respectable socialist "mentor" connection. Alinsky connections 

The White House on Saturday asked Bill Clinton's presidential library to speed the release of more than 160,000 pages of paper, including e-mail, in its possession from Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's tenure as a Clinton adviser in the 1990s.

White House: Kagan Volunteered to Us That She’s Straight -- After Erroneous Outing

Kagan's college thesis

 Kagan's college thesis pulled from the net

Full text of 14 law review articles by Elena Kagan- Includes title..."Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine"

Elena Kagan's paper trail thousands of pages long, but no one has seen them yet

 Nominee Kagan: the White House is blocking access to anyone who might be able to tell her personal story to the American people. -When a New York Times reporter attempted to observe Ms. Kagan's brother teaching his constitutional law class at Hunter College High School, Mr. Kagan and the school agreed but a school spokeswoman said all media requests had to be given final approval by the White House. The White House decidedly did not approve. Joshua Earnest, a White House spokesman, said that the administration was "uncomfortable with the idea at this time."

“Moderate” Elena Kagan Donated to Extreme Left Political Candidate in 2006- Kagan made a maximum contribution ($500) to the campaign of John Bonifaz who was running for the Democratic nomination to be Secretary of the Commonwealth of MA.  

VIDEO: (2008) Elena Kagan Jokes She Doesn’t Have the Worldly Experience Required for The Supreme Court 

Kagan: Confirmation Hearings are a "Charade"

Government funds must not be granted to any religious organizations seeking to prevent teen pregnancies, since such groups may "inject" religious teaching, argued Elena Kagan, President Obama's pick for the Supreme Court. However, when questioned during Senate hearings earlier this year about her argument – made in a 1987 legal brief – Kagan reversed course and called her own memo "the dumbest thing I ever read."

 Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, once called a judge universally regarded as one of the most extreme liberal activist  high court justices in history "my judicial hero."  Kagan was referring to Aharon Barak, the retired president of the Supreme Court of Israel, who at the time was receiving the Peter Gruber Foundation 2006 Justice Prize at Harvard.

Barak has been recognized across the political spectrum as one of the most liberal activist judges.

Kagan on Second Amendment: Like Freedom of Speech Enjoys “Strong But Not Unlimited Protection”

A former Army Judge Advocate General (JAG) officer, who prosecuted terrorists in front of military commissions at Guantanamo Bay, says Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan displayed poor judgment as dean of Harvard Law School.

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has been a faithful Democratic donor over the past decade, lavishing nearly $15,000 on candidates from Barack Obama to Al Gore

As articles editor for the Harvard Law Review in 1985 Kagan helped shepherd into print a racially noxious story by a radical law professor and architect of Critical Race Studies, which is essentially "blame whitey" in legal vernacular.

Elena Kagan said as a U.S. Supreme Court law clerk in 1987 that she was “not sympathetic” toward a man who contended that his constitutional rights were violated when he was convicted for carrying an unlicensed pistol

Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, helped shield Saudi Arabia from lawsuits filed by families of 9/11 victims seeking to target countries and leaders who helped finance al-Qaida. "I'm very concerned about her views on executive power and her views with respect to the separation of power," said Stephen A. Cozen, the lead attorney in the case for 9/11 victims

Questions surround Kagan's handling of White House eco-terrorist controversy --n 1995 and 1996, future Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was involved in a bizarre controversy in which the Clinton White House was accused of siding with an eco-terrorist group locked in a standoff with federal agents deep in the woods of Oregon. The incident led to an investigation by House Republicans, who concluded that a staffer on the White House Council on Environmental Quality tipped off the environmental radicals to impending action by U.S. Forest Service law enforcement agents -- a leak that Forest Service officials believed endangered the lives of their agents on the ground.Kagan, at the time an associate White House counsel, had no role in leaking the feds' plans to the radicals, but House Committee on Natural Resources investigators concluded she shirked her responsibility by not searching for the source of the leak or pushing for punishment of the leaker.

The not so well-known  (then Harvard Law School Dean) Kagan's contemporaneous approval of and promotion of a little-known but richly endowed Harvard Law School program called The Islamic Legal Studies Program.

Kagan Says ‘Governmental Motive’ is Proper Focus in First Amendment Cases, Backs Limits on Speech That Can ‘Harm’

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan wrote in a 1996 article entitled "Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine" that "redistribution of speech" is not "itself an illegitimate end" for government.

Memo Misread: Elena Kagan Did Not Tell Clinton to Back Partial-Birth Abortion Ban -- explanation

Elena Kagan Helped Keep Partial-Birth Abortion Legal Longer, Pro-Life Group Says- While mainstream media outlets misrepresent a legal memo Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan wrote during her tenure with the Clinton administration, a pro-life group says the reality is that Kagan's memo helped ensure partial-birth abortions stayed legal six years longer. At issue is a memorandum Kagan wrote to President Bill Clinton advising him to support a phony partial-birth abortion ban that actually prohibited no abortions.

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan said the high court should be focused on ferreting out improper governmental motives when deciding First Amendment cases, arguing that the government’s reasons for restricting free speech were what mattered most and not necessarily the effect of those restrictions on speech.

Kagan Thesis: The decline of U.S. socialism is “sad” for those looking to “change America”

Kagan's Hidden, But Obvious, Agenda

Why Do They Hate Elena Kagan? The left-wing blogosphere hates Elena Kagan. Really. The venom percolating up from the depths of the nutroots is getting pretty toxic. A sampling of names of the list and why they hate her so much...

The left comes out against Kagan

VIDEO:White House video interview done with Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. The interview was done by White House staff, and was posted to the internet to allow people to hear from Kagan "unfiltered."

TheWhite House Press Corps was not happy that they were not allowed to interview Kagan, and they let Press Secretary Robert Gibbs know it today at the White House Briefing

Kagan helped shield Saudis from 9/11 lawsuits- In May of 2009, Elena Kagan, as US solicitor general, filed papers with the US Supreme Court encouraging it not to listen to arguments in a lawsuit against the Saudi Arabian government. The suit was filed by thousands of family members and victims of the 9/11 terror attacks on the US.

Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Attacked Pro-Life Advocates in 1980 Essay

Supreme Court Sleeper Agent: Elena Kagan

Solicitor General Elena Kagan, nominated by Obama to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, has called the military’s ban on homosexuals “a profound wrong” and “a moral injustice of the first order.

Kagan's oral argument before the Supreme Court

Obama appointee to the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, didn’t do her homework before arguing the Citizens United case on behalf of the Obama administration and the FEC — which her probably-soon-to-be colleagues on the Supreme Court wasted no time in pointing out.  It came at the very beginning of her oral arguement, when one might expect a Solicitor General to attempt to impress the panel with her grasp of law and precedent: the crux of the case was the issue of limiting expenditures as an expression of political speech, not contributions.  Kagan started off her argument by misconstruing the issue and then offering a factually incorrect reading of precedent.  Both Scalia and Kennedy objected to it before Kagan even had time to get the argument completed

Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened : Robert Clark

Kagan's scant writings spark concern

Former Attorney General Edwin Meese issues a statement on the potential nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the United States Supreme Court:  Highly critical and wary..."Senators should vigorously question Ms. Kagan about such statements to determine whether she is truly committed to the rule of law."

More Elena Kagan history- and comments on socialism...“I absorbed ... liberal principles early,” she said. “More to the point, I have retained them fairly intact to this day.”

More from Elena Kagan's paper on socialism:- "In our own times, a coherent socialist movement is nowhere to be found in the United States. Americans are more likely to speak of a golden past than of a golden future, of capitalism's glories than of socialism's greatness,"..."Why, in a society by no means perfect, has a radical party never attained the status of a major political force? Why, in particular, did the socialist movement never become an alternative to the nation's established parties?"

Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, argued certain forms of speech  that promote "racial or gender inequality" could be "disappeared."

 On Kagan's record: As Dean of Harvard Law School in 2004 and 2005 Kagan treated two liberal law professors with kid gloves when they were busted for plagiarism. Her chicanery was so blatant that even a leftist academic said she should be fired for her "whitewash."  

Solicitor General Elena Kagan, nominated Monday to the U.S. Supreme Court by President Barack Obama, told that court in September that Congress could constitutionally prohibit corporations from engaging in political speech such as publishing pamphlets that advocate the election or defeat of a candidate for federal office.

Kagan: Speech is free if government decides it has more value than 'societal costs'

In her undergraduate thesis at Princeton, President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, lamented the decline of socialism in the country as “sad” for those who still hope to “change America.”

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has never been a judge, she's never ruled on a case and she's never written an opinion.

Kagan and Obama met at the University of Chicago in the 90's

Obama's nominee: As an undergraduate at Princeton, Kagan wrote a senior thesis titled "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933...As dean at Harvard Law, Kagan write to the U.S. Senate, urging that body to kill an amendment that would have protected the White House from lawsuits filed by foreign terrorists charging that their "constitutional rights" had been violated by American law-enforcement and intelligence authorities..

VIDEO: Who is Obama nominiee Elena Kagan, who just got the nod today from President Barak Obama? Here is a YouTube video of her as Dean, accepting an award from this orginization, called “Equal Justice Works”

VIDEO: today's announcement by President Obama that Elena Kagan is his nominee to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. In this clip, Obama said he is choosing Kagan because she understands "behind the law there are stories." .... "That understanding of law - not as an intellectual exercise, or words on a page, but as it affects the lives or ordinary people . . . "

At Harvard, Obama nominee Elena Kagan reinstated a ban on military recruiters using the Harvard Law School Office of Career Services – and then under pressure from the Bush administration, she lifted the ban.

Links's "Kagan Truth File"

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: elena; kagan
FYI, as Justice Kagan is one of those deciding our fate at this moment.
1 posted on 03/27/2012 9:06:58 AM PDT by Nachum
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To: Nachum

The thing about not judging books by their covers falls by the wayside in the case of Elena Kagan who basically looks like a little pig because she IS a little pig. Beyond some point you CAN in fact judge books by their covers and Kagan is well past that point. The US supreme court is or should be a place for extraordinary legal scholars, not a pen for little pigs.

2 posted on 03/27/2012 9:22:37 AM PDT by varmintman
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To: Nachum

She should know better. She has been with Obama the whole way on Obamacare. If she stays and votes for it in, she needs to be arrested an jailed.

3 posted on 03/27/2012 10:11:57 AM PDT by freekitty (Give me back my conservative vote; then find me a real conservative to vote for)
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